"Will you be my boyfriend." Sero is standing on a bridge across from a girl. The girl had long black hair, a nice bust, good hips, and was wearing a school uniform for a school that, as far as Sero knows, doesn't exist. Kuho wasn't a small town by any means, but Sero knew it incredibly well.
'This is a trap.'
Gell said in a sing-songy voice. Sero agreed with her assessment, but was still curious. Who was this girl? Why is she setting a trap for him? Sero pounders his options for a second before he speaks up, "Sure."
'What are you doing?'
Gell was more annoyed than concerned. The girl smiles excitedly, "Oh thank you, I'm Yuma by the way. See you on Saturday." The girls runs off. Sero was simply curious on what this girl's plan was, and if he could spend a day fucking with her before hand, then why not?
Eventually Saturday rolls around and Sero meets Yuma. The two spend the day walking around, visiting various shops, and eventually they sit down at a dinner to eat. This entire time Sero has had his Sacred Gear active and focused on her.
His power affects those in his vicinity, but he can also focus it to improve the effect. Another neat detail about it, it's damn near impossible to detect. Yuma was shifting in her booth with a flushed face.
A waitress walks up, "Can I get you guys anything to drink?" Sero gives her a friendly smile, "Just a water please." The waitress nods and turns to Yuma, "How about you miss?" Yuma jumps and jerks her head at the waitress, "Huh, oh, uhm, water please."
The waitress gives her a weird look before nodding and walking off. Sero decided to try something. He noticed that he could feel his energy within people around him. He then noticed he could manipulate his energy even after it was in others.
Over the course of the day quite a bit of energy had built up in Yuma. He began toying with it, making her arousal rise. Since his sacred gear is sexual, his energy can control sexual desire very well.
He decides to try something new. He uses his energy to start stimulating her. She jumps in her seat and moans quietly. He was essentially masturbating her from the inside. She grips the table tightly, "So Yuma, are you enjoying the day?"
Yuma opens her mouth to speak, only for a low moan to come out as Sero doubles his efforts. The waitress walks over and places down our drinks, "Are you two ready to order yet?" Sero look up at her, "I am, I'll take a burger."
"And you miss?" Yuma just shakes her head, not trusting her voice. The waitress nods, "Alright then, I'll be back with your food shortly." She walks off and a quite moan escapes Yuma's lips.
She is gripping the table with white knuckles. Sero can feel her getting closer to cumming. She is right on the edge, and Sero stops.
'You are evil.'
Sero smirks internally. Yuma looks distraught, "No." She whispers to herself. The rest of the date was rather uneventful, Yuma now obviously frustrated the entire time, but still trying to keep up the sweet girl act.
Eventually it gets late and they find themselves at a fountain. Yuma is still flushed and panting, "What have you done to me?" She drops the sweet girl act fast as she glares at him, "What are you talking about?"
'Damn, she is pissed about us blue balling her.'
She growls and she transforms into a more mature looking woman. She also changed her outfit to one a bit more revealing. It consisted of a strap covering her nipples, a gstring, a strap under her boobs, and a shoulder piece with spikes. She also had black wings coming out of her back.
'Oooh, fallen angle pussy, nice.'
Sero internally rolled his eyes and focused back on the horny fallen in front of him. She is snarling and quivering lightly, "Why am I so turned on? What did you do at the dinner?"
Sero stands there with a fake look of confusion, "What are you talking about? And what are you?" Yuma summoned a light spear in her hand, "Don't play dumb. You will undo whatever it is you did to me or I'll kill you."
Sero sighs, "I didn't do anything, honest." Yuma raises the spear to throw it, only to fall to her knees thanks to Sero energy fucking her again. Her spear vanishes as she starts wantonly moaning.
"So, about killing me?" Sero says as he walks towards her and stops pleasuring her. She growls, "Fuck you." She tries to stand up, only for Sero to start stimulating her again.
'Hmmm, that sounds like a good idea to me.'
Yuma sticks one of her hands down her gstring and starts masturbating furiously. Sero stops pleasuring her again and forcefully grabs her arms, standing her up.
"If your not gonna finish me yourself, then at least let me do it." Sero shakes his head, "No, I think I'll toy with you a little longer first." He then knocks her unconscious with swift head but.