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13.79% The Triumph / Chapter 4: Victory of the Daleks

Chapter 4: Victory of the Daleks

TARDIS kitchen...

Jared is eating some chocolate chip cookies and Hibiki is eating some onigiri. Miku is busy making some desserts as Chris and Tsubasa enter the kitchen of the spaceship.

"Miku, you should cook like this all the time." Hibiki said, happily. "What ingredients can you make from here?"

"From the TARDIS?" Miku asked, chopping some carrots. "Basically anything. It has a lot of possibilities I can do."

"You two have gotten lazy." Chris said, looking between the two lazy asses. "Do you both love being pampered by Miku?"

"Yup." Jared said, still eating the cookies. "Oh, can you be my personal chef?"

"No! She's mine!" Hibiki said, looking at Jared.

"She wouldn't use this kitchen if I didn't invite you guys."

"Guys. Isn't there a more rational way to…" Tsubasa asked.

"Yeah…" Miku said, sadly.

"I would settle this with Mario Kart." Jared said, looking at Hibiki.

"Mario Kart? Oh. Why not a sparring session?" Hibiki asked.

"Whoever wins will have Miku for life."

"Oh boy…" Chris said.

"What have we done?" Tsubasa asked, looking at Chris. "Should we bring them to the console room? You carry Tachibana? And I carry Shay?"

Filing room…

The Tardis materialises in a filing room. A buzzer sounds in Churchill's office, and he smiles. The Doctor opens the Tardis doors to stare down the barrels of three Lee Enfield rifles, made in Britain, which move aside to reveal the PM.

"Amy? Hibiki? Miku? Tsubasa? Chris? Winston Churchill." The Doctor said.

"Doctor. Is it you?" Churchill asked.

"Oh, Winston, my old friend." The Doctor said, and Churchill holds out his hand and beckons. "Ah, every time."

"What is he after?" Miku asked.

"Tardis key, of course."

"Think of what I could achieve with your remarkable machine, Doctor." Churchill said. "And think about what I could achieve with the Symphogear Relics and your weapons, Jared. The lives that could be saved."

"Nope, it doesn't work like that. The fusion between Gungnir and Ember Celica. No way." Jared said, crossing her arms. "And you're not getting Gungnir on its own either. Girls, keep your Relics on you at all times. Don't want Winston taking them."

"Right." Tsubasa said.

"Must I take them by force?"

"I'd like to see you try. Taking away a sword and our weapons of choice from us guardians."

"At ease." Churchill said.

"You rang?" The Doctor asked.


"So you've changed your face again." Churchill said.

"Yeah, well, had a bit of work done." The Doctor said.

"Got it, got it, got it. Cabinet War Rooms, right?" Amy asked.

"Yep. Top secret heart of the War Office, right under London."

"So, what will happen in this adventure?" Tsubasa asked. "Will it be dangerous?"

"I know it involves some pepper pots." Jared said, sadly.

"Pepper pots?" Miku asked.

"What are you talking about?" Hibiki asked. "Is it a new kind of Noise?"

"No, you guys were waiting for me and the Doctor to defeat them. So, you can save Miku from Shem-ha." Jared said, happily. "Do you remember?"

"No. We only defeated Shem-ha that day." Chris said. "The hell are you talking about? Were there two threats that day?"

"Yes! Yes there was!"

"No, sir. Fine, sir." Lilian said.

"Action this day, Breen. Action this day." Churchill said.

"Yes, sir."

"Excuse me, sir. Got another formation coming in, Prime Minister. Stukas, by the look of them." Todd said.

"We shall go up top then, Group Captain. We'll give them what for. Coming, Doctor, Jared?" Churchill asked.

"Why?" The Doctor asked.

"I have something to show the both of you."


"We stand at a crossroads, Doctor, Jared, quite alone, with our backs to the wall. Invasion is expected daily. So I will grasp with both hands anything that will give us an advantage over the Nazi menace." Churchill said.

"Such as?" Jared asked. "What do you have up your sleeve? Is it fun? Is it cool?"

"Follow me."

(Jared's POV)


Sandbags and sentries, and a white-coated scientist searching the skies with powerful binoculars.

"Wow." Amy said.

"That's awesome." Hibiki said, looking at the view. "So this is the London Blitz."

"Doctor, Jared, this is Professor Edwin Bracewell. Head of our Ironsides Project." Churchill said.

The Doctor gives him a V for Victory salute. And I gave a simple wave.

"How do you do?" Bracewell asked.

"Two flights JU thirty eights approaching from the east." A man said, nearby.

"All of those explosions…" Chris said, when a bomb lands nearby. "It's sad. It's messed up."

Amy gazes at all the barrage balloons moored over the city with Hibiki, Miku, Tsubasa, and Chris, "Oh, Doctor, Jared. Doctor, Jared, it's…"

"History. Something I've always admired. Where the British fought through it." I said, smirking. "The Doctor and I were here once. Way back when. To stop some gas mask zombies. I think I was here with Teams RWBY and JNPR. The Doctor and Rose too. We met Jack back then."

"Ready, Bracewell?" Churchill asked.

"Aye aye, sir. On my order, fire!" Bracewell said.

"Wait, a minute. I know that sound." I said, when energy bolts zoom out from a sandbagged emplacement towards the approaching Nazi planes. "They know it too. My friends here from the future. That's as ahead of this time like the Relics Symphogear use!"

"That was a dead hit." Tsubasa said, looking at the dead hit. "Right on target."

"What was that?" Hibiki asked.

"That wasn't human. That was never human technology. That sounded like. Show me and Jared. Show us. Show us what that was!" The Doctor said.

"Advance." Bracewell said.

"Our new secret weapon. Ha!" Churchill said, and a Dalek rolls out from the emplacement. It's designation logo is a Union Flag and it is painted khaki, with an army utility belt around it. "What do you think? Quite something, eh?"

"The hell are you here? Like, what are you doing here?" I asked, walking towards the Dalek. "I didn't invite you to be here."

"I am your soldier." The Dalek said.

"Wait, what? No, no, you're not. You're not my soldier! Not S.O.N.G's! Not anyone's!"

"I am your soldier."

"Stop this. Stop now. Now, you know who we are. You always know." The Doctor said, walking towards the Dalek too.

"Your identities are unknown." The Dalek said.

"Perhaps I can clarify things here. This is one of my Ironsides." Bracewell said.

"Your what?" I asked, grabbing Hibiki's hand.

"You will help the Allied cause in any way that you can." Bracewell said.

"Yes." The Dalek said.

"Until the Germans have been utterly smashed."


"And what is your ultimate aim?"

"To win the war."

Churchill's office…

"They're Daleks. They're called Daleks." I said, pacing back and forth. "They're as common as Noise and Grimm. Like everyone knows about the Daleks, or they're supposed to."

"They are Bracewell's Ironsides, Jared. Look. Blueprints, statistics, field tests, photographs. He invented them." Churchill said.

"Invented them? Oh, no, no, no." The Doctor said.

"Yes. He approached one of our brass hats a few months ago. Fellow's a genius." Churchill said.

"A Scottish genius, too. Maybe you should listen to…" Amy said, happily.

"Shut up, Pond. He didn't invent the Daleks." I said, leaning against the wall. "They're alien. As alien as Noise and Incubators."

"Alien." Churchill said.

One glides past the open door, looking in.

"And totally hostile." The Doctor said.

"Precisely. They will win me the war." Churchill said.


"Why won't you listen to us? Why did you call us in if you won't listen to us?" The Doctor asked.

"When I rang the both of you a month ago, I must admit I had my doubts. The Ironsides seemed too good to be true." Churchill said.

"Yes. Right. So destroy them. Exterminate them."

"But imagine what I could do with a hundred. A thousand."

"We are imagining."

A Dalek goes past carrying a despatch box.

"So, you four don't really remember much about the Daleks." I said, looking between the Symphogear wielders.

"Nope." Hibiki said, sadly.

"No." Tsubasa said.

"I don't." Chris said. "The hell are you on about? The Daleks aren't that much of a threat."

"I'm sorry. I don't remember them much." Miku said, frowning.

"Everything. They invaded your world, on top of Shem-ha, remember? Planets in the sky. You don't forget that. The Daleks were the main threat. And Shem-ha was secondary. Amy, tell me you remember the Daleks." The Doctor said.

"No, sorry." Amy said.

"That's not possible."

Map room…

"So, what do you think of the London Blitz?" I asked, looking at Hibiki. "Want something to eat?"

"Yeah." Hibiki said, happily. "Whatcha got?"

"Some rice balls with red bean paste!" I said, tossing the snack to the brunette.

"So, they're up to something. But what is it? What are they after?" The Doctor asked.

"Oh, I know. Why don't I ask them?" Hibiki asked, walking towards a Dalek.

"Hibiki! Tachibana! Come back here!" I said, leaning against the wall.

Hibiki taps on a Dalek's shell, while holding a rice ball.

"Can I be of assistance?" The Dalek asked.

"Hi, can we talk? My friends say you're dangerous. And that you're an alien. Is it true?" Hibiki asked.

"I am your soldier."

"You're a soldier with a plunger and a whisk. Miku should cook and do the housework with those. Ooo, what else should I know about you?"

"Please excuse me. I have duties to perform." The Dalek said.

"Winston. Winston, please." The Doctor said.

"We are waging total war, Doctor, Jared. Day after day the Luftwaffe pound this great city like an iron fist." Churchill said.

"Wait till the Daleks get started."

"Men, women and children slaughtered. Families torn apart. Wren's churches in flame."

"Oh, yeah, why not try the Earth in flames?" I asked, crossing my arms. "Because that totally happened in the future. And they caused it."

"I weep for my country. I weep for my empire. It is breaking my heart." Churchill said.

"You're resisting, Winston. The whole world knows you're resisting. You're a beacon of hope." The Doctor said.

"But for how long? Millions of innocent lives will be saved if I use these Ironsides now."

"Can I be of assistance?" A Dalek asked.

"Just shut up!" I said, angrily. "Listen to us, okay? Please. The Daleks have no conscience, no mercy, and they don't pity you. You can't hold hands with them and feel their warmth, because they are far from that. They don't know kindness whatsoever, and they can't lift any burden from you. Or share it."

"They are our oldest and deadliest enemy. You cannot trust them." The Doctor said, standing next to me.

"If Hitler invaded hell, I would give a favourable reference to the Devil. These machines are our salvation." Churchill said.

"What's that?" Hibiki asked, hearing a siren sound.

"Oh, the All Clear. We are safe, for now." Churchill said, leaving, followed by a Dalek.

"Jared, we're okay." Miku said, walking towards me to comfort me. "We're safe. Are you okay?"

"No." I said, sadly. "I don't like the Daleks. They're the total opposite of Hibiki."

"How so?"

"Did you not hear my outburst? They're nothing like her. And I'm gonna prove it. With the Doctor's help."


"Would you care for some tea?" A Dalek asked.

"That would be very nice, thank you." Bracewell said.

"All right, Prof. Now, the PM's been filling us in. Amazing things, these Ironsides of yours. Amazing. You must be very proud of them." The Doctor said.

"Just doing my bit."

"Not bad for a Paisley boy." Amy said.

"Yes, I thought I detected a familiar cadence, my dear." Bracewell said.

"I made you this, this drink, today." Miku said, handing me something out of her pocket. "Wow, these are bigger on the inside."

"Coconut taro bubble tea?" I asked, looking at the drink and I began sipping it. "Ooo, so good."

"You okay, now? After your outbursts lately."

"Yeah. I am."

"Miku, did you get me something?" Hibiki asked.

"More rice balls." Miku said, taking out a wrapper out of her pocket. "These were made by me. And not from a convenience store."

Hibiki grabbed the rice balls from Miku and she began eating them. The Dalek brings Bracewell his tea.

"You two are really snacking in the middle of a war zone." Chris said, scoffing. "The hell would you do that for?"

"I love eating sweets." I said, happily. "And I love drinking them too. I love snacks. Sweet or savory."

"Basically, we can eat everything and anything." Hibiki said.

"That's you two." Tsubasa said.

"Would you care for some tea?" The Dalek asked.

The Doctor knocks the tray from the Dalek's sucker, "Stop this! What are you doing here? What do you want?"

"We seek only to help you." The Dalek said.

"To do what?"

"To win the war."

"Really? Which war?"

"I do not understand."

"This war, against the Nazis, or your war? The war against the rest of the Universe? The war against all life forms that are not Dalek?"

"I do not understand. I am your soldier."

"Oh, yeah? Okay. Okay, soldier, defend yourself." The Doctor said, picking up a huge spanner and starts hitting the Dalek.

"Thanks for giving me the bubble tea, Miku." I said, sipping away on the coconut taro bubble tea. "I wouldn't want to whack a Dalek right now."

"Doctor, the hell are you doing?" Chris asked.

"You do not require tea?" The Dalek asked.

"Stop him! Prime Minister, please." Bracewell said.

"Doctor, what the devil? Please, these machines are precious." Churchill said.

"Come on. Fight back. You want to, don't you? You know you do." The Doctor said.

"I must protest." Bracewell said.

"What are you waiting for? Look, you hate Jared. You hate me even more. You want to kill Jared. You want to kill me more. Well, go on. Kill us. Kill us!"

"Doctor, be careful." Amy said.

"Please desist from striking me. I am your soldier." The Dalek said.

"You are our enemy! And we are yours. You are everything Jared and I despise. The worst thing in all creation. We've defeated you time and time again. We've defeated you. We sent you back into the Void. We saved the whole of reality from you. I am the Doctor. This is Jared, he's part of the Law of Cycles. And you are the Daleks." The Doctor said, he dragged me to the Dalek.

"Correct. Review testimony." The Dalek said.

"I am the Doctor. This is Jared, he's part of the Law of Cycles. And you are the Daleks." The Doctor said, his voice over the speaker.

"Testimony? What testimony?" Tsubasa asked.

"Transmitting testimony now." Dalek 2 said.

"Transmit what, where?" The Doctor asked.

(Open POV)


A Dalek saucer on the far side of the Moon.

"Receiving testimony now." A Gold Dalek said.

"I am the Doctor. This is Jared, he's part of the Law of Cycles. And you are the Daleks." The Doctor said, his voice over the speaker.

The lights on a golden Dalek-shaped pod light up, "Progenitor activated. Testimony accepted. Testimony accepted."


"Testimony accepted." Dalek 2 said.

"Get back, all of you." Jared said, looking down at Aqours. "Ready?"

"First fusion?" Aqours asked, its voice coming out of the music note pendant. "What do you want to go with?"

"Juliet's Rose. Compact mode. We're gonna be in narrow hallways."

Two blades appeared in Jared's hands with red and green color schemes and they're in dual pistol mode.

"Marines! Marines, get in here." Churchill said.

"What do we do?" Miku asked, looking at Jared. "People, they're gonna die."

The two Marines who come through the door are exterminated.

"Stop it, stop it, please. What are you doing? You are my Ironsides." Bracewell said.

"We are the Daleks." The Dalek said.

"But I created you."

"No." The Dalek said, blowing off Bracewell's left hand. It sparks and splutters. "We created you."

"Victory. Victory. Victory." The Daleks said, teleporting away.

"What just happened, Doctor?" Amy asked.

"I wanted to know what they wanted. Jared wanted to know too, but Miku stopped him. From taking things too far and getting reckless. She does what she does with Hibiki. Keeping them grounded. A home to go back to. I wanted to know what their plan was. Jared didn't have to know as much, since he already knew. But I was their plan." The Doctor said.

"Come on, Hibiki." Jared said, grabbing Hibiki's hand. "I almost messed up hard. If it wasn't for Miku. We have to save the world."

"Yeah." Hibiki said, as she looked back at Jared. "You've got Team RWBY waiting for you. And I have Miku."

The Doctor, Jared, and Hibiki run out.

"Hey!" Amy said, angrily.


The khaki Daleks enter.

"Commencing Phase Two. The Progenitor is activated. It begins." The Gold Dalek said.

Filing room…

"Testimony accepted. That's what they said. My testimony." The Doctor said.

"Don't beat yourself up because you were right. So, what do we do? Is this what we do now? Chase after them?" Amy asked.

"This is what we do, yeah, and it's dangerous, so you wait here with Miku, Tsubasa, and Chris."

"What, so you mean we've got to stay safe down here in the middle of the London Blitz?"

"Safe as it gets around us." The Doctor said.

"Jared, look after Hibiki." Miku said, looking at Jared.

"She looks after me." Jared said, laughing a lot. "And you look after the both of us."

"Hibiki, come back safe."

"I will. I promise." Hibiki said, sadly.

The Doctor, Jared, and Hibiki goes into the Tardis and it dematerialises.

"The hell do they expect us to do now?" Chris asked.

"K B O, of course." Churchill said.

"What?" Tsubasa asked.

"Keep buggering on."


"Did you get it?" Hibiki asked.

The Doctor sets the scanner on search, "Come on. Bingo!"

Churchill's office…

"Prime Minister." Lilian said.

"Yes?" Churchill asked.

"Signal from RDF, sir. Unidentified object. Hanging in the sky, Captain Childers says. We can't get a proper fix, though. It's too far up."

"What do you think, Miss Pond, Miss Kazanari, Miss Yukine, and Miss Kohinata? The Doctor, Jared, and Hibiki are in trouble and now we know where they are." Churchill said.

"Yeah." Amy said.

"Wait, that means they'll be on that ship." Chris said.

"They're right in the middle of everything." Tsubasa said.

"Hibiki…" Miku said, sadly. "Come back safe…"

"Exactly." Churchill said. "Hibiki has both the Doctor and Jared by her side. Things could go good or bad."


An air raid warden is on duty when a light comes on in a building across the road, "Oi, put that light out."


"The final phase commences, channel all reserve power to Progenitor." The gold Dalek said.

The Tardis materialises.

"How about that cuppa now, then?" The Doctor asked.

"Oh, can it be Earl Grey?" Jared asked, grabbing Hibiki's hand. "Or Matcha? Ooo, how about Jasmine?"

"You sure love your tea." Hibiki said, looking at Jared. "Don't you love snacks too?"

"Especially ones Miku made. Oh, can she make me some of my favorite Filipino snacks?"

"Do some of them have rice in them?"

"Well, two. Puto and bibingka. There might be more. But I can't think of them at the top of my head."

"It is the Doctor and the Storyteller." The gold Dalek said.

"Exterminate." Dalek 2 said.

"Wait, wait, wait. I wouldn't if I were you. Tardis self-destruct, and you know what that means. My ship goes, you all go with it." The Doctor said, holding out a Jammy Dodger biscuit.

"God, I wish Chris and Tsubasa came." Jared said, sadly "Because S2CA makes a better self destruct."

"True." Hibiki said, happily. "But that makes a good bomb too."

"The three of you would not use such a device." The Dalek said.

"Try us." The Doctor said, and Dalek 2 rolls forward.

"Nope, don't scan it. There's nothing suspicious about the bomb at all. Since it is a bomb." Jared said, smirking.

"One move and I'll destroy us all, you got that? Tardis bang bang, Daleks boom! Good boy. This ship's pretty beaten up. Running on empty, I'd say, like you. When Jared and I last met you Daleks, you were at the end of your rope. Finished." The Doctor said.

"One ship survived." Dalek 2 said.

"And you fell back through time, yes. Crippled, dying."

"We picked up a trace. One of the Progenitor devices." A Dalek said.

"Wait, what's a Progenitor?" Hibiki asked.

"It is our past, and our future."

"Yeah, faith and hope. That's deep, even for a Dalek." Jared said, as Hibiki squeezed his hand. "Fear and despair is what you normally would have."

"What does that mean?" Hibiki asked. "Is it something cool? Or something scary?"

"It contains pure Dalek DNA. Thousands were created. All were lost, save one." The gold Dalek said.

"Okay, but there's still one thing I don't get, though. If you've got the Progenitor, why build Bracewell?" The Doctor asked.

"It was necessary." A Dalek said.

"But why? I get it. Oh, I get it. I get it. Oh ho! This is rich. The Progenitor wouldn't recognise you, would it? It saw you as impure. Your DNA is unrecognisable as Dalek."

"Talk about Davros interfering, due to growing you." Jared said, scoffing. "He made you out of his cells after all. But how can you use it? If you can't."

"A solution was devised." A Dalek said.

"Yes, yes, yes. Me. My testimony. So you set a trap. You knew that the Progenitor would recognise me, and that it would recognize Jared, the Daleks' greatest enemies. It would accept my word or his. Our recognition of you." The Doctor said.

"Um, what are you doing?" Hibiki asked.

"Withdraw now, Doctor, Jared, Hibiki, or the city dies in flames." The Gold Dalek said.

"Hang on, you don't have the power to destroy London! This ship is a wreck! It can't be done!" Jared said, rolling his eyes.

"Watch as the humans destroy themselves."

A ray goes out from the spaceship.


The lights go on all over the city.

"What the? No." The warden said.

Map room…

"The generators won't switch off. The lights are on all across London, Prime Minister." Todd said.

"Wait, who has access to the power? It has to be the Daleks." Tsubasa said.

"The Germans can see every inch of the city. We're sitting ducks. Get those lights out before the Germans get here." Churchill said.

"Confirm. Squadron two four four and fifty six mobilised. Emergency. Emergency." Blanche said.

"One oh nine? One oh nine, confirm." Lilian said.

"Shit, history will change. And thousands will die if we can't get those lights out now." Chris said, annoyed.

"German bombers sighted over the Channel, sir. ETA ten minutes, sir."

"Here they come. Get a message to Mister Attlee. War Cabinet meeting at oh three hundred hours. If we're all still here." Churchill said.

"Well, we can't have Hibiki and the others think they're alone." Miku said, smiling. "We can't just sit there. We have to take the fight to the Daleks. That's what Hibiki would do. Especially with Jared."

"How? None of our weapons are a match for theirs." Churchill asked.

"Oh God, she's right, we must have something." Amy said.

"Six oh four Blenheim squadron, stand by." A man said, over the speaker.

"Oh. It's staring us in the face. A gift, from the Daleks."


"Turn those lights off now. Turn London off or I swear I will use the Tardis self destruct." The Doctor said.

"Stalemate, Doctor, Jared, Hibiki. Leave us and return to Earth." The Dalek said.

"Wait, that's your greatest victory? You leaving?" Jared asked, scoffing. "We didn't even have to fight, Hibiki. How awesome is that?!"

"Yeah." Hibiki said. "It is."

"Extinction is not an option. We shall return to our own time and begin again." The Dalek said.

"No, no, no. I won't let you get away this time. I won't." The Doctor said.

"We have succeeded. DNA reconstruction is complete. Observe, Doctor, Storyteller, God killer, a new Dalek paradigm."

Five restyled Daleks glide out from the Progenitor cabinet, each a different colour.

"Are those the Power Rangers?" Hibiki asked.

"The Progenitor has fulfilled our new destiny. Behold, the restoration of the Daleks. The resurrection of the master race." The Dalek said.


"Bracewell, put the gun down." Miku said, walking towards Bracewell. "You don't have to kill yourself, okay?"

"My life is a lie, and I choose to end it." Bracewell said.

"In your own time, Paisley boy, because right now we need your help." Amy said.

"But those creatures, my Ironsides, they made me? I can remember things. So many things. The last war. The squalor and the mud and the awful, awful misery of it all. What am I? What am I?"

"What you are, sir, is either on our side or theirs. Now, I don't give a damn if you're a machine, Bracewell. Are you a man?"

"Listen to me. We understand. Really, We do. Look, there is a spaceship up there lighting up London like a Christmas tree. Thousands of people will die tonight if we don't stop it, and you are the only one who can help take it down." Amy said.

"I am?" Bracewell asked.

"You're alien technology. You're as clever as the Daleks are, so start thinking. What about rockets? You got rockets? Because you said gravity whatsits, hypersonic flight, some kind of missile."

"It isn't a fireworks party, Miss Pond. We need proper tactical. Oh. A missile. Or…"

"Or what?" Amy asked.

"Wait, we could send something up there?" Tsubasa asked. "How about us?"

"Are we repeating what we did with the Moon?" Chris asked. "We're going after those dummies?"

"That was the only option. In the future. Helping Tachibana there. But Miku's not that safe down here. And we can't expose ourselves to the Nazis. By going up there. The Japanese and the Germans are against the Allied in this time period. It's way too early, Yukine."

"So, we still have to go there, somehow. But how? Is it even possible?" Miku asked. "Going up to space?"

"Yes, well, with a gravity bubble, yes, but. Theoretically it's possible that we could actually send something into space." Bracewell said. "With our current technology."

"Bracewell, it's time to think big." Churchill said.


"All hail the new Daleks. All hail the new Daleks." A Dalek said.

"Yes, you are inferior." The White Dalek said.


"Then prepare."

"We are ready." The Daleks said.

"Cleanse the unclean. Total obliteration. Disintegrate." The White Daleks said.

"Wow…" Hibiki said, when the new neon coloured Daleks exterminate the old khaki and gold ones. "So that's the power of the Daleks."

"Blimey. What do you do to the ones who mess up?" The Doctor asked.

"That's what I want to know." Jared said, smiling. "Do you play lacrosse with them?"

"You are the Doctor and the Storyteller. You also have the God killer. You must be exterminated." The White Dalek said.

The Doctor holds out his Jammy Dodger again, "Don't mess with us, sweetheart."

Map room…

"More Nazi bombers approaching in strike formation. Incendiary bombs have hit the East End of London." A man said, over the speaker.

"At last. Are they ready?" Churchill asked.

"I hope so. But in the meantime, this will pick up Dalek transmissions." Bracewell said.

Bracewell's rigged radar scanner picks up a picture of the White Dalek, the Doctor, Jared, and Hibiki.

"Hibiki…" Miku said, sadly.

"We are the paradigm of a new Dalek race." The White Dalek said, on screen.

"It's them. It's the Doctor, Jared, and Hibiki." Amy said.

"Scientist, Strategist…"


"Drone, Eternal, and the Supreme." The White Dalek said.

"Which would be you, I'm guessing. Well, you know, nice paint job." The Doctor said.

Map room…

"I'd be feeling pretty swish if I looked like you. Pretty supreme." The Doctor said, on screen.

"They have company. New company. You have to hurry up." Chris said, annoyed. "The hell's taking you so long?"

Bracewell answers the phone, "Yes? Right. Right, thanks. Ready when you are, Prime Minister."

"Splendid." Churchill said.

"Spaceship's exact coordinates located." Bracewell said.

"Go to it, Group Captain. Go to it."

"Broadsword to Danny Boy. Broadsword to Danny Boy. Scramble. Scramble. Scramble." Childers said.

"Now this is the classic." Tsubasa said, looking at Churchill. "I like it. No Symphogears. Just good old spitfires. It's as classic as a ninja or a samurai."


"Question is, what do we do now? Either you turn off your clever machine or I'll blow you and your new paradigm into eternity." The Doctor said.

"And yourselves." The White Dalek said.

"It's a risk worth taking, if it means the one thing keeping Hibiki home, safe." Jared said, happily. "That being Miku Kohinata. As long as she's not in the fray. There's nothing to worry about. I don't mind if we become occupational hazards."

"Scan reveals nothing. Tardis self destruct device non-existent." The Blue Dalek said.

The Doctor eats his biscuit, "All right, it's a Jammy Dodger, but I was promised tea."

"What's that?" Hibiki asked, when an alarm sounds.

"Alert. Unidentified projectile approaching. Correction, multiple projectiles." The Blue Dalek said.

"What have the humans done?" The White Dalek asked.

"I don't know." Jared said, smirking. "It could be anything."

"Explain. Explain. Explain." The White Dalek said.

"Danny Boy to the Doctor. Danny Boy to the Doctor. Are you receiving me? Over." A Pilot said, over the speaker.

"Oh ho! Winston, you beauty. It's an old version of the technique Symphogear used to stop the Lunar Attack! No Relics, no over the top, good old spitfires." The Doctor said, as Jared grabbed Hibiki's hand.


A flight of Spitfires are on their way.

"Danny Boy to the Doctor. Come in. Over." A pilot said.


"Loud and clear, Danny Boy. Big dish, side of the ship. Blow it up. Over." The Doctor said.

"Exterminate the Doctor, the Storyteller, and the God killer." The White Dalek said.

"Wah! We better run!" Hibiki said, running away with Jared.

The Doctor, Jared, and Hibiki run for the Tardis.

Map room…

"You heard him, Group Captain. Target that dish. Send in all we've got." Churchill said.


"Broadsword to Danny Boy. Target the dish and stop that signal. Over." Childers said, over the speaker.

"Understood, sir. Over." The pilot said.

Map room…

"You can count on us. Over." The plot said, over the speaker.

"Oh, good luck, lads." Blanche said.


"Okay, chaps, let's put London back under cover of darkness. Tally ho! Cover my back, going in close. Pull out, pull out." The pilot said.

Map room…

"We've lost Jubilee, sir. Over." The pilot said, over the speaker.

"Beam still active, sir." Childers said.

"Send them in again." Churchill said.


"Flintlock's down sir, and the dish seems to be protected. Over." The pilot said.


"Shields intact. Pulse still active." The Orange Dalek said.


"Danny Boy to the Doctor. Only me left now." The pilot said.


"Anything you can do, sir? Over." The pilot said, over the speaker.

"The Doctor to Danny Boy. The Doctor to Danny Boy." The Doctor said.


"I can disrupt the Dalek shields, but not for long. Over." The Doctor said, over the speaker.

"Good show, Doctor. Go to it. Over." The pilot said.

Map room…

"I'm going in. Wish me luck. Over." The pilot said, over the speaker.


"Shields de-activated." The Orange Dalek said, feeling the explosion. "Energy pulse destroyed."

Map room…

"Direct hit, sir!" Childers said.

"Yes!" Amy and Miku said, at the same time.


Up on his roof, the Air Raid Warden watches the lights go out all over London, "Thank the Lord. Do your worst, Adolf."


"Danny Boy to the Doctor. Going in for another attack." The pilot said.


"The Doctor to Danny Boy. The Doctor to Danny Boy. Destroy this ship. Over." The Doctor said.


"What about you, Jared, and Hibiki, Doctor?" The pilot asked.


"Everything's fine. We're fine." Hibiki said, happily.

"Yeah. We'll be okay." Jared said, leaning against the TARDIS console. "Don't worry about us."

"Doctor, Jared, call off your attack." The White Dalek said, on screen.

"So what? So you can go back to the future? You made things for Hibiki and the others to save Miku in 2009." Jared said, smiling. "Don't worry. This is the end of you, Daleks. I promise. It's the last hurrah."

"Call off the attack, or we will destroy the Earth."

"We're not stupid, mate. You've just played your last card." The Doctor said.


"Bracewell is a bomb." The White Dalek said.


"Wah! Tell me it's bluffing!" Hibiki said, looking at Jared.

"I, I don't know." Jared said, sadly. "Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't."

"Deception's second nature to you. There isn't a sincere bone in your body. There isn't a bone in your body." The Doctor said, looking at the screen.

The Supreme Dalek projects himself into the Tardis on a holo-screen.

"His power is derived from an Oblivion Continuum. Call off your attack, or we will detonate the android." The White Dalek said, on screen.

"No. This is our best chance ever. The last of the Daleks. We can rid the Universe of you, once and for all." The Doctor said.

"Then do it. But we will shatter the planet below." The White Dalek said, on scanner.


"The Earth will die screaming." The White Dalek said.


"So, what? If we let you go now." Jared said, as Hibiki squeezes his hand. "You'll be stronger than ever. A new race of Daleks will be born. Where Symphogear and Magical Girls can't defeat you."

"Then choose, Doctor, Jared. Destroy the Daleks…" The White Dalek said, on the scanner.


"Or save the Earth." The White Dalek said.


"Begin countdown of Oblivion Continuum. Choose, Doctor, Jared. Choose. Choose." The White Dalek said, on the scanner.

"Hibiki, Miku matters most to you. As well as Tsubasa, Chris, Maria, Shirabe, Kirika, Genjuro, and Elfnein." Jared said, looking at Hibiki. "Time will be rewritten if we let them leave now. And you'll cease to exist."

"Yeah. We have to withdraw." Hibiki said, sadly. "I can't lose them!"

"The Doctor to Danny Boy. The Doctor to Danny Boy. Withdraw." The Doctor said.


"Say again, sir. Over." The pilot said.


"Withdraw. Return to Earth. Over and out." The Doctor said.


"But sir." The pilot said.

"There's no time. You have to return to Earth now. Over." The Doctor said, over the speaker.

The Spitfire returns to Earth. The Tardis materialises in the filing room.


"The Doctor and the Storyteller have failed. Their compassion is their greatest weakness. Daleks have no such weakness." The White Dalek said.

Map room…

Jared runs in and punches Bracewell on the jaw, using Ember Gungnir, one of his weapon fusions that consists of Ember Celicia and Gungnir, knocking the scientist down.

"Jared!" Miku said, looking at the fanboy.

"Sorry about using one of my weapon fusions!" Jared said, looking at Bracewell. "Ember Gungnir. That packs a hell of a punch. But Professor Edwin Bracewell, you're a bomb. A huge bomb made by the Daleks."

"The hell?" Chris asked, out of the loop. "Explain. How is he a bomb?"

"There's an Oblivion Continuum inside you, Professor. A captured wormhole that provides perpetual power. Detonate that, and the Earth will bleed through into another dimension. Now keep down." The Doctor said, using his sonic screwdriver to open up Bracewell's torso.


"Detonation sequence activated. Time corridor establishing." The White Dalek said.

"Time jump in thirty rels." The Blue Dalek said.

Map room…

"That's a timer." Tsubasa said, looking at one of the five blue segments of a circle on Bracewell's torso turns yellow. "And it's going up."

"Well?" Amy asked.

"I don't know, I don't know, I don't know. Never seen one up close before" The Doctor said.

"So, they wired him up to a bomb." Chris said. "Just to detonate. Talk about cruelty."

"Oh no, not wired him up. He is a bomb. Walking, talking, pow, exploding, the moment that flashes red."

"Bombs! There has to be a blue wire. No wait, a red wire. Maybe it's blue." Hibiki said, looking at Miku. "Miku?"

"I don't know." Miku said, letting out a sigh. "But I think you're not helping."

"It's incredible. He talked to us about his memories. The Great War." Churchill said.

"You mean World War II." Jared said, frowning. "Sorry. Spoilers."

"Someone else's stolen thoughts, implanted in a positronic brain. Tell me about it. Bracewell. Tell me about your life." The Doctor said.

"Doctor, I really don't think this is the time." Bracewell said.

"Tell me, and prove you're human. Tell me everything."


"Countdown proceeding." The White Dalek said.

Map room…

"My family ran the Post Office. It's a little place just near the abbey, just by the ash trees. There used to be eight trees but there was a storm." Bracewell said.

"And your parents? Come on, tell me." The Doctor said.

"Good people. Kind people. They died. Scarlet fever."

"What was that like? How did it feel? How did it make you feel, Edwin? Tell me. Tell me now."

"It hurt. It hurt, Doctor, it hurt so badly. It was like a wound. I though it was worse than a wound. Like I'd been emptied out. There was nothing left."

"Pain and suffering." Chris said, leaning against the wall. "Like that will work."

"It won't." Tsubasa said. "He's doing it wrong."

Two red, one yellow and two blue segments now.

"Good. Remember it now, Edwin. The ash trees by the Post Office and your mum and dad, and losing them, and men in the trenches you saw die. Remember it. Feel it. You feel it because you're human. You're not like them. You're not like the Daleks." The Doctor said.

"It hurts, Doctor. It hurts so much." Bracewell said, sadly.

"Good. Good, good, brilliant. Embrace it. That means you're alive. They cannot explode that bomb because you're a human being. You are flesh and blood. They cannot explode that bomb. Believe it. You are Professor Edwin Bracewell, and you, my friend, are a human being."

Four red, one yellow.

"It's not working. I can't stop it." The Doctor said.

"Ready, Amy, Hibiki, Miku." Jared said, looking at the yuri couple and Amy. "Hi, have you ever liked someone you know you shouldn't like?"

"What?" Bracewell asked.

"It hurts, doesn't it? But a good kind of hurt. When you're in love with someone." Miku said, smiling.

"I really shouldn't talk about her." Bracewell said.

"Oh, it's a her." Hibiki said, happily. "You like a girl? Is she pretty?"

The yellow turns back to blue.

"What was her name?" Amy asked.

"Dorabella." Bracewell said.

"Dorabella? It's a lovely name. It's a beautiful name." The Doctor said.

"What was she like, Edwin?" Miku asked.

"Oh, such a smile. And her eyes. Her eyes were so blue. Almost violet, like the last touch of sunset on the edge of the world. Dorabella." Bracewell said.

All the segments return to blue.


"Oblivion Continuum inactive." The Blue Dalek said.

"Impossible." The White Dalek said.

"Time jump imminent. Prepare."

Map room…

"Welcome to the human race." The Doctor said, pointing at Churchill, Tsubasa, and Chris. "You're brilliant."

"Thank you." Tsubasa said.

"Thanks." Chris said, smirking.

"You're brilliant." The Doctor said, looking at Bracewell and Jared.

"Thanks a lot. I really appreciate the compliment." Jared said, happily.

"You're brilliant." The Doctor said, looking at Hibiki and Miku.

"Miku!" Hibiki said, hugging Miku.

"Hibiki…" Miku said, letting Hibiki hug her tight.

"And you, I." The Doctor said, looking at Amy before kissing her forehead. "Now. Got to stop them. Stop the Daleks. Let's go, Jared."

"Sorry, Spaceman." Jared said, sadly. "It's too late. We fucked up hard."


"You will never defeat us, Doctor, Jared. We will return." The White Dalek said.

"We will return." The Daleks said.

The Dalek spaceship makes the time jump.

(Jared's POV)

Map room…

"Gone. They've gone." Bracewell said.

"No. No! They can't. They can't have got away from us again." The Doctor said, angrily. "Jared, we were so close!"

"No, I can feel it. My mind is clear. The Daleks have gone."

"Doctor, it's okay. You, Jared, and Hibiki did it. The three of you stopped the bomb. Doctor?" Amy asked.

"We had a choice. And they knew me and Jared would choose the Earth. The Daleks have won. They beat us. They've won." The Doctor said.

"But you saved the Earth. Not too shabby, is it? Is it?"

"No, it's not too shabby."

"It's a brilliant achievement, my dear friends. Here, have a cigar." Churchill said.

"No." The Doctor said.

"No way, smoking, it's bad for your health." I said, crossing my arms. "We might have saved Earth, but I'm still against smoking."

A new morning, and the Air Raid Warden raises the flagpole with the Union Flag on it.

"Man, I'll never get tired of your cooking." I said, eating a nice burger. "Miku, you're the best."

"She's mine." Hibiki said, grabbing Miku's left hand.

"No, she's mine."

I grabbed Miku's right hand, with my burger in my free hand.

"Here we go…" Tsubasa said, sadly.

"Those two are acting like dummies as usual." Chris said, looking between Hibiki and I. "Jared needs to get back to Team RNJR. And have Ren cook for him."

"Yeah. So, what do we do now?" Tsubasa asked, walking towards Churchill.

"I still have a war to run, Miss Kazanari." Churchill said.

"Prime Minister." Blanche said.

"Oh, thank you. Oh, they hit the Palace and Saint Paul's again. Fire crews only just saved it." Churchill said.

Lilian bursts into tears.

"Is she okay?" Amy asked.

"What?" Churchill asked.

"She looks very upset."

Blanche goes to comfort Lilian.

"Oh, Miss Breen? Her young man didn't make it, I'm afraid. Just got word. Shot down over the Channel. Where's the Doctor?" Churchill asked.

"Tying up loose ends. I've taken out all the alien tech Bracewell put in." The Doctor said.

"Won't you reconsider, Doctor? Those Spitfires would win me the war in twenty hours."

"Yup, and those Spitfires could be inspiration for Symphogear." I said, happily. "But you can't use them, not yet."

"But why not? Why can't we put an end to all this misery?"

"Oh, it doesn't work like that, Winston, and it's going to be tough. There are terrible days to come. The darkest days." The Doctor said.

"You can do it, Winston." I said, smiling. "I know you can. You know you can, I know the future. You win. The Allied forces win. Don't tell me, I told you so."

"Stay with us, and help us win through. The world needs you and Jared." Churchill said.

"The world doesn't need me and the Doctor. And it won't need Symphogear for decades to come."


"The world's got Winston Spencer Churchill." The Doctor said.

"It's been a pleasure, Doctor, Jared, as always." Churchill said.

"Too right." The Doctor said.

"It was fun, Winston." I said, smirking. "You're someone I looked up to."

"Goodbye, Doctor, Jared." Churchill said.

"Oh, shall we say adieu?" The Doctor asked.

"See ya, Winston." I said, sadly.

The Doctor, Churchill, and I embrace.

"Indeed. Goodbye, Miss Pond, Symphogear." Churchill said. "It was nice to know what those Spitfires could inspire in the future."

"It's, it's been amazing, meeting you." Amy said.

"That was fun!" Hibiki said, happily.

"It was cool." Chris said.

"This time period still had people to save." Tsubasa said.

"I hope you make it through this." Miku said, sadly.

"I'm sure it has." Churchill said.

Amy kisses Churchill, and he walks away, "Oi, Churchill. Tardis key. And Aqours. The key and pendant you just took from the Doctor and Jared."

"The hell?!" I exclaimed, checking my neck to see that Aqours isn't there.

"Oh, she's good, Doctor, Jared. As sharp as a pin. Almost as sharp as me." Churchill said, returning the key and pendant to Amy. "K B O."

Amy gives the key to the Doctor and the pendant to me. Miku wrapped Aqours around my neck.


"I've been expecting you, Doctor, Jared, and Symphogear. I knew this moment had to come." Bracewell said.

"Moment, what moment?" Hibiki asked.

"It's time to de-activate me."

"Is it? I suppose it is, yeah." I said, looking down and laughing. "Sorry, it definitely is."

"You have no choice. I'm Dalek technology. Can't allow me to go pottering around down here where I have no business." Bracewell said.

"No, you're dead right, Professor. A hundred percent right. And by the time we get back here in what, ten minutes?" The Doctor asked.

"More like fifteen." Amy said.

"Fifteen minutes, yeah, that's exactly what I'm going to do. You are going to be so de-activated. It's going be like you've never even been activated." The Doctor said.

"Yeah." Amy said.

"Fifteen minutes?" Bracewell asked.

"More like twenty, if I'm honest. Once Pond, Jared, Symphogear and I see to the urgent thing we've got to see to. The, the. See?" The Doctor asked.

"Very well, Doctor. I shall wait here and prepare myself."

"That Dalek tech a bit slow on the uptake. That thing we've got to do, going to take half an hour, realistically, isn't it, Doctor?" Amy asked.

"Easily. So no running off, that's what I'm saying. Don't go trying to find that little Post Office with the ash trees or that girl. What was her name?" The Doctor asked.

"Dorabella." Bracewell said.

"Dorabella. On no account go looking for her. Mind you, you can get a lot done in half an hour."

"More like a lot can get done for a whole three decades." I said, taking out an envelope out of my pocket. "This should last you from the 1940s to the 1960s."

"A check?" Tsubasa asked.

"You're too kind." Chris said, scoffing. "For your own good."

"He knows." Miku said.

"So, a retirement fund?" Hibiki asked, placing her hand on top of mine. "And some plane tickets?"

"To America." I said, smirking. "He has to experience 50s life and the Moon landing."

The penny finally drops. I placed the envelope inside Bracewell's suitcase that I found nearby.

"Thank you. Thank you, Doctor, Jared." Bracewell said.

"Come along, Pond. You too, Jared, Symphogear." The Doctor said.

The Doctor, Amy, Hibiki, Miku, Tsubasa, Chris, and I leave. Bracewell starts packing a suitcase.

Filing room…

"So, Doctor, you and Jared have enemies then?" Amy asked.

"Everyone's got enemies." The Doctor said.

"It's pretty common for an anime or a super hero show in fact." I said, leaning against the TARDIS. "For people to have enemies."

"What are you doing?" Tsubasa asked.

"In fact. My enemy is myself and the Daleks."

"Wait yourself?" Hibiki asked. "How can it be yourself?"

"Oops. Spoilers." I said, frowning.

"Are you a threat?" Miku asked.

"Not for a long time, Miku. Don't worry about it. I have a feeling that I won't be one. As long as I have you girls here. We still have enemies."

"Yeah, but mine's the woman outside Budgens with the mental Jack Russell. The both of you have got, like, you know, arch-enemies." Amy said.

"Suppose so." The Doctor said.

"Mine is Thanos and Salem." I said, sadly. "Those are my arch enemies. Who's to say that Hades isn't here."

"Hades?" Hibiki asked. "Who's he?"

"Lord of the Underworld."

"And here's me thinking we'd just be running through time, being daft and fixing stuff. But no, it's dangerous." Amy said.

"Yep. Very. Is that a problem?" The Doctor asked.

"I'm still here, aren't I? You're worried about the Daleks." Amy said.

"I'm always worried about the Daleks." The Doctor said.

"Same, the Daleks, I can never forget them." I said, letting out a sigh. "They're always there when I lose everything. So I'm always worried about them. Coming back and more powerful than ever."

"It'll take time though, won't it? I mean, there's still not many of them. They'll need a while to build themselves up." Amy said.

"It's not that. There's something else. Something we've forgotten. Or rather you and Symphogear have." The Doctor said,

"Me?" Amy asked.

"You didn't know them, Amy. You'd never seen them before. And neither did Symphogear, since they couldn't get back to earth without me and Jared. To save Miku and defeat Shem-ha." The Doctor said.

"The hell are you on about?" Chris asked. "It was a quick trip to the Moon and back."

"Even though the Earth wasn't there for hours." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Wah! It was there when we were against Shem-ha." Hibiki said, freaking out a little.

"No it wasn't."

"So forgetting the Daleks is important." Tsubasa said.

"It's okay." Miku said. "Maybe forgetting those things was for the best."

"Yeah…" Hibiki said, sadly.

"And you should have done. You should." The Doctor said.

We go inside the Tardis and it dematerialises, revealing a glowing w shaped crack in the wall.

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