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The tribe,the dinosaurs,and the birth of a new era The tribe,the dinosaurs,and the birth of a new era original

The tribe,the dinosaurs,and the birth of a new era

Author: OkayBuddyReally

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: The scholar

Why am I here?How am I here?Who killed me,and who brought me back to life?How do I get back home?I asked.My questions couldn't be answered,however.But the first rule when you are suddenly teleported on an island is get food,water and shelter.

Still,questions should be answered,right——holy!I scurry behind a rock,just enough to conceal me from that beast.The beast being a Parasaurolophus,the crested lizard.Wait—why are there Parasaurs on earth?

The parasaur screeched,it's distinctive noise coming from its head crest.I peek out for a split second to hear human breathing and a pained screech from a hurt animal.The human,a man,had his spear lodged in the poor dinosaurs heart.

"Hey!You hear me?What the hell was that for?"I threw my arms out and asked,eyebrows furrowed at such heinous behaviour.

The man gave me a questioning look,giving the parasaur one more stab in its chest and said,"You gotta do what you gotta do.Your new here,right?"

New from where?There's a dinosaur and a weird man and the dinosaur died because of the weird man..."No..."I muttered,clenching my fists waiting for a fight,but the man had a spear for god sake!If he wanted me dead,he's gonna kill me.

"That's good,woah!Calm down there,I'm not gonna hurt you.Come with me,I just teleported here last week,so I understand your confusion but you have to follow me.People aren't as nice as me,the other people I've seen at least,"he motioned for me to follow,which I did.I mean,what was I gonna do?Run?He looked friendly enough,at least enough to not kill me.The parasaur however...Never mind.I followed him on the hot sand that I woke up on,and it was only now I realised that I was barefoot,in cloth underwear,and had a metal machine in my DAMN FOREARM!

"Ahh!What is this?Get it off!"I winced,scratching at the thingy.

"Girl,stop doing that.Truth is,no one knows what that is.A guy tried to take it out,he died on the spot.The thing could be keeping us alive for all we know,so keep it there,"the man warned,taking two fingers in his mouth and making a low whistle.

"Who is she?"a man crept out of a bush,axe in hand.

"She another one of us,just teleported here as far as I know,"the first man said.

"Oh...I'm you just poofed here?"the second man,Jack,asked.

"Emily...Emily Low,and yes.Mind explained what the actual crap is happening?"I frustratedly asked,why is no one looking like this was madness.You teleport on an island with dinosaurs and act like this is

"Yeah,no one knows where we are.People tried to go past the ocean,and some strange forcefield stopped the waves and water,their raft couldn't get past either.This isn't earth,the plants,animals,everything is different.There are big rocks with weird machinery that glows.You learn to accept that here.Jack,get the meat and hide off the dinosaur,"the first man ordered.

"Sure thing,Mark,"Jack said,and went off with his axe.

"So,you've been here a week?"I asked as I watched Mark try fire.

"Yep,just getting food and drinking the sea water.The parasites and bacteria don't live in this ocean,so you can drink straight out of it,"Mark said.

"So just surviving eh?"I ask.

"Not just.There's also other people on this place,many different tribes have made homes and tamed some of the dinosaurs.Some kill the new people that teleport here,others try to fight each other.There are some good ones,however.Photosynthesis is a tribe that tames herbivores and uses them to defend others,they got a farm,farmers,defenders,researchers,the whole nine yards.But they won't fight unless they have to,which is their problem.You can go there and get food if you need to,"Mark explained.

"Why don't you go there?"I asked,curious why that wouldn't be the first thing they did as soon as they knew of the tribe.

"Because they will be killed.All peaceful tribes will be killed.I know survival at its core,and peace isn't the answer.Constant battle isn't good either,the balance of both is what I strive for.Our supplies are small,and Jack only joined me yesterday,so I don't officially have a tribe yet.But when I do,I will do it right,"Mark promised.

"Wow,what a wonderful speech!I'm being sarcastic by the way,no need for such drama.As far as the tribe goes,I can help out.I'm a scholar and scientist.I know enough knowledge of dinosaurs to be able to try and get one or befriend us,or at least help us in one way or another.I know what you mean by peace and death,I know some history,"I said,breaking off some fibres from a fern.

I picked up some rocks and tied the whole thing with some thatch and flint lying around.A bola,a simple thing.

"You know to make those huh?Ehh,then I shall let you join me on this endeavour back home,if we can get home at all,"he said.

"That's a big if,isn't it?"

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