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40% THE TOP DOG / Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Episode 1: Body Type

Looking at my watch for the time, I chanced a glance at my ring and it seemed to glow. As I wondered why, a lot of pain hit me and I fell. It felt like my bones and muscles were being torn and rebuilt simultaneously. My body twitched uncontrollably. I couldn't help but wonder what was happening to me as I slowly blacked out. 

My eyes blurrily adjusted to the light. After opening my eyes completely, my sight landed on a petite woman with a book which she was writing. I looked around and noticed that I was on a hospital bed and the woman in front of me seemed to be a nurse. There were green curtains all around me and the nurse was still writing something on her book. She slowly lifted her head

"Ah, you are awake!" she said seemingly surprised. "I thought we lost you there. Would you care to explain what happened?"

"I don't know. I just felt immense pain all over my body before fainting." I truthfully explained.

I really did not know what happened to me. 'Ah' I winced as I tried to rise from the bed. 

"Slow, slow," She said. She looked too young to actually be a nurse. Then suddenly, out of nowhere, I heard.

<'Ding Ding.' 'You have received the Dillian Family Gene Mutation System (DiFaGeMS)' >

Then a screen appeared in front of me displaying a video of my grandpa.

<"You have received the Difagem System. This is a system that surpasses this branch of the Dillian family's gene dysfunction. As long as you follow the system's instructions, there is a whole world to discover.> 

The video then switched to a familiar face. 'Dad'

<"Yes it's me. You should be in a hospital bed now confused. What your Gigi said is right. The system is beyond our knowledge. You have to discover it for yourself.">

[Ding, Ding]

[Binding complete][You have received your first skill [Omni Eye] +15SP]

[You have unlocked Main Quest]

I looked at the nurse and <Omni Eye> activated. A window appeared in front of me and startled me. It presented the details of the nurse in front of me.

<Omni Eye>

[Name: Anna Swaithe]

[B.Type: Triangle Female BT]


<Anna is a second-year student at Bisma High School. She intends to pursue a medical career in the future so volunteers as a nurse's apprentice.>

<Omni Eye>

I jumped frantically on my bed frightened. It suddenly dawned on me what my father meant when he said that I know when it starts. But it was kind of relieving knowing that my dad had gone through this. The volun had run to call the nurse when I had jumped in terror. The nurse came in and observed my condition.

"I think it was just a panic attack. Mr. Dillian your recovery rate is just absurd. Are you really okay?" 

She asked.

"I am okay," I said as I climbed out of the bed. After which they gave me my clothes and left so that I could wear them. 

After clothing up, I came out of the little room, signed the nurse's apprentice's Volun form, said goodbye to the nurse who wanted to observe me more and left the office which was linked with the clinic. As I arrived outside the room, I met some guy there.

The guy looked like a first year after the first glance but his face shone with the maturity that only second years could display.

<Omni Eye>

[Name: Harry James]

[B. Type: Triangle Male BT]


<Harry is a second year at Bisma High School. A volunteer to welcome new students to the school for extra credit.>

'Why does a female's triangle body type look better than a male's triangle? Aren't they the same shape?' I thought as Harry tried to introduce himself.

"Hi… I.. am… I…" gulp "… I…"

"Hi, Harry," I decided to help.

"You know me?" he asked.

'Oh shit, I need to keep my mouth shut.' Luckily, he was wearing a tag and on it was his name and 'Volun' below it. So I pointed at it.

"Oh," he said. "Thank God. You are Stan? "

"Yes," I said.

"I was sent to show you around the school, but heard the unfortunate news on my way to you. I can't believe I'm talking to a Dillian without stammers."

"So, about that I already took a lap around school and know my way around." As soon as I said that his face visibly frowned. So I added.

"But… I don't know where the classes are. You can show me to my class and I will sign the tour anyway."

His face visibly brightened up. He was so expressive and emotive. But visibly frowned again.

"But I also don't know the class you are in." He said quite upset himself.

"It's 1 Blue," I said and his face shone with excitement as he said.

"Let's go then."

I followed behind him as he led the way to the First Year block. We met a few guys on the way and they laughed at him, then after seeing me they would immediately shut up. It was a pretty funny scene so bust out laughing.

Harry "…"

"Here we are." He said as we arrived at a class written 1B above the door.

"Kay' thanks," I said as I entered the class.

The teacher looked at me and said, "Dillian you are late, take a lap"

 After going outside the class, Harry was still waiting there so I signed his Volun form and I left.

'Huh,' I heaved a sigh of dejection as I turned around and took another lap around the school. 

It took me around five minutes to take a lap around the school so when I came back to the class, it was almost ten. The school's schedule started at seven in the morning, where we would take two one-hour lessons till nine. At nine, we would take an hour break and the homeroom teacher would take the chance to talk to us about the class' progress and new things happening at the school. Thus, I missed two-morning classes and homeroom when I was out.

After entering the classroom, I took a look around and understood the room's structure. From my viewpoint at the door, I could see everything. To my left, there were four long columns. Every column had three desks with admission numbers written on them. At the back of the class, were many shelf-sized lockers attached to the wall and written on them were admission numbers too. To my right was a slightly raised podium with a single desk. Behind the desk, was a whiteboard mounted on the wall.

I quickly spotted the desk with my admission. It was in the middle column and had two other desks beside it. The desk on my left was written Jake Miller 1B-56 and the one on my right was written Zachary Mort 1B-98. Then mine in the middle was written Stan Dillian 1B-20. Those were our admission numbers every stream had a hundred students and there were four streams in this year's Class.

I sat down in the middle of both Zachary and Jake. According to the schedule after the break at nine, there were two more classes from Ten to Twelve, after which we would go to the cafeteria for lunch for an hour. After lunch, we would take two more one-hour classes till three. Then, we would be allowed a social period for clubs and games till five where we were then allowed to go home.

After reading the schedule, I took my bag to the back where I took all books from it and placed them inside my locker. After taking a look at the lockers it seemed they penetrated in the wall back for several inches. After looking at the timetable, it seemed we were supposed to have a history class, so I took my history textbook and notebook, locked my locker and proceeded to my desk.

Right then the history teacher came into the class and asked everyone to introduce themselves. As people introduced themselves, I spotted two Floral siblings, Jack and Celeste. I had also spotted two twins namely Rian Eric and Ryan Eric. Rian was very silent while Ryan was very talkative. They seemed like a dangerous duo so I made a mental note to avoid them. I also noticed a guy who looked like an uncontrollable wild card named Aͼoi Zimmer. His surname was a bit familiar but I could not remember it. Finally, I took note of the class president and his deputy, Heather Best and Victory Grace.

After the introductions, the history teacher then started.

"My name is Mr. Bishopp and I will be taking you back in time to study the history of our country. Also, my name has nothing to do with the retired ruler of Aledma. In 2023, the United Land Authorities (ULA) colonized our country. Their ambition was to rule all countries of The Continent of Azaria. After being colonized the then-nameless Aledma, started fighting back using the Guerrilla Warfare. Then, in 2045, the Guerrillas managed to take our country back and gave the country the name Aledma after their leader. Six years later under the leadership of Ledma Eric, Aledma finally made peace with the ULA allowing trade overseas. After Four more years, Ledma Eric died and soon, his son Bentley Eric took over Aledma changing the name to Dynalis. He also brought over a lot of laws governing the country. For instance, he banned ruling for more than five years then retired in 2060 and gave way to Queen Jenn Bishopp, which allowed a lot of women to engage in Politics. After retiring in 2065 she gave way for Ken Blooming who is the current leader. Elections will be taken next year and all adults are urged to take part."

My eyes unconsciously started closing as the teacher's voice felt like lullaby to my ears. Of course, I wanted to change how people viewed me and my family, but I did not see how the country's history was going to help in that. How the systems in the comics and animes worked, all one had to do was think "system'. Nothing happened so I decided to call out in my mind. 'Status,' Nothing still. 'Where was the Difagem when you needed it?' I thought. Then this time out of nowhere it appeared. But it was like switching on a phone. A loud tone came out of nowhere and as I looked around nobody else seemed to be able to hear it. It tormented my ears and brain as I instinctively moved my fingers to my ears.

"Dillian, am I that a bore?" My history teacher asked.

 I released them immediately and thoroughly shook my head, ignoring the assault of that sound. The moment I tried to ignore it, a voice control apparatus appeared and I turned it off. Seemingly, nobody had heard or even suspected anything. As I looked around the Difagem System it appeared in my line of sight. As I focused on the class, it would become more translucent and when I focused on it, it would become clearer. 

The left side of the screen had the Status, Quests, Skills, Career and Shop tabs. While the right side had column like apps from the phone in list order. At the top right of the system screen, was today's date and time.

[DiFaGem System]






<14-01-2069> <10:39>





[Chatter MSG]

The background of the word was in blue while the words were written in white. The words Career and Shop were in grey showing that they were yet unlocked.

Because of the notification earlier I decided to head to the quests tab.


<Main Quest> 

The only tab there was the main quests tab so I opened it.

[Main Quest]


<Do the Daily Quests consistently for eleven months.>

<Join a Fighting Club>


<Level +1>

<Random Skill Set>

<Career Tab Unlock>


<System Unbinds>


DaoistGuqeAv DaoistGuqeAv

not gonna change the name. am sticking with aledma. please vote

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