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Auxiliary Chapter 6: Norm's Learning

Joltsyn's POV

I was outside with my two sons to let them play with each other while I rested, sitting in a suit. I watched them squabble, with a melancholy smile. I wish I could have shared moments like that with my older sister and got to know my parents. Suddenly, the voice of my younger son came out of my reverie.

Roltyun: Are you okay, mom?

I blinked my eyes, came back to reality and smiled at him, brushing his black hair.

Me: Seeing you and your brother is enough to warm my heart.

Both of them gave me their biggest smiles, enough to make me happy. Suddenly, I felt my sister's energy getting closer to Tsylan's energy. She was so happy that I couldn't help but be happy too.

The two lovers gave each other a little kiss before separating. Tsylan joined his group while my older sister watched him leave with the biggest smile I've ever seen from him. She was really happy since they declared their flames.

Sylwey: Auntie Lutsey is in love!

It took her out of her daydreams but I could still feel the intense flame in her as if it was my own.

Lutsey: Yes and I have the most beautiful companion Eywa can offer me! Although he comes from Heaven, so...

Me: That's all right, big sister. Seeing you happy is a great gift for us

Lutsey bent down and took the twins in his arms with a smile. She has always had a gift for taking care of children and I knew she would be happy to have one.

Lutsey: Have you been good to your mother?

Roltyun: Sylwey hasn't stopped bothering me since this morning!

Sylwey: That's not true!

Lutsey laughed before looking at me with a nolstatic smile.

Lutsey: I wish we had grown up together, little sister.

Me: Me too. But fate decided otherwise.

Lutsey, pensive: Yes...

Lutsey then sat down and played with the twins. She always amazed me despite those two years together. She always managed to go from the sweetness and cheerfulness of a child to an authoritative and cold person. This had always fascinated me, whereas I was often reproached for my impassive, too calm face.

I used to let my sister play with her nephews for a long time in the morning before asking her how her walk with Tsylan had gone.

Lutsey: We met Grace during our patrol.

Me: The omatikaya dream walker ?

Lutsey: Yes and she was accompanied by another dream walker. He would like to learn our ways. I was reluctant at first, but Tsylan convinced me.

I knew my sister too well to know where the conversation was going to lead.

Joltsyn: And you want me to be her teacher?

Lutsey hesitated for a moment before answering. She seemed reluctant to confirm her request, while keeping a watchful eye on the two twins who were chatting with each other, competing to see who has a bigger imagination with invented adventures. It always made me smile when I saw them bragging about imaginary facts.

Then I would look at my sister with a reproving look, wondering how Tsylan managed to convince her, given her stubborn streak.

Me, sighing: What did he convince you with? Kisses? Cuddles?

Lutsey with a dreamy smile: Two romantic outings.

Me: You really are a child sometimes, big sister.

This one gave him a big smile, before he got serious again. Sometimes it was really hard for me to see an olo'eyktan when she behaved like that. It baffled me, but she was always like that.

Lutsey: Little sister, he could be an ally if he's well trained. Of course, I'm not telling you it will be easy. He doesn't have Tsylan's experience, but with patience and perseverance, I think he can become a good warrior.

That was his thoughtful side talking. I was thinking about the opportunities of this young tawtute.

Joltsyn: Mmm...And how can it be?

Lutsey: He's open-minded and strong-willed, despite his youth.

I closed my eyes, immersed in my reflection. To form a member of the People of Heaven, those who killed my parents and almost destroyed my clan disgusted me. But if my sister thought he could be an ally against our enemies, I would be wrong not to accept, even if I didn't want to. But no one else could have my patience and understand Lutsey's decision in our clan.

Me: All right, big sister. You have won.

Lutsey: Thank you!

On that word, she gave me a brotherly kiss on my right cheek. This tenderness always warmed my heart because I could feel her joy through this simple touch. Tsylan had no interest in breaking her heart! As for me, I was reflecting on my dark thoughts but I couldn't help but think.

Me: I hope he's up to the task.

Lutsey: We'll see, little sister.

Me: Where will he come?

Lutsey: To the lake where you're used to going.

I couldn't help swearing. That was the place where Twilo and I first met and many times after that. The idea that a tawtute could set foot there did not make me happy at all!

Norm's POV

Trudy dropped me off not far from the meeting place. Luckily, Ben had indicated the place to us, thanks to a map. Otherwise, we would have searched for hours!

Trudy! So, nervous?

Me: Yes, but impatient too.

She laughed while I felt the camera touch the ground. I have been waiting for years for this opportunity to learn more about the Na'vis. To see them at work and learn from them!

Trudy: Be careful Normy. Your colleague's warning about your potential teacher is not very reassuring.

Norm: Don't worry Trudy. I'll be careful.

We started a relationship a few weeks ago. Jake even surprised us once when we were having sex. I still blush when I think back on it.

Trudy: Tell me about it tonight, Normy.

Me with a smile: Count on me!

With these words, she took off while I went to the lake indicated on my datapad.

Norm: So, I go right and then left and... Ah That's it!

In front of me, there was a large lake where a calm and soothing atmosphere reigned. It must have been beautiful at night. I walked forward, curious when I felt the coldness of a blade on my throat.

Female voice: What are you doing here, tawtute?

In spite of the calm tone, one could feel a certain hostility towards me. One false move or bad word and I was beheaded. So I had to find the right words but it was difficult with such a threat!

Norm: I....I was told to come here.

I prayed that she would believe me. The blade was still threatening and it made me drool with fear. Damn it! She's never going to buy that! I was finished!

Voice: Who?

Norm: A woman named Lutsey!

She was silent for a moment, always threatening, before she drew her gun.

Voice: You must be that tawtute I was waiting for. Norman Spellman?

Me, hopefully: Yes !! That's me!

I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard a blade going into his scabbard. Turning my head, I risked a glance to see a woman looking exactly like Lutsey. I was astonished to see that it was her! Although her attire seemed quite different, but above all, this sword whose brown wrist showed the pattern of an atokirina above a circle seemed to symbolize the rising day. I had never seen this kind of weapon before in our database!

Norm: Lutsey! I didn't think you would want to take on another apprentice!

This one gave me a big smile, as if amused. I wondered what was funny about what I was saying.

Joltsyn's POV

I smiled at this confusion on the part of this young tawtute. Obviously, his mistake was understandable, since me and my sister were very much alike. But it was always fun to hear him, nevertheless.

Norm: Did I say something funny?

Me: Yes, in spite of you. I'm not Lutsey but her twin sister, Joltsyn.

The young dream walker looked at me with big round eyes. I thought they would explode after a while.

Norm: Twins!?

Me in a calmer tone: Yes

What was amazing about it?

Norm: This is the first case of matching that I've heard of in the Na'vis.

Me: My family has often had cases of twins being born, but this is an exception. The birth of two children at the same time is very rare. This is not the case in your family?

Norm a little nervous: Uh...Yes, of course.

I smile when I feel discomfort and see redness. It was time to start training. First of all, I would like to see how it moves to see what needs to be improved.

Me: Okay, show me how you move. You're going to go to that tree, climb it and then come back as fast as you can.

He looked at me with a strange look on his face as if to ask me if I was joking. Indeed, I was showing him a tree that was quite far away and of average size. I kept my bossy look on my face, making him understand that it was not a joke.

Nervous, he did the exercise and I could tell it was catastrophic. His steps were as light as a herd of Angtsik charging. I didn't count the number of falls he had on the way, which made me wonder if he knew the meaning of the word balance. As for climbing, he couldn't even climb halfway up the tree without falling to the ground on his buttocks in a ridiculous position.

Decidedly, it won't be easy and I sighed in advance at the effort involved. I walked towards him, looking at him sternly as he stood with his eyes and ears down.

Norm: Sorry. I just... I've never been good at this.

I was rolling my eyes. How could my sister give me such a task? It wasn't even a child, it was a baby that I had to raise!

Me: Follow me.

I took him to my Pa'li who was grazing nearby. Fortunately, I had started to prepare some things to get started. I took out a dark green loincloth and turned towards him. He looked at me with eyes wide open and a red face.

Norm: Uh... Did he?

Joltsyn: Yes. If you want to become a Na'vi, you have to live like one.

He seemed hesitant, but he finally agreed. I turned my eyes to give him some privacy.

Joltsyn: Don't forget to free your feet. You have to be able to feel the earth that our Mother has given us.

Norm: Very good.

Once he was finished, I started training his muscles so his body could get used to it. So I would make him run, jump over obstacles and, most importantly, climb from tree to tree. I practiced this kind of exercise all morning. Then I ended the afternoon by teaching him more about our culture and about Eywa, to make him understand that Eywa gave a role to each of the children she created and that we had to want to respect this balance, however cruel it was sometimes. I could see that he was listening attentively to my words, a glimmer of interest in his eyes.

Finally, the sun was beginning to set and I could hear the propellers of a metal bird in the distance. He put on his clothes before giving me back his loincloth and left, looking energetic and happy. As I put the clothes away, I could see him walking away in this energetic gait. I was beginning to understand what my sister saw in this stubborn young man. Also, his clumsy side reminded me of Twilo on our first dates. I smiled at this memory before I felt my Pa'li's head move, asking me not to dawdle.

Joltsyn: Yes, you're right. Excuse me, my friend. I was in my thoughts.

Once I was sorted, I did Tsahaylu and rode my mount before it started galloping towards Kelutral where my family was supposed to be waiting for me.

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