"All welcome our first guardian!", said King Wrynn noble, "He will protect us in times of darkness.". "Let me introduce myself, my name is Medivh and i teached together with archmage Antonidas", said the man in the black coat with raven feathers.The people of Stormwind city were quite sceptical about the strange mage who lives in a dark tower in the dark forest. "I am giving à party in Karazhan, my home
You all are invited". "VALEERA!" , "Yes, mother?" "Medivh is giving à party and he invited all the citizens. That means we finally are getting inside of Karazhan and show the world he is using fell magic and necromancy!". "Can't we just have fun for once?" Asked Valeera irritated, "We never do something fun together the only thing you do is trying to expose Medivh, and you even don't know he is evil!" . "He is evil i feel it!" , Keaty said, "and that's why we have to expose him.". 2 days later. "Is it everything ready for our guest, monrose?"
Medivh said to his loyal butler. "Off Course, my Lord.", Monrose answers. "Then let our festivities commence!". "Do you have your daggers?", "Yes mother" , Valera answers.
"It's good to see you, Miss Fireheart.", The Guardian said. "It's good to see you to." Keaty said with a smile she couldn't hold much longer. When they got somewhere private they started the search for proof of demonology or necromancy. "You start looking in the master bedroom i'll check in the library!" ,Keaty demanded to her daughter. "Well,well,well what do we have here?" Medivh said irritated. "Monrose!" "What is this hair doing in my fresh wine of the stormwind gardens?" While Valera was going through the mage his stuff in the master bedroom, Keaty might have something in the library. "Hmmmm... there is this strange feeling here?" , She asks herself suspicious, "Wait à second it's arcane magic i sense! An illusion!
Lets see what your hiding Medivh!" Keaty said with an evil smile on her face. "procidat deceptionem vim extermina!" À hidden room appeared in front of her.
"I didn't expect you would find out so fast." It sounded in the giant room.
Keaty her heart almost stopped beating that very second.
"So it's true?" She said. "Yes, you were right from very beginning." "But sadly enough no one can know!" The evil mage said. "Licet aquae vim mutat tenebrosos rumpat Keaty perdere!" He chanted. The well of water changed into a green magma. "What are you doing?!" keaty screamed. "Making sure you won't stand in the way." He answered . "Tenebrae circumdant me et plurimum virium dent omnium magus!"He said loud! The mage now changed into a dark creature. Horns grow on his head and his voice sounded demonic. "You will die!" the monster shouted. He took Keaty by her neck with his powers. "Mother! no!" Valera shouted.
Medivh threw her across the room, but when he did this he also let loose of Keaty. "You might be a demon but I am an Archmage!" Keaty screamed. "Ha ha ha, you think you can stop me?" Medivh said self assured. "Scinditur incogitat Et haec tria arcana sunt in elementis, igne Frost et Sanctae!" As the dark creature casted this spell Keaty divided in three persons. Lyandra a blood elf, And a horse of light and herself. "What did you do?!" she yelled.
"I split you from your elements that woman over there is the fire element and that horse probably frost and you are arcane!" He answered. "We will still stop you!" Lyandra shouted.
"With me sister!" Keaty said confident. "Daemoni invocato ut dissipet procul ignis vacuum evanescent!" The sisters chanted. "Never underestimate me!" Keaty screamt.
The dark creature was destroyed and the Eastern Kingdoms were now a safer place.
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