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First Night

Exhausted, I took one weary step after another, the monotonous surroundings failing to imprint on my fatigued mind. Each tree seemed identical to the next, their differences barely perceptible to my tired senses. Progress became a torment as exhaustion hindered my stride.

Relief washed over me as a small river suddenly appeared ahead, where fish swam merrily, some even leaping out of the water. Such a sight was entirely new to me, and my eyes widened in astonishment. The clear water allowed me to see the fish clearly, following their elegant dance in the river.

Observing the sun through a gap in the canopy revealed that the day was drawing to a close, and darkness was settling in. Exhausted and hungry, I decided to pause and gather my senses. A conveniently found tree became my resting place.

Determinedly, I climbed the tree, my climbing experience aiding me despite its infrequency. After several arduous attempts, I managed to grasp a branch that could bear my weight. Finally, I reached a position where I could sit safely, securing myself with the cord at my waist for the night.

In a few minutes, it grew darker, and the full moon illuminated the world with its entire might. Yet, it looked lonely and deserted, as if abandoned by all others. I could somehow empathize with this ancient object. Does it feel the same pain I feel?

As the last light of the day timidly broke through the leaves, fireflies illuminated the night, their lively dances over bushes and flowers creating a magical atmosphere that gradually lulled me to sleep. The exhaustion of the day contributed to a seamless transition into slumber.

- Next morning

The dawn timidly announced itself as I was awakened by a dull pain in my hands. The cord I had used to secure myself had chafed my skin at the wrists over the night. Every movement sent a sharp pain through my hands, and the awkward position on the tree hadn't brought the restful sleep I had hoped for.

Despite the pain, I was relieved that I hadn't rolled off the tree or encountered another catastrophe in my sleep. A small advantage that somewhat eased the challenging start to the day.

The loud growling of my stomach indicated the urgency of my next task. Climbing down the tree cautiously, I felt the pain in my hands. As my feet touched solid ground again, my stomach greeted me with a loud growl, likely scaring away some small animals.

Determined to make a quiet catch, I decided not to pursue land animals, as I was already too loud to sneak up on them. Instead, I turned my attention to the fish dancing in the water. However, before I could enter the water, I chose to undress to avoid soaking my clothes. I spread them on a large rock at the riverbank, polished smooth by years of water flow.

Stepping into the water with the intention of fishing for my breakfast, I was surprised to find that the fish, previously frolicking in the water, seemed deterred by my presence. They hurriedly swam away, as if instinctively sensing my intentions.

While patiently waiting for the fish to acclimate to my presence and for an opportunity to catch one or more, I noticed the reflective reflection of my body in the water.

Not particularly muscular but slender with a slight hint of muscles, I always took care not to become overweight. Standing at 1.85 meters, I was considered the tallest among my treacherous friends, earning me the reputation of the charming giant. Women often got lost in my moss-green eyes. My appearance was rounded off by my short mud-brown hair and the slight hint of a beard.

After what felt like an endless wait, two fish finally ventured between my legs. Careful not to scare them unnecessarily, I avoided making sudden moves until they became fully accustomed to my presence. Only then did I quickly snatch one of the fish.

The fish, about the size of a dagger, struggled vigorously, and it would have escaped me if I hadn't thrown it toward the shore. It collided with a tree and lay motionless on the ground.

After spending about an hour gathering wood, igniting a fire, and roasting my catch, I could finally eat the red-scaled fish. With every bite, I could feel the much-needed nourishment, although it was probably too little to fully satisfy me for the day. I likely need to go fishing again later. Nevertheless, the urgency of the fish doesn't change its taste.

"It tastes awful"

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