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50% THE SUPER FANTASTIC AMAZING LIFE OF JOE / Chapter 3: Chapter 3 Geography

Chapter 3: Chapter 3 Geography

As the pair waited outside there Geography classroom Joe asks Ben "So Ben who do you think is the best Joker?" Ben thinks for a moment and says "Tough question I'm probably gonna have to say Heath Ledger." Suddenly from behind Ben a mysterious voice says "Good choice but the best joker is clearly Mark Hamill cause a man who can Voice the Joker so many times and keep up the Brilliance of the character all the way from the Animated series all the way up to today is clearly the best just like Kevin Conroy is the best Batman. But i will say Troy Baker made a absolutely Brilliant Young joker despite what people say about Arkham Origins it's got probably one of the best lead voice acting crew around in the whole of the Arkham series. Batman's voice actor for Origins was also Brilliant. 5 stars."

The pair look towards this mysterious figure as he walks over towards them and Joe asks "What's your name? I'm Joe Wilson." The Figure holds out his hand and says "Dan, Dan Stewart. I'm new here." Ben goes over to shake his hand and says "So we've heard. Hi My names Ben Strong."

Joe asks Dan "So are you a big DC fan?" Dan holds out his arms and shrugs his shoulders and says "DUH, Who isn't. But I will say I'm not a big DCEU fan since the catastrophe that was the Jostice league. " Ben smiles and says "Neither are we. there is no DCEU without Zack Snyder and his vision." Dan replies saying "Finally people who speak English. Everyone else I've had to explain who Zack Snyder was. But you two seem to be men of culture."

Joe smiles and says "We're part of the Few of the people who are in What, Most people don't even know what the Name DC means" Dan looks at the two of them and at the same time they all say "Detective Comics" Joe then proposes the question "But the question is was batman purposely called the detective as a reference to the companies name or is it just a coincidence." Dan looks at him but as he was about to answer Mr Jones opened the door and saw the trio and said "Ah Dan you've already met Joe and Ben good. You can sit next to them at the back of the room. Come on in Everyone."

So as they walk in Alex says to Joe "Good Question I want to say that Batman might be called the Detective because despite what many people think Batman is definitely the face of DC, Has been since probably the 60s maybe 90s, So him being called Detective is probably both a good description of his Job and a great honour placed onto him by the Writers of Detective Comics."

Ben soon comments as they reached there seats "If you ask me it's all one big fat coincidence and that he's called the detective because that's one of his many Jobs as the Batman."

Joe then makes a sarcastic comment saying as usual "Ben the voice of reason." Dan laughs and says "Ye, Ye but he's probably right. It is Probably one big fat Coincidence."

Suddenly at the Front of the Room Mr Jones get's up out his chair and walks over to the white board and says "Alright class, Today we're gonna be starting a new Topic. Rivers. Can anyone tell me one of the 4 main types of erosion that occurs in rivers?.. Dan"

"Well one of them is Attrition which is the process which occurs when Sediments of Rocks in the water collide with each other to Break apart and create smaller pieces of sediment ready for one of the other processes most likely Solution."

Mr Jones points to Dan and says "BRILLIANT, Now let's see ugh Ben give me another?" Ben looks at Mr Jones and says "Sorry Sir I don't know any sorry" Mr Jones walks forward and press's the On Button on the projector and turns back around and points to the white board and says "As Dan so brilliantly explained the first of the 4 main forms of erosion is Attrition, It's where the current of the water collides the rock sediments and other solids together. Imagine Two Rock giants fighting and as they fight pieces of them Break off of the main mass and Drop into the ground or in this case get carried away by the tide. Now Jot this down in your books before we move on." Mr Jones then walks over to Dan, Ben and Joe and says to Joe "Here's your book, But it seems you probably don't need it hey haha. Well done." Mr Jones walks back to the front and asks "Is anybody still writing? Yep alright well wait another minute before moving on."

Mr Jones walks over to his laptop and press's the next arrow and the Screen moves onto Solution and Mr Jones points to it saying "Solution is the acidity in the water unnoticeable to Us cause often it's not at a level high enough to be a threat to humans but to tiny pebbles it's brutal it can completely destroy stones at a small level. It's like Dropping a bath Bomb into water the solid is no longer there in one piece but the elements that used to make it up are now Scattered across the water. Does everyone understand?, Yes Caity?"

Caity then asks "But wouldn't the remains of the stones eventually fully disappear so wouldn't bath bubbles be a better example than a bath Bomb?" Mr Jones leans against the side of his table and says "Theoretically in some cases yes Bath Bubbles work better as a example but in others a Bath bomb works better."

Mr Jones Leans over to tap the next arrow again and gets up and points to the Board and says "The next type is Hydraulic action, This is a process in which the Water compresses the air within smaller cracks in rocks and forces it out creating new cracks breaking up the rock in the Process. It's like Blowing a balloon up so much that it pops as the air tries to escape. Now jot this down."

Mr Jones waits a few minutes and asks "Is everyone finished?" Most of the people nod and Mr Jones says "Good, Now for the last one, Abrasion, This is the Process where for example lets say a rock rolls down in a river over and over until it Rubs against the side enough that it eventually becomes smooth and the Rock gets smaller and smaller as more and more of it gets Rubbed off over time. Jot this last one down then I'll let you go 5 minutes early. Chat amongst yourself for now though."

So Joe turns to Dan and asks him "So what you got next?" Dan picks up a timetable from his pocket and looks at it and says "Music, What about you Joe?" Joe leans back and Says "Yeah I got the same." Suddenly Mr Jones says "You can all go now" So Joe and Dan get up and head off outside to the Music building. Whilst Ben Heads of to his Next lesson and says to the pair "I'll see you at lunch Joe, Bring Dan with you." Joe taps Ben on the shoulder and says "Yeah, See you there Ben."

As the Pair walk down the modern metal / Glass stairs to the bottom floor Dan asks him "So Joe how long have you and your family lived in What?" Joe thought for a moment and says "My family have lived here since my Great, Great, Great grandad Elderly Joe founded this town. I've never been outside the town, at least not properly, I've never seen a big city, which is something I really want to do."

as the pair walk outside Dan says to Joe "Oh really, I used to live in the a city it was loud, smelly and always so busy and super expensive. Living out here in What is a nice change from it. Perhaps we can go to a big city experience in the future?. "

Joe replies saying "That would be so EPIC, I really want to do that, Maybe in the summer or something?." as they walk into the Music Building.

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