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100% The summoner system / Chapter 1: Chapter 1
The summoner system The summoner system original

The summoner system

Author: Amy_221

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1


You know, I expected many things when I found out that I had died. I could have gone to either heaven or hell. Maybe I could have even become a ghost. But what happens to me? I get reincarnated into a medieval fantasy world.

My name is Izumi and I am seventeen years old. I am often considered as an adorable short boy who looks young for my age. I have golden blonde hair with slightly messy bangs on the left side with a section that frames my face at the front. I seem have Section Heterochromia seeing as my eyes are yellow with a blue gradient at the top of each iris. My eyes are more often than not regarded as unique.

I was born in a small village that was plagued by famine. My parents was also hit by it and lost their life soon after my birth. Thankfully, I was taken in by one of my fathers close friends. My uncle, Rasa, was a hunter that went out daily to make sure that we had some food on the table. Rasa was a gruff looking man standing at a height of nearly seven feet. His muscles having muscles looking to burst. But even if he looked intimidating, he was still family.

While I might not originally have come from this world, I soon considered it my own after accepting the fact that I would never return to my old life. The good thing however, was that it seemed like I had a little golden finger in the form of a system from those mangas I read back in the day. It activated when I turned ten years old, saying that I wouldnt have been able to handle the system before that.

- Flashback

`Ten years huh? Time sure flies by.´ I thought as I sat on the hill overlooking the village. I sat there in silence for hours at times when I feel like I have a lot on my mind. While sitting there contemplating life, I heard a sound in my head.

"Ding: Initializing system.... 10%.... 30%.... 70%..... 99%... 100%. Intitalizing..."

"What the....!?"

"Ding: Congratulations host for unlocking your own system. This voice is only here until you have completed the tutorial, so make sure to follow its instructions."

"Okay then... What do I need to know?" I said warily.

"Ding: Before you start the tutorial, you have received a message from the creator. Initializing...."

"A message huh? Lets hear it."

"Message play: Hello there Toya, or rather Izumi now. My name is... well its irrelevant. All you need to know is that I am the god that accidentally killed you off and as a sorry from me got sent into a new world. This world is large and contains many races such as demihumans, elves, dwarves and beasts. You will find out more later on that subject"

"What I want to tell you is that this is the lords system. It can also be called a summoning system. It has four functions."

"First is the shop where you can buy stuff from. Next is the summoning tab where you can see all of your summons status. Next is the inventory. Cant have you buy something and have it materialize from thin air can I now."

"Finally, there are quests. They cant be chosen manually, so no tabs on those. They pop up randomly when you are in certain situations. From them you can earn points or crates as I call them. Crates are where you can summon from. Your summons can come from your old world or even fictional worlds. Just know that they will all have basic knowledge of this world and be loyal to you and you only. Thats all from me. Have fun. - The great Touch me sama."

I just blinked owlishly at the now finished message. A system? at this time? Meh, whatever. I`ll just use it the best I can I guess.

"Lets test it out. Shop." I said.

A blue system interface appeared in front of me. It showed many things.

- Shop.

Lightsaber (customizable) - 10.000 ₱

Boots (leather, Knee length) 500 ₱

Low grade crate (Summoning) 2000 ₱

Mid grade crate (summoning) 10.000 ₱

Top grade crate (summoning) 20.000 ₱

I looked at some of the otions and could clearly see that I needed to do a lot of those quests before I could afford anything. I thought for a bit.

`It said that quests appear randomly and that there wasnt any interface for it. That leaves the inventory and summons tabs. Summons tab could be checked later seeing as I dont have any yet, but what about the inventory?´

I decided that I would check my inventory to see if I got any starter pack.

"Inventory." I said.

- Inventory

1x starter pack (lords system)

I saw it there. I wanted to know what it was, so I commanded for it to be opened.

"Ding: received 1x castle, 1x low grade crate, 1x dagger."

"What!? A castle? Why?"

"Ding: Message received. Playing."

"Hey there. I forgot to mention, but there is a reason its called the lords system. Any spot that you place that castle will be claimed as your territory for a certain radius. No one will know that you took lands from them. Your job is basically to become the greatest lord you can be while having some fun on the way (wink, wink) See ya later. - The great touch me sama."

I just sighed and started to once again contemplate what to do.

- Flashback end.

After that day, nothing much happened. I started to train in the use of weapons, but no matter what I did it seemed like I couldnt grow any muscle to actually wield them. I also got some small quests such as helping my uncle hunting, helping the small time farmers harvest their fields and so on. I never used the system other than that. I wanted to wait until I decided on what to do with the systems primary function. Me, become a lord? Hah, laughable. I originally came from the modern world and have absolutely no clue on how to govern my own land.

But the fact still stands that its what Im supposed to do in some sense. Luckily, now that I have turned seventeen I am considered an adult. This means that Its time for me to make a decision.

`On one hand, being a lord means that I can live a semi leisurely life. If you dont count the paperwork that is. Then again on the other hand, its a lot of work to start a kingdom or whatever I should call it.´

I kept contemplating for days on end attempting to find my answers. I felt like I was going crazy once I started to talk to myself. Yeah, no bueno there.

It took me almost a week of pure thinking before I found my answer. I would put my castle here in this region. That makes it so that I become the lord of my hometown.

I walked back on top of the hill that I so often frequent and looked over the vast expense of lands surrounding the area. I went into my system inventory and selected that my castle was to be put down here.

"Ding: Are you certain on this location? Once placed, the castle cannot be moved. Y/N?"


I said to the system, and before I knew it, the castle was being materialized in front of me. It was being built from the groumd up from what seemed to be blue whisps of fire.

Once finished, a mejestic castle stood there on the hill that I loved so much. It was white in coloring with green tiled roofs. (A/N Imagine Cair Paravel.)

"Well.... thats something...." I said, dumbfounded that such a large castle was now mine.

I soon collected myself and was about to enter until I heard a voice in my head again.

"Message play: Hello once again. I wasnt planning to contact you a third time when I let you come to this world, but when I saw that you never used the system afeter my last message, I had the thought that you didnt want it. Boy am I glad you do. This is however my last message to you. Now that you have a seat of power in this world, its time to use all that you have gotten to become the best ruler. Good luck. - The great touch me sama."

"Sigh.... just like always."

"Well, lets check this place out." I said and made my way inside.

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