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60.52% The Spartan who became a God / Chapter 39: Chapter 38 fixing the Surface of Darkadia and Getting First Actual Item From Companion

Chapter 39: Chapter 38 fixing the Surface of Darkadia and Getting First Actual Item From Companion

3rd person Pov

After sending his traveling companion out Dark sprint his time planning out what to do and after some thought he decides to use some of his points to get a basic terraformer and see what's left to upgrade his abilities to make him stronger for what's to come with that in mind he opens the system shop


Basic Planetary surface terraformer 1500 Divine Points

Intermediate Planetary surface terraformer 15000 Divine Points

Advanced Planetary surface terraformer 60000 Divine Points

Gaia Planetary surface terraformer 120000 Divine Points

Seeing the prices Dark shows confusion at why they are more expensive for the intermediate and above and not the same price as the atmosphere ones [ they are more expensive since these terraformers expedite the development of animal life not only changing the surface of a planets but also bringing actual animal life to the planet the basic one only provides the basic amount so it's cheaper and the fact that the system is giving you a discount since it's your first purchase on surface terraformers it would cost you 5000 Divine Points normally for the basic one] hearing this Dark does not complain just buys the basic one since he already got the basic atmosphere one and he needs to stabilise the planets ecosystem or the atmosphere will begin to degrade over time.

After getting the device from the shop it appears right Infront of Dark as Destiny informs him it's too big to be put into his inventory as I can only hold small or medium sized objects and items after hearing this he informs Red Queen that he has the surface terraformer for Darkadia and that it can be used due to how little the population of the planet is all residents of the planet were relocated to allow for terraforming the planet luckily once this one is done it will not be nessasry to do this again when terraforming as the basic one handles the basic needs of the ecosystem of the planet the others just build upon what the basic did.

It took about 3 weeks for the planet to be evacuated and once it was done Red Queen uses a few construction sentinels to place the device on the surface of Darkadia and activate before the eyes of many the planet started to changes at the speed visible to the human eye as trees mountains and bodies of water begin to appear on the planet.

During those three weeks the traveling companion had come back and been sent out many times most of the items brought back were documents on research the best out of the was the schematic for building T-800 from Terminator the best part is that these Terminators were absolutely loyal to Dark providing both a means of infiltration and a large combat force for ground invasions and due to the lack of population to have max capacity troops, although the other documents were mostly about different types of ground weapons like laser rifles and pistols which were used to arm both staff and troops but out of all these there was a document that had information on the T-Virus but not the normal one seen in the Resident evil games but a perfect one that made the user stronger and harder to kill due to the increaseed regeneration but without the side effects of becoming a zombie this was surprising because in the games or movies there was no perfect T-Virus so it must be the system correcting it for successfull use.

After giving the information on the perfect T-Virus to Red Queen and telling her to produce this for use of every member of his team Dark when on to plan what to do after the terraforming is done and the cities have been built after much back and forth in his own mind he finally decides to use the T-800 Terminator units to deal with the need for troops as well as having some infiltration units the normal ones will not have the bio skin and only be the normal ones the Infiltration units however will have it to make them look human so they can blend in and provide information.

After another day passed the planet stopped changing and Red Queen had sent some construction sentinels to build the first actual city on the planet once they were done they would move to the second than third the plan was to have about 5 cities to start to each placed in certain locations to cover the planet than divide the population to each of the cities the city leaders will be elected and responsible for the growth of the city although they have this they are not able to implement rules that has to go through Dark and what he calls the Pantheon since he and his team use Divine Points to get stronger it made sense on that note it was discovered that Lucy also has the same system that the rest of his team has and has joined his faction.

Even more suprising is that the faction tab has a chance not only does it indicate his team but also the team that was given names as well as a general representation of the general population and Thier occupations no in detail though it's just military, science,civilian and political the last covering those who hold power in the faction but not as much as the named individuals but it's surprising for the named Spartans to be here [ they are here because they received names from you personally making them classed as your personal troops the others can do the same personal troops only take orders from the one they serve no one else while also being loyal indefinitely since betrayal means losing any power they gained from the name or master they serve] Dark did not expect that their names give them power but it may work in his favour so he sent a message to his team about this new revelation telling them to select a team of Spartans to act as a team they can personally deploy.

After another week went by the first City was built and people were sent back to the planet to occupy it during this time the travelling companion was sent when ever it could be sent on the fifth day Dark got an actual item instead of research documents it was a small blue gem that has a resemblance to the space stone from the MCU but according to the system it's actually a Space energy gem made using the space stone as unlike the actual stone this one works like a battery once it's depleted it's useless and without the space gem charging it is impossible but nonetheless it's still useful in dangerous situations so he kept it in his inventory for later use it being the only item in there since he had emptied it out giving all the ammunition and weapons he had stored in there from the ring to the logistics department for use.

After storing the gem he went to the meeting room on the station to plan for the future of things since it was a priority to explore where the hell the wormhole goes in order to know what they need to prepare for to prevent any problems from happening once he arrives the other are waiting for him so he walks in and takes his seat before speaking " so we are all here I hop you guys took my advice and took a team of spartans to act as you personally soldiers anyway for the main point I plan on going on an expedition through the wormhole to see what's on the otherside so we can know what we are up against" the others nod at my comment " ok since we are all in agreement I will go and take beast team with me through the wormhole" the members of beast team that are currently standing behind Dark nod as for the team it's self it is the team that Dark had given names they became his personal soldiers and guards even though he does not need to have them it just shows his status after coming up with the plan Dark made some plans for what should be done while he is gone stuff like continue construction of the cities on the planet and the construction of a large amount of basic T-800 units after that Dark left to make preparations for the journey.

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