/ Fantasía / The Song of Gildas

The Song of Gildas Original

The Song of Gildas

Fantasía 6 Chapters 3.8K Views
Author: Eden_F_Lintern

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In the dark ages of England, an order of Christian soldiers hunt down heathen witch covens.
In leading a hunt, the pious Gildas comes across the seductive Lowenna, who quickly challenges his feelings.
His duty and future as a leader comes into question in this forbidden romance.

Meanwhile, his sister Constance who is more drawn to nature and their native heritage, has her beliefs and loyalties tested after a wild meeting in the forest.

By Eden F. Lintern

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Despite the (lack of) historical accuracy I did enjoy the setting of Anglo Saxon England. Each of the main characters have their own unique desires, traits and arcs.

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