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37.14% The Soldier Mage / Chapter 13: Chapter 13

Chapter 13: Chapter 13

Facing a still unharmed Isabella, Lucy casted her barrier once more as her current one was almost depleted.

This isn't right, Lucy thought. That was more than enough to break her barrier and damage her.

Grinning, Isabella launches another [Water Spear] at Lucy. Pulling back, Lucy tries to gain distance so she doesn't get enveloped in it once more but this time the spear strikes, the water looking like it was hardened.

Quickly, another mind break came and put Lucy off balance, allowing the water spear striking once more against her barrier.

Tsk. So annoying. I can use that move I suppose, the window will be small though.

With her barrier on its last legs, Lucy decided to try a final gambit. She steeled herself and endured the mind break, the pain being like a very acute migraine and used [Ignite] as Isabella used her water spear once more to try and finish this. Flames erupted from Lucy's hands and boiled the water spear, evaporating It. Lucy then closed in on her cousin and cast [Shock] on the flames while being close to Isabella.

The electricity reacted violently with the water mist and the fire, detonating into an explosion that sent both flying at opposite ends. Lucy's Barrier succumbed to the explosion and Lucy suffered damage. The best she could hope for was a tie, which was what she aimed to do by sacrificing herself like this.

On the opposite end of the ring, a triumphant Isabella stood up, her barrier finally now blinking out of existence.

Lucy's jaw dropped at the sight of it. That's insane! I know that the [Barrier] spell works by using a portion of your stats as a coefficient and that the spell level greatly helps but it took such a beating…

"Alright, match over. Isabella wins. Next up is…"

Lucy could not hear what was being said next. It was irrelevant. With this loss, she would go back home a failure. No more academy and friends, only her and mother. Despair filled her thoughts until she remembered that Wilfred and Lucius were helping her find out if Isabella was cheating. Yes, that must be it!

Looking around for her friends in the crowd, Lucy could not spot them. Did they run off on her? Argh, those useless guys!

Walking out of the ring, Lucy's shoulders felt heavy. All the cares of the world didn't matter to her anymore. Even her friends didn't have her back she reflected. It was a shame too because she actually liked them, even though she didn't show it. They were the only friends she made here. Sure, she had acquaintances here and there, people she used to study or train with. But nothing like what she had now.

Finally, out of the corner of her eyes, she spotted them. She walked purposefully towards them, taking long strides. She cracked her knuckles in anticipation of the punch she'd give them. It would release a lot of the stress she was holding in. But then she noticed they were next to the Headmaster, talking to him. Coming closer, she was able to overhear.

"Hmmm, it's possible. It's a very serious accusation though. There will be consequences if it's false. "

Wilfred nodded positively.

"I'll trust Lucius, I'm sure there was something fishy. "

Primus sighed and acquiesced.

"Very well, follow me then. "

Primus, Wilfred, Lucius and Lucy headed for the teacher in charge of the fights, Nicolas Trechar.

Lucy tagged along behind them, unsure where this was heading. She only heard part of the conversation but realized this was regarding her fate at the academy. If they could prove Isabella cheated, she wouldn't fail. All her hopes now clung only to Wilfred's plan, which she wasn't aware of.

After waiting for a lull in the fights, just before the next one would be announced, Primus motionned to Nicolas to stop the fights and cancelled the magic dampening field. Clearing his throat, he announced.

"Alright, quick recess. Everyone go take a break."

Gliding down to where Primus waited with the students, Nicolas made his way forward.

"What is it Headmaster?"

"There are grave accusations. These students here say there was cheating involved in one of the fights that miss Lucy fought in."

Shock and surprise could be seen on Nicholas's face. Wilfred looked intently at him but could not quite make out from his movement and actions that he was guilty. Having dealt with locals in dangerous areas, Wilfred was pretty confident in his ability to determine if someone was lying to him or not. At any rate, something was fishy here.

Nicolas replied.

"Really? Well, we'll have to get the person accused here so she can defend herself. I do hope they have proof Headmaster, no one takes kindly to their honor being besmirched."

Wilfred smiled and opened his hands.

"Oh, we do. Please go fetch the accused if you please, it's Isabella Rafal."

But you already know that, Wilfred thought. Why else would you refer to the accused person by their gender right. It only takes a small misstep to get caught in your lies.

Nicolas looked to the Headmaster who nodded and bowed, leaving to go find the student in question. Suddenly, Wilfred has a thought.

"Wait! Maybe it's best if we all go together, there can be no disposing of evidence this way."

Nicolas rubbed his hands nervously but had no choice but to acquiesce, seeing the Headmaster was also there.

Finding Isabella wasn't too hard as she also had private chambers due to her status. As the daughter of a Duke, there wasn't much she couldn't do or get, which explained the cheating. It was trivial for her family to buy her an enchanted item that would help her graduate and thus bring more prestige to the family name.

Nicolas knocked on the door and waited. A few moments later, a girl opened the door. It wasn't Isabella though, she was a bit taller and older, less chubby than Isabella and her hair was auburn. Lucy spoke from the back.

"Valery, we need to see Isabella."

Ahh, Wilfred remembered now. It was Lucy's half-sister. What was she doing here though?

"Oh? Well do come in then. It wouldn't be polite to let the Headmaster stand in the hallway."

The room inside was quite luxurious, even more so than Wilfred's. It seemed this was a private lodging owned by the royalty, lent to royal students who attend the academy so they do not have to mingle with the peasants. Upon entering, a few couches and chairs as well as tables are arranged for relaxation. To the right is a larger table with elegant tall chairs, likely for eating. Meanwhile, to the left is a series of doors likely leading to room of which there are five.

On one of the couches, Isabella is seated and drinking some warm liquid from a cup. Upon noticing who is entering the room, her smile turns into a scowl.

Everyone having entered, Primus addresses Isabella.

"Miss Rafal, there are some serious accusations towards you that are implying you cheated during a match, is that true?"

"I resent these accusations!"

Isabella glanced at Lucy.

"It's not my fault those lacking talent and power envy me. I will not take to these preposterous accusations! Valery, would you please go get the council?"

Valery left quickly without saying a word. Wilfred wished he could have stopped her but she was free to go if she wanted, she wasn't involved in this, at least not yet.

Isabella then resumed.

"If these accusations are proven false, I want the accusers expelled from this academy!"

Primus stroked his beard wistfully.

"Hmmm, I suppose that is fair. The council would likely side with you at any rate. Do you wish to continue with this Wilfred?"

Looking at Isabella and seeing her mischievous smile, thinking she had the upper hand made Wilfred's blood boil. It was a serious threat though. However, there were other academy's and Wilfred's life would not end here if it happened, plus he believed he had the winning hand.

"I do. We have proof."

"Hmppf, show us this proof then."

Wilfred motioned to Lucius to come forward.

"Explain to us what it is you saw Lucius."

"Well you see, when I was watching the fight, I used my [Inspect] ability while looking at you, hoping to find something and I did. When Lucy detonated her shield and you both flew away from the explosion, I was able to see an item. It was [Major Barrier Enhancement Trinket]. A level 17 trinket that when worn grants up to 320 % boost to the [Barrier] spell. As far as I know, using these is not allowed."

Seeing Isabella's reaction to how Lucius described her magic item all but confirmed it for him. She knew. The hard part would be getting her to admit it or else finding the item. If she was smart, she would have already disposed of it. Perhaps she couldn't though, maybe it's too valuable. Wilfred wondered the value of these things. His guns were likely worth a fortune too now that he thought about it.

At that moment, before Isabella could respond, Valery opened the door and the whole council also followed suit. The room was getting quite crowded, thankfully it was big enough to move everyone in. The older but rather good looking lady that had barged into Wilfred's room what seemed like years ago, stood at the forefront again and talked to Primus.

"I see you're trying to go behind our backs again Primus. Tsk. When will you learn. Matters regarding enrollment and student discipline are council prerogative."

"I do know Agatha, I have not taken any action yet, I've simply gathered the accusers and accused in one room."

Agatha huffed and puffed but could not do anything more. Then, Isabella spoke to the council.

"Dear Councillors, thank you for coming. I can assure you that I did not cheat, it'll be the word of these students versus mine. I can guarantee that my father would not be happy with you taking their side in this matter, especially with only this ridiculous claim as to what item I used. As you can see, I have nothing on me."

The council conferred for a brief moment but returned unanimous in their decision.

"If that is all, we will dismiss these frivolous charges and move on to more important things. Such as actually finishing this event."

Being at an impasse, Wilfred sought help from Primus and whispered to him.

"Hey, do you have any ability that can find if such a magic item would be in this room or any room next to it?"

"Hmmm, I do yes. [Detect Magic]!"

The Headmaster looked around the room after activating his spell and noticed something glowing in one of the rooms.

"I believe I've found the magic item, Councillors. It's located 24 feet from this location, on the second room on the right. Shall I go fetch it?"

Isabella instantly reacted.

"You can't! That's my room, you must respect my privacy!"

Agatha seemed concerned, distress apparent on her face.

"This is bad for image of the academy...You need to let us look Isabella, or else our judgement will be taken with you hiding something in consideration."

Isabella relented and let them enter her room. Agatha came out with a small box holding on a chain.

"And? Primus, is this the item in question?"

Primus used his [Inspect] ability, just like the one Lucius has and inspected the item.

[Enhancement Trinket]

Major Barrier Enhancement, Lv17

Effect: Augments strength of [Barrier] by up to 320%, scales based on Wil,Wis,Int.

Primus nodded solemnly.

"You can't prove it's mine! It's just an eye witness, who knows where else he could have seen this item? Maybe he broke into my room! There's no proof I used this in combat."

Wow, Wilfred thought. She's really fighting this, has she no shame? Perhaps the nobility are used to this, expecting to get out of these situations but if Wilfred had his way, it wouldn't happen. Agatha looked severely at Isabella.

"Shush now child, you've done enough damage as it is. Stop trying to wiggle out of it. The council believes the fight should be annulled, the results of it cancelled."

Wilfred smiled but his smile was cut short when they then announced that no other fight would be rescheduled, making this still an expulsion for Lucy and merely a loss of points for Isabella. This time, Wilfred addressed the council.

"Furthermore, Nicolas Trehar has been rigging the matches to ensure that fights went a particular way. How else would have Lucy ended up against her Cousin. Or me against Lucius and Hovard against me? Nicolas has been taking bribes from the nobles in order to help them!"

This one was purely a guess. It would make sense but there was no proof at all that Wilfred could find of this. But he needed the extra pressure to make something happen. Agatha and the council were clearly taken aghast, looking at Nicolas with fury.

"Is any of this true!?"

Nicolas choked on what he was drinking, quietly hiding in a corner out of everyone's sight.

"I...uhhhh...yes. I needed the money to pay back a loan my mother took..."

He hung his head low, ashamed.

Agatha pressed her fingers to her temple, clearly not able to process all the corruption happening in her academy. Luckily, Primus came to the rescue once more.

"My my, it would be such a shame if all this came to light. It would really shine a bad light on all of us here. I suppose there is a way that everyone would be satisfied with this though."

Like a man drowning in water, the council seized the rope.

"What is it? How?"

Wilfred answered this time.

"Wellll, obviously Nicolas needs to be reprimanded, I don't think he should tach anymore.As far as we are concerned though, perhaps granting Lucy another try would be good. Letting her start the year over once more at least."

Wilfred knew they would be against passing Lucy, even Isabella might try to use her influence to make it so, but this way, they'd all be at the same year and all sides could claim some kind of victory. Compromise is important.

"Very well, we can accept that. Lucy will start second year once more, Nicolas will be reprimanded by the council to our discretion and Isabella will have her win annulled. Now, if there is nothing else, I need to go take my mind off of these things."

Agatha left, followed by the council. Wilfred nudged his friends and left right after, trying not to stay too long near Isabella and Valery who would most likely be fuming right about now. Jumping with joy in the corridors, Lucy was light as a feather. She still had some chance! It was all thanks to Wilfred too. Without thinking, she swept him up and kissed him on the forehead.

It was easy to do since he was still so small.

"Hey! What are you doing, argh! I have some dignity, put me down!"

"Sorry! I'm just so happy and I wanted to thank you."

"If you want to thank someone, Lucius and Primus also helped out."

She then gave a big hug to Lucius, who blushed red like a tomato from it.

"You're...welcome. You'd have done the same for us too right? That's what friends are for. Plus, now we're all in the same grade!"

Lucy was barely listening, singing to herself and running along. Lucius sighed. Wilfred tried to cheer him up.

"Hey, let's head to my room and do a little party to celebrate. We'll buy some nice food and I'm sure there's some games we can play together, all 3 of us. Shame there's no video games though."

"Huh, video games? But yeah, a party sounds good."

Reaching Wilfred's room, something didn't feel right. He was sure he closed the door when he left but it was slightly open. Pushing it open gently and looking inside, his whole room was turned upside down. Every nook and cranny searched, his drawers open, his bed turned upside down. Someone had come to steal something.

"Fuck! No!"

Rushing over to his hiding spots, Wilfred tried to see if he could find the artifact guns he had hidden away. Unfortunately, two were missing.

Alteru Alteru

I do have sort of a general guideline plan made but I'd love to hear from you guys what you might want to see more.

MC is kind of young so I'm not having him really explore or detail all the surrounding world yet(Will do when older and out in the world) but that's something I could emphasize more if readers wanted.

Anyways, would love feedback! Just write your thoughts in a review, don't need to 5 star it. I'm just happy getting opinions.

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