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Chapter 3: First Fight

I peek out of the kitchen door and hear the commotion a bit clearer; it really sounds like a good fight has broken out. For some reason my ears perk up and I feel adrenaline rushing through my veins. I don't know why, but I really want to see all the action!

I jump down a few stairs and peek out through the railing to see that the downstairs has become even more trashed than before. All the regular people have cleared out and all I can see are pirates and chefs tangling.

Just about every table has been smashed or flipped over and chairs are either lying on the ground or being used as weapons. I then notice that Zeff is standing away from the fight, just watching. I frown in confusion at him; maybe he's just waiting to see if anyone needed his help? I doubt the pirates are leaving him out because he's old.

I move my gaze from him and eventually spy Sanji and he's...kicking major ass! Literally! The guy is spinning on his hands and kicking everyone around him like a pinwheel of death! It's actually pretty awesome! My eyes light up as Sanji puts down every enemy that comes his way, hand in his pockets and kicking away; who knew that guy could be such a fighter!

Unfortunately, my envy causes me to fall through the railing and onto the floor. I look up and a body is falling towards me. I jump away only to land in more chaos. I jump, flip and roll as much as I can; I had no idea I had the agility to do that! It felt as simple as breathing.

Luckily, none of the pirates seem to notice me. But c'mon, who would waste energy trying to take out a mouse like me? I suddenly leap back as a pirate swings his sword right in front of me before advancing on me. Apparently, this asshole.

"Look at that! The restaurant even has a pet!" The pirate says with a toothy grin. A vein pops on my head; what'd you call me? I continue to jump back as the pirate continues taking swings at me. It isn't long before I feel the wall behind me with my tail and I look up at the pirate. I scowl and sparks fly from my cheeks; I've had it!

I flip over him and begin running towards him. 'Back off, jerk!' White energy surrounds me and I fly towards the pirate. My head feels impact as I slam right into his stomach. A split second later, the pirate is flying through the doors and into the ocean. Didn't know I could do that either. Well, good to know I didn't forget how to defend myself.

"Not bad." I look up to see Sanji looking at me from his spot, watching the pirate outside flail in the waves, while kicking more pirates. "You got some skills under that cute face." Wait, what is that supposed to mean?

"Seems the rodent's actually good for something." Boss comments giving me a knowing grin. Wait...was he expecting me to put up a fight?

I squeak as another pirate grabs my tail and lifts me up. "What kind of rat is this?" he lifts his sword up to me. "Maybe if I cut you open I'll find out!" Yeah, how about, no? And while you're at it, let go of my tail! Seriously, what is with everyone grabbing my tail today?!

Electricity surrounds me and a three foot radius around me, causing the pirate holding me and multiple others to fall over. I land and notice that a few chefs got caught in the crossfire; whoops.

At that point, the pirates finally retreat back to their ship and the chefs let out loud cheers. Do these happen often here? This was one lively place, for sure. The cheers were short lived as a loud roar rings throughout the air, and we all know it's not thunder. We all rush outside, just as a giant sea serpent think breaks the surface. It rips its sharp teeth into the pirate ship that was retreating from the fight and just about rips it to shreds. Oh Arceus…

"It's a Sea King!" I frown; a Seaking? That...doesn't sound right. Do they have the right name? I swear, I know that Seakings don't look like that. I don't really remember what they look like but I know they aren't sea serpents. Anyway, most of the chefs hurry inside to not catch the monsters eye and I follow. However I look back to see that Sanji is standing there, without a care in the world.

"Pika!" I yell. 'Hey! Get inside, stupid!' The serpent swims towards him and Sanji leaps into the air, giving it a hard kick in the chin. I gape at the action as the serpent crashes into the water with a hard splash; good Arceus, how strong was this guy?

Unfortunately the serpent isn't finished; it breaks the surface again, and it looks pissed! The serpent roars and slams its tail, sending up a huge wave. It crashes right into Sanji, throwing him against the railing. He really caught him off guard as he was coughing and spluttering. "Sanji! Look out!"

The serpent lunges towards him, giving him no time to attack. That thing was gonna take a bite out of the deck and take Sanji with it!

'You idiot!' Before I know it, I'm bolting towards Sanji and the sea serpent. I jump up onto Sanji's shoulder and jump into the air from there, having charged up my electricity as I ran. I was gonna need a lot of juice to take this thing down, hopefully the ocean would help.

The sky practically lit up as I focused and shot a thunderbolt right at the serpent's head. The serpent screeched as my lightning covered its whole body, it's damp sea scales working against it by making the shocks ten times more painful. Water was such a valuable ally sometimes. After a few minutes, I stopped and the serpent fell into the sea, twitching and burned to a crisp. I might have overdone it this time.

I landed on the wet deck and grinned triumphantly at my kill before turning back to Sanji's shocked face. The other chefs look pretty shocked too; I guess they didn't realize how much lightning I really had in me. I waited for Sanji, or anyone, to say something, but all I got was silence. Well, I'm getting drenched so may as well get inside.

I trot past Sanji and into the restaurant where I give myself a good shake, getting all the water out of my fur, Sanji not far behind. "Impressive, for a dirty rat." I look up to see Zeff looking down at me. "From the way you move, you're more like a dirty guard dog."

My ears droop. 'Uh...thanks?'

Boss then looks up at Sanji, "You said this pipsqueak didn't have a home, right Sanji?" he asks. I have a name you know! At least...I think I do.

"Yep." Sanji says with a nod.

"Good, we won't have to deal with anyone to release this rat." Wait...I could stay? Was he actually offering for me to live here?

"Boss! You're not seriously thinking of keeping this thief are you?" Patty protests. I scowl and send a small lightningbolt towards Patty making him jump.

Sanji laughs "You're definitely a keeper!" I look at him in shock and Boss puts his peg leg down, grabbing my attention again.

"Alright Rodent, here's the deal." he says. "If you wanna stay here you'll have to work; you can't just wander around and steal food without pulling your weight." I give a hesitant nod in understanding. "From now on, if anyone causes any kind of ruckus, it's your job to get them out of here, no matter what it takes." My expression becomes a bit more invested; that didn't sound too hard. And I could do whatever it took to get them out for room and board? Not a bad deal. He glares at me. "But if I catch you stealing food again, you're going on the menu."

I take one step back in fear and the old man chuckles at me before looking up at Sanji. "The pipsqueak's your responsibility Sanji." he says before walking away. "If it causes any trouble, I'm kicking your ass too."

"Why me?" Sanji asks, barely hiding the whine in his voice.

"I think a shitty brat like you can get along with a shitty rodent just fine."

Both Sanji and I bristle. "What'd you say?!"

"Pika pika?!"

The other chefs laugh, "Yep, they're perfect together!"

"Like peas in a pod!"

Sanji and I scowl at them when Boss's roar shuts them up. "What are you gawking at?! Clean this place up!"

"Yes Boss Zeff!" they chant and get to work. "And Sanji," Boss adds. "Dry yourself off before you catch your death."

Sanji rolls his eyes and starts heading up the stairs. "C'mon," he says to me. "You're wet too." I follow him up the stairs and into his bedroom where he promptly grabs a small towel and begins rubbing me down. Once he's done, my fur is sticking up making him snort. I scowl at him and shake my fur, putting it back in its proper place.

"So, you shoot lightning, huh?" Sanji goes on as he dries his own hair and takes off his wet jacket and tie. "Can you do any other tricks?"

I frown. 'What do you mean 'tricks'?'

Sanji takes off his shoes and hangs his jacket and tie up in the bathroom to dry off. "Good thing you know how to fight, 'cause living here is gonna be rough." Oh thanks, that makes me feel so much better…

I jump up on the bed and start grooming my ears a bit; a little fur was still sticking up from the towel. Sanji washes quickly, hanging out the rest of his clothes and comes out wearing his pajamas. He sits down on the bed next to me, "Looks like we're stuck together," he says. "I don't think any of those other morons would want you in their rooms."

Well, you seem to be the only sane person compared to everyone else, so I think I'm totally fine staying in here. I flinch as his hand suddenly appears in my head, "You're a cute little guy, so I guess I don't mind you staying with me," Would you quit calling me cute? It got old the fiftieth time you said it. "But if you cause more trouble...I'm not sure about the whole cooking you up thing."

I quickly back away from his touch and glare at him, "Pika pika…" 'I swear to Arceus if you even think about boiling me-'

"Hey relax, I'm kidding!" Sanji says, albeit a bit nervously. I guess he remembered that I can fry him like bacon if I wanted to. "Besides, you don't even look edible; I don't think lightning would taste that good, even with my level of skill."

My glare softens and I allow myself to relax again. A yawn suddenly escapes me; that fight must've taken more out of me than I thought. Must be out of practice, if I even practiced fighting to begin with. Arceus, having no memory sucks!

I curl up on the blankets and I feel Sanji pet my back. I recognize the touch, surprisingly; so he was the one who pet me my first night here. "What am I gonna do with you?" I hear him say softly.

Well, as long as you don't eat me or do anything that results in my untimely death, I don't care what you do. The lights go off and I feel Sanji get under the covers before I fall asleep.

And our little friend has had it's first real fight! And even got a home out of it as a reward!

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