/ Fantasía / The Siren System Pirate

The Siren System Pirate Original

The Siren System Pirate

Fantasía 39 Chapters 26.0K Views

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Growing up, Evelyn had always wanted to be a pirate. But being the only orphan girl of an island, working day in and out with no family to go home to, she was worked to the bone. She was done with living the life she was forced to for the last 19 years. She escapes and and in a storm awakens at the temple of a Siren Goddess. Unaware of a deal stricken with her absent parents and the Siren, she's granted a system. Now back on the island and with the help of a few friends, she's truly free to sail the seas. She soon finds out the sea isn't for the faint of heart as dark forces seem to be lurking in every corner of the planet in pursuit of all Sirens. On a mission to become the greatest pirate to sail the seas of Neptune, now she must seek out and save her Siren sisters. Evelyn is fired up the set the world on fire!

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