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70.58% The Sin of Envy in Tensura / Chapter 11: Chapter 9

Chapter 11: Chapter 9

Mamoru, Rimuru, and Gobta trailed behind Kaidou as he led them out of the confines of the jail. Now, they strolled through the bustling streets of Dwargon, their destination set on a renowned smithery.

The city's pathways were skillfully paved, lined with a vibrant array of small shops that showcased the diverse activities of a nation bearing the name "The Armed Nation of Dwargon."

Merchants displayed their wares, craftsmen honed their skills, and the air was filled with the energy of a thriving community. The trio soaked in the sights and sounds, eager to explore the heart of this bustling realm.

In the heart of Dwargon, a nation steeped in a thousand years of history, life thrives in a harmonious blend of tradition and progress. Founded by the legendary dwarf hero, King Guran Dwargo, the country stands as a guardian of its heritage, safeguarding its cultural richness and technological advancements.

Dwargon has become a beacon of trade, attracting people from all races and walks of life. The nation's commitment to free trade has made it a bustling hub where merchants and artisans converge, exchanging goods and ideas. This vibrant atmosphere creates a tapestry of diverse cultures, fostering an environment of mutual respect and understanding.

One of Dwargon's defining principles is its unwavering commitment to neutrality. Violence finds no refuge within its borders, as the nation upholds a strict policy of non-aggression. Instead, diplomatic channels and peaceful resolutions prevail, allowing relationships to flourish and conflicts to be resolved through dialogue.


Speaking of relationships..

"No way, is this really happening?" Mamoru couldn't believe his eyes.

"Rimuru, do you see what I'm seeing?" Mamoru asked, perplexed.

If Rimuru had hands, he would rub his eyes in disbelief, but instead, he exclaimed, "Are you kidding me?! I didn't need to witness that!"

"So, I'm not dreaming..." Mamoru said, then turned to Kaidou and asked, "Can we take a different route to the smithery?"

"Sure, why not," the dwarf replied, unaware of the reason behind the request.

Phew, we made it. Mamoru thought as they finally reached the smithery, having taken a longer route to avoid a road bustling with happy couples strolling hand-in-hand.


They headed directly to Butterflies of the Night, an exclusive hostess club renowned for its enchanting female elves. The occasion called for a celebration, as they had just successfully completed the minister Vesta's order.

It was Mamoru's first time stepping foot in a hostess club. He had never been a fan of the concept of "selling your looks," but the combination of overpriced beer and beautiful women, particularly elven ones, was too tempting to resist.

"Welcome!" The hostesses warmly welcomed them, their attention immediately fixated on Rimuru. With excitement, they rushed towards the little slime, lifting him up and enveloping him in tight hugs.

"Lucky bastard," Mamoru chuckled, quietly muttering to himself as he observed the scene unfold before him.

Kaijin, the blacksmith, caught wind of Mamoru's remark and joined in, saying, "Yeah, let's go get a drink."

The dark elf approached Mamoru and asked, "Hello sir, is this your first time in Dwargon?"

She firmly took hold of his arm, unintentionally causing a slight squeeze against her chest, and guided him towards a nearby table where everyone would be seated.

Everyone took their seats as Kaijin cleared his throat and assumed a solemn tone. "Well, let's get down to business," he said.

The group exchanged glances, raising their glasses of beer and simultaneously uttering, "Cheers!" and "Kanpai!"

The evening continued with everyone having a great time. The dark elf revealed her skill in fortune-telling and even brought a crystal ball.

"Hey, Mr. Slime, would you like to give it a try?" she asked, and Rimuru accepted the offer. As expected, the result showed Shizu's presence, which didn't come as a surprise to Mamoru.

He wasn't the only one who recognized her, as she was a well-known hero named Shizue Izawa.

Mamoru understood that being a fated person didn't necessarily mean a romantic interest. However, it was unfortunate that Shizu had to sacrifice her life to alter Rimuru's fate.

"You can't save someone who doesn't want to be saved," Mamoru would say, acknowledging the harsh reality of the situation.

"It's your turn now, Mr. Vampire," she said cheerfully after everyone had calmed down.

"My fated person, huh... I'm not mentally prepared," Mamoru said, taking a deep breath. "But now I am. Show me."

"Here we go," she replied, beginning the process.

The crystal ball began shifting colors, transforming from a blank screen to something more revealing.

"Wow, they're all so beautiful!" one of the elves exclaimed, and her friends nodded in agreement.

"Why do you say 'they'? Like more than one ?" Mamoru asked curiously, but he hadn't yet watched the result.

Rimuru, being one of the most curious people present, was eager to see the fated person of his bro, Mamoru. Once the result became clear, Rimuru couldn't help but remark, "You're one lucky bastard."

Mamoru leaned in closer to the crystal ball, almost bumping into it before collapsing onto the couch.

"Is Mr. Vampire into polygamy?" teased one of the elves.

"Nuh uh, it could be just one of them, right?" he asked, turning his gaze to the dark elf who had just revealed his fated person(s).

She simply shrugged, wearing a smile as she replied, "Well, destiny works in mysterious ways."

'That's not really answering my ques..'

he thought to himself, but his thoughts were interrupted by the entrance of a man.

"It's Minister Vesta," Kaijin informed.

"Hey, do you allow monsters in this establishment?" Vesta questioned, grabbing a jar of water and approaching Mamoru. He was about to throw the water at him when Mamoru swiftly caught his arm.

"What were you intending to do? Is this how a politician treats guests in your country?" Mamoru questioned, his voice filled with disapproval.

"Let go of me, peasant!" he exclaimed, breaking free from Mamoru's grip and splashing the water at the slime.

'A brilliant scientist, yet so narrow-minded. What a pity,' Mamoru thought to himself.


The sound of Kaijin's punch connecting with Vesta's face echoed through the room.

"Do not disrespect Master Rimuru and Master Mamoru," he asserted.

He could have easily avoided this incident, but as he pondered the situation, Mamoru realized that if he played his cards right, he could potentially secure both competent workers and a scientist. He could even personally participate in Vesta's redemption arc.

However, he couldn't help but wonder if the outcome would be as favorable if he wasn't there. Unlike Rimuru, Mamoru wasn't sure that he was as nice as him, and he wasn't certain he could achieve the same result through diplomacy alone.


AN: Read author thought + I only posted it now because I was stuck on this chap and because of exams, I already started the next one :)

CanardOufti CanardOufti

In the next chapter, I will introduce a new verse that I hope you like.

Apologies to those who are not fond of harem stories, as this chapter will feature a small harem. I will ask for your input on which character you would like to see in the harem.

However, I haven't mentioned any specific names yet, so I have the flexibility to choose according to your and my preference. Behold the brilliance of my intellect, mortals!

Please note that the harem will consist of only one character from the new verse, and I already have a character in mind. I hope you'll be interested in this choice as well as it could be the easiest to get.

Spoil ahead: if I go with the girl I have in mind, the mc will not meet her in the first visit of this world.

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