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52.94% The Sin of Envy in Tensura / Chapter 8: Chapter 7

Chapter 8: Chapter 7

On their way to the village, Mamoru and Rimuru engaged in a conversation about their past lives, how they died, and their hobbies. They also discussed the unique skills they acquired upon reincarnation.

While Rimuru yearned for a humanoid form like Mamoru's, Mamoru couldn't help but feel envious of the skill possessed by Rimuru.

Mamoru recognized the immense potential of his skills, but still couldn't shake off that feeling.

The conversation flowed effortlessly between them, facilitated by their magical communication. Despite coming from different countries and speaking different languages, they found solace and connection through their shared thoughts and emotions.

"It's amazing how we can communicate so easily through magic," Rimuru remarked. "It's like we're playing a cooperative game, where our minds are in sync."

Mamoru nodded, a sense of camaraderie enveloping them. "Indeed, it feels like we're embarking on an epic quest together. However, we must remember that this is the real world, where challenges are not easily overcome and strength plays a significant role."

As they reached the entrance of the village, Mamoru announced their arrival with a sense of anticipation. "We've arrived, Rimuru."

The gates swung open, revealing Rigurd, who rushed towards them. Bowing respectfully, he addressed Mamoru. "Mamoru-sama, I'm glad you have returned safely."

Rigurd's eyes then shifted to Rimuru, curiosity shining through. "Master, may I know who this is?"

Mamoru gestured towards the slime on the ground and said, "Allow me to introduce Rimuru Tempest." Rimuru nodded in acknowledgement.

Mamoru turned to Rigurd, introducing the goblin lord. "And Rimuru, meet Rigurd, the Goblin Lord."

The mention of Rimuru's name sparked a mix of surprise and curiosity in Rigurd. "T-Tempest? Are you two... somehow related?"

Hmm, there's no need to mention Veldora. They wouldn't have much use for that information Let's keep it bewteen us until Rimuru is able to release Veldora from the Infinity Prison. For now, let's keep it simple, then.

Mamoru exchanged a knowing look with Rimuru, silently communicating their decision to reveal only certain information at this time.

"We are," Rimuru replied with a reassuring smile.

Mamoru couldn't help but chuckle softly. "Perhaps we simplified it too much."

Rigurd's curiosity lingered, but he respected their privacy and shifted his attention to the upcoming celebration. "This announcement calls for a grand party to celebrate the news. We will make sure it's a memorable occasion."

As the goblins busied themselves with preparing the feast, Mamoru took the opportunity to have Rimuru explore the village. Finishing by a shabby shack where the sick and injured were being cared for. Rimuru generously offered to heal them.

Watching a slime engulfing goblins and then expelling them fully healed was quite a sight.

Mamoru made sure to name the last few remaining goblins. With everyone now healed and prepared, it was time to head to the party.

The meal prepared that night was one of the best that Mamoru had since he arrived in this world. It was thanks to one simple element that could enhance the flavor of food: salt.

But here they were, deep in the heart of the forest. Where could they possibly find salt in such a remote location?

Again, the answer is simple: salt deposit.

Mamoru displayed incredible strength as he forcefully broke through the ground with his bare hands, clearing the way to access the underground salt deposits. With sheer determination, he used his physical prowess to dig deep into the earth, exposing the hidden treasure beneath.

On the other hand, Rimuru showcased a unique ability to absorb and ingest the soil. With a gulp, Rimuru devoured the earth, utilizing his special slime's intrinsic skill to extract the salt from the swallowed soil. His extraordinary capacity allowed them to separate the salt from the surrounding material, leaving behind a purified result.

Mamoru planned to take some salt with him when heading to Dwargon, as it could be used as a form of currency or traded for Dwargon coins.

After the party had come to an end and everyone had gone to sleep.

Mamoru and Rimuru found themselves beneath the night sky. Lying side by side on a mount overlooking the town, they couldn't help but reflect on their surroundings.

"So, what do you think?" Mamoru asked, breaking the silence.

Rimuru's voice carried a tinge of concern. "They are kind-hearted and welcoming, but it's saddening to see the difficult conditions they live in. We should do what we can to help them."

"Right, that's why tomorrow we'll go to a country named Dwargon to recruit workers. It's a diverse city with dwarves, humans, and elves..." Mamoru informed.

"That's a good idea. Wait! ero-EROFU?!"

And just like that, Rimuru wanted to join them, particularly because of the elves.

Mamoru smiled, sharing in Rimuru's enthusiasm. Being the descendants of fairies, Mamoru couldn't help but agree that their figures, *ahem*, their species, were truly fascinating.


At dawn.

Before setting off for Dwargon, Mamoru took the initiative to establish a set of rules.

"The first one is : Regardless of their race, whether they are human or monster, we should never attack them unless they show hostility. If someone acts aggressively, it's important to retreat if they are stronger than you or to fight back if you are stronger, and in both cases, you should let Mamoru or Rimuru know about it.

The second one is : No internal conflicts or fighting among ourselves, except for training purposes, of course.

The third rule is similar to the first one; no belittling other races. We value worth in our deffirence, you must respect anyone that deserve it.

That's all,"

Mamoru concluded with a smile, though he couldn't help but harbor a slight concern in the back of his mind. He hoped that the rules he had set wouldn't come back to haunt him in the future.

Still, he had chosen the rules carefully, so he believed everything would be fine.

With that settled, they embarked on their journey to Dwargon, which spanned over three days of travel. Occasionally, Mamoru would take to the skies, soaring above the convoy to gauge the distance remaining to their destination.

Only Mamoru, Rimuru, and Gobta stood in line, patiently waiting for their turn to enter the city.

Until a group of punks decided to provoke them.




AN: Should Mamoru be able to copy resistances ?

CanardOufti CanardOufti

Hope you enjoyed it and see you in the next chapter!

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