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41.17% The Sin of Envy in Tensura / Chapter 6: Chapter 5

Chapter 6: Chapter 5

The fence build by the hobgoblins and Mamoru was much stronger than the original.

Using various transport technique such as log rolling and lever action. The logs used for the fence were larger and taller.

All put together by a combination of [Sticky Silk] and [Steel Silk].

Mamoru wouldn't allow any direwolves to get too close to the fence, let alone pass him, they wouldn't even have a chance to scratch the fence.

It will still be usefull as a gate to enter the village. And give a sense of security to the town people.


The night has fallen and preparations were complete.

Everyone stood near the fence, ready for the impending events.

Some goblins wielded bows, taking aiming through the gaps, while others, like Gobta, carried clubs and swords.

A radiant full moon had taken the place of the once shining sun.

Mamoru, positioned at the gate, looked, with his golden eyes, at the moon in the dark sky. He felt completely in his element.

A powerful howl interrupted the conversation between Mamoru and the moon.

He couldn't believe his ears.

He turned to Rigurd and asked if direwolves typically announced their approach, to which Rigurd replied affirmatively.

Mamoru chuckled at that.

Don't they prefer surprise attacks? Their overconfidence will be their downfall, literally.

And so begins the ascent of the one who remains.

The wolf pack arrived just five minutes after their howling.

Standing 100 meters in front of the newly constructed fence, they seemed somewhat taken aback.

"Weclome to my humble home dear Fang Wolf Tribe!" Mamoru greeted 'warmly'.

"Father-sama, it's the monster we encountered before.." said the boss's son.

Taking a closer look at the man standing before him, he couldn't believe he was facing a monster.

"Nonsense! It's just a mere human who built a weak human fence!" shouted the leader.

"But father-sama, his aura was so powerful that we had to flee..."

"You were near the deity Veldora's cave! We shall tear that human apart and then snack on the goblins!"

Meanwhile, on the goblin's side...

"Hey you know I can hear you! You're beyond rude! I strongly advise you to leave at once!" exclaimed Mamoru.

Then, leaning toward Rigurd, he asked: "Tell me Rigurd, do I really look like I'm human ?"

"Mamoru-sama; your fangs, pale skin and your unordinary eyes colors clearly is a sign that you aren't human. With all due respect, I believe they are too far away to notice your fangs."

"Fair enough, thank you Rigurd," he replied, feeling slightly reassured.

Switching to the direwolfs...

"You guys, get them!"

Three direwolves dashed with great speed toward their side.

'Don't tell me I didn't warn you.' thought Mamoru before stretching his arms in front of him and said:

"Ice Rink," making the surface frozen and slippery.

With their current speed they couldn't change their trajectory and went onto the ice rink with great determination.

But their attempts were quickly thwarted.

Their paws slipped and skidded, leaving them in a tangled mess of fur and confusion.

With a series of flails, they lost their balance and slid uncontrollably, crashing into the fence.

As soon that they hit the fence, their skull were shattered by huge maces or struck by arrows incapacitating their movements.

The direwolf boss grew furious at being looked down upon by a lowly "human."

"PUNY HUMAN, I WILL DEAL WITH YOU PERSONALLY!" he exclaimed before charging towards Mamoru, intent on taking his head.


However, his efforts were in vain as he was abruptly halted in mid-air by threads.

"WHAT IS THIS?! I CAN'T MOVE?!" he cried out trying to break free.

The two sides were baffled, only Mamoru slowly approached the suspended direwolf.

"You see, Boss of the Fanged Wolf Tribe, these are sticky silk. But more importantly I'm not human."

Mamoru deployed his bat-like wings, their span measuring 2 meters.

And took flight, positioning itself in front of the direwolf's face.

With his big, bright, and menacing eyes, he locked eyes with the leader.

(how he look like, if you missed it)

"Y-you are..." stuttered the wolf.

"I am a vampire. Thanks for the meal," he said before sinking his fangs into the wolf's neck. Draining all his blood and magicules.

«Extra Skill [Keen Smell]; acquired

Common Skill [Thought Communication]; acquired.»

'Nice, now then,' he thought before turning to the remaining direwolf.

After wiping the corner of his mouth tainted with blood, he stated; "Your leader has fallen! You have two options, no three because I'm generous."

Using [Coercion], or at least its weakest form, he began listing their options.


THE SECONDT ONE: my personal favorite, YOU SUBMIT TO ME!


As he listed their options, he gradually intensified the level of coercion used.

'Impressive, their willpower is remarkable.' thought Mamoru.

Despite being pinned to the ground, they persisted in their advance, eventually coming to a stop near Mamoru.

In unison, they shouted, "WE WILL ALL SUBMIT TO YOU!"

That's a smart choice.

"Good, but you must promise that you won't fight with the goblins anymore. I won't tolerate violence between the monsters I oversee, understood ?"


Let's trust them.

Mamoru glanced at the fallen direwolf and asked the soon-to-be new leader.

"How do you mourn the dead ? Would you like me to help you bury them ?"

Direwolves typically do not bury their deceased comrades. Instead, they tend to cover the body with dirt or leaves, placing it away from their living area to prevent the spread of disease or attracting predators.

"Alright, find a nice spot for that. Afterward, get some rest. We have a busy day ahead."

"Thank you, Master. We will do as you said."


While the direwolves were busy moving the bodies, Mamoru returned to the village.

Rigurd was waiting for him at the gate.

"You should also get some rest, Rigurd," advised Mamoru.

"Yes, my lord, but first I wanted to express my gratitude," he said, bowing at a 30-degree angle. "Thank you for protecting the village tonight."

"That's what I promised after all. About the dogs *ahem* I mean the direwolf, I know your situation but try not to show too much animosity. I want the goblins and direwolves to cooperate together; it will be beneficial for everyone."

"It is the survival of the fittest, so if you think it's best, Mamoru-sama, I have no objections."

The survival of the fittest.. it's a cruel world we live in. Still, if he can use it to his advantage, he will.

"I think it is. Well, see you tomorrow Rigurd."

CanardOufti CanardOufti

Couldn't find any info on how direwolf mourn the dead, so I went with the way that real life wolfs do it.

I thought he would meet Rimuru in this chapter but it took longer from what I had planned. My bad.

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