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50% The Sigma Werewolf / Chapter 1: The End Is The New Beginning
The Sigma Werewolf The Sigma Werewolf original

The Sigma Werewolf

Author: Senseisan

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: The End Is The New Beginning

[24 Hours Before The End]

"Listen Mike, I know you're usually easygoing, but how can you let him walk all over you like that?" An unusually tall and handsome youth spoke as he ate the spicy chicken wings in front of him.

"How would making a scene change anything?" Mike responded casually as he finished up his fries.

"Maybe it wouldn't, but at least you'd teach that prick a lesson." The dark-haired youth continued, seemingly more enraged than his friend.

"That's a waste of time, and I've nothing to prove. You know that." Keeping up his casual attitude the curly-haired youth replied while sipping his drink.

"What happened to you Mike? The old you wouldn't think twice before throwing hands. No one would even dare look at you the wrong way. Every chick would come running into your arms. Really Mike, what happened?"

Mike paused for a moment, looking thoughtful. The memories of his past, of a version of himself that was indeed more confrontational and fierce, played in his mind. With a soft sigh, he finally spoke, his voice tinged with nostalgia.

"I guess I've just seen too much, Jake," Mike said, leaning back in his chair. "Back then, I used to think that showing strength meant being tough on the outside, but life has a way of teaching you lessons."

Jake raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Mike's response. "What do you mean?"

Mike glanced around the bustling diner, his eyes settling on the people around them. "Look at them, stressed, angry, bitter. Everyone is fighting for something, and they lose themselves in the process. But I don't want to become like them, I want more from life. What's more, I don't want to carry any more anger in me."

"Isn't that a bit idealistic, Mike? What hit you all of a sudden?" Jake asked, a hint of skepticism in his voice.

"It might be," Mike admitted, "but I'd rather not waste my energy on stuff that doesn't matter in the long run."

"But what about standing up for yourself?" Jake insisted. "You can't just let people walk all over you."

"So what, should I have knocked him out just because?" Mike replied calmly. "What if he was just having a rough day? What if his mother just died that day? What if his car was stolen?"

Jake pondered Mike's words, taking a moment to absorb the idea. "I guess that never crossed my mind" he admitted, his anger beginning to subside.

As the two friends sat there, the gravity of Mike's words sank in. A sense of understanding blossomed between them, each recognizing the wisdom in the other's perspective.

The diner's atmosphere felt a little lighter as the evening sun painted the sky with hues of orange and pink.

"Are you coming to Jessica's party? It's tonight you know, she's been asking about you the whole week."

"Jessica's party?" Mike chuckled, shaking his head. "Nah, I'm good. I'm not bothered about Jessica anymore. We've moved on, and it's all good vibes now."

Jake raised an eyebrow, a playful grin forming on his face. "Oh, come on! You know she still has a thing for you. You could totally charm your way back in."

"Nah, I don't need that drama," Mike said, waving his hand dismissively. "Life's too short to dwell on the past. Besides, I've been focusing on myself lately, you know? Trying to be the best version of me and all that."

Jake nodded approvingly. "Respect, bro. I'm glad you're finding your balance. It's just wild to see how much you've changed since back in the day. You're the last person on earth I thought I'd be having this type of conversation with."

"But really what happened to you?" Jake asked, knowing that something must have happened to his childhood friend, to invoke such a drastic change.

Mike looked down for a moment, a hint of sadness crossing his face. "I'd rather not get into that. Let's just say that losing someone close to you makes you reevaluate everything."

Jake's expression softened, understanding dawning in his eyes. "Man, I had no idea you were going through all that. I'm sorry for not being there for you when you needed it."

"It's all good, bro," Mike replied, giving Jake a reassuring handshake. "It's been a journey, but I've learned to appreciate the good moments and let go of the stuff that doesn't matter."

As the conversation continued, the two friends opened up to each other, sharing stories of triumphs and challenges, and discussing their dreams and aspirations. It felt good to have this type of heart-to-heart talk, something they hadn't done in a while.

After his short reunion with his childhood friend, Mike bid his farewells and started heading towards his house. As Mike walked home, his mind buzzed with memories of the evening.

He felt a renewed sense of connection with Jake, grateful for the opportunity to share his growth and struggles with someone who had known him for so long. Yet, amid the pleasant thoughts, a lingering sadness remained, triggered by the memory of his mother and the void she left behind.

Lost in his thoughts, Mike approached a busy intersection. The traffic lights turned green, signaling the cars to go. At the crossing, he noticed a little girl, probably no older than five, standing alone on the side of the road. She seemed hesitant, looking both ways, unsure of when to step forward.

Without a second thought, Mike's instincts kicked in. He sprinted towards the little girl, shouting, "Hey! Stop!" He reached her just as she took a step onto the road. In that split second, he knew he had to do something.

With all his strength, Mike pushed the girl out of harm's way, shoving her back onto the sidewalk. The world seemed to slow down as he turned around, facing the oncoming truck. He knew he wouldn't have enough time to get out of the way, but he still tried.

As the truck collided with Mike, everything went blank. The world faded away, and all he felt was a profound sense of peace. In his final moments, he thought of his mother, hoping that she knew he had found the strength to change and become a better person.

People rushed to the scene, horrified by the accident. An ambulance arrived quickly, but it was too late. Mike's heart had already stopped beating.

News of Mike's heroic act spread rapidly through the community. He had sacrificed his life to save a little girl he didn't even know, leaving behind a legacy of selflessness and kindness. The diner, where he had shared a heart-to-heart conversation with Jake just moments before, turned into a place of mourning and remembrance.

As his friends and loved ones gathered to honor him, they realized that Mike's transformation had been more profound than they could have imagined. In his final act, he exemplified the true strength he had come to embody – not in aggression or anger but in compassion.

In the days that followed, Jake couldn't help but think about their last conversation, how Mike had explained the importance of letting go of anger and being at peace with oneself. Now, as he stood at his best friend's funeral, Jake vowed to carry on Mike's legacy. Later in life, Jake would end up becoming the President of America - his friends' memory driving him to pursue peace between nations.

The little girl Mike had saved, now aware of the sacrifice made for her, grew up with a deep appreciation for life and a profound sense of gratitude. She would never forget the man who had given his life to protect hers, and she would carry the lessons he taught her throughout her journey. As it would happen, she would end up becoming the biggest singer of her generation - Mike's memory would lead to her making several hit songs, immortalizing him as a hero.

And so, as the sun set on the day of his funeral, the world mourned the loss of a remarkable man who had left an indelible mark on everyone he had touched. In the face of adversity, Mike had chosen to save another, he had left a powerful message for humanity.

However, for the man in question. It seems his story has not yet ended.

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