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55.55% The Secrets Of The Gordian Knot: Book Of Secrets / Chapter 5: Chapter 5 - Ebbingdale's Wonders For Wizards

Chapter 5: Chapter 5 - Ebbingdale's Wonders For Wizards

James and Melissa got up early the next morning and walked across Broadway to Ebbingdale's, Celestia brought along her apartment's caretaker. It was a huge department store, with a large sign in neon lights. And the building was purple. Very purple.

"Have you ever had a bagel, twins?" Celestia asked.

"Yes." said James, "But not an authentic one in New York City."

"Fair enough. I know a good place for breakfast. They make great bagels."

As they walked inside, the inside of the store was enormous. There were stores on every floor, in the shape of an arch. The entire store was full of children, walking here and there buying their supplies for school. James wished he had about eight more eyes. He turned his head in every direction as they walked up the trying to look at everything at once: the shops, the things outside them, the people doing their shopping. A plump woman outside an Apothecary was shaking her head as they passed, saying, "Dragon liver, twenty dragots an ounce, they're insane...". There were shops selling robes, shops selling telescopes and strange silver instruments Harry had never seen before, windows stacked with barrels of bat spleens and eels' eyes, tottering piles of spell books, quills, and rolls of parchment, potion bottles, globes of the moon. . .

They first stopped at a bakery called "Kowalski's", stocking up on delicious baked goods. "All of the best stuff for school is up on the second, third, and the top floor," said Celestia.

"Where do we get our wands?" said Melissa. "Is it like at Ollivander's?"

"They have lots of great wand shops here in New York City. But most of the first years don't get them until they reach Ilvermorny. I already have a wand." She reached into her purse and brought out a wand made from a gnarled white-colored wood. It looked to be very old. "I have what is called a 'Bristlecone Legacy Wand', made from a bristlecone pine, the oldest trees in the world. These wands are for those who are destined for long life, reserved only for some of the wealthiest pure-blood families in America. They mistakenly thought that the wands gave their master long life, but once the wands accept its master's loyalty, they accept only the witches and wizards of the same bloodline much faster. This lead to the tradition of Bristlecone Legacy Wands. This wand is made from a 4,800-year-old bristlecone and has a Thunderbird tail feather core. It's supposed to be very powerful."

"Wow. So, what do you wanna do?" said Melissa.

"I say we look around, get what the things we need on our list and then meet up back at Kowalski's at around noon?"

"Sounds good to me." James opened up the list, checking it twice:




First-year students will require:

1. Three sets of plain work robes (black or blue)

2. One plain pointed hat (for day wear)

3. One pair of protective work gloves

4. One winter cloak (black, silver fastenings)

Official uniform will be provided at school.


All students should have a copy of each of the following:

Chadwick's Charms: Volume 1 by Chadwick Boot

A History Of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot

A History Of Magic in North America by JK Rowling

Magical Theories and Philosophy by Alexander Waffling

Tantalizing Transfiguration: Volume 1 by Claudius Cattermole

Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them by Newt Scamander

Native American Magical History And Culture by Joseph Medicine Crow

Magical Drafts And Potions by Arsenius Jigger

Magical Plants Of North America by Isolt Sayre

Defensive Magical Theory by Wilbert Slinkhard

Dark Forces: A Self-Protection Guide by Anna Nikola

A Wizard's Guide To The Night Sky and to The Solar System by Emaline Goode

Charting The Cosmos by Tesla Manning

A Brief History Of Time by Stephen Hawking

Moon Map - Understanding The Phases Of The Moon by Stella Luna


1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)

1 set glass or crystal vials

1 telescope (either kind is acceptable. We recommend a refracting telescope)

1 set brass scales

Students will bring, if they desire, either an owl OR a raven OR a hawk OR a cat OR a toad.

"Do you guys have any money?" Celestia asked

"Yes. She gave us about 1000 dollars each to buy our supplies."

"Well, in America, we call our money 'dragots' and 'sprinks'. They also accept No-Maj money too. I have some money if you guys need it. My parents gave me way too much." She reached into her purse and grabbed about 40 Dragots. Giving them 20 Dragots each.

"Ms. Angell..." said the butler., "Are you sure it's a good idea to give money to these two?"

"Of course. They're my friends, Willoughby. They need it more than me." Willoughby looked astounded.

"Thank you, Celestia."

"I say we get our books first at Shirah's Bookstore." There, they bought books including Chadwick's Charms: Volume 1 by Chadwick Boot, Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger, and Tantalizing Transfiguration by Claudius Cattermole. The shelves were stacked to the ceiling with books as large as paving stones bound in leather. Some were the size of postage stamps in covers of silk, while there were books with symbols on the covers and some with nothing on the covers at all. They went to Luna Strella's Shop for Astronomical Wares and both bought a new reflecting telescope, a star chart, and the books for class, including Charting The Cosmos by Tesla Manning and A Wizard's Guide to The Night Sky and The Solar System by their new teacher, Emaline Goode. The shop was filled with children scrambling for their supplies for school.

"I didn't know Emaline wrote a book."

"Well...she did," said Celestia. "She was also the first Ilvermorny student to ever go to Hogwarts."

"Which house was she sorted into? Was it Gryffindor?"

"I don't even remember."

"I was in Ravenclaw." a familiar voice said. It was Emaline herself.


"Yes. It was Ravenclaw. I went the same year as Harry Potter began his schooling at Hogwarts and found the Sorcerer's Stone. The one was created by the famous alchemist Nicolas Flamel."

"THE Harry Potter? I thought he was a myth!"

"Oh no, Ms. Angell. If you've been reading those books about him, you'll find out that he is very real."

"Hi, Emaline!" said Melissa.

"Hi!" She came over and gave the twins a big hug. "How was your train ride to New York?"

"It was great. We made lots of new friends. What are you doing here?"

"I'm here for a book signing for new students. And speaking of which..." She walked over to her table, taking three books and signing them and they came back, giving them to the twins. "Here you go." She also gave them each a brand new telescope.

"How much?" said James.

"They're on me. You are my friends but the next time we meet, I will be your teacher."

"Thank you, Emaline," James said. She looked at him weirdly. "I mean, Professor Goode." This time, she smiled.

"You've met Professor Goode?" Celestia asked with a look of shock on her face as the three of them walked away. Emaline waved and returned to her seat.

"She came to our house. A few days ago." said Melissa, "Said that we were accepted into Ilvermorny."

Next door, a low, soft hooting came from a dark shop with a sign saying Avery's Aviary. Including Tawny, Screech, Barn, Brown, Great Gray, Great Horned, Barred, and Snowy. But there were also screeches from falcons, hawks, and eagles.

"Do they use owls at Ilvermorny?" James asked Celestia, "Like they do at Hogwarts?"

"They used to, but not anymore really." said Arsenia who was nearby, "They do allow owls but let's be honest; They're very rarely used. We also use ravens. Very smart birds. Most of the rich kids use the birds of prey."

"Oh hey, Arsenia. What are you doing here?"

"I'm getting a new owl. My old one died over the summer. By the way, where did you guys go? I lost you at Grand Central Terminal!"

"First, we went to the MACUSA Headquarters then Celestia was nice enough to let us stay at her apartment the next street over."

"Well, shit. I stayed with a friend over in Brooklyn. I had no idea. I went to look for you guys at Grand Central and you were gone."

"Hey ladies," said James, looking at his list. "I think the next thing we should get is our robes for school."

"Sounds like a plan," said Celestia. "I have some other of my own to do. I'll meet up with you at Kowalski's for lunch."

They got their robes for school at Count Caractocos's Robe and their cauldrons and supplies for Potions class at the apothecary just across the aisle and they returned to Kowalski's for lunch. "Hey, Arsenia!" said a girl, who was with a boy.

"Oh, man! Hey Mercy!" Arsenia said as she immediately rushed over to the girl and gave her a hug.

"Hey Quentin!" she then gave the boy a hug, "Hey, twins! Come over here!" James and Melissa came over.

"These are my teammates and my friends, on the Thunderbird Quidditch team. Mercy Wardwell and Quentin Kowalski. Guys, this is Celestia Angell and James and Melissa Evercreetch. They're first years."

"Nice to meet you, Evercreetch twins. Welcome to Ilvermorny." Mercy greeted and then shook their hands. Arsenia's friends sat down. "So you guys play Quidditch?" James asked.

"Yep," Quentin replied. "These two have been playing with me since my second year."

"What is Quidditch?" Melissa asked. Arsenia and her friends looked at each other and stared.

"What's Quidditch?" said Mercy, "Well, it's just about the best game in the wizarding world. Ever! We play it quite differently at Ilvermorny than they do at Hogwarts. It's competitive, fast, dangerous, and intense and a lot more violent and brutal and we like to fight. You wouldn't dare take the field unless you knew how to use your fists."

"And there's a hitch:" Quentin added, "They have playoff games. The best two teams play against each other in the finals on the Fourth Of July. The winner, not only takes home the Cup but also wins the House Cup."

"Sounds like fun," said James.

"It is," said Mercy. "It's a rip-snorting good time."

As the late afternoon sun hung in the sky, Celestia, Arsenia and the twins went for dinner at a place called The Blind Pig, a wizarding pub at MacDougal Street in Greenwich Village.

"What is this place they're taking us to, Celestia?" James asked.

"The Blind Pig," she said. "Used to be a speakeasy during Prohibition. Now, it's an inn. They make good food, too."

"Most of the students stay here with their families, too," said Arsenia.

As the sun began to set, Arsenia led them her friends down an insalubrious alley covered in discarded products, crates and bins. "Down this way," she said. James made sure to look at the ground, careful not to step in any filth. In front of everyone was a set of steps that led down to what appeared to be an underground basement apartment and everyone followed Arsenia down. The steps led down to what appeared to be a dead-end, but looks can be deceiving. The doorway looks to have been bricked up, unable to grant entrance. Covering the doorway was a poster of a debutante in an evening dress, looking at herself in a mirror. "This is it," said Mercy. As they arrived at a dead-end, Arsenia took out her wand. "Revelio," she said. A door appeared.

Taking in the surroundings, James noticed that the Blind Pig was pretty dark and shabby. There were wanted posters either torn off or intact. A few old women were sitting in a corner, drinking tiny glasses of whiskey and men, pints of beer. One of them was smoking a long pipe. A creature in a top hat was talking to the old bartender, who was quite bald and looked like a toothless walnut. The low buzz of chatter stopped when they walked in. Melissa could hear singing coming from a goblin singing some blues music with his band.

"Hello, kids." said the bartender, "Are you eating in tonight?"

"Yes, sir," said Arsenia. Everyone took a seat at a table near the bar.

"What is that thing?" said Melissa, pointing at it.

"It's called a Pukwudgie," said Celestia. "You'll see lots of them at Ilvermorny."

"There's one name William and we think he might be the same William who was befriended by Isolt. If he is, then he has to be more than 300 years old."

"Who's Isolt?" said Melissa.

"Isolt Sayre. One of the co-founders of Ilvermorny," said Celestia. "And she was the founder of Horned Serpent. My house." As they were talking and waiting for their dinner, the twins came across a familiar sight, eating her food. It was Emaline once again. "I'll be right back," said James.

"Professor Goode?" Emaline looked up and saw him.

"Hi, James. Again," she said. "You and your sister just seem to be everywhere. We're here with some friends?"

"Yes, ma'am," said Melissa.

"Are you two okay?" she said.

"Everyone thinks my sister and I are special. Our parents, our new friends, our family but we literally know nothing about magic. How do they expect good things from both of us?" Emaline leaned across the table and wore a very kind and sweet smile on her face. She then got up and kneeled in front of them, placing both her hands on their shoulders.

"You'll learn fast enough; both of you. Everyone starts their beginnings there at Ilvermorny. You are going to make many new friends. All your life, James, you have been singled out and that's really hard. But you have your twin sister here to protect you. She's always been there for you and you've always been there for her. Just be yourself. I also promised your mom and dad that I would watch over you. Like a hawk. You're going to have the best time ever at Ilvermorny - I did - and I still do. That place changed my life forever."

"Your dinner is ready, you two." said the pukwudgie.

"I need to go, James and Melissa. Go over there and be with your friends. Professor Fontaine wants every teacher back at school. I will see you guys at Ilvermorny. Tomorrow. I have one more thing for the both of you." Emaline reached into her messenger bag and grabbed an envelope and gave it to James.

"These are your tickets to Ilvermorny." she continued, "August 31st - Penn Station - Platform 10 and-a-half - 10 am- It's all on your ticket." She gave them both a wink. "See you soon, twins." James examined his ticket and looked confused. "Hey, Professor Goode?" When he turned around to talk to her, she was already gone. He then returned to his table and sat with his friends.

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