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100% The Secret of the Safe / Chapter 1: The Shocking Robbery
The Secret of the Safe The Secret of the Safe original

The Secret of the Safe

Author: ShaheerUsui

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: The Shocking Robbery

It was around half past 11, the whole city was surrounded in silence. There were a few tuck shops open in the market probably waiting for the costumers who would like to have a smoke after the second show from the cinema. Occasionally some truck would be seem to run through the road piercing the heart of silence. The cold was on its peak. Due to the cold, the city was covered in silence so early. Otherwise in the summer there was usually traffic on the highway almost all night long. But the situation right now was that even though the city's famous noble Mr. Agarwal's mansion location being in front of the busiest road couldn't stop 2 mysterious man enter itself.

These both came in a tiny beautiful car, which they left on the other side of the road and walked towards the fence of the mansion. It was Dark near the wall and because they had wore black clothes they were lost in the darkness like water in milk. The one man kneeled down and let the other person stand on his shoulder; he then started to rise up slowly so the man standing on top would reach the ventilator. The person who was now at the top of the ventilator moved the window upwards and took a sneak. There was a dim blue light bulb shining in the room. Perhaps the man was lucky enough to find a high table right under the ventilator. He slowly descended on top of the table. Now the man who was left outside calmly crawled to the front door. There was a light blub shining on the front door, it was not possible to hide there so he went to the middle of the road. His overcoat collars were lifted up above his ears and the flat hat was bent over his face in such a way that his features were hidden in the darkness.

After a while a crack open at the front gate and the man standing around came running towards it. And in a split of moment he was now also inside the mansion.

Holding each other hands they hiding in the darkness they were slowly moving forward. Darkness was spread all around. At one point, they could see a light from a window of a door of a room from upstairs. They lit a flashlight to confirm where they were right now. It was a big hall where there were a lot of couches .There were huge frames hanging from the wall, and expansive carpet covering the floor. On one side there were precious marble stairs to go up. There was quietness in the hall, they slowly started to climb the stairs. They went up towards the door and peaked from where the light was oozing out. The door of the room was not locked. One of the man opened the door slowly, Mr. Agarwal was writing something facing towards the wall. They both entered the room extremely slowly that Mr. Agarwal didn't even notice something.

"Mr. Agarwal" One of the man said calmly.

Mr. Agarwal was shocked and turned around quickly. He just moved his lips and was about to say something but the other man took out a revolver.

"No voice out of your mouth" the man with the revolver said in a threatening tone.

Mr. Agarwal face become pale but he still manage to make out words from his mouth and said, "Who are you and what do you want?"

"Don't worry, if you sit quietly we will not kill you." The second one said.

"You both made a mistake by coming here!" Mr. Agarwal said "you won't get anything good here. I keep all my cash in bank."

They both start laughing.

"We are not petty thieves" the second man said.

He turned around towards his other partner and said, "You stay here".

He turned towards a small door.

"Why are you going towards there, that is my sleeping room." Mr. Agarwal said"

"And that is also the place where you have kept your safe." Second one said.

"But the keys are downstairs." Said Mr. Agarwal

"I don't need keys" the second one said and went into the room opening the door."

The first man with the revolver was continuously standing near Mr. Agarwal.

Many times Mr. Agarwal tried to sneak past him but every time the revolver is cold barrel touched his forehead.

"I don't think you understand the situation here. If you tried to be over smart or you will be killed right here. Do not think of this as a threat. There is a silencer in this gun, no one will hear a thing and we would be going ahead after killing you."

"I see. That's alright but you are being foolish. You won't be getting more that 2 or 3 thousand out of the safe."

"Well that's none of your business." The man with the revolver said calmly.

Mr. Agarwal went silent but his eyes were locked towards his sleeping room.

The pendulum clock ticked to twelve. The second man was still in Mr. Agarwal's bedroom. People stated coming towards the road as the second show ended. After a while, the other man came out of the room.

"So Boss, how did it went" asked the first man.

It was fine. Second man said. "Now pass me the revolver and tie him around the chair and stuff a cloth in his mouth so he don't start shouting just after the second we left.

The first man gave the revolver to the boss and started to tie up Mr. Agarwal with the chair.

Don't stuff a cloth in my mouth, I promise I won't shout." Said Mr. Agarwal.

"Mr. Agarwal, if you were this faithful, we wouldn't have to do this." Said the second man while the first man stuffed a cloth in his mouth.

The both just stepped into the hall that shouting came from upstairs saying "Help me, Help me". Maybe Mr. Agarwal has managed to take out the cloth from his face. After that in the darkness 2 or 3 people voices came running towards the shouting.

"I think the voice is coming from the Sir's room!" said one of the running man.

"Yes, let's move upstairs!" a second voice came.

Now footsteps started sounding out from the stairs.

"Boss, what should we do now?" the first man asked

"Come on lets go towards the front door" said the boss

"But I think there are men surrounding the front door." The first man said

"Don't worry, just move forward. I will work something out." Said the boss

Both very quickly went towards the front door, which was closed, from the inside but voices were coming from the outside, maybe people were waiting for the door to be opened.

Boss started to yell after coming in front of the door "DAMMIT! HELP ME! HELP ME!"

People started slamming the door from the outside after listening to the voice.

The boss opened the door while shouting. Now the first man also following his boss and started shouting too.

The people started coming in shouting, "WHAT HAPPENED! WHAT HAPPENED?!"

In addition, these two started going out shouting "HELP US, HELP US"

After crossing the road both sat down in their car.

"DAMMIT! They both sat in the car! Catch them! They are the one!" Mr. Agarwal shouted from the window.

Just as they were going to grab the car, the boss throw out a bundle of cash towards the crowd. Hundreds of notes started falling from the air, the crowd recklessly went after the money and the car that was now already started simply vanished after a couple of seconds.

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