Huilong Continent, Southmost Region, Sand Sea Mountain.
"Careful!" Fei Yin cried and immediately pulled Cheng Sheng back when the ground violently shook and Cheng Sheng almost slipped off from the top of the rock that they landed in behind the Sand Sea Mountain.
"Thanks." Cheng Sheng smiled at Fei Yin.
Fei Yin stared at Cheng Sheng, then helplessly smiled back. He really can't get mad at him. "So, who do you want me to meet?" he asked. "Is this related to Bai Shen?" he remembered what he and Cheng Sheng talked about before they left the Heilong Realm.
Before Cheng Sheng could answer, they heard footsteps coming towards them.
"You finally came back." A man's voice spoke with a hint of a smile in it. But, instead of containing warmth, it made one feel uncomfortable instead.
The author has something to say:
MC and ML died. Story ended in BE. Bye-bye. See you in my other novel.