Secret realm, Feng Hua Palace.
Yu Sheng suddenly stopped speaking. "… Zhe." He muttered.
"What?" Fei Yin said.
"Zhe and I formed a life and death pact." Yu Sheng said. "I felt Zhe's in danger." He told Fei Yin.
"Did something happen in the Alliance?" Fei Yin asked.
Yu Sheng shook his head. "I think it's not only the Alliance." He said. "I never felt Zhe is this nervous before." His brows knitted.
"Yu Sheng! Da shixiong!" they heard Cheng Sheng called.
They turned and saw Cheng Sheng, Chen Han, and Gong Xian descended. "Your Hi – " Yu Sheng was about to call Cheng Sheng when he saw Chen Han holding Cheng Sheng's arm. His eyes narrowed.
Fei Yin's brows knitted as he stared at Chen Han holding Cheng Sheng. "… shidi. What happened?" he asked as he looked at Cheng Sheng in the eye.
The author has something to say:
Gray Dragon: poor elder Pai. You will be remembered. *cries
Pai Lie: I'm not dead yet!
Gray Dragon: will he be the first blood (first death) in this story?
Pai Lie: listen to me!