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16.38% The Salvatore Saga, Part Two: My life in Salvatore Pack. / Chapter 29: 29. Sleeping Sun.

Chapter 29: 29. Sleeping Sun.

Damon looked at his victory. He had done it. She looked almost angelic, peaceful. Her suffering was now ended. He kept her body a little while in his arms. He enjoyed it. This was a win. He gazed at her pale lifeless face. Then he got some sort of grip on himself. He was disgusted by that feeling of victory. He was indeed a monster and far, far worse than Damien, the doctors, Spike, or anything or anyone Mimi had ever experienced. Now he was not so sure about their future, not yet anyway. He had crushed them utterly. No more love, just this perverted feeling of victory. 

Blackness called to Damon. He could feel himself beginning to sink into a bottomless black well of self-hate and self-loathing. He didn't want to hold on. He just wanted to be and forget. He was now a danger to Mariella too because little thought came to his mind about doing this to a god. How long Mariella could hold on as his little plaything?

He would rather go to the coffin and shrivel there for decades so that the world would forget him, and he knew that there in the coffin, all his past sins would haunt him, including what he had done to Mimi. He would deserve it all. It would be best for all of them. Charles would be the good pack leader. Not him.

Once Mariella saw what he was capable of, she wouldn't dare or want to come to him anymore, either because Mariella had thought he was a born healer, not a destroyer. Or she should not. She had talked with him a few times in these past few weeks, but he had had too much fun to talk with her properly, and now he was so damn near the edge. And now he had destroyed Mimi in every way, mentally, physically, psychologically. Mimi would have a long and difficult recovery and never be the same baby again.

Charles noticed when Mimi came into his head. Mimi fluttered there like a butterfly in panic, and Charles could gently guide Mimi to a shelter made for her, where Mimi's soul would recover before it could return to her body.

Mariella came into the room. "It's over?" She looked pensive and her mouth was in a firm line. She focused and called the little bag to her.

She looked questioningly at Charles, who nodded.

"I just got Mimi sedated to rest and recover. She's very weak." Charles said seriously.

"You know what you have to do, how you help Mimi. Me and Adam will go and get Damon and Mimi's body." Mariella said.

She added, "Damon used songs as anchors to anchor that session, so when the time comes, he can take it out. So, don't think that it is mere cruelty on Damon's part. He is on edge and it this is gonna take some time for me to get him pulled over back. 

She felt bottomless despair from Damon and tried to send their true soulmate bond of unconditional love, trust, and perseverance. She said to him in her mind, "Damon, hang in there. I will pull you out. Just wait, I will get you." No answer.

Adam came into the room. He had scrubs on. He was ready to start to work on Mimi's body. 

"Are you ready?" he asked Mariella, who nodded.

"I'm focused on Damon, but you need to keep your expression under control and not show any, no matter what condition Mimi is in. We don't need to wake up that side on Damon anymore. I will give him a few drugs, to make him a little more relaxed, so I can start my work," Mariella said, with her mouth in a tight line.

"We have no time to waste. Now let's go."

And so they teleported to where Damon was. Mariella crouched down next to Damon and wrapped herself around him.

"It's over, shh I'm here. You'll be fine. I got it. I will pull you back. Come on, come back to me, to my love." Mariella reassured Damon.

Damon rose to stand, looked at Mariella lazily, dangerously, and said, "Well, darling, take a look. At what you think? How long do you, the little princess of mine, actually stand to be a little toy?"

Mariella went again, wrapping around Damon, and gave an injection. Damon staggered a while, but he stayed standing. Mariella murmured calmly. 

Adam controlled himself. He could not interfere. Even some instinct told him to get Mariella out of there, and fast. He just had to trust her. He approached the table where there was wrapped in the blanket, a slight rise, revealing a barely human form. Adam went to the table and gently lifted the non-existent weight of the scroll into his arms.

Mimi looked peaceful, even in her horrible state. She had little hair, and she was a mere skeleton. Adam could smell Damon's blood in this blanket, so he had tried something. But as Mimi's will was so strong that she might not accept it, he needed to get her in medbay. 

Damon said, " Let's all go outside so I can blow this place up before we go home."

His voice was flat, emotionless, resigned. Mariella had given him another injection and watched him very carefully. Adam, Damon, and Mariella stepped out of the house, and Damon took a remote from his pocket and pressed the button.

Soon, flames could be seen from the windows.

"Now we can go home," Mariella said tenderly, still wrapped around Damon, who began to shake and slump again. Drugs started to take effect after the third injection that Mariella had just given to his muscle. 

Adam teleported them back to the California mansion, and Mariella guided Damon into one bedroom, where she put up a protective curtain to prevent anyone from getting in. She put her divine white power in his mind, starting to push that part of Damon back to sleep while helping Damon overcome the whole thing. This would not be easy. 

She guided her shaking husband to the bed and stayed glued to Damon. She soothed, stroked, and said, "Remember, you need to talk, start talking, and don't leave out any details."

Damon was quiet for a moment and whispered. "I don't want to, I don't want to talk. I just want to be and forget. I'm a monster. I can feel it, still that enjoyment, that victory. "

Mariella soothed and pleaded for a while and finally got Damon to talk. Damon told her what he did and what he said to Mimi. How Mimi was getting weaker by the day and how the fucking shells kept breaking, how there were so many of them. Mariella gave him her drugs, keeping him calm, letting him unload, and telling his story and same time she kept pushing that part deep and sleep. As long as it took. 

Damon talked. His voice was quiet, somber, and he was now feeling very guilty and hopeless when it came to him and Mimi. How he hated those shells. He told her how he crushed Mimi's body. Her psyche, her spirit. How he destroyed Mimi completely. How he destroyed them. How they would never exist again.

He said that he could sometimes then when Mimi is asleep take it away, but there are not more of them. He destroyed their song too, that programming is gone and she will feel nothing for him. Maybe fear and disgust, but nothing more. 

Mariella said, " Remember when I said you might get 80% of the shells broken? Guess what, you got 95% broken. You got all the tender shells destroyed, so no more those medical problems that require her to be isolated. You saved Mimi. We'll look at the rest of the shells at some point. It's not guaranteed that some medical problem might not still come up, especially if there were bacteria or viruses left in there, but you did well. The upstairs said you have the key to destroying the rest of the shells too, and it's a much nicer job. "

Damon quietly began to calm down the more he talked. He started to push that part of him down to himself, too. He fucked Mariella hard, roughly. Mariella responded with equal passion.

Adam and Charles concentrated on fixing up Mimi's body. First, they flushed her inside and out, then they filled her with their bump and nutrient solutions. Damon's blood did not help at all. Constantine came and helped them get rid of the metals. Mimi got stronger by day in Charles's mind and soon she was trying to leave her cradle, but Charles kept her restrained and calmed her with his love. They kept it in a healing jelly and repaired what they could. It was a month before they put Mimi back in her body. It would take time to heal, but Mimo pelts healing energies that would help. When they got it always loaded. 

Ever since I got into Charles's head, I was tired. He put me in some kind of cocoon, a cradle, where I was comfortable. I was so exhausted. I got a little brighter, but he kept me calm and surrounded by his love. When I finally woke up in my body, the first thing I noticed was that I was not hurt.

I opened my eyes, and the light was so bright I pinched them back shut.

" Hey, you're awake. " Said a familiar voice, a voice like warm cocoa, Charles.

I kept sliding back and felt him come up next to me and wrap himself around me.

He embraced me and whispered, "I'm glad you're awake and okay."

All right and well, I thought. My weight was probably nowhere near 25 kilos, and I felt helpless and weak. Suddenly, terror struck me, and I started shaking.

Charles noticed and asked, " What's wrong? Why are you shaking?"

I had just remembered what Damon did to me, and I was terrified that he would come at me again when he noticed I was awake. His enjoyment and last whisper he had a reason. It had some kind had been so ominous. Almost a promise. 

"Damon, he's coming at me; don't let him come at me again," I begged Charles.

Charles sighed. " Now, what I'm about to tell you may be hard to grasp, but the whole shed session had a purpose. I wouldn't have agreed to it myself at first, but I understood then why it had to be kept."

I was horrified, confused, and bewildered. They had known all along what Damon was doing to me and still accepted it. Charles started explaining, and it took me three hours to get my head around it. It was all so that I wouldn't fall at Damien's mercy in the future or become permanently ill. He told me that the vortex that I had felt inside me had destroyed all the tender shells and almost all the triple shells, too.

I said wearily, "I need to think about this a bit. That was the most horrible experience of my life. Recovery and understanding are two different things. Can you just let me rest now, please?" I turned my back to Charles. 

I didn't want anyone near me. I felt like the entire pack had betrayed me. I thought, "One day, I'll probably forgive and understand completely, but not yet." He had destroyed everything. I felt so many emotions inside me and I still felt almost that vortex. As I got more of my rage out, the vortex dissipated, but still. 

Charles got out of bed and walked away.

One by one, my pack members always came up to me to talk, even Damon, but I pretended to be asleep every time he came near so he wouldn't notice how terrified I was. Over the last few years, everything has changed so much. I tried to get better. Tried to reel everything that had happened to me since Damon found mariella. 

At first. I went to that damn gala. When everything changed shortly after the gala, Mirella was killed, and they destroyed her. Bran and Samuel were revealed to be evil. They had evil earth and space metal poisoning, and their bodies were in the magic house if they ever got the metals out. I had been recovering from that torture done by Sark and Damien. 

Now what had shocked me? Just two weeks ago, when I had just gotten in my body, Damon had gone to Chicago to get there few of his possessions and stuff to medbay, but as he had gotten there, he had found out that The Chicago house had had to be burned down. There had been a shed, a ground metal in the walls, and everything so contaminated it had to be destroyed. 

Fortunately, probably because of Mariella, I had packed up things that Damon and I had shared and stored them. I had saved Damon's bedding, even though I had thrown it out. I had been doing that since Mariella came. I packed, cleaned, and put away. The house had been emptied quite a lot and Adam had packed a lot of stuff out from there too, as it was an old house and not so good condition. Adam had thought of either wrecking it or selling it, but destiny made it so. 

Damon had done a powerful fire spell and burned the entire house, but not the surroundings. He had kept that spell contained. All there had been burned-out ashes and metals. One more thing that Damien had stolen from me. My ultimate safety. I knew that most of the incubators had moved away, too. 

Now, in many houses, a large master bedroom was ready for them. I didn't want to go there anymore. Magnum was also metalized, and I felt like I had no one impartial on this issue. I felt so damn alone. 

Two weeks later, I took my faltering first steps at a weight of just a magical 32 kilos. I had my internal organs, growing though, as my body was not accepting anyone else's organs. They had died, or I had an allergic reaction. Even Mariella's super organs. Damon and Mariella had left for another house a week ago when Damon was supposed to be recovering.

Adam and Charles looked after me as much as they could because Mimosa and Shadow were starting their rutting season, and they had to deal with the rutting. Luckily, shortly after the heat started, Charles teleported me to a house in New Hampshire, where I was able to continue my recovery on my own.

There, I ate, rested, and began to get my head in order, as I had done every time I had gone through a horrible experience. I took all the memories and feelings and put them in an enormous coffin where I had put all the rubbish from before. There, it would compost out of time, and I could move on. I did not hear any music, not wanting to remember. 

Although I knew that I would have all the memories stored away somewhere, and if I wanted to, I could go through everything I had ever experienced.

I had still few friends. Jarod was the one I opened up to. We talked on the phone for hours and went over everything. He didn't mind talking to me. I partly understood why it was done, but it would take time to fully accept and work through it.

He came to see me; he brought Miss Parker with him and she was one tight lady. I heard quite a frank speech about my condition. She took me to medbay, went over me, raised her hands as I was so peculiar, but she made delicious beef soup. 

I talked the whole thing over with these two and then Murdock had also free time; he came by, and I told him too. What this experience taught me is that even Damon can make me shed sessions and do evil, no matter what the intention. I may be thankful in the future that Damon got those damn shells off. I do remember when they were put on.

Damien was still alive somewhere. I wanted so badly to go for the kill, but I didn't want new shells and new shed sessions. I didn't know when I was ever going to trust Damon and when I was going to tolerate his touch or even be in the same room. Murdock wanted to kill Damien, too. He saw him as a perfect target. Over the years, Murdock and also Dexter had gotten pretty protective of me. Damien was not safe now. 

I did understand that the experience had been horrible, at least partially for Damon, but I remembered the pleasure on Damon's face that flashed from time to time. That was a side of him I did not want to face and I was not sure that would that side of him stay asleep if he saw me. 

I had more visitors, Dean, and Sam came too. Fleas, who were free, came as well. I was not so alone as I had thought that I was. I had my own organization, and my people, and even though I felt my pack had almost let me down, I knew that each of my people was literally ready to give their life over me. It is a tremendous responsibility, and it was one thing that got me more perked up, and pulled me up from the swamp of being a victim, betrayed, and alone. 

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