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100% The Saiyan of Luna Nova / Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Fresh Starts

Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Fresh Starts

Goku, the naïve, curious man that he was, couldn't help, but gawk at Professor Holbrooke's office. Although he still wanted to talk with Ursula some more, the Saiyan warrior became transfixed by the nine headdresses surrounding the headmistress's desk. Each of them looked different, yet somewhat similar to one another at the same time.

He slowly walked over to one of them and tried to touch it. This action was immediately interrupted by an irate Professor Finnelan. She narrowed her blue eyes and stuck a finger in front of his face.

"Don't you dare touch that, Mr. Son."

Goku took a step back and scratched the back of his head. Ursula couldn't help, but silently giggle at his blank, innocent expression.

"Oops. My bad, Professor Finnelan. I was just wondering what those weird hats were."

One of the Magic Linguistics instructor's eyes twitched from annoyance.

"They are not just any 'weird hats'. These statues represent this Luna Nova's legendary founders, the Nine Olde Witches." Finnelan corrected him. "You would have known that if you actually decided to listen to our explanation. How Baba was able to put up with your lack of tact and patience is beyond me."

"In his defense, Professor Finnelan, we did just get back to the office. There's going to be a lot of questions and thoughts going through Goku's head right now." Ursula said while clearing her throat.

Finnelan sighed. "I suppose you make a good point, Ms. Ursula. However, I do suggest you don't encourage Mr. Son's naivety any further. He won't learn to follow this school's policies that way."

"I mean, it's not like I'm a student here or anything. I'm just protecting the place from monsters and other stuff like that, right?" Goku asked.

Finnelan deadpanned. He was completely missing the point of the job Professor Holbrooke gave him.

"Yes. You may be protecting us from monsters and stuff," The middle-aged witch repeated in a spiteful, mocking tone. "but as long as you're part of this academy's staff, you will need to follow our rules and—"

"Alright, Professor Finnelan. I believe Goku gets the picture." Holbrooke interjected. She clasped her hands together and held them in front of her mouth. "Now, rather than yell at him some more, let's just have a simple conversation with the man, shall we? He is our special guest, after all."

She slightly waved her bell-ringer staff and created another chair out of thin air. It materialized via a flash of green magical energy.

"Have a seat, Goku. We have much to discuss."

"Um… alright. Thanks!"

Goku plopped himself down onto the chair and sat up straight. Professor Finnelan and Ursula then stood on either side of their boss's desk.

"So, I assume you're wondering who these Nine Olde Witches are, correct?" Holbrooke asked.

Goku nodded his head. "Yep. Professor Finnelan mentioned that they're this school's founders or whatever, but I don't know much else."

"That's correct. They were a group of incredibly powerful witches who established Luna Nova Magical Academy over 1,600 years ago. All nine of them helped save magic from becoming extinct back then." Holbrooke calmly explained. "This was done through Yggdrasil, a large, cosmic tree where all magical energy originates from. Although, you might be more familiar with its lingering branches, the Ley Lines."

The Saiyan widened his eyes in sudden realization.

"Oh! So, that's why there were some stick-looking things in those portals. That makes a lot more sense now."

"They are considered roots, not sticks, Mr. Son. They're all that remains of the World Tree nowadays. The rest has sadly withered away with time." Professor Finnelan interjected in slight dismay.

Goku didn't like the sound of that last sentence. He quirked a brow and looked upon the three witches for further answers.

"Withered away? But how does some big massive tree… disappear just like that?"

"Well, during the Great Age of Magic, witches used Yggdrasil's branches to cast an infinite supply of magical energy. Unfortunately, as time went on, witches began to use too much of that energy and caused the tree to gradually break down as a result." Holbrooke replied. "We now make do with the remaining Ley Lines and our school's Sorcerer's Stone. That's all we have left to generate our spells from."

She gestured to the large tower neighboring Luna Nova. On top of it, a massive green stone glowed in the night sky. It almost seemed to shine brighter than the very moon itself in that moment.

"Huh. I see…" Goku muttered. "Is that stone thingy what powers your magic wands then? I remember Chariot having some kind of battery inside hers."

"That's right. The Sorcerer's Stone effects are only limited to a three mile radius, so we use Magic Batteries to distribute energy between each student. I'd say about 90% of it is used by our witches here at Luna Nova while the other 10% is given to Faeries who help keep the school in working condition." Ursula explained with a smile on her face.

"Guess that makes sense." The martial artist whispered while crossing his arms. "I'm still a little confused about a few things, though."

"That's alright. Feel free to ask me… erm… I mean, us anything, Goku. We want you to feel as comfortable here as possible." The bluenette witch stammered. She was really struggling to suppress the blush flowing over her cheeks.

"It's mainly about magic being a limited resource. If that's how your energy works, then what about the Shiny Rod? When Chariot used it against the Titan, she casted about three powerful spells without much difficulty." Goku recalled.

The three witches exchanged nervous looks with one another. Ursula, in particular, looked away from Goku out of guilt.

"That rod is a special case, Mr. Son. It is a highly dangerous artifact that can absorb magical energy and synchronize its own magic with a user's emotional state. Frankly, it should have never been discovered by Chariot du Nord in the first place. She was far too young to fully comprehend its power, unlike Claiohm Solais's original wielder, Professor Sif Woodward." Professor Finnelan glowered. She then knowingly darted her eyes toward Ursula. "And her disappearance and subsequent humiliation proved that to be the case…"

Ursula bit her lower lip and looked down at the floor. She couldn't afford to reveal her identity to Goku in that moment. Revealing her greatest failures to such a kind man would be far too painful.

The Saiyan in question narrowed his eyes.

"I get that Chariot messed up somehow, but you don't have the right to talk about her like that. All she wanted to do was make people happy with her magic, Professor Finnelan."

Ursula held a hand over her heart in surprise. She didn't expect Goku to jump to her defense like that so suddenly.


"Pah! I don't have the right? Chariot was a former student of mine, Mr. Son. I have every reason to be disappointed in the superfluous pop idol that she became. She brought a great deal of shame for the magic community that night she disappeared." Finnelan snorted in disgust. "What's worse is that the Claiomh Solais disappeared with her. All that work she put into activating six of the Seven Words of Arcturus went down the drain in mere moments. It hurts just thinking about it…"

Goku stood up from his seat and glared at Professor Finnelan. He balled his fists, trying to hold back his steadily building anger as much as he could.

"Well, maybe you don't know the whole story. There's no way a nice girl like Chariot would have done all of that on purpose. It could have been someone else's fault."

Finnelan rolled her eyes. "Oh, please. Don't be such a naïve fool, Mr. Son. You've only known Chariot for a few hours at best. I was her teacher for years. I saw her fall from grace coming before it even happened. How could you possibly know better than I do? Hm?"

The Saiyan attempted to say something in response, but no words came out. He took a deep breath and sat back down in his chair.

"You're right. I don't know her better than you do. But what I do know is that day I met Chariot left enough of an impression on me to remember her. And during that whole fight in Blytonbury or whatever it's called, she did make everyone happy by using her magic." Goku recounted with a nostalgic smile. "I just don't think she'd ever go against that feeling. Not on purpose, anyway."

Ursula could feel some stray tears building up in her eyes once more. She wanted Goku to be angry or disappointed with her, but it appeared that the man was incapable of feeling that way. In one single speech, he understood her true intentions more than Woodward, Croix, or Finnelan ever did. It made the young woman wish that he could have been by her side back then. Unfortunately, that never could have been the case, given how divergent their respective lives became.

She was just glad that they were able to cross paths once again.

"Hmph. I suppose you do make a good point, Goku. 'Shiny Chariot' was a victim in some sense, but it still doesn't excuse that forbidden magic she used in her little performances. Find out what that was and maybe, you'll begin to see your friend in a different light." Professor Finnelan scoffed.

"I doubt it, but yeah, we'll see."

She glared at Goku for another moment or two until Professor Holbrooke interrupted them.

"Ahem. I think we should move onto another topic." She murmured. "What other things were you curious about, Goku?"

"It's actually just one thing. I met this muscular guy named Thor back in Blytonbury as well. He seemed to have some knowledge about Professor Woodward, Luna Nova, and the Shiny Rod. Does he have some connection to Yggdrasil as well?"

Holbrooke placed a hand underneath her chin in thought. She almost forgot Goku and Chariot had encountered Luna Nova's former guardian eleven years ago.

"That… is a tough question to answer, Goku. Thor comes from a race of magical beings that were born from Yggdrasil itself many years ago. Rather than draw from the tree's energy to cast magic, they are said to function like living Sorcerer's Stones and accumulate untold amounts of power as a result. Some have even come to know them as gods and demigods throughout this world's ancient history." The old headmistress described Thor's species and what type of person he was. "Many artifacts similar to the Shiny Rod were wielded by these immortal beings, including Thor's powerful hammer, Mjolnir. He used this weapon to protect the Nine Olde Witches and Luna Nova's first students from harm, but unfortunately, his tenure as guardian did not last as long as expected…"

Goku was a bit shocked by this information. He knew Thor could teleport, control lighting, and project magical barriers at will, but this god stuff took him a bit off-guard. It honestly made him excited to see how strong Thor could become at full power.

"What happened to him?"

"Right before the Golden Age of Magic took place in the 19th century, a group of Witch Hunters invaded Luna Nova and slaughtered a wide majority of its students. They were granted magic-nullifying abilities by an unforeseen source of great evil we simply call Abaddon, The Bringer of Destruction." Holbrooke explained in a dark, foreboding tone. "Thor tried his best to stop them, but in the end, he lost possession of Mjolnir and was forced to see Luna Nova Magical Academy burn to the ground. Luna Nova was eventually fixed, of course, but Thor's confidence and spirit… were not. Some say he wanders from place to place in order to cope with his past failure as the school's original protector."

She took off her glasses and lightly rubbed her eyes. Recounting that story always seemed to get her more emotional than she'd like to admit.

"Wow. I had no idea Thor's story was so… sad, to be honest. Back when I was a kid, he seemed to acknowledge how much potential I had and was overall pretty helpful."

"Tch. Must have been one of the days he was actually sober." Professor Finnelan grumbled. She rested both hands on her hips. "Don't be mistaken by his attitude, Mr. Son. That man is nothing more than a bothersome lush nowadays. He'd rather drink and wallow in his own self-pity than actually work on redeeming himself."

"I don't know if that's exactly true. I might be wrong, but maybe Thor was preparing Goku for this guardian position all along. He could have viewed him as a worthy enough successor, given his strength and love for fighting." Ursula assumed.

The Saiyan warrior tilted his head to the side. "Really? He was able to see all of that coming?"

"It's possible, yes. Those spawned from Yggdrasil can see within its Ley Lines and view entirely separate dimensions as a result. There is a likely chance that he could have foreseen Goku's future and acknowledge him as a virtuous fighter who could, someday, succeed where he failed." Holbrooke said.

"And by that you mean… defeating this Abaddon guy once and for all, right? Whoever or wherever he is, anyway."

Holbrooke shook her head from side-to-side. Goku would need to face a lot more opponents and monsters before Abaddon would even consider showing himself again.

"No. You may be a gifted martial artist, Goku, but not even someone of your caliber can even think of defeating that monster. You'll need to focus on keeping his followers from the Demon Realm off schoolgrounds. Because rest assured, what happened during the Witch Hunts all those years ago can certainly happen again. It's only a matter of time, I'm afraid."

Judging from the old woman's serious expression, Goku could tell that arguing against her point would be a complete waste of time. He couldn't afford to risk underestimating yet another opponent after everything that happened with Perfect Cell a year ago. The fact that Abaddon was likely far more formidable than Cell ever was made this situation even more concerning by comparison.

It also made this guardian position sound even more fun than expected. He resisted the urge to pump his fist in excitement and nodded.

"Understood, Professor Holbrooke. When I'm not busy with this protector thing, I'll be sure to keep training as often as I can. I still have a lot left to work on." Goku assured her.

The headmistress lightly grinned. "I wouldn't expect any different. I believe I made a wise choice in selecting you as Luna Nova's newest guardian, Goku. Don't prove that statement wrong, please."

She then held out her hand, leaving it open for Goku to shake.

"I won't, Professor. I'll keep everyone safe here. You won't need to worry about that, honest." He beamed while smiling from ear-to-ear.

"Don't promise anything yet, Mr. Son. You still need to get through the opening ceremony tomorrow." Professor Finnelan reminded him.

Goku removed his hand from Holbrooke's to address the Magic Linguistics teacher.

"Oh… right. How is that going to work?"

Ursula adjusted her glasses and said, "It's nothing major, Goku. We'll just gather all of Luna Nova's students and teachers into a large auditorium as soon as school starts at 8:00. Professor Holbrooke will give a brief speech as per usual and then, she'll introduce you to everyone. Simple as that."

"Huh. Guess it doesn't sound too bad when you put it like that." Goku replied. "How many students are there going to be?"

"Well, we've been getting less and less students every year, but I'd say there'll be over one-hundred or more in attendance." The blue-haired witch inferred.

"Yeesh. That sure is a lot of young girls…"

"Like Ms. Ursula said, it won't be bad at all, Goku. You'll do just fine tomorrow." Holbrooke promised him with a grandmotherly smile. She then looked over at her office's clock. "For now, however, you should be more worried about getting a good night's rest. It's getting rather late."

Goku yawned, much to Professor Finnelan's disgust. "Yeah. I am getting kinda tired."

"That begs the question. Where is Goku going to sleep, anyway? We don't have a room prepared for him yet, do we?" Ursula asked.

"No, we don't. That's why he'll be staying in your living quarters for the time being." Professor Finnelan bluntly stated.

Ursula's red eyes widened as she spun around to look over at her fellow witch. Her face was now redder than a tomato.

"W-What? Why me?!"

Finnelan rolled her eyes. "Oh, don't make such a fuss. You straight up hugged the man upon seeing him for the first time. I figured you'd want to get to know him a little more."

The Magic Astrology twiddled her fingers in embarrassment.

"Yeah, I did, but… but that was a spur of the moment thing! He's still a man. I just don't see us sleeping in the same room as proper decorum and… uh…"

"It'll be alright, Ms. Ursula. He'll only be staying in your room for a few nights at most. We'll grant him his own living arrangements at a later date. Is that understood?"

Ursula glanced over at Goku. He gave her a reassuring thumbs up that seemed to calm her down a little. His infectious smile didn't hurt either.

"Yes, Professor Holbrooke."

"Good. Now, please lead Goku to the Observatory Tower." The headmistress instructed. She then lightly waved her hand to the side. "Goodnight, you two."

"Goodnight! See you in the morning!" Goku chirped.

"Don't even think of oversleeping, Mr. Son! You have a busy day ahead of you tomorrow." Professor Finnelan warned.

Ursula decided to act uncharacteristically bold and interlock her arm around Goku's.

"That won't be an issue with me around, Finnelan. Hehe."

Goku chuckled the same way. "Haha. Guess not."

Both of them then exited the office and headed over to another section of Luna Nova. After they left, Professor Finnelan crossed her arms and grimaced.

"Are you sure putting those two in the same room together is a wise decision, Miranda?"

Holbrooke simply smiled at her. There was a somewhat mischievous, knowing glint in her blue eyes.

"Of course. Goku may not realize it now, but they have a lot of catching up to do. I can see them forming quite the unusual, yet close friendship with one another."

Finnelan looked through the office's window. She narrowed her eyes in response to the moon's star-shaped scar. She had a feeling destruction even greater than that marking would appear sometime soon.

"Hmph. Unusual, I'm afraid, is an understatement…"

Luna Nova Magical Academy – Observatory Tower – Ursula's Room

Upon walking up the observatory's inner staircase, Goku was able to get a good look at Ursula's living quarters. It was a small, dome-shaped room filled with a couch, a desk, a bookshelf, and a spherical globe that showcased this world's night sky. Situated on this desk were a smaller globe, a golden orrery, or model of the solar system, and various other books that were currently collecting dust. Six framed pictures were also hung above the desk, some of which depicted a sketch of the Grand Triskellion seal in color and the Seven Words of Arcturus in an unknown language exclusively spoken by witches.

There were also stairs leading to an upper balcony where a circular window presided. The symbol of Luna Nova was positioned in its center.

"Welp, this is it. Make yourself at home, Goku." Ursula said with a small sigh.

He walked over to the couch and sat down, getting a better look at the room while doing so. Ursula then turned on a lamp located next to a black, intricately designed telescope and fixed up her hair.

As Goku turned his head around in all sorts of directions, he locked eyes with a white crow that had a yellow star-shaped crest on its stomach. Its cyan eyes bore into Goku's black ones, looking more bored and disinterested than anything else.

"Um… who's this, Ursula?"

The Astrology teacher smiled and walked over to the bird. She affectionately stroked its chin while gesturing to it.

"This is my familiar, Alcor. I've had him ever since I was student at Luna Nova." Ursula informed. She then gently patted one of the crow's wings. "Come on. Say hello to my friend, Goku."

"Caw!" Alcor cried. He still didn't look all that impressed by the Saiyan man sitting across from him.

"What's a familiar, Ursula?"

"They're magical creatures that witches form contracts with. We can communicate with them by speaking their languages. I, for example, am quite fluent when it comes to Bird Language."

Goku scratched the back of his head in curiosity.

"Huh. I didn't think birds could have their own language like that." He muttered. "Then again, there were a few talking animals back in my world, so I guess it's not too weird."

"I suppose our worlds are a lot more common that you'd think, huh?"

"Guess so. Baba was really the only witch I've known, though. There weren't any magic schools like this around there." The Saiyan replied with a shrug.

"Well, even if that's the case, I'm sure magic is still used quite often in your own Earth. A Ley Line, after all, was able to connect our two galaxies together pretty easily." Ursula noted. She then tapped a finger against her chin. "Makes you wonder if Yggdrasil was what created magic in your world too…"

"Beats me. I'm not even sure how old Earth even is. Hehe." Goku nervously chuckled.

Ursula struggled to grin back. She still couldn't believe that the martial artist was able to laugh and smile after going through so much pain. It made her eager to learn more about his family and what he felt about them.

"You said you had a… wife and son, correct? How are they doing right now?"

The man didn't expect the conversation to shift so suddenly. He leaned his back against the couch and grimaced.

"Well, yeah, I had a wife named Chi-Chi. She was the best girl a guy could ever ask to be with, honestly. She was fierce and strong, yet pretty darn nice at the same time." Goku fondly recounted. His frown then grew deeper. "But, like I was before coming here, she's not around anymore…"

Ursula held a hand over her mouth in shock. "You mean she… died?"

"Yeah. A few months after I sacrificed myself against this monster named Cell, Chi-Chi contracted a really bad disease. King Kai told me it's what her mom died from when she was little, apparently." The martial artist recalled further. "The doctors did everything they could to help her, but… a cure was never found."

He looked down at the floor and clutched his knees in growing sadness.

"Since the Dragon Balls were incapable of simply wishing away her condition, I begged King Kai and Fortuneteller Baba to revive me for just a day at most. As soon as they did, I went back to Earth and reunited with her. She… She looked so happy to see me there, almost as if I were some ghost or something like that." Goku continued. He was struggling to explain all of these events in detail. "I-I… really couldn't stand seeing her look so frail and weak. I wanted her to yell and scream at me like she always did, but none of that happened. She just… um… hugged me as tight as she could."

Ursula nodded her head. "What happened after that?"

"I spent that entire day with her and our son, Gohan. We fished, did some shopping, and just did everything that any other normal family does. Things were great at that point, but unfortunately, they couldn't last." He continued in a soft, almost faltering voice. "By sunset, I brought her back to the hospital and sat by her side until she passed. Gohan got to say his final goodbyes too, but after everything that happened with Cell, I couldn't let his mother die in front of him. I had Ox-King take him outside, so he'd have some company during Chi-Chi's last moments."

He cleared his throat and peered into Ursula's red eyes. She seemed to be fairly engrossed in his description of past events.

"For a while, I just sat there and held her hand. She rested her head against my shoulder and started apologizing for all the times she yelled at or misunderstood me in the past. I don't know if it was some sort of guilt eating her up inside or what, but it caught me off-guard. I just wiped away her tears and kissed her on the forehead. Then, the most surprising thing happened…"


"She… she told me to move on from her. Chi-Chi knew that I'd eventually be revived someday, so she didn't want me to grieve over her death for the rest of my life and not find any happiness with someone new. I had absolutely no idea what she was talking about, but she wouldn't take no for an answer. She even mentioned Chariot's name of all things, which just confused me even more! I already told her that we were just friends and nothing else…"

That particular moment caught Ursula by surprise. She didn't even think Goku would mention her to any of his friends, let alone the woman he'd eventually marry. She wondered if that might have happened right before they became engaged.

"His wife… knew about me?! Was she… a little jealous during their marriage?"

She shook her head and decided not to think about that possibility. It'd be insensitive of her to do so.

"After that last argument between us, she kissed my hand, talked about how lucky she was to be my wife, and then, finally, said she loved me one last time. I didn't even get to say it back before she was… gone." Goku muttered in a sorrowful tone. "And because both sets of Dragon Ball can't wish back anyone who dies of natural causes or old age, Chi-Chi was gone for good. The only way I'd be able to see her again was in Heaven…"

Goku wiped some stray tears out of his eyes and tried to remain calm. That was when Ursula decided to walk over to him and rest one of her delicate hands on his shoulder.

"I-I'm so sorry, Goku. I had no idea your wife passed away like that." Ursula proclaimed in slight guilt. "What about Gohan? Is he doing alright?"

"I wish I knew. I put him in my friend, Bulma, and her husband, Vegeta's, care once I went back to Other World. Vegeta, a strong Saiyan like I am, wasn't exactly onboard with the idea, but he agreed to take in Gohan, nonetheless. A part of me wishes I could have been there for him more, though."

The blue-haired witch frowned. "It's not your fault. Baba's magic only limited your revival to a day. I'm sure Gohan would understand. He's pretty powerful in his own right, isn't he?"

"He is, yeah, but sometimes I wonder if I made a mistake staying dead after Cell's self-destruction. Maybe if I spent more time with Chi-Chi before her illness set in, none of this would have ever happened and I could've… could've…"

Ursula, seeing a lot of her past self in Goku at that time, decided to hug him once again. She closed her eyes and deepened their embrace.

"What are you—"

"Shh. You're not the reason Chi-Chi died, Goku. Please don't torture yourself with those kind of thoughts. I can't bear to see you like this…"

She, reluctantly, removed herself from the Saiyan warrior's arms and looked at him face-to-face. Her eyes glistened with the utmost emotion and care.

"You're here at Luna Nova now, Goku. What happened in the past should… erm… stay in the past. Chi-Chi didn't want you to grieve over her death, remember? She wanted you to stay strong and continue being the kind, powerful martial artist that she fell in love with."

Goku played back Chi-Chi's final words in his mind and grinned. None of his friends would want him to act like this either. It just wasn't in his nature.

"You're right. She did say that." He replied. "Thanks, Ursula. I got a little too emotional there."

"You're welcome. Now, how about we sleep off these negative emotions, alright? Tomorrow can serve as a fresh start of sorts."

"Right. Sounds good." Goku said. He then gestured to the couch he was currently sitting on. "You want me to sleep on the couch then?"

"Whatever you're comfortable with, Goku."


With nothing left to be said, Goku prepared for bed by taking off his shirt and pants. This caused Ursula to gasp and cover her eyes in complete shock.

"GAH! W-What in the world are you doing?!" She shrieked. Her face and cheeks erupted into a deep shade of red upon catching a glimpse of the man's muscular, nearly buck-naked form.

Goku blinked a few times, not understanding what the problem was.

"I'm changing? I don't usually wear my gi when I'm go to sleep."

Ursula kept her eyes closed and flailed her arms about in a state of panic.

"W-Well, can you make an exception just for tonight? You'll be getting a new pair of clothes after the opening ceremony tomorrow, so please, for my sake, keep your gi on!"

The Saiyan shrugged his soldiers and put his clothes back on.

"Fine. If you say so, Ursula."

Ursula could feel blood dripping out of her nose just thinking about Goku's chiseled sixpack and other… more explicit parts of his body. She desperately wiped it away before Goku could see it.

"My god. Why was it so big?!" She thought. "He's definitely not the little boy I used to know anymore. That much is for sure."

She adjusted her glasses and turned back around. To her immense relief, Goku was fully clothed once again.

"Good. Glad we can come to an understanding about this, Goku." Ursula said. She then pressed her fingers together in nervousness. "I-It's just that I'm a woman and you're a grown man, so… you know?"

Goku suddenly caught on to what she was implying.

"Ohhhh. Shoot! I didn't even think of that. Haha." He laughed in a comparatively much better mood. "Sorry about that."

Ursula waved her hands in front of her body. "It's fine. Just remember that for tomorrow night, okay?"

"I will."

She then inspected Goku's gi and noticed the Turtle School of Martial Arts symbol on his chest. Although it held a lot of significance to Goku's past, it wouldn't fit alongside Luna Nova Magical Academy's fellow staff members.

The witch brought out her wand and waved it around a little. "Hold still for a second, Goku."

In a matter of seconds, the black 'Z' shaped kanji was transformed into the Luna Nova symbol. It was now a black ring with three, identically shaped diamonds sticking out. The insignia on Goku's back was also changed into the same symbol, albeit a little larger.

She smiled in acknowledgement of her magical handiwork.

"There we go. Quite befitting of Luna Nova's new protector, I'd say."

Goku examined the new sections of his gi and nodded.

"Hm. Doesn't look half-bad, actually."

"Hehe. Let's hope the students agree, Goku."

Ursula then used her wand to create a small bed, pillows, and some blankets out of thin air. Her bed was situated right next to Alcor's perch and the couch Goku planned to sleep on.

She levitated one of the pillows and blankets over to Goku. They each had Luna Nova patterns knitted into them.

"Have a good rest, Goku. I'll see you in the morning."

"You too. Goodnight, Ur—"

He paused once Ursula took off her glasses and witch's hat. Apart from looking a bit prettier and, of course, having long blue hair, her face was almost identical to Chariot's. The resemblance was almost too coincidental to ignore.

"Is there something wrong on my face?" She asked.

Goku snapped out of his trance and said, "Nah, it's nothing. I just thought I saw something for a second. Night, Ursula."

He spun around and laid on his side in the opposite direction.

"Oh, okay. Goodnight…"

She turned off the room's lamp and walked back to her own bed, thinking over what just happened.

"Does… he know that I'm Chariot already? I may have taken off my glasses, but I still look much different than how I did as a sixteen-year-old…"

Ursula tucked herself under the covers and looked up at the ceiling. She squinted her eyes in sadness.

"That doesn't matter, anyway. After losing Chi-Chi in such a sad, tragic way, I doubt he'd really need to see Chariot again. I want to comfort him as I am now, not who I used to be."

She glanced over at Goku's side with a sweet, melancholic smile. If anything, Ursula was glad that the man had never given in to despair like she did.

"Pleasant dreams… my friend."

The two then drifted off to sleep and waited for Luna Nova's Opening Ceremony to begin. It would start at around 8:00 A.M. sharp or sometime before then.

After that, a new school year would officially begin; one that would surely change the course of Luna Nova Magical Academy's entire history forever.

Glastonbury – Somerset, England – 7:00 A.M.

Right outside the entrance to Blytonbury Station, a young Japanese girl stared up at the sun with a wide, hopeful smile. She had faced years and years of torment for her dream to become a witch, but now, she had finally gotten the chance to prove them wrong and attend Luna Nova Magical Academy. That was the same school her idol and role model, Shiny Chariot, attended as a student so many years ago.

This girl, Atsuko "Akko" Kagari, had red eyes and long chestnut brown hair that was tied up into a small pony tail on top. She was wearing an orange jacket, black shorts, brown shoes, and a blue turtleneck underneath her aforementioned outfit. A pink backpack was also wrapped around her shoulders alongside a gray suitcase and a smaller tan duffel bag.

Her eyes began to water just thinking about her not-too-distant future as a witch.

"I finally made it," She whispered in awe. "A dream come true! I'm in the place where Chariot learned to use magic!"

Unable to contain her excitement any longer, Akko stamped her feet up and down, and happily spun around.

"Oh yeaaahh! Hahahaha!"

She then lost her footing and realized that she spun around much longer than necessary. She keeled over and tried her best not to throw up.

"Ugh. Note to self, save your excitement for when you actually get to Luna Nova…" Akko muttered under her breath.

She then took a deep breath and exhaled in absolute euphoria.

"Ah! This is the air Chariot breathed! Eeeee!"

After fangirlishly squealing for another moment or two, Akko picked up her belongings and smirked in a more confident manner.

"Alright! It's time to become a witch!"

She then walked through the streets of Glastonbury in search of a local bus station. It was much smaller than its neighboring city, Blytonbury, but still had a number of different streets and buildings to visit. One notable feature was its signature clocktower.

"Oh! Good morning!" Akko greeted to some passing villagers. "Nice day, isn't it?"

She then asked a few questions to anyone who was willing to answer. They included an short old woman, a lady and her son, and two salesmen hauling supplies into their truck.

"Could you please tell me which bus I'd take to get to Luna Nova?"

"It's the same school Shiny Chariot attended?"

"Do you guys know the way to the bus station?"

Unfortunately, none of them knew what she was talking about. It got to a point where she had to consult the opinion of two young boys playing a video game. One of them had short blonde hair and blue eyes while the other kid had black hair.

"Excuse me, boys. I'm looking for the bus station, but I can't seem to find it."

The kids looked at each other in confusion.

"There's no station here. Never has been."

Akko slumped her shoulders. "Oh… sorry to bother you then."

Looking defeated, she wandered off to a wooden bench and sat down. She rested both hands on her cheeks in sadness.

"Aw. All that for nothing." The young girl sighed.

She dug through her pockets and brought out Luna Nova's brochure. On the righthand side, it included a brief message that said as follows:

Greetings from Luna Nova

In 420 AD at the site dedication for the prestigious witchcraft academy of Luna Nova, our founding mentor, Sif Woodward of the Nine Olde Witches, greeted our first 100 students with these words, "Let this academy be the first milestone in restoring the art of witchcraft and all of its lost glory."

The brochure's centermost sections included some additional information about the school and a small map that showed students how to get there. Next to this map was another passage of text.

Access Map

Luna Nova Magical Academy can be easily accessed from the Ley Line terminal located just north of Blytonbury station. One must take precaution when using the Ley Line as the academy is surrounded by the Arcturus Forest, which is rich in Mandrake, Cockatrices, and other colorful wildlife.

Directly beneath that paragraph was a black version of Luna Nova's symbol.

"But the map says there's a bus stop here!" Akko cried.

All of a sudden, she heard some loud snoring coming from a nearby tree. She put down the brochure and leaned over from her seat.

It was a muscular, yet slightly overweight man with red hair and a beard of the same color. He was covered by a black cloak that had definitely seen better days. It was covered in traces of vomit, spit, and some other fluids Akko didn't want to think about. The man was also sitting atop a large pile of empty beer bottles.

Normally, she wouldn't even think of approaching someone like this, but desperate times called for desperate measures.

She gulped. "Maybe he knows something…"

She tiptoed over to the sleeping man and tried to get his attention. Sadly, his putrid body odor got in the way of her first attempt.

"Pew! This guy stinks!" Akko gagged. She plugged her nose and tapped him on the shoulder. "Excuse me, sir. Sir? I was hoping to ask you something."

The man bolted upright and almost sent Akko flying as a result. She instinctively took a small step back in response.

"Wuzzat? Hm?" He grumbled. His electric blue eyes squinted at the sight of Akko. "Eh, leave me be. I don't want any girl scout cookies today…"

The brown-haired teen puffed up her cheeks in slight offense.

"Ahem. I'm not a girl scout, sir. I'm studying to become a witch at Luna Nova Magical Academy. Do you know where I can find the entrance to that place by any chance?"

The man quirked his brow in confusion and took a quick swig of beer.

"You're studying to… ugh… make a sandwich?"

"No. I want to become a witch."

"You want to scratch an itch? Mind if you scratch one of mine, girly? Here, I'll show it to you."

The man attempted to pull his pants down, much to Akko's absolute disgust. She could tell he was incredibly hungover.

"Ergh! I didn't want to do this, but you've forced my hand."

She took a deep breath and screamed as loud as he could into his ear.


The man toppled over his pile of beers and practically growled in sheer agony. He clutched his aching head.

"Ah! You damned little banshee! Are you trying to kill me?!"

Akko pressed her hands together in an apologetic manner. "Sorry for doing that. I'm just really desperate to become a witch like my hero, Shiny Chariot, Mister… uh… "

"Hm. She's a fan of Son Goku's old friend, huh? Interesting."

He took a big stretch and stood up straight. He pointed down at the small map on Akko's pamphlet.

"Just call me Thor. And if you want to go to Luna Nova so badly, check Glastonbury Tor over yonder. I'm sure your brochure will show you the way there."

"Glastonbury Tor?"

Akko looked from the map to a large building in the distance. A large bushel of green leaves seemed to be growing on top of it. It was virtually identical to the Ley Line Terminal described in the brochure.

"Oh! You're right!" She beamed. She quickly picked her stuff off the ground and ran towards it. "Thank you for the help, Mr. Thor! I'll find a way to repay you somehow! I promise!"

"Wait! You realize that you need a broom for that…" Thor trailed off once he saw that Akko couldn't hear him anymore. "…right?"

He groaned to himself and took another drink of beer. His eyes ever-so-slightly sparked with blue electricity as well.

"Hmph. What an annoying little girl..."

After finishing his last beer, he dropped it and loosened up his joints. He smirked at the thought of Son Goku becoming Luna Nova's next guardian, as he accurately predicted eleven years prior.

"Wonder if she'll cross paths with Goku sometime soon. I'm curious how strong he's become since we last met."

The god-like being then disappeared in a flash of lighting and thunder. Whether he would decide to follow Akko was yet to be determined.

As for the young girl in question, she excitedly ran down the stone path leading to Glastonbury Tor.

"At last! I found it! Hahaha!"

Akko was so focused on reaching the Ley Line Terminal, in fact, that she didn't pay attention to where she was going. This caused her to smack into another witch around her age.

She was a Filipino girl with long mauve hair and drooped red eyes. She wore a green dress with a brown coat placed over it and went by the name, Sucy Manbavaran. Her skin was ghostly white compared to Akko's as well.


The Japanese teen faceplanted into the floor, causing a few items to go flying out of her backpack. These items ranged from a stuffed bird, headphones, a textbook, and some ointment. Sucy, on the other hand, only dropped her broomstick.

"I-I'm really sorry about that." Akko groaned.

She then noticed that the girl had her own copy of Luna Nova's brochure. This made her extremely excited.

"Hey, you dropped this! Does this mean you're a new student too? Are you heading to the opening ceremony right now!? Alright!"

Sucy said nothing in reply. She simply grabbed the brochure from Akko's and squinted her red eyes. She looked almost disgusted by the hyperactive girl's very presence.

"To be honest, I was a little scared about going to a witch school all by myself. My name is Akko and I'm come from Japan! What's your—"

She was surprised to see Sucy walk away from her without a single word. She placed all of the discarded items back into her bag and sprinted forward.

"Huh?! Wait up!"

She ran up beside the girl and began blabbing on about her childhood dream of becoming a witch. They were about to walk over a bridge.

"I've dreamed of becoming a witch ever since I saw Shiny Chariot's magic show when I was six years old! Actually, it's not just a dream now. I bet it's destiny." Akko sighed in blissful delight. "You have heard of her, right? The Shiny Chariot?"

She pulled out a trading card that showed Chariot with the Shiny Rod in her left hand. A glowing blue star shined above her head.

Sucy did not look interested in the slightest. She was just waiting for Akko to finally shut up, so she could move on with her life.

"See this super rare Chariot card? It's my favorite and a personal treasure of mine!" Akko beamed. Sucy just rolled her eyes in reply. "Chariot is really well known in the magic world. I even heard that she destroyed some big monster in Blytonbury at our age. It's hard to believe that I've never met any other fans of her in person! She's so amazing!"

All of a sudden, Sucy stopped in place to grab something out of her bag. She dabbed her fingers in some type of purple liquid as Akko continued praising Shiny Chariot.

"I guess it's because some people think her magic's outdated, but that just makes her one of a kind, don't you think? Nobody, but Chariot could—"

Sucy rested a singer finger on Akko's cheek and roughly smacked her across the face.


As Akko massaged her bruised cheek, Sucy placed the mystery potion back in her bag and walked away.

"Mmm! Mmph!" Akko yelled in a series of inaudible muffles. She looked down to see that a zipper was magically placed over her mouth.


Her eyes widened from amazement.

"Whoa! Cool! Is this magic?" Shethought. "I tried to learn Puppet Magic using some mail-order kit, but this is the first time I've seen any magic this advanced!"

Akko tugged on the zipper's handle in order to get it off. It wouldn't budge.

"Sooo… how do I get it off? Come on! Ergh! Get—"

She then accidentally fell off of the bridge and smacked into the stream down below. This managed to negate the spell's effects, thankfully, but also left her completely soaked.


Just barely managing to walk out of the stream and dry off, Akko continued her short trek to Glastonbury Tor. She was now completely exhausted.

"At least the spell wore off, but…" The Japanese girl grumbled in annoyance. "Ergh! That girl. Who does she think she is?"

She walked up the remaining steps and saw three witches standing in front of the Ley Line Terminal's entrance. Each of them had brooms and their own school uniforms.

Akko's eyes practically sparkled from immense delight. She readjusted the position of her bag and sprinted over to them.

"Luna Nova Uniforms!"

The three witches were currently exchanging casual conversation with one another.

"How did your spring break go?" A girl with an auburn ponytail asked.

"Too many tourists. It was really hard to enjoy anything." A girl with purple hair and eyes replied.

"Did you hear that Luna Nova's apparently getting a new protector this year? Rumors say that he's some kind of alien or something." A third girl with long blue hair mentioned.

These three girls were named Hannah England, Avery, and Barbara Parker respectively. They typically looked down upon anyone who didn't have any prior connections to the magical community. This especially applied to people who couldn't cast magic at all.

"Tch. You actually believe that nonsense? There's no way they'd stoop so low. Bringing some non-magical commoner to protect us would be an utter disgrace." Hannah scoffed.

"Turns out he's some "martial artist" who personally knows one of the school's former headmistresses, Fortuneteller Baba." Barbara added. She then scrunched up her face in obliviousness. "I'm not sure how, though."

Avery lightly gasped. "The Baba Yaga? Wasn't she said to be as strong, if not stronger than some of the Nine Olde Witches?"

"Oh, those are probably some outdated rumors. I'm surprised she hasn't kicked the bucket yet, honestly." Hannah snorted. She then narrowed her hazel eyes. "What we should be worried about is that new student they decided to enroll here."

Akko's stride came to a sudden halt once she heard them talking about her.

"Oh yeah. She's apparently not even from a witch's family." Barbara glowered.

"No way! Is that true?" Avery asked.

"They've been letting in way too many commoners lately. This protector, whoever he is, might be the last straw. They could spell doom for Luna Nova's reputation, rather than actually protect anything."

The purple-haired Canadian witched rolled her eyes. "Yeah. We all remember what happened to the last guardian…"

"I've heard they're not doing well financially and letting in commoners helps keep the school open." Barbara explained.

"Ugh. Of course."

"If this keeps up, who knows who they'll let in?"

"I bet that new girl can't even ride a broom." Hannah snickered.

"There's no way!"

Avery smirked amusedly. "Well, she'll be the first person in the history of Luna Nova who can't ride one, if that's the case."

Akko turned around and tried her best to walk away as quietly as possible. Sadly, her presence was noticed by Barbara.

"Who's that?"

"O-Oh, I'm new here. Atsuko Kagari."

They all looked upon her with little interest.

"Oh. So, you're the one."

Akko nervously gulped and walked over to the three girls. She tried her best to treat them kindly.

"Sure, hope the bus comes soon, am I right?"

Avery raised an eyebrow. "What bus?"

"I-Isn't this the bus stop?"

The three witches looked at each other before breaking out into an uproarious fit of laughter. In that moment, Akko wanted to vanish into thin air and pretend this day never happened.


"Wow. Are you really that dumb?" Hannah inquired.

Barbara snorted. "I can't believe you really thought there was a bus here! Haha!"

They each stuck out their brooms in front of Akko's face and recited a short incantation.

"""Tia Freyre!"""

The three girls all took flight on their brooms with relative ease, much to Akko's amazement. Any attempt at flying a broom resulted in her crashing, yet they did it effortlessly.

"This is a broom stop, moron."

"The Ley Line Terminal." Barbara informed.

"This is the only way to get to Luna Nova."

"Magical energy has been flowing through this terminal since ancient times."

"Riding that energy takes you straight to your destination."

They each flew away from Akko one after the other. The three then entered Glastonbury Tor simultaneously and continue mocking her lack of magical knowledge.

"""It's the magic highway!"""

"It's basic witch knowledge. You should have learned that before you decided to barge in here." Barbara haughtily laughed.

Akko entered the Ley Line Terminal's entrance to see Avery, Barbara, and Hannah all floating in midair. They prepared to enter a large green portal that the young girl recalled seeing during Shiny Chariot's magic show.

"So, that's a Ley Line, huh? Wow."

"Let's go. If we're late to the opening ceremony, we'll be banned from ever attending Luna Nova." Barbara stated.

Converting into beams of green light, the three dispersed in a blinding flash of magical energy and headed for Luna Nova as planned. Akko was now left alone.

"What do I do?" She whispered.

Due to her not being able to fly, she resorted to climb the terminal's inner walls. This only resulted in Akko falling flat on her back, because of the brittle branches and roots she tried to grab onto. She would have started whimpering from desperation if not for the stray witch walking up Glastonbury Tor's staircase.

She was a Finnish girl with short, spiky orange hair and large glasses. She had blue eyes and freckles on her face too. Held in her arms were a broom and two large carry-on bags.

"Ugh. I'll be late at this rate." The girl whined. She then unceremoniously tripped on one of the steps. "Ahhhh!"

All of her belongings were scattered everywhere, much to the girl's chagrin. Her witch's hat fell off to reveal a blue headband as well.

"Oh! I didn't really need all of these souvenirs Mom and Grandma packed for me. It's way too much to carry." She sighed while desperately trying to pick everything off the ground. She then saw Akko pick up her hat and broomstick. "Huh?"

"Thank you so much." The girl muttered. She then pointed toward the entrance. "Are you going to Luna Nova too? The ceremony's probably starting soon."

Akko lightly whined with a sad expression her face. Tears were building up in her eyes, much to the Finnish witch's growing discomfort.

"Are you new? I've never seen you before."


The bespectacled girl narrowed her eyes. "Well, Luna Nova's pretty strict about rules. If you're late, you're automatically expelled, so we should hurry. I heard that they want everyone to be introduced to the school's new protector… whoever they may be."

Akko hung along one of the walls and slumped her shoulders.

"That's cool and all, but I don't have a broom. And it's not like I can ride one, anyway…"

"Oh. I see…" The girl murmured in reply. Not wanting to see Akko burst into tears, she gestured to the back of her broom. "Do you need a ride?"

"Huh? Really?"

"I've never had a passenger, but it shouldn't be too difficult… I think."

Akko's mood took a sudden 180 as she wrapped her arms around the orange-haired witch. The girl blinked her eyes a few times in surprise.

"You'll take me?! Thanks so much! You're singlehandedly restored my faith in witches!"

She parted from the girl to smile widely at her.

"I'm Atsuko Kagari, but you can call me, Akko. What's your name?"

"Um… My name's Lotte Janssen. I'd like to talk more, but we'll be late if we don't leave now."

"Then what are you waiting for?! Let's go, Lotte!" Akko beamed.


They placed all of their bags on Lotte's broom and made preparations to leave. Akko also wrapped her arms around Lotte's waist, so she wouldn't fall off.

"Ready for takeoff?"

Akko nodded. "Mmhm."

"Now, then let's take flight. Tia Freyre!"

Green particles of light emerged from Lotte's broom as it ascended into the air. Akko began to look down at the floor in surprise.

"No way! It's flying! It's actually flying!" She gasped. They were then jerked back down to a lower point in the air. "Wah!"

"We might be a little too heavy." Lotte stammered. She then looked up at the Ley Line located above them. "Open! Reveal the path to Luna Nova!"

To Akko's growing horror, their bodies were elongated and stretched the further they traveled inside the portal. She, obviously, did not take this foreign sensation very well.

"What the heck?! Wait a minute, wait a minute! WAIT A MINUTE!"

In a massive burst of magical energy, Lotte and Akko entered the Ley Line at unimaginably fast speeds.

"AHHHHHHH!" Akko screamed as comical tears fell from her eyes. "I can't do this anymore! Let me out!"

"It's a little late for that, Akko!" Lotte yelled.

Gusts of wind then smacked against their broom and blew them slightly off course.


Multiple items from Lotte and Akko's bags were flung off to another portion of the Ley Line. This included her stuffed white crow from earlier.

"My luggage!"

Somewhere close by, Sucy casually flew atop her broom and read from a brown textbook. Her expression was as mellow as ever.

"A witch who is not properly trained cannot enter the legendary forest, Arcturus." She uttered with a small frown. "Hmph. That's what they think."

Out of nowhere, the stuffed crow smacked into Sucy's face and caused her to woozily lose control.

Back with Lotte and Akko, their flight proceeded to get even worse. The Ley Line was actively trying to kick them out for some reason. Akko's eyes rolled around in reactionary dizziness as they avoid one torrent of wind after another.

"It's so cranky. Something's wrong!" Lotte cried. She turned her head to glance over at Akko. "You're not carrying any salt, are you?"

"Uh? Huh?"

"Ley Lines really don't like solidity."

"Um. You think it's this? My pickled plums?" Akko said as she pulled out a small container.

"I don't care what it is! THROW IT AWAY!" The Finnish witch screamed.

"But they're perfectly good plums. Can't I just—"

The Ley Line didn't even give her a chance to finish her sentence. It threw yet another gust of wind at them.

"Ergh! Akko, please!"

"Fine! I'll toss it!"

Before she could do so, Akko's Shiny Chariot tarot card flew out of her pocket and into the Ley Line's darker purple section. Her eyes widened as she held out her hand in newfound despair.

"Oh no! My most prized possession!"

She then lost her grip on Lotte's waist and helplessly fell down.



Right as Sucy removed the stuffed bird from her face, Akko's body slammed into Sucy's. This resulted in all three girls being spit out of the Ley Line like some kind of magical, interdimensional toilet.

Where they would end up was a place not many witches ended up escaping alive. That went double for girls as young as they were.

Back at the Observatory Tower…

With Luna Nova's opening ceremony about to take place in approximately thirty minutes or less, Professor Holbrooke and her fellow witches were setting up everything in the auditorium. Most teachers were responsible for orchestrating the students' seating arrangement, but Ursula, on the other hand, was given a much different task. Her job was making sure that Goku arrived there on-time.

However, this proved to be more a lot more difficult than expected. It turned out Goku could be quite the heavy sleeper when push came to shove. His snoring was even more of a hassle to endure.

After countless failed attempts to wake him up, Ursula just sat in her desk and waited for some more time to pass. She rested a hand against her cheek and yawned.

"Looks like it's another sleepless night for me." The young witch whispered.

Alcor would have continued sleeping as well, but a sudden burst of magical energy perturbed his slumber. He narrowed his cyan eyes and tried to get Ursula's attention.

"Caw! Caw!"

"Wah? Is it breakfast already?" Goku mumbled in slight delirium. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and slowly, but surely sat up straight.

"Figures that's what gets you to wake up…" Ursula said in amusement. She then looked over at her avian familiar. "What's the matter, Alcor?"


Seemingly understanding what the white crow's warning call, Ursula got out of her seat and waved her wand around. This deployed a Magic Projector from below the observatory's floorboards. It projected a black stellar map of various constellations, including Orion the Hunter, Draco the Dragon, Leo the Lion, and many more.

"Woah. Didn't think you could use magic to make something like that, Ursula." Goku whistled in awe. He walked up to the witch and stood beside her.

"I mostly use it for my Magic Astrology classes, but it can also be used to track which Ley Lines are active and inactive." She explained. "And this one is…"

A whitish-green star was spotted in between a constellation's feet. She immediately recognized the location that this star represented.

"No way! It's coming from the Forbidden Forest of Arcturus!" She gasped.

"Wait, you mean the one where the Shiny Rod is located?" Goku asked.

Ursula solemnly nodded her head. "That's right. It's a very dangerous place that most young witches aren't ready to explore yet. If there are indeed some students there, we need to bring them over to Luna Nova pronto!"

The Saiyan martial artist smirked and jerked a thumb at himself.

"Leave it to me then, Ursula. I should be able to save those girls right before the ceremony starts."

"But you'll need a Ley Line to get there, Goku. It might take a bit longer than you assume." Ursula reminded him in concern. "I wouldn't want Professor Holbrooke to be angry with you…"

"Not exactly. I have my Instant Transmission technique."

Ursula quirked a brow. "Instant Transmission?"

"It's something I picked up from some aliens called the Yardrat a few years ago. I simply sense someone's energy signature and teleport myself over to them. If it can work with ki, then I think it might be able to work with Ley Lines and magical energy too." Goku explained.

The Magic Astrology teacher was stunned by the existence of such a move. It almost made Goku function like a portable Ley Line of sorts. Unless there was some limit to it that she didn't know about, Instant Transmission was certainly an ability that many opponents and monsters would not see coming.

"Incredible. I didn't you know had such a move at your disposal, Goku. It's very impressive."

Goku laughed. "You ain't seen nothing yet, Ursula. There's a whole bunch of stuff you haven't seen me do yet."

"I can say the same to you as well, Goku." She thought in her subconscious mind.

"You can show me that later. Just… erm… Instant Transmit yourself over to Arcturus Forest first." Ursula ordered.

The martial artist smiled and placed two fingers on his forehead. He then fixed his gaze on Ursula's Magic Projector and the single white star glowing on it.

"Gotcha covered. I just need to sense the energy coming from that Ley Line and…"

He stood for a few seconds at most until a swift surge of green energy was sensed by him. As expected, it felt identical to the power Thor gave off eleven years prior.

"Ah! There we are! There're three pretty small energies in that forest you talked about. One of them is smaller than the others, but they're all definitely witches."

He took a deep breath and glanced over at his magically inclined companion.

"Grab my shoulder and hang on tight, okay?"

"Sure, but what do you mean by hang on—"

As indicated by the technique's name, Goku and Ursula completely vanished into thin air. Alcor, unable to tell what just happened or where his master went, tilted his head to the side in confusion.


The two would now need to save Akko, Lotte, and Sucy before Luna Nova's opening ceremony could start. Goku, however, was just excited to explore a new location in this world. He hoped that something would be able to give him a worthwhile challenge there.

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