Inside the mountains cave...
The wall that Danzel had raised was soon destroyed and cut into small pieces.
With the wall crumbling down, the zombies that waited from the other side howled upon taking a glimpse from one of the living.
Abiding by their lieges command and their own instincts.
The first zombie to take the lead of a malnourished zombie with all the other zombies following closely behind him.
The man responsible for cutting down the wall stared solemnly at the horde that was about to run him down.
"So he said the truth, huh..." As he finished his words, a small glow was to see in the elderly legs.
And the next moment, the zombie's target had vanished from his original spot.
Before the zombies knew, the body of the horde was split into several pieces. Creating a scene out of a horror movie.
Feel free to guess what her condition is while I laught from the sidelines. The hints are in place.
P.S: How did you like the introduction of those two characters?