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Chapter 3: Team Hellfire

As Alakazam neutralized Ethan's psychic energy, it suddenly experienced a powerful vision.

Ethan's psychic power connected with Alakazam's mind, creating a link to his past.

The intense glow in Alakazam's eyes signaled the beginning of a harrowing journey through Ethan's memories.

Alakazam saw a young boy, Ethan, kidnapped and subjected to torturous experiments by a sinister organization called Hellfire.

This organization conducted horrific experiments on thousands of newborns and children up to the age of six.

Ethan himself had been kidnapped when he was just one year old.

Scenes of cold, sterile labs filled with crying children and shadowy figures in lab coats flashed through Alakazam's mind.

The researchers discovered that Ethan was both a psychic and an aura guardian, a revelation that even shocked Alakazam.

Despite countless experiments, Hellfire found they couldn't strip Ethan of his abilities.

Instead, they decided to turn him into a weapon, using Pokémon like Hypno and Alakazam to control his mind.

Alakazam saw Ethan being forced into painful training sessions, his mind manipulated by powerful psychic Pokémon.

Yet, one day, Ethan's latent powers exploded, overwhelming his captors.

He went berserk, using his combined psychic and aura abilities to break free from the facility.

His escape led Hellfire to emerge from the shadows, desperately searching for their prized experiment, which eventually brought Ethan into Professor Oak's care.

As the vision ended, Alakazam relayed the horrifying images to Professor Oak telepathically.

Oak's face turned pale, his expression shifting from concern to a deep, unsettling horror.

Lance, noticing the drastic change in Oak's demeanor, stepped forward.

"Professor, what did Alakazam see?"

Before Oak could respond, he instructed Alakazam, who simply said,

"Alakazam~," signaling he understood.

Alakazam then moved towards Lance, showing him the same vision.

Lance's face tensed, and he looked at Oak in disbelief as the scenes unfolded in his mind.

After the vision ended, Lance took a deep breath, trying to process what he had seen.

"This is worse than we imagined," he said

his voice filled with a mix of anger and determination.

"Hellfire needs to be stopped. We can't let them continue these experiments."

Oak nodded, his expression resolute.

"We need to find their base and rescue any other children they've captured. This organization has gone unchecked for too long."

Lance frowned, his mind racing with the implications.

"We should gather all available information on Hellfire. Any leads, no matter how small, could be crucial. I'll put my best people on it."

Oak agreed.

"I'll start by analyzing the vision Alakazam saw, trying to pinpoint any identifiable locations or details.

We might find clues in the background or the environment that could help us locate their base."

Lance added,

"We also need to ensure Ethan's safety. If Hellfire realizes he's here, they might try to recapture him. We should enhance security around the lab."

Oak nodded.

"I'll make the necessary arrangements. We can't take any chances with his safety."

Lance leaned forward, his expression serious.

"There's also the matter of Ethan's abilities. His powers are immense and could be dangerous if not properly managed."

Oak agreed.

"I'll work with him personally. With the right guidance, he can learn to control his abilities and use them for good."

Lance stood up, ready to leave.

"I'll gather the Elite Four and plan our strategy. We need to act swiftly and decisively.

I'll also reach out to other regions. This isn't just a Kanto problem; it's a threat to all of us."

Oak stood as well, shaking Lance's hand.

"We're in this together, Lance. We won't let Hellfire continue their atrocities."

Lance nodded.

"We have the power to destroy this organization, Oak. We just need to prepare and execute our plan flawlessly.

With the combined strength of the Elite Four and your expertise, Hellfire doesn't stand a chance."

Returning to his office, Oak began to compile all the information they had on Hellfire.

He contacted his colleagues, requesting any intelligence they could share.

As night fell, Oak couldn't shake the haunting images from Alakazam's vision.

Oak finally settled at his desk, determined to uncover every secret Hellfire had hidden.

The fate of countless children, and perhaps the entire Pokémon world, depended on their success.


The following morning, Ethan awoke feeling rested and curious.

He ventured out of his room, eager to see more of this incredible place.

As he strolled through the halls, he marveled at the various habitats and Pokémon he encountered.

Each area was meticulously designed to replicate different environments, showcasing the diversity of the Pokémon world.

He saw a large, grassy area where Bulbasaur and its evolutions played.

Another area had a small pond where a group of Squirtle splashed about.

There were sections of the lab dedicated to rocky terrains, deserts, and even a miniature forest.

The sight of so many different Pokémon living harmoniously filled Ethan with awe.

Wandering further, Ethan came across a building adorned with statues of Charizard, Venusaur, and Blastoise.

A large training ground stretched out in front of the building, making the area look majestic. Curious, Ethan walked inside and found himself in what appeared to be a classroom.

Children aged between five and ten sat quietly, listening to a teacher explaining the basics of Pokémon care and training.

Ethan quickly understood that this was a school for young trainers.

With a brief sigh, he exited the school.

Outside, the fresh air and the sight of Pokémon playing freely lifted his spirits.

He took a deep breath, feeling a sense of peace he had never known.

This was a new beginning, a chance to learn and grow in a safe and nurturing environment.


Back at Oak's lab, a tense atmosphere filled the air.

Professor Oak, Lance, and the Elite Four were gathered around a large table, maps and documents spread out before them.

The gravity of their mission weighed heavily on their minds.

Lance began,

"We've managed to obtain the location of Hellfire's base through our contacts in the black market.

It's hidden deep in a mountainous region, surrounded by natural barriers that make it difficult to access."

Agatha, the Ghost-type expert, added,

"They've chosen their location well. It's secluded and well-defended.

We'll need a precise plan to infiltrate and dismantle their operations."

Oak nodded.

"We've faced difficult odds before, but this is on a different scale. We can't afford any mistakes."

Bruno, the Fighting-type master, spoke up.

"We'll need to split into teams. One team will create a diversion, drawing out their forces, while the other infiltrates the base and rescues the children."

Lance agreed.

"And we'll need to be ready for anything. Hellfire has powerful Pokémon at their disposal, and they'll be prepared to defend their base fiercely."

Lorelei, the Ice-type specialist, pointed to the map.

"We should use the natural terrain to our advantage. A coordinated attack, using both ground and aerial routes, will maximize our chances of success."

Oak outlined their strategy, assigning roles and responsibilities to each member of the team.

"Lance, you'll lead the diversion team. Bruno and Agatha, you'll be with him.

Lorelei and I will handle the infiltration, along with Alakazam and some of our strongest Pokémon."

After hours of meticulous planning, they were ready. Lance stood, his expression determined.

"We move out at dawn. This is our best chance to stop Hellfire and save those children. Let's make sure we get it right."

With a unified resolve, the team disbanded, each member preparing for the mission ahead.

They knew the risks were high, but failure was not an option.

As dawn broke, they assembled at the entrance of Oak's lab, their Pokémon ready for battle.

With a final nod, they set off towards Hellfire's base, the weight of their mission driving them forward.


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