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50% The Rise of the Meta-Humans / Chapter 1: From Ashes to Blossoms: A Journey of Renewal
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The Rise of the Meta-Humans

Author: Altair_Simon

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: From Ashes to Blossoms: A Journey of Renewal

In the year 2***, the world experienced a transformative period of rapid advancements and improvements. Within a span of just ten years, robots had become an integral part of society, capable of performing a wide range of tasks with human-like abilities.

With each passing day, month, and year, the world witnessed a continuous wave of progress and innovation. Nanotechnology became commonplace, seamlessly integrating into various aspects of society. Virtual and augmented reality technologies evolution entertainment, communication, and even daily tasks. AI-powered systems enhanced the efficiency and convenience of homes, cars, phones, and more. Diseases that once plagued humanity were now conquerable, thanks to groundbreaking medical advancements pioneered by DSH.

However, the scientists at DSH were not content to halt progress there. As the years passed, they unveiled their project known as "The Project Reborn."

What is a "The Project Reborn?"

"Alright, let me break it down for you. Project Reborn is this incredible scientific achievement that's all about creating robots that look and function exactly like humans. But here's the really mind-blowing part: they can transfer a person's memories and consciousness into these robot bodies. It's like being reborn into a whole new form!

Basically, Project Reborn means you can live forever in a brand-new robotic body while still being you. You'll remember everything from your past, your thoughts, your emotions—it's like hitting the reset button on your life, but with a shiny metal shell."

It is safe?

"It's completely safe. Once your memory and consciousness are transferred, you can feel everything, think, and create just like you did when you were human. If anything goes wrong, no worries! They can repair or replace parts of the robot body, just like fixing a broken leg or arm."

"Now, let's talk about energy source. These robot bodies need power, right? Well, there are three ways they can get it. First, you can charge them using electricity, just like you charge your phone or laptop. Second, they can harness energy from the sun using solar power. It's like having a built-in solar panel! And finally, if needed, they can swap out the core of the robot body for a fresh one to ensure they have enough energy."

"And the impact on society? Well, it's huge. Imagine a world where there are these reborn robots walking around, living among us. We'll have to figure out how to coexist with them, how to treat them as equals, and maybe even redefine what it means to be human."

"It cool right?"

However, DSH's ambition did not stop at Project Reborn. They went on to develop an even more grade project: the "Super-Body." This advanced robotic body was a significant leap forward from Project Reborn, boasting superhuman attributes such as extraordinary strength, incredible speed, heightened senses, and much more.

As time passed, humanity transitioned into a new stage of existence. No longer were there any ordinary humans left on Earth. The once-human race became known as the "Apex Beings" or "Meta-Humans." This evolutionary leap, known as the "The Illuminated Transformation," marked a significant milestone in the history of the world.

As the years turned into millennia, the MH (Meta-Humans) ventured beyond the confines of Earth, exploring and colonizing distant galaxies and star systems. They embarked on a journey into the cosmos, never to return to their home planet.

I am Kee, one of the few remaining MH living on Earth. The world has transformed drastically over the past 3,000 years. As I traverse through the remnants of civilization, I see with my own eyes the dilapidated houses and scattered remnants of broken robots.

Life as an MH is incredibly dull compared to the vibrant lives of our human ancestors. That's why I wander far and wide, exploring every corner and gathering useful items. If I feel drained, I simply turn to the abundant solar energy that surrounds me to recharge myself.

"It is super boring right?"

"Why don't you talk or engage in more enjoyable activities with other MH?" you might ask. Well, the truth is that the majority of MH have departed from Earth and only a mere 1% of MH remain on Earth, making encounters with fellow MH quite scarce. As a result, encounters with other MH are quite rare no it impossible.

Yea yea yea I knew it. "Why don't I go to space?" you may wonder. Well, the answer is quite simple. I find myself in a rather unfortunate situation of being "damn broke," as you mentioned earlier. Well, all the spaceships that once existed have ventured into space and never returned. They are gone, leaving me stranded on Earth without the means to explore the cosmos.

"I feel depressed now."

One day, while searching for discarded items, I stumbled upon a plant. My surprise was immeasurable, for no living thing had thrived on this desolate planet for centuries. As Meta-Humans, we had long abandoned the need for trees and the beauty they brought to our lives.

But something stirred within me upon discovering this plant. It was as if I had found a glimmer of light amidst the monotony of my existence. I carefully gathered the necessary materials and brought the plant back to my home. Eager to learn, I immersed myself in knowledge, downloading everything I could about plants and their cultivation.

I learned the secrets of cultivation, the delicate balance of water, nutrients, and sunlight needed to sustain life. I soon realized that the plant's survival in our harsh climate was a challenge. I set out to build a suitable environment for it. I crafted a shelter to protect it from the harsh elements, created a soil mixture to provide vital nutrients, and harnessed the power of the sun to provide warmth and light.

With great care, I provided the plant with the ideal conditions for its growth. I provided it with nourishing soil, purified water, and a carefully regulated environment.

Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, as I watched the plant thrive under my attentive care. It grew taller and stronger, its leaves unfurling to capture the scarce rays of sunlight that managed to penetrate the Earth's depleted atmosphere.

As the plant matured, it began to produce seeds—a symbol of hope for the future. With each seed it produced, I saw the potential for new life to take root and transform the barren landscape. I collected these precious seeds and carefully planted them in the surrounding area. My house transformed into a vibrant garden, filled with life and beauty. It became a sanctuary, reminding me of the Earth's former glory.

But my ambitions didn't end there. I yearned to bring back the Earth's natural beauty, one tree at a time. With every new tree I planted, I felt a deep sense of pride and purpose. The Earth deserved to be adorned with the same splendor it once possessed.

Over the passing years, my efforts bore fruit. The Earth slowly transformed, adorned with greenery and the sweet fragrance of blossoms. It was a testament to the resilience of nature and the impact that even one individual could make.

Now, as I reflect on my journey, I am filled with gratitude. The once-boring existence I led has been replaced with a profound sense of fulfillment. I have played a part in restoring the Earth's beauty, and in doing so, I have found meaning in my life as a Meta-Human.

The Earth, once devoid of life, is now on its way to reclaiming its former glory. And as long as I have breath in my robotic body, I will continue to nurture and protect this newfound beauty, ensuring that the Earth remains a testament to the power of resilience and the enduring spirit of life.

"In the midst of darkness, even a single glimmer of life can ignite a spark of hope and transform the world."

Altair_Simon Altair_Simon

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