/ Prominente / The Return I kth ff

The Return I kth ff Original

The Return I kth ff

Prominente 5 Chapters 15.4K Views
Author: Aergul_Celestia

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Not so your usual fanfiction.

To what extent, can you go for the survival? All glitter is really not gold.

All of sudden when Liza had to face him, what would she do for "the return"?

His cold breath made me shiver. Every hair on my body stood up. His ice cold lips grazed my shoulder , as he whispered.

"Can't you see that I can't let you go."

He raised his head meeting his ice white eyes with my helpless ones and that evil smirk he wore on the edge of his lips as his beloved ornament. At that time, I couldn't help but shudder.

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