"Hey, Seb," Hawi called out and the man instantly turned back with a furrowed brow.
"You never call me Seb," the warlock noticed and Hawi just smiled right as Malika threw a punch at the man and knocked him out.
Rukiya looked at Hawi and Malika, shock clear on her face as she tried to make sense of what she was seeing, she knew her mate and the protractor are batshit crazy, but a part of her always hoped that the crazies didn't always go full-on psycho.
Hell, she had seen Hawi vibe with the man, so what the fuck had changed along the way?
"What the hell did you do that for? Weent you talking like old friends a few minutes ago?!" Rukiya shrieked as she looked at the passed-out warlock on the ground. The man was bleeding on his head and Ruru felt terrible for him.
Poor Ruru, sigh lol