(The Eyrie, The Mountains of The Moon, The Vale of Arryn, The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, Westeros, GoT Universe)
(Rogar Arryn POV)
Dressed in Artys Arryn's Armor with his Blades and Bow. Rogar mentally prepared himself. His Deal with Dorne was clear, he would have to remarry Into a Dornish Family and support them in a certain manner in exchange for keeping the eventual peace provided He Rescued Elia and her children if the War went badly for the Targaryen's.
The key concession was that while not solely his choice, he was able to directly influence who was to become his bride. Off the top of his Head, Five came to minx, Princess Arianne, Sylva Santagar, and Jeyne and Jennelyn Fowler, and Myria Jordayne. Myria was unlikely, given she was the single Heir to Her Family, with no other possible Heirs available.
Sylva Santagar and the Fowler Twins were an appealing choice, but it eventually without saying his first choice would always be Arianne. She was the closest to Myranda in physical appearance if you discount her Dornish Skin.
Plus it served his goal of eventually seating Rodrik or his future Grandchild onto the Iron Throne.
Rogar could have claimed that damn Chair, but it was a far safer bet to let Robert sit it, and when he died pick up the Pieces. True it was what Littlefinger did and would do, but He'd deal with Ramsay Snow, Baelish, and Joffery quickly and quietly, and ask Robert to legitimize Dyanna so that she might wed someone that would force things in his favor.
He'd also meet with Olenna Tyrell. Rogar would see if she was willing to join in his conspiracy.
But first things first, Take Gulltown, get Ned North and Robert Home. Rogar would let his father do as in Cannon. While he and the Order of Artys would hit Target after Target with the express goal of acting as a Covert operations Group.
While the Trident was happening they'd slip inside King's Landing and wait for House Lannister. After that they'd slip into the Red Keep, Rescue Elia and Rhaenys, but arrive too late for Aegon. They'd sedate Gregor Clegane for transport, failing that they'd cut of his hands and feet, Elia and Dorne would see justice and vengeance.
There might be not much distinction between the two for outsiders to Dorne, but in the words of the Sexy Katrina Law and allegedly handsome Stephen Amell; "Justice is Vengeance". Speaking of Katrina Law, Dacey Mormont is a dead ringer for her. Rogar caught sight of her at Harrenhal and was sorely tempted to seduce her. If he'd known what would happen to Randa, the pleasure of a child with a mother might have been wort-.
Rogar clenched his fist as a deep Rage as he felt his heart clench. Jon Connington would pay. He would inflict his pain on the Connington's tenfold. God's he needed to fuck someone. He'd have to remember to find a bedwarmer or two later....hmm, Alynne Connington would be a good...no, Control your rage Rogar satisfying as it might be, it would be rape. And however - oh God's he really needed to fuck someone.
Oberyn, your girls better be tight and virginal when the Rebellion is over. Because nothing less would get him unwound at this rate
(POV Shift: Arianne Martell)
Uncle Oberyn came back with a signed pact bearing the Sigils of their House and those of Houses Arryn, Baratheon, and Stark. He wouldn't say much, but Arianne eventually got her hands on the letter. Arianne saw an opportunity to ensnare the man she had desired for years.
She was only four when she met him, but After years of sexually experimenting with Tyene, Nymeria, and the Fowler Twins and not a single man despite frequent opportunities and offers, Arianne wanted the Falcon's Spear Inside her Sun.
She would be Arianne Arryn....
(POV Shift: Robert Baratheon)
Robert was nervous, he would become King if he won. His first act was to try and make Rogar his Hand. Rogar Declined stating a preference for the Position of Master of Ships.
Thus Robert named him to the office.
Jon was his next choice, and Robert was glad Jon accepted.
He'd have offered Ned a position, but Robert would not keep the North from his best friend. It was bad enough Robert would keep Lyanna from the North and Ned, and Benjen was even less suited than Ned was being Heir. Ned's words not His.
Robert would like lying if he said he wasn't going to be taking no pleasure in Fucking Lyanna in the Room of Rhaegar and Elia...Elia. Though her boy would be a threat, The Girl Rhaenys need not die. Mother neither. Rogar was right. The two of them were shamed just as much as Lyanna by Rhaegar at Harrenhal.
Thus Robert didn't Hesitate to supply his signature and his Seal to Rogar's Document for Dorne, alongside Ned's. Rogar had Sworn a Vow, and Robert made it too. Rogar wasn't as close to Robert as Ned Was, but Rogar was a brother nonetheless, a brother in arms if in nothing else.
Looking out from the tallest Tower of The Eyrie, Robert grew seriously somber. ''One thing's for certain....This...Means...War...'' The words tasted sweet on his tongue, but that only made it feel even more true.
Connington would repay the debt owed to Rogar with his blood and Robert would dramatically reduce the holdings and influence of the family as an extra humiliation.
(POV Shift Janna Tyrell)
Janna and her new son rode for the Eyrie as soon as News broke of Rhaegar's Abduction of Lyanna Stark. Her husband was abusive, blaming her dalliance with Rogar all those years ago for not giving him an heir.
Garth was a baby and thus easily shielded by his mother, and hopefully by his father soon. If Mace was unwilling to protect her, then Rogar would....
How do you guys like that. While back someone mentioned I messed with the dates. Ended up getting an idea for that dalliance with Janna.
We'll see what happens now won't we?
This Dalliance will not be a Major Plot point but it will be a significant one, given Rogar will be minutes from leaving for Riverrun by the time Janna has reached the Eyrie.
Now I could have a Lemon next Chapter, but I think not given the Boy is less than a year old.
If some of you are wondering about how he strayed into Darker Thoughts towards family of his hated enemy Jon Connington, then let me explain now. I have an Extra Y Chromosome, which means I hot six foot two at Primary school. Also I'm ADD with Asperges. In normal terms slightly autistic and was prone to a very Baratheon temper in my younger years. As you can imagine that made me a target.
I'm sorry to say that those Same kind of Dark Thoughts frequently manifested in me throughout the torment. And at one point devolved a small repetitive problem into essentially a blood feud without the blood. I was and still am madly in love with the twin sister of that person, but my point is that ultimately this all adds a certain level of realism to it all.
(The Eyrie, The Mountains of The Moon, The Vale of Arryn, The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, Westeros, GoT Universe)
(Year 281 AC)
(Rogar Arryn POV)
Rogar didn't quite really know what to think when Janna Tyrell showed up on his figurative doorstep with a newborn babe that was distinctly his Bastard son.
One thing was for sure, she was under his protection for all time now, she would be his Paramour. The abuse she suffered would not go unpunished.
Their Son was Called Garth Flowers. A good name.
Leaving Janna behind in the Eyrie in Eskel's Care. Rogar rode with a force of three hundred Strong. They rode to Riverrun ahead of the main Army. He wanted more land, and a piece of The Reach. The loyalists of the Riverlands gave him a direct line into The Crownlands where he would then move into The Reach.
This would limit the power and Influence of The Reach during the WOTFK. He planned to seize Darry, Maidenpool, Antlers, Rook's Rest, Every Castle on Cracklaw Point, Sow's Horn, Ivy Inn, and Brindlewood in order to facilitate his taking of much of the Reach.
Specifically he planned to add Tumbleton, Bitterbridge, Longtable, Grassy Vale, Goldengrove, Old Oak, and New Barrell for his Future Foothold and create a Line into The Westerlands come WOTFK. Of course the crucial point of it was dependent on his Alliances and how successful they would be.
Robert agreed when he explained his history with Janna and her problems. But first things first, he had to bring Riverrun to the Table. Luckily Lysa was already wed, Rogar was glad to have put her in someone else's bed before this shit kicked off. If Tully tried pushing her onto him, he was prepared to castrate himself or Tully, preferably Tully.
Although being inside Catelyn wasn't unappealing, especially given how many times he'd be able to fuck a kid in her belly or sample her breastmilk as he would have done with Myranda, in the end, he was ultimately content to satisfy himself with Janna and his Dornish Bride. And Two Snakes of Dornish Sand as well of course....
(POV Shift: Brynden Tully)
War was in the air, Aerys Targaryen and his Son Rhaegar had gone too far. Having fought in the Last Blackfyre Rebellion, Brynden knew that Houses Stark, Baratheon, and Arryn had the right side of morality on their side.
And though Brynden had no desire to shed Rivermen's Blood, he would, because Brynden was tired of always waiting for the other shoe to drop with House Targaryen for one.
''Brynden, we've a guest, let us greet him.'' Hoster called.
(POV Shift: Rogar Arryn)
Rogar stood inside Riverrun, Some fifteen men of his Three Hundred Men, acting as his personal guards. Lian and Benjicot were his Order's best Blades so they stuck glued to his ass figuratively speaking.
He was in Catelyn Tully, Hoster Tully, and Brynden Tully's presence. ''What do you want? What will it take to side with us?'' Rogar asks.
''You once refused my Lysa, now you and my Little Cat are both...'' Hoster starts only for Roger to sigh, making Hoster Pause.
''No, I'm sorry Lord Hoster, but in order to secure peace with Dorne should we win, I am promised to a Dornish Bride. However, I can offer you something else. Two Things specifically. Ned Stark is prepared to stand in place of Brandon. Keep your alliance with the Stark's secure. I am willing to also offer your son an Arryn Bride if you so wish. But What Robert is prepared to give you is The City Watch of King's Landing. Your Brother can serve as Lord-Commander and advise on the Small Council, giving you an extra Voice at Court. As for yourself, only Robert can answer that.'' Says Rogar.
''It's a good offer Hos, and I for one am inclined to take it.'' Brynden says to Hoster just loud enough for Rogar to hear.
''You can give your answer to the others, they'll be here in a couple days. As for me, I have to take my boys to hit Darry, The Plough Horses have unsurprisingly declared for the Crown.'' Says Rogar as he stands and moves to see himself out.
''If you think your headed to Darry without me and just Three Hundred Men at yer back, then your not as smart as I've heard.'' Blackfish says stepping in his way.
''Three Hundred is all I need. Every one of them better with a Sword than you.'' Says Rogar a challenge in his eyes.
''We'll see.'' Says Brynden as he heads out.
''Just what I need, a Backseat Swordsmen.'' Rogar mutters.
(POV Shift: Janna Tyrell)
Janna laid in the bath provided to her by Ser Eskel. Rogar reluctantly rode out for Riverrun without her. He promised her marriage or now he'd never let her Husband take her back. By naming her his Paramour, she knew she had accepted a place at his side. Reaching to cup her breasts, Janna fiddled with her nipples, squeezing them feeling the milk run across her hands. She felt her sex, the lush forest of brown hair and her sex.
She then shyly touched her bruised, from where her ''Husband'' had beaten her for a premarital pregnancy. She nearly miscarried due to his breaking of Queen Alyssane's Laws regarding Infidelity. But how could claim Infidelity as they weren't married at that point?
Her answer was another beating and him forcing himself on her. Rogar would see him punished. No doubt about it in Janna's mind.
Garth despite being a couple months old looked a lot like his father. He may be a Bastard, but Rogar loved him all the same, she saw it in his eyes. Her Bastard Husband, called him Garth Flowers, The Falcon's Bastard of Highgarden. But Rogar dubbed him Garth Flowers, The Falcon of Highgarden.
He would be a good father of that Janna had the absolute certainty of....
(POV Shift: Hoster Tully)
Rogar Arryn offered terns for better than The Loyalists. And forgetting that fur a moment, because of Rhaegar's Abduction, his Cat lost her Wolf. It was an insult and Aerys needed to be Held accountable for it.
Hoster really wanted his Cat to become Lady Arryn, but Rogar's Claim of being promised stalled that. And being perfectly truthful, an Arryn Bride for Edmure was not out of the question. Especially if one considered that in addition to that, Catelyn married Eddard Stark, that would have locked in the Riverlands more securely than just one or the other, especially if Lysa's Marriage to Lyonel Corbray stuck.
Brynden would speak to the events of Darry and Hoster would have an answer as to the Boy's Character from a first hand source directly and one that Hoster could trust without any exaggerations.
And Hoster would have his answer to the boy's suitability for his Catelyn.
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