(The Eyrie, The Mountains of The Moon, The Vale of Arryn, The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, Westeros, GoT Universe)
(Year: 281 AC)
(Jon Arryn POV)
Rogar was now a Knight, He was Knighted by Ser Arthur Dayne of The Kingsguard and had secured the loyalty of two former outlaws. Now it was the eve of his boy's wedding and Jon stood by the craddle of his first Grandchild. A Bastard true, but a Grandchild nonetheless. Dyanna Stone, Rogar's Bastard Daughter by Lady Ashara Dayne.
Jon knew his son was in his majority, and Jon himself was now nearing his grey years more and more. Jon knew what he wanted to do, he would abidcate his position as Lord of The Eyrie to Rogar along with his position as The Warden of The East. Jon would retire and care for his Bastard Grandduaghter.
Dyanna was beautiful.....and like the Grandfather he now was, he would dote on her frequently.
(POV Shift: Myranda Royce)
Myranda was ecstatic....Today was the day she became Lady Arryn. Myranda was looking forward to it, despite the well of nervousness in her gut. If She couldn't provide him sons and daughters both the Vale's Future would be in doubt and she and her House would be blamed.
There were already many naysayers against the Match, Claiming she was tainted, spoiled fruit. But Rogar didn't seem to care, he chose her. Few people understood how powerful that kind of action could be for a young woman, especially a widowed one.
Rogar hadn't seen her yet, but she had seen him. His handsome looks took her breath away and made her chest heat up. As she was fitted for a Gown, her attendants and handmaidens spoke of how one look at her in the dress and his Breeches would split apart.
The very notion of Rogar and his Spear got her hot qnd bothered. Especially as he breasts strained to fit in the Gown. But Myranda had to quell such thoughts lest she soil her only bridal gown capable of containing her rather large chest.
(POV Shift: Rogar Arryn)
Rogar sat with Ned Stark, Robert Baratheon and Oberyn Martell. A Half-Drunk Bottle of Dornish Red and several Arbor Golds. The Four of them were drinking to Oberyn's time in Essos and his own campaign against the Kingswood Brotherhood.
Oberyn leaned over to whisper in Rogar's ear.
''Tyene has her eye on you, I think she took your parting words to heart.'' Says Oberyn.
''Good, She's cute enough.'' Rogar responds dryly. In his past life, Rogar had always been a fan of Tyene more than Nymeria, but in saying that he had always favored Tyene, Nymeria, and Elia Sand ahead of Oberyn's other Daughters, he just happened to be biased towards Tyene more than the others.
''My niece too, but I would watch out for Nymeria. Both are not easily swayed from a man they desire.'' Says Oberyn.
''I'm aware my friend.'' Rogar laughs as he refills Oberyn's Goblet.
(POV Shift: Ned Stark)
Rogar Arryn, A good man with a better head on his shoulders. Rogar Proved his mettle against The Kingswood Brotherhood, Simon Toyne and Wenda The White Fawn had become Knights of The Vale.
When Ned questioned his decision, Rogar told him a story about Toyne. Toyne wanted his Houses dignity back but he wanted a better life for his boys, and Wenda was scorned by House Fawnton simply for being a Bastard capable of outshooting their best Archers.
He also explained that Aerys had offered each of them a Royal Pardon at his request.
Rogar was after something specific, that much was clear. The only question was what exactly.....
(POV Shift: Myranda Royce)
The Time had come at last, Her Father was so filled with Pride that She feared his belly would burst. But Myranda was definitely looking forward to it. She just had to walk through those doors and it would finally begin.
(POV Shift: Rogar Arryn POV)
The Doors opened and Rogar stood at the Altar in his finest clothes.
Myranda entered and she took his breath away.
Wearing an Ivory Samite Gown, which barely contained her large breasts, but accentuated her figure just about perfectly. The Cloak of House Royce hung from her shoulders.
As she arrived The Septon spoke and spoke until he finally got to the part just before he would bid Nestor to uncloak her.
''You may may now Cloak her and place her in your protection.'' Says The Septon.
Giving the Septon an impatient look, and Oberyn one too as Oberyn makes it painfully obvious he's in no rush to hand the Arryn Cloak to Rogar.
''Your a Dick.'' Rogar whispers to his first real friend, before Cloaking Myranda in his Arryn Colors.
Retrieving the Silken binding from anearby Septa, The Septon wraps The Silk around their cladped hands.
''Let it be known that Rogar of House Arryn and Myranda of House Royce are one heart, one flesh, one soul. Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder. In the sight of the Seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one, for eternity.''
Looking at both, he proceeds to tell them to ''Look upon one another and say the words.'' At this point, Rogar and Myranda turned to face each other and immediately start to recite the traditional vows in unison: "Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger, I am his/hers and she/he is mine from this day until the end of my days." They say in unison before blatantly ignoring the septon.
''With this kiss I pledge my love and take you for my lord and husband/and take you for my lady and wife.'' And with the kiss they shared, the Septon finishes it with some words but Rogar is to busy kissing his wife to notice or care....
The Wedding Feast was in full swing, Rogar had Danced with his Wife before having to Dance with the other nobles.
He sat with his bride as his Father stood and raised a hand to bring the merriment to a hslt.
''My Lord's and Ladies, it is with great joy I ser my son happily wed, but I must confess that I have grown weary of ruling the Vale. Thus, I must now announce that I am abdicating my titles of Lord of The Eyrie and Warden of The East, and allowing you my son to take over. May the Crone guide him, The Father enlighten him, The Smith Build the Armor that protects him, and The Warrior guide his sword arm. I give you Lord Rogar Arryn, Lord of The Eyrie, Warden of The East, and The First Knight of The Vale!'' Says Jon.
The Guests cheer thunderously, before Rogar stands himself and Raises his hands for silence.
''Lord Nestor Royce, Ser Simon Toyne, and Wenda The White Fawn Step forward please.'' The Three step to the forefront as commanded.
''Lord Nestor, my gift to you for allowing me to marry Myranda is to grant you dominion over The Gates of The Moon. You will head House Royce of The Gates of The Moon. Ser Simon Toyne shall serve as your first Vassal from The Bloody Gate, As Head of House Toyne. Wenda will head House Whitefawn and serve me as the Stewardess of Stone, Snow, and Sky. But Her Descendants will serve your own in the capacity of Landed Knights. Congratulations.'' Says Rogar as Nestor looks shocked until ''Bronze'' Yohn Royce claps his cousin on the back.
''That was kind of you.'' Myranda notes.
''He'll be worrying about you later.'' Says Rogar.
''Oh? Really? And why would that be I wonder?'' Myranda asks coyly with an eyebrow raised and mirth in her eyes.
''Because I will have you screaming as I ravage you. Mmm, You have no idea how badly I want you right now.'' Says Rogar huskily as he leans over and gropes Myranda's Breast.
''I have some idea husband.'' Myranda says as she leans into him and gropes his crotch.
''BEDDING CEREMONY!!!'' With The cry out for the Bedding Ceremony having come from Oberyn andRobert, Rogar's thankful eyes grow smokey with lust as he and Myranda are Carried off.
(A/N: Well, As you guys wanted here's that Wedding Bedding. Gonna try and not make it as patchy as the last one, so no promises on better quality)
As soon as they were in the Room, Rogar looked Myranda in the eyes before shrugging off his clothes down to his smallclothes.
Rogar looked at Myranda expectantly. Prompted, Myranda took the initiative and leaned in to kiss Rogar. The Young Falcon kissed her back and kept one hand on her cheek while bringing the other to grip her small waist and pushed her down onto the mattress, unmindful of the fact that she was yet to undress. A scented beeswax candle burned on the bedside table and rose petals had been strewn between the sheets. Myranda heard herself nearly squeal in surprise, gripping Rogar's shoulders.
"Mmmm," she moaned.
The make-out session was affectionate to begin with at first, but quickly turned to passion when Rogar was once again surprised when she felt an unknown intruder pocking at her lips. Rogar had been pressing his tongue against her lips, demanding entrance into her mouth; in the end, Myranda complied and whimpered as their tongues tangled with their own, each battling for dominance. After what seemed to be several minutes, Myranda briefly pulled away to allow both of them catch their breaths. Rogar stood above her, looking down at the brunette goddess that lay in front of him. Myranda looked up at Rogar, bringing one hand to gently caress her husband's face before she felt something pressing against her thighs.
"Would you have me undress, husband? Or do you want to undress me?" she panted.
Rogar nodded. "I'd rather undress you myself, Little Moon. If you'd let me."
Myranda smiled at Rogar's request and watched his hands fumbling at her clothes. She had to suppress a giggle when she saw Rogar's face as he worked trying to get the laces and buttons undone. Finally Myranda had to help her husband manage the laces and buttons, and her cloak and gown and girdle and undersilk slide to the floor until she was finally in her smallclothes. Myranda shuddered as she felt goosebumps form on her arms and legs. She was blushing real hard now and momentarily looked away; too shy to look at Rogar, but when she was done she glanced up and found him ogling her. There was a hunger in his blue eyes, it seemed to her.
"So beautiful," he observed Myranda's body closely.
"The act of lovemaking is like practicing for a battle," he remembered Ashara telling him as he fuvked her telling him once. "Once you get going, just go with the flow and let your instincts do the rest."
"Rogar," she whined covering her large breasts with her hands, "please don't stare at me like that. It's so embarrassing…"
"Is it now?" Rogar smirked teasingly.
He leaned down and his mouth went to work on Myranda's neck. She gasped and instinctively moved her hands to stroke his cock.
Rogar growled in arousal at Myranda's eagerness.
Both now laid in their smallclothes. After a moment Myranda heard the sound of her husband fully undressed himself completely. Before long, Rogar went back to work as he slips a knee between Randa's thighs and presses just slightly. The gasping moan that escapes her mouth is deep and surprising, her face flushing as Myranda gazes up at Rogar with wide eyes.
"So my Little Moon does have a sensitive spot," he murmured against her skin.
When Rogar began acting on instinct and moved his hand to cup her bountiful breast, Randa clamped a hand over her mouth to muffle the sounds she was making. She lay with her eyes closed, every muscle sent jolts of electricity through her body, wondering what might come next? More touching? Would he kiss her again? Should she open her legs for him now?
"Rogar," Myranda gasps again and heard herself moaning, shaking her head from side-to-side as Rogar suckled one of her perky tits and slid his bare hands up her thighs to pull the ties on the last piece of her smallclothes, removing them from her.
Her eyes widened at her husband's boldness and felt the room get cold. They were both completely naked now, and acted more on instinctive impulse as they resumed their first act of lovemaking. The Young Falcon can smell the simple, clean scent of the soap she used during her bath, as well as the subtle but distinctive lavender and lemon scented fragrance that was dabbed on her earlier this morning. He proceeded to remove his mouth from her nipple and traced a finger across that special spot beneath her thighs.
"Mmpphff!" Myranda tried to muffle the sounds she was making as she felt Rogar slide a finger inside of her, moving in and out of her, but she could hear the sounds she was making and recognized she was failing in her attempts to be quiet.
"Look at me, Randa," Rogar called to her. "I want to see all of you. Please."
Panting, Rogar slowly opens her eyes, bright and feverish with longing before raising her head to press their foreheads together. She obediently removes both hands from her chest and allows Rogar full view of her breasts. "My love," Randa pants, pressing her lips wanting a kiss.
Rogar complied with her plea and claimed her mouth. Their tongues wrapped around each other once more as Rogar moved his finger in and out of Myranda's maidenhood faster now, to which the Royce replied by bucking her hips upwards and rolled against his hand, her cries coming in time with her quickening breath. She pulled away, gasping for air as her hands gripped his shoulders, gritting her teeth together as she felt a burning sensation in the pit of her stomach. Myranda had no idea what this feeling is, but couldn't suppress it much further as her walls clamped down around Rogar's fingers and caused her to exclaim loudly.
"Rogar!" she cries, her hips shook and trembled, her upper lip glistening with sweat.
Rogar withdrew and examined the wet substance on his digits. Myranda's legs gave way but remained held against Rogar's body with his other hand.
"Did I hurt you?" he asked.
Myranda was still panting and breathed heavily, but shook her head. "No," she answered. "That thing… with your fingers…"
"You liked it?"
She nodded and watched him lie down next to her, wiping a few strands of hair away from her face and kiss her gently. Myranda looked down and her eyes widened at what she saw. Where his legs joined, Rogar's man staff poked up stiff and hard from a thicket of smooth blonde hair. Myranda and Rogar looked into each other's eyes and he motions her for to make the next move considering he's been doing most of the work.
Moving her hand, Myranda grips Daveth's manhood and watches his face with something akin to wonder and awe. "You… it's so warm," she breathes, moving her hand up and down stroking his length at an agonizingly slow pace. Her grip becomes tighter and her strokes faster, shifting when she sees Rogar opening his eyes, it is to her brown eyes boring into his.
"Because of you," he groans, hissing through his teeth as he thrusted into her hand. "Randa… I want…" Her nickname is like a blessing on his tongue and repeats it again and again. He wants her now.
By this point, Myranda pretty much knows what Rogar wants and bit her lower lip – feeling it trembling slightly. Up until now she'd been enjoying herself so far, but now the main event of the bedding ceremony was to begin at The Young Falcon's behest. Myranda was to lose her virginity to the man she originally married, but his cock was so abysmally small she was still with her Maidenhead intact despite being penetrated when he died. Now, a man that she loves with all her heart and A Cock to match will take her . Slowly, she spread her legs apart for him.
"Please be gentle with me," Randa reminds him. "It's my first time."
Rogar looks at his wife's face and nods understandingly. Gently moving her position, he takes her legs and brings them atop his shoulders and grabs the tip of his manhood, rubbing it up and down Randa's maidenhead, preparing for penetration. Myranda looked down and winced as soon as she felt Rogar push and grips his arms tightly. Taking a brief moment's pause to get ready, Rogar and Myranda locked eyes. She nods for him to continue, inhaling sharply as Rogar pressed further against her hymen until he felt it weakening. Myranda bit her lip; she knew what was coming. With one final shove, her hymen broke and Rogar slid further into her.
"Rogar!" Myranda shouted and winced from the pain, feeling the trickle of blood through the crease of her buttocks and onto the bedsheets as her walls tightly constricted Rogar's manhood. Her maidenhead was gone. She was no longer a virgin. Their marriage was therefore officially consummated.
Rogar groaned loudly as he felt heat enveloping around his manhood, sending pleasure shooting throughout his body. His adrenaline wore off as soon as he felt Myranda digging her nails deep into his flesh and clawing his back. He looked at Randa and noticed her eyes were shut tightly and tears were welling up. The Young Falcon knew his bride was in pain.
"Randa…" he groaned.
"It-it hurts," she cried.
The Young Falcon raised a hand to brush Randa's tears aside with his thumbs and held her close, listening to her small, quiet sobs. Placing one kiss on her cheek, he watched as her grip on his shoulders and backside slowly loosen, withdrawing her nails from flesh as a few reddened scratches had slowly begun to be more visible. Randa's breathing still shuddered and shook as she took a moment to adjust, still in pain.
'He swore he would never hurt me,' she gritted through her teeth. 'He promised no harm would come to me.'
Myranda slowly opened her eyes and looked up to see Rogar staring down at her. She brought a hand to his cheek and gently caressed his smooth skin. "I… I'll be fine, my love. Just… give me a moment," she whimpered waiting for the pain to subside. "Go slow. Please."
Rogar complied with her request, and began to move. His thrusts were slow and attentive which allowed a soft groan and grunt to escape from Myranda. Her face scrunched with a small mixture of pain, but with each movement Rogar took, Myranda started to show signs of comfort and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"B-By the Gods..." she whimpered.
Rogar leaned and claimed Myranda's mouth hungrily, his urges consuming him. He grabbed Myranda's hips and increased his pace a bit and pumped into her. As their tongues wrestled in each other's mouths, Myranda's face contorted into pleasure, as the pain faded further and further away. Her husband was making love to her; two hearts, minds, bodies and souls were connected and became one.
"Randa… I love you, Randa," Rogar murmured; small beads of sweat beginning to form across his brow as he buried himself deep within her.
"I love you too," Myranda panted. "I love you!"
For a few long minutes, which felt like an eternity, Myranda slightly muffled her gasps, cries, whimpers and moans – guaranteeing that only Rogar heard every sound she was making. Soon enough she began rocking her hips in a rather hypnotic motion, which drove Rogar crazy. Once he was certain that she was comfortable now, Rogar's thrusts became faster and harder. Flesh slapped against flesh as their hips met. Falcon and Moon. Arryn and Royce. Rogar continued pounding into his wife, never breaking eye-contact and their noses just barely touching. He moves just to see Myranda contorted in pleasure, to hear her exquisite cries and to watch her eyes as he takes her make her look all the more ravishing. It is only her beautiful cries, his own grunts, skin slapping against skin and the sinfully delicious wet sounds coming from her that fill the room. He is getting close now and so is she from the way her voice has risen in both volume and pitch.
Myranda was lost in the moment, a wave of orgasm having washed over her again and again. Exhausted as she was, the Lady of the Moon felt Rogar's manhood starting to swell and twitch inside her as he quickened his pace. She knew what was coming; he would spill his seed inside her and she would birth lords and ladies should fate proved kind enough.
"I'm close, Randa," he hissed when he pounded into her particularly hard. "I-I'm—"
"Come within me, Rogar. I-It's okay. C-claim me."
Whether it is the desperation in her voice, or the way she rises and falls like the swell of the sea, or how Myranda wrapped her legs around his hips, her insides clenching around him as she shook and rode out another orgasm. Finally reaching the peak of his limits, Rogar let out a low groan as he pinned her down and gave one deep thrust before finally spilling his seed directly inside of Myranda's fertile young womb, his movements erratic and fierce. Feeling spent, exhaustion soon enough caused Rogar to slowly collapse on top of Myranda, burying his face into her neck. Myranda's eyes widened, moaning as she felt copious amounts of his seed flowing within her. Her body shook, her toes curled... and her loins ached from the urgency of their first lovemaking, but it was a good one nonetheless. She grunted and began patting Rogar's shoulder to get his attention.
"My love," her voice strained under his weight, "you're crushing me."
Rogar found enough strength in his arms to lift himself up and withdrew from Randa with a wet "pop" sound. He kept one arm wrapped around her buxom, but delightful form protectively as Randa rolled off to the side. Both were completely exhausted and sore, beads of sweat drenched their skin. The Young Falcon drew Randa closer and she rested her head atop his bare torso, wiping the sweat from her brow and taking a moment to fix her messy hair. He brought up blankets around their rapidly cooling bodies and looked at his tired wife, moving small strands of her hair away from her face and rubbing his hand up and down her bare back with a kind of gentleness he had never known before.
''You are mine, and I love you. Now and always....'' Rogar whispered into Randa's ear, nibbling it slightly.
Forgot to post this yesterday as it was first of may for me. For those interested I won 2nd, 1st, 1st, and 4th in my Swim tournament. That fourth being a team event
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