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98.33% The Red Eyed King / Chapter 59: 59. Malix

Chapter 59: 59. Malix

"So you want me to just look out the window?"

"Mmmhmm that's right."

I stared at her like she was two steps away from loosing her mind.

"Is there any particular reason I'm looking out the window?"

Nodding she stepped over to said window and leaned her head to the side almost like she was listening for something.

"I'd say west into the treeline."

"Raine this is insane what am I even looking for?"

Turning her head her eyes meet mine as she winked.

"You'll know it when you see it."

Getting out of bed I went to her side taking her chin in my hands.

"And what am I supposed to do when I see it?"

She handed me the phone that Slo had given me when I left to find her what felt like ages ago.

"You'll text me what you see or more importantly who you see."

Reaching up she pulled me down parting her lips as she kissed me.

"I'll be back soon."

I leaned my forehead against hers forgetting my confusion with her request in place of sadness that I could go with her.

"Stay safe Raine."

She gave me one last smile before she opened the window and jumped out. I had no idea what she was planning in the head of hers but I did as I was told and stood at the window.

When Raine told me her plan I thought she was crazy. Though it did give me an idea on why she was feared for so many years. Given who her brother was and that he raised her I shouldn't be surprised. Her mind was as calculating and cunning as everyone thought.

It was a good plan, it worked exactly like she thought it would. Even though I didn't know it at the time.

I watched from the window as she told Vericus about the traitor. A traitor she hadn't even told me about. However hearing her conversation with Vericus I knew exactly what i was looking for. just like she thought they would the traitor watched from the woods.

While Vericus made his way back inside I saw them just inside the treeline. Anger rippled through me, anger and betrayal. Sensing me he turned around. That's when I saw them, eyes that left no doubt to whom they belonged to. I wanted more then anything to rip those eyes from their sockets and shove them down his throat. The one person a never would have thought would ever work for Driak. One of the few I trusted most in the world.

I had to tell Vericus, he had to know who he had invited into his home. Turning my eyes widened as yellow eyes stared back at me. I growled raising my clawed fists to strike when his eyes glowed. Alpha dominance washed over me. I tried to fight it's weight but it was no use. Roake was and always had been my alpha above all else.

"So you've found out the truth?"

My teeth gritted with my efforts to fight against his will.

"Stop fighting."

Even as I tried I could feel my body relax my will being swallowed by his. Partially shifted hands clamped down on my shoulders.

"Now here's what we're going to do. Your going to tell me everything you know about what Raine is planning."

I tried. I tried so hard it hurt but I just couldn't stop myself from telling him about Raines plan to tell Vericus and that she knew the traitor wouldn't be able to resist listening in. She told me to check the trees to west from the window and that that's where the traitor would likely be.

"What does she have planned for the mission she's on?"

I shook my head feeling even more power go into his dominance over me.

"I don't know she didn't tell me. She just told me to look out the window that's all."

His voice was like nothing I'd ever heard before. I had known him all my life yet his tone was not the same. His eyes were not the same. His very being reeked of something foul, something evil.

"How were you going to tell her my identity?"

"I was supposed to txt her."

A smile that gave me chills down my spine spread on his lips.

"Well it's lucky you were the one to see me and not Vericus. Here's what your going to do..."

I felt his power press down on me like shackles locking into place.

"Your going to txt Raine and tell her the traitor is bear and that you saw him take off after her. Then your going to act normal like none of this ever happened."

He leaned in close his voice barely a whisper in my ear.

"Because you my son..."

He said the word son like it was a disgusting taste in his mouth.

"Are now going to help me get everything I ever wanted."

My voice was strained under the pressure of his will.

"And what would that be?"

"To be a god with Raine as my goddess."

My eyes widened, with a burst of strength I fought his will slashing upward only to be knocked to the ground his full power dropping me like a ton of bricks. The weight of his will shattering my own. As my alpha I was his to command. I stared up at him from the floor rage burning inside me. Even for an alpha his dominance was far stronger then any normal alphas should be.

"Who are you?"

He knelt beside me eyes still glowing.

"Not your father that's for dam sure."

He stretched out his hand the partially shifted digits wriggling in front of me.

"Though we do share blood but you see since I was a human to begin with your wolf genes didn't quite sit well with mine making me neither wolf nor human."

I narrowed my eyes on confusion.

"But that's impossible."

He chuckled.

"Think about it have you ever seen me shift even once in your whole life?"

No it can't be surely there was at least one time where he had shifted. One time where I'd witnessed it.

"Can't think of one can you? That's because if I'd shifted in front of anyone they would know something was different about me. Just like my human form when I shift it's never fully complete. I'm stuck between wolf and human. Now your probably wondering how my will is so much more powerful then yours? Well that's simple, my power of immortality and my thousands of years of life makes my will stronger then yours by a land slide. So be a good boy and do as your alpha says whatcha say?"

I growled but the force that held me to the ground sent a sharp pain through me.

"She'll figure it out they all will. You know she has the power to kill an immortal."

He laughed.

"That's why your going to help me. with you on my side I'll be able to manipulate their every move."

"I won't betray her."

He lifted me up with a hand at my throat.

"You'll have no choice now be a good lapdog and go back to bed."

My body acted on its own as I took myself back to bed. I could tell he took pleasure in seeing me obey.

"Oh and just in case tell no one about any of this."

The order washed over me. I was powerless against it.

"Now I do recall you have a text msg to send."

Grabbing my phone from the bedside table I sent the text to Raine my heart breaking with what I was doing. My finger hovered over the send button but one growl from him and it was sent. My eyes meet those cruel orbs that stared back at me. Before I could say or do anything The door opened and his smile returned to normal, as did his voice.

"Ah Owen I'm glad your here. So how's my son looking? No permanent damage I hope?"

Owen stepped up to my bed as he answered.

"He's doing fine his stitches should be able to come out tomorrow."

I tried to warn Owen but my mouth wouldn't obey. All I could do was lay on the bed and listen while they talked about my recovery then to my dismay Owen started talking about Vericus's plans for the red eye pack.

"Oh while your here Roake, Vericus wanted to let you know that he's called in more pack members so warn your Lycans so they don't attack any members that might come in wolf form."

"Oh is that right had there been a new development with regards to Driak then?"

Owen frowned.

"No unfortunately but Vericus just wants to be ready he's also started daily training for all fighters. Your pack are welcome to join if they want."

Roakes eyes lite up like it was Christmas.

"That's a wonderful idea if our packs are to work together to take down the lunar pack then we'll need to know each other's strategies if we are to fight together."

"True the sooner they get used to each other fighting style the better. Once we know what our next plan is we'll have a meeting to discuss it."

"Sounds like a plan just let Vericus know my wolves are his wolves anything we can do to help stop Driak."

"Thank you Roake I'm sure Vericus appreciates our alliance with your pack."

I wanted to scream at him, tell him to stop feeding Roake information. But It was no use, I couldn't do a thing that would go against his orders. I couldn't even clench my fists his power over me was that strong. Owen checked my bandages with a smile oblivious of the danger we were all in. When he was finished he left the room like nothing was wrong.

Roakes smile remained as he pushed off the wall he was leaning on.

"Well it's good to know your on my side it'll make my job that much easier."

I growled at him.

"I'll kill you for this."

He laughed.

"Good luck with that. Anyway sorry my boy but I have plenty to do. I look forward to this new development and I'll be seeing you later."

I watched him leave the room taking everything I hold dear with him. How could I let this happen? How could I not know he wasn't my father? I'm such an idiot. This is all my fault. Who knows how long he's been manipulating me. Hell I didn't even know when he started all this for all I know he could've altered my memory. But if that was true how did he fool the rest of the pack? Then again considering how easy it was to bend me to his will it would obviously be a simple task to force everyone in the pack to do whatever he wanted.

The worst part was that this was supposed to help Raine not make things worse. She was in trouble I could feel it and there was nothing I could do to help her. How will she react when she realises I'm now working for Roake. Will she believe that I had no choice? will she think I betrayed her? If she thinks I betrayed her it'll break her I just know it will. Hell it's breaking me just thinking about it. I hated myself for not seeing this earlier. He had used me to gain access to my pack. Now he was using me to gain access to Raine. I wouldn't blame her if she turned on me. She never should have trusted me.

My eyes went to the window the night sky made everything quiet and still. Please be safe Raine I love you and I'm sorry.

dragonpaw dragonpaw

So did anyone see that coming? I know I didn’t til about a day ago when I changed my mind last minute lmao

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