It was quiet outside the night breeze felt good on my face. It had been an extremely long day. I sat behind the gazebo that stood on the grounds staring at the bruises that had started forming on my knuckles. It was like me to hit a female but could you really call what Raine was a normal female? She was stronger then most of us, a fighter through and through. Yet she just stood there. Not no wing while I hit her again and again. I was so angry and I blamed her for everything.
What was wrong with me? I mean sure it's not like she didn't deserve every punch after what she did to Ver but still I shouldn't have let myself be taken over.
"What cha doin hiding out here Slo poke?"
I looked sideways to see Ty's smug face grinning down at me like a Cheshire Cat.
"Nothing Ty now go away."
Of course Ty being Ty just stepped closer squatting in front of me.
"You know what you need?"
I scowled at him.
"For you go start listening?"
"Now we both know I listen...when it counts anyway. No what you need is to let out all your frustrations. Come on I know just the place to do it."
He grabbed my shoulders pulling me up before I could even stop him.
"Where are you taking me?"
He pushed me towards the treeline.
"I scored a position in the Lycan fights but seeing as you need it more I figured you can take my spot."
I let him lead me through the trees. Maybe he was right, maybe I did just need some way to vent. A way to get rid of the negative things I've been feeling. When we entered the Lycan camp Roake was the first to greet us.
"Sloane my boy I didn't know you were coming. Here to watch your pack mate get pummeled?"
Before I could answer Ty spoke up his voice cheerful so at home with everybody he's around.
"On the contrary Slo's here to take my place."
Roakes lips spread into a broad smile looking towards me.
"You don't say. Well sounds good to me your up next boy. Don't get killed otherwise the king will her my head."
I scowled at him. He was there when his son beat me. He'd seen how weak I was. I watched Roake walk away back towards the circle of Lycans. Amazed once again at how they treated him like an equal. What had he done to gain such respect from them? It was different for me. The red eye pack members respected me sure but only because Ver was my brother. When Ver was gone they listened to what I said but did they really agree with any of it or were they just saving face?
"Don't look so worried Slo you'll be fine."
I growled at him annoyed with his words.
"I'm not worried!"
He chuckled holding his hands up.
"Ok ok no need to get pissy."
He smiled throwing an arm around my shoulder to whisper on my ear.
"Save your angry for your opponent. This is your chance to let it all out and what better way then to fight that."
The current fight had finished. I followed Ty's raised hand to stare at the guy walking into the ring. The one I would have to fight and my stomach sank. He was huge even for our kind. At least seven foot tall and muscles bulging from every part of his body. He was a beast, there was no way he was wolf. I sniffed the air but there were some many here the smells melded into one making it impossible to tell.
"Your up Slo tell me now if you wanna back out."
I didn't move at first make Ty slap me on the chest laughing as he stepped forward. I grabbed his arm pulling him back.
"I'll do it."
Ty grinned bowing dramatically as I passed him into the ring. Cheers rang out all around us the beast before me stared down at me like i was cockroach he was dying to squish. Now that I was closer I was able to tell what he was and it was definitely not wolf. He was beat shifter which explains his size. He was shirtless his chiseled chest no doubt hard as a rock. Tattoos spread across that chest of bears the Lycan brand a howling wolf on his stomach. So he was Lycan pack. How he came to be with the Lycan I couldn't begin to guess.
I pulled my own shirt off tossing it to the side. I was nearly as big as him but I wasn't small either. We stared each other down his brown eyes narrowing at me. He was analysing me then his lips curved into a smile almost like what he saw amused him which made me angry. My fists clenched tighter as I raised them to my face ready to defend.
Someone sounded the start of the match, the bear charged head first not even bothering to defend. He swung with his fists, I tried to block but it was no use. His fist flecked right off my arm like it wasn't even there hitting my jaw hard.
I stumbled to the side from the force of it stars filling my vision. Before I could even recover he was on me with another punch a third followed straight after forcing me to the ground. I spat out blood the bear backing off lifting his arms as the crowd cheered. I growled at myself, no I would not loss to this hulk of a shifter. I was not weak!
I forced myself back onto my feet my jaw killing me but I fought through the pain. The bear spun around a growl escaping his lips. He charged this time a managed to successfully block his fists but I didn't expect his other hand to snake around my neck pulling me forward his knee coming up to smash into my face a my nose cracking.
Blood pored from my now broken nose. My eyes flashed in anger as I quickly snapped it back in place. I spat blood again turning to face the bear who was grinning.
"Had enough?"
I snarled at him which only made him laugh. The crowd roared with excitement. I don't care how many times he manages to hit me I won't give up. I needed to prove that I was worth being respected. Not because I was Vers brother but because I was me, because I had earned their respect. Again and again this Goliath of a shifter knocked me down and every time I got back up.
By the time the call was sounded to end the fight I was furious. Rage rippled through me Ty rush forward to help me up but I pushed him away. My whole body ached. I had broken ribs for sure making every breath I took agony. The one thing I had to be thankful for was that this particular fight was no shifting allowed. If there had been I'm sure I would have come out even worse then what I was.
The lycans all cheered patting my back even though I'd gotten my arse royally kicked the fact that I was still standing was apparently a feat on its own. It did nothing to help my self esteem though merely proving that I was as weak as I thought. I needed to get stronger. If I was to be of any use to the pack, if I was to protect my family, my loved ones I had to try harder.
"You did well boy not many can stand up after facing bear."
I raised my eyebrow at Roake.
He laughed.
"Ironic I know but it's the name he chose so that's what we call him."
I made my way to the sidelines every step as painful as the last. Meanwhile behind me Ty was challenging Bear to a match of his own with partial shift. I sat on one of the logs that surrounded the fighting circle Roake taking up residence next to me.
"What do you mean he chose his name?"
Roakes yellow eyes shadowed slightly at my question.
"We Lycans often take in strays. Most of the time it's shifters who have been banished or exiled for one reason or another. Don't get me wrong if they deserved it even we do not except them. But every so often as in bears case their banishment is unjust. When he came to us he was barely alive, beaten to all hell in mind and body. When I heard his story I offered for him to stay. When this happens we make them chose a new name so that they may start a new life. A clean slate so to speak."
So the lycans always always aggressive to outsiders as I had originally thought. More that they composed of those that didn't fit in to the outside world.
I watched the next fight. Bear had excepted Ty's challenge and now they were locked in battle that had the crowded even more excited then mine. Ty was skilled, far more skilled then even I thought. Bear couldn't even land one punch. Ty on the other hand hand managed to land quite a few blows bears eye already swelling from it blood dripping from a cut on his forehead.
Bear was in no way bested though as Ty went in for an attack he moved slightly to the right. Ty not expecting the change in form missed. Ty jumped back just as someone moved in front of me making me missing seeing whether bears claws connected as he swiped at him. The call sounded to end the match.
I dragged my sore body up just as Ty clapped bear on the shoulder congratulating him on a good match. We he came over to join Roake and I he had that same smug smile on that he always had.
"Piece of cake."
I growled at him annoyed with how easy he made it look. My eyes checked him over for any signs that the last attack had got him but apart from a patch of dried blood on his flank there was none. I shook my head I knew Ty was good but I hadn't realised how good. It only made me realise just how for behind I was in fighting skills. It left a sour taste in my mouth which made me want to be anywhere but here.
The next fight had already started so I silently slipped away leaving them to continue their bouts. My whole body screamed in pain as I made my way back towards the house. The trees casting long shadows from the moonlight. As I moved inbetween the trees my progress slow I got the feeling that I was being watched. Pausing I looked around but no one was there. I turned to continue when Raine dropped from the trees right in front of me.
Startled I was thrown off balance and landed hard on my arse. I growled at her, like my embarrassing defeat wasn't bad enough.
"Seriously Raine what the fuck?"
She held her hand out to help me up chuckling.
"Awe did I scare you?"
I scowled at her ignoring her hand I stood slowly on my own. I moved to walk passed her but she grabbed my arm stopping me. I ripped out of her grasp growling at her.
"Wait I need to ask you something."
Glaring at her I made it very clear o was not in the mood. Not even fazed she looked back at where the Lycans were still engrossed in their fights.
"How long has Ty been with the red eye pack?"
Not was not what I was expecting.
Her eyes met mine the new silver eyes narrowing at me. That Erie mask on her head brighten by the moonlight.
"Please it's important."
Please? Did she just say please? Why was she even asking?
"I think it was about twenty four years ago he served my dad before....."
I couldn't bring myself so say it in front her, it was before they were killed before when mum and dad were still alive.
"Anyway... He'd been attacked by witches we took him in and he's been with us ever since."
Her lips form a tight line deep in thought. What was she thinking?
She went to leave but I stopped her the move causing me to groan in pain. Looking back she took in all my injuries.
"You should get those seen too."
I growled at her.
"I'm fine. Tell me why your asking about Ty?"
She remained silent seeming to contemplate whether to tell me or not.
"Bears last hit its mark dead on."
I shook my head confused.
"What are you talking about Ty didn't have a scratch on him."
Her eyes went back to the Lycans where Ty still was.
Bending her legs she jumped back into the trees and was gone before I could question any further. What the hell was her problem? Sure I saw bears claws go in for the attack but Ty jumped back. I'd figured bear had missed but what if it did land? But Ty wasn't hurt at all. I remembered the patch of dried blood but I'd assumed bear had missed.
what if he didn't? That would mean Ty had healed so fast that by the time he'd reached my side it was like it hadn't happened. That just wasn't possible no one healed that one except Raine.
When she had got her silver eyes and I'd punched her her injuries had healed so fast they were gone in seconds. If Ty had the same ability then what did that mean. Ty didn't have silver eyes so if her healing didn't come from her eyes and Ty could do the same did that mean there was something else that caused them to heal ridiculously fast? If that was the case what caused it and why?
Sorry there was no update yesterday guys I started reading a book and couldn’t put it down to the point I was up til 1 in the morning lol any way till next update :)