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8.33% The Red Eyed King / Chapter 5: 5. Sloane

Chapter 5: 5. Sloane

"Why are you so keen to go?"

I scowled at Cora. She had me trapped in my room blocking the door. As soon as she'd found out what had happened and where we were going she sort me out.

"Cora I don't have time for this if I don't leave now Ver will leave me behind."

I made to move passed her but short of picking her up and physically moving her away from the door she was not budging.

"Talk to me Slo you've been hiding something for months now. Does it have something to do with this friend of yours?"

I groaned dropping my bag to the floor in frustration.

"Seriously Cora enough. I get this from my brother I don't need it from you too."

Hurt entered her eyes as I compared her to Vericus. I knew she was only worried about me but I couldn't let anyone know about Kan. I couldn't risk that Vericus might use his power as Alpha to get the information out of her. He wouldn't do it on purpose but with his control steadily getting worse I couldn't take that chance.

Just as I was about to gently remove her from the door it swung open forcing Cora into my arms for the second time in two days. Quickly I righted her gently pushing her out of the way.

"Shit sorry Cora."

Owens head popped through the door he Gave an apologetic look towards Cora. His eyes met mine then Remembering why he was here he turned to me urgency in his voice.

"If your coming Slo hurry up we need to go now!"

Grabbing my bag off the floor I turned to Cora.

"Sorry Cora but I have to go."

I started after Owen But Cora grabbed me sending tingles up my arm at her touch. Growling to get my head straight, the look in Owens eyes telling me I definitely didn't have time for this. However when my eyes met hers I couldn't help but soften. Her eyes went from Owen to me as she sighed wrapping her arms around me her lips at my ear a soft caress driving my wolf crazy with her closeness.

"Just promise you'll be carful."

Pulling back I incline my head then before i could stop myself I tucked a stray red hair from her face behind her ear. My hand lingering a little too long on her cheek.

"I'll be fine just trust me alright?"

I didn't wait for an answer as I followed Owen downstairs forcing myself not to look back fearing what I would see in her face. I couldn't get distracted by her right now. Kan needed my help I'd deal with Cora when I got back.

Readjusting my bag on my shoulder I eyed Owens back as we descended the stairs. I sensed urgency in his steps a question escaping my lips.

"What's going on Owen?"

Without looking back he answered his voice had an edge to in I'd never heard from him before. He was always so composed no matter the situation.

"When I phoned Ereni she said there was someone at the diner."

I paused mid step.

"What do you mean someone there?"

He grabbed my arm spurring me forwards again.

"She said it was a wolf that she'd never seen before. The line cut out before I could question her more. Now come on Vericus and the others are waiting for us we can't waste any more time."

I quickened my step more determined then ever to get to Asheville. Kan was meant to be working today. What if we didn't get there in time? It would take us at least two hours that's too much time to pass. We'll never make it. What had I done? All those years of trying to convince her to come back to North Carolina and when she finally agrees something like this happens. I'm such an idiot. I should have known the danger I'd be putting her in by coming here. We were at war red eye territory is the last place a lone wolf should be.

Vericus was right to worry about me I was just a child. I should never have let her come, definitely not as a lone wolf. If Ver had known she was here we could have protected her.

I knew I should keep a clear head but I couldn't stop the panic that was starting to form inside me.

Leaving the house we approached the others that were waiting just shy of the trees that surrounded the house. Of course Ver was the first to notice my rapid heart beat. They were waiting for us, a couple had already shifted the blacks whites and greys of their fur melding together across my vision.

Owen noticed the concerned look Ver was giving me. Before Ver could get a word out Owen put a hand on his chest the touch calming him.

"Go we'll catch up."

I growled my wolf not liking being left behind when my friend was in danger. Vers eyebrows knit together as he took me in. Then turning he nodded towards Owen.

"Be quick Ereni can handle one wolf but if there's more lurking around we might have a real problem on our hands."

I watched Ver disappear into the woods itching to go after him but I knew I'd never be able to get past Owen. Clenching my fist I faced Owen forcing myself not to yell.

"What are we doing we have to go!"

Owen stared at me confusion written in his eyes as they glanced at my clenched fists.

"Slo you need to calm down. Nows not the time to loose your cool."

I snarled at him.

"You said it yourself we don't have time to waste."

I moved to go around him but he blocked my path grabbing my shoulders. Like Ver I was tall for my age at least half a foot taller than Owen. My body was also bulkier than his but even so he was still stronger.

"Whats gotten into you? Why are you so worked up?"

I shook off his hands pointing towards where Ver and the others had disappeared. I couldn't tell him about Kan. Thinking quick I blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

"Why wouldn't I be? Those bastards killed my parents I have a right to be worked up! How would you feel if they took away your parents?!"

What happened next was something I'll never forget. I had known Owen all my life and in that time I have never seen him loose his cool. That is until now. It took less then a second for him to be inch's away from me. His blue eyes glowed like sapphires and his canines extended as a deep menacing growl escaped his throat. My wolf cowered at the power of that sound.

"Your not the only one to have suffered at the hands of the lunar wolves. They took my entire pack. My entire blood line lost. Think about how it feels to know there will never again be a silver moon wolf on this earth after me. To know that i am the last one. The one left behind. You think your the only one to have lost loved ones? Grow up Sloane. If your to fight this enemy then you must overcome your emotions. Getting angry will only get yourself killed."

Chastised into silence Owens eyes stopped glowing and his canines retracted. He was right if I wanted to help fight, help Kan I needed to keep calm. If Owen could do it after all that he'd been through then so could I.

"Now can I count on you to stay calm?"

I nodded of all the things I could of said. Of course Owen knew how it felt but I couldn't stop the words from coming out.

"Yes I'm sorry your right getting angry doesn't help anyone."

His smile returned as he patted me on the back. In many ways Owen was like a father to me since my parents were killed when I was very young. It wasn't even just me He was always there for all of us. The pack wouldn't be the same without him.

"Good now come on we need to catch up to the others.....oh and Sloane whoever this friend is that you have hidden away in Asheville I hope for your sake they were worth the trouble."

He winked as he started towards the forest. I sighed rolling my eyes. Of course he knew, how could he not. No one could hid anything from him not even me. Quickly I stripped down putting my clothes in my bag then put my arms through doing the chest clips. Since when we shifted we become as naked as the first day we are born the only way to save your clothes from being shredded was to strip before you changed. Of course sometimes in times of overwhelming emotion you ended up tearing through your clothes anyway. However the faes invented these bags that adjusted to the shift. You could wear them as humans and when you shift they changed with you so that they wouldn't be torn off your back. Pretty handy for long trips. Of course if a human spotted us with one of these bags all they would see was a wolf not a wolf with a back pack.

Shifting to my wolf form only took seconds. Only the first few shifts hurt like hell or if you fought against the change. As a born wolf and not a bitten one I mastered the shift at a young age. Bitten wolves go through hell before they gain the ability to shift at will. That's not to say it didn't still hurt I mean come on how could it not. Your body went through a change that completely restructured your bones muscles and internal organs. It's just that the longer you live and the more you shift the easier it is to work through the pain of it.

Shaking my fur I took off into the woods after Owen. I caught up to him not far into the tree line his tan coloured wolf form moving through the trees. He was one of the few wolves that could move without making a sound. I guess the fact that he was one of the oldest wolves meant he'd had a lot of years to practice.

Using the pack mindlink I projected my thoughts towards him.

'How long have you know?'

His chuckle had me turning my head slightly his way.

'I wasn't sure until I saw how you reacted when I told you about my phone call to Ereni.'

Shit. He played me.

'Are you going to tell Ver?'

He picked up his speed.


I sighed with relief until he added.

'But you are.'

I bared my teeth at him a small growl escaping my mouth as I worked to match his run. Both of us weaving through the dense forest.

'You know I can't who knows what he'll do to her if he finds out. She's a lone wolf in pack territory he'll kill her. He has no choice.'

Owen sighed.

'Have faith in your brother Sloane. If your honest with him he might surprise you.'

I scoffed at his words but let it go. I knew there would be no arguing with him. I heard the unspoken words. Either I tell Ver about Kan or he does. Sorry Kan looks like I have no choice.

It only took us ten minutes to catch up the Ver and the others. Ver inclined his head when Owen reach his flank. They must have been talking through the mindlink because Ver's eyes kept glancing in my direction. Finally after what felt like hours Ver's much larger wolf made his way to run beside me.

'Are you alright?'

My heart skipped a beat. Did Owen tell him already? No Ver wouldn't be this calm if he had. There's no way he meant for me to tell him straight away. First we needed to deal with the lunar wolves, then I'll tell him.

'I'm fine.'

His eyes searched mine as we ran side by side the only sound that of our paws hiting the ground as we made our way through the trees. I tried to hide my discomfort under his stare which must have worked because seconds later he spoke again.

'When we get to Ereni's diner I want you to stay by my side at all times.'

I groaned.

'Ver I don't need you to babysit me.'

His low growl told me his request was not up for discussion.

'Don't fight me on this Sloane not now. We don't know what we're walking in to.'

My mind flashed back to Owen words from earlier telling me to grow up and I finally realised what he meant.

'You have my word I want leave your side.'

Surprise entered his eyes, if he was human he would probably be smiling. Something that was rare for him especially in the last four years.

'Good. Now let's pick up the pace we can't give them any chance of escaping.'

I nodded my head as I pushed myself even more the trees becoming little more then a blur as all eight of us headed for Asheville. I didn't know what would happen when we got there but after what had just happened with Ver I was left feeling good. For the first time in a long time we were working as one instead of fighting against each other. It was the first time in four years he actually felt like my brother again instead of my alpha and i couldn't help but feel good about it.

However as my eyes looked passed Ver to Owen I remembered what I'd agreed to do. It might feel like old times now but once I tell Ver about Kan he'll go back to being a dick. As Alpha there was no way he would be able to let her invasion of pack territory go unpunished even if it was my idea. The thing that hurt the most was that if he decided to kill her for something that was my fault I'd never forgive him or myself for that matter.

All I could do was enjoy our present truce while it lasted because once the truth was out it would be shattered into a thousand pieces. I only hoped that Owen was right and he spared her the death sentence though even I knew some things were far worse then death.

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