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65% The Red Eyed King / Chapter 39: 39. Vericus

Chapter 39: 39. Vericus

With Caho and the other Wood nymphs awakened I knew it wouldn't be long before they found Driak. The roots of the trees reached far that he would have no hope of hiding from them.

When I returned to the house it was quiet, almost too quiet. It was late but for a house full of red eye pack members it didn't seem normal. It felt like they were waiting for the other shoe to drop and let's face it they were used to the old me. The me that was quick to temper. Some probably hadn't realised just how much I had changed since then. Not to mention the fact that i had left them, sure to them it was only a couple days but to me it had been two years.

I took a deep breath even though I had changed there was still so much that hadn't. The curse was still haunting all of us and with Driak around it was unlikely to end any time soon. There had to be a way to stop him, to kill him and end his interference. I just had to find a way to do that, I had to find him. I had every faith in my new powers and in Caho to do that. I didn't know what I would do once I did find him but at least with my new power I might have a chance of making him tell me how to save Rixs soul. As for Raine I honestly didn't know what to do about her.

I've been racking my brain this whole time trying to figure out what the hell is he up to. I still stand by that he plans to make her immortal but why Raine? Sure she now had Rixs soul inside her but why didn't he just make Rix immortal while he had her captive? Since Rix would've been the one cursed she would be his main target. Even if she did escape why would he give Raine the kill order instead of recapture?

None of it made sense. I just couldn't wrap my head around his reasoning behind what he has done and why. That's why I needed to capture him. I needed to make him tell me why he did all this and what were his true intentions. Was I right in thinking he wants to make Raine immortal or am I just grasping at straws?


Ripped out of my thoughts I looked towards the voice. Green eyes stared back at me.

"Cora sorry I was lost in thought did you want something?"

She shook her head stepping forward slowly. She looked nervous and fidgeted with her hands.

"Whats wrong Cora?"

She glanced sideways avoiding my eyes when she answered.

"It's just I wanted to say I'm sorry."

I frowned at her.

"Sorry for what?"

She became more fidgety standing before me in the hallway.

"For letting Raine out. I wasn't thinking I let my own insecurities take over my better judgment and I'm sorry for that. I should have trusted your decision in locking her up I'm truly sorry for going against your orders."

I smiled.

"Cora look at me."

Her eyes reluctantly turned to met mine.

"You have no need to apologise you were right in letting her go. Granted there was definitely a better way of doing it considering what it costs you but you were right all the same. Raine is not the type to take being locked up kindly as you probably noticed. Keeping her here against her will was not the way I know that now. If anything it's me who should be apologising to you, to all of you in fact. I should never have left. I let everything build up kept everything bottled within myself until it just snapped. If anyone's to blame for any of this mess it's me. So don't even give it another thought you'll only worry Slo if you keep letting something as small at this get you down."

I bent to her height and gently kissed her brow then chuckling I scuffed the top of her hair making her bat at my hand.

"Ver didn't anyone ever tell you not to touch a woman's hair?!"

I laughed.

"A woman eh? To me your still that little girl I saved all those years ago."

She pouted just like she used to when she didn't get what she wanted. She moved to slap my arm but I stepped to the side grabbing her and tickling her til she had tears in her eyes.

"Alright alright you win!"

I let her go. her mood much better then moments ago. Her smile back to normal if not wider then I'd seen it in awhile. She was staring at me in a strange way that made me feel subconscious.

"Why are you staring at me like that?"

She chuckled.

"Slo said you'd changed but I didn't believe him til now. You seem so relaxed."

I smiled awkwardly nervously running a hand through my hair.

"Isn't that a good thing?"

She nodded.

"Of course it's a good thing. The new you suits you Ver."

"Why do I feel like there's a but in there somewhere?"

Her smile turns into a sad frown.

"Well it's just I only wish that you'd been able to find the true happiness that Slo and I have."

I sighed her words made me realise just how perceptive she really was. For all that I had changed it still hurt that I could not be with the one I loved like Slo and Cora. Sure I had more power and was no longer in fear of loosing control of them or myself but what was any of that without her. Even now I could still feel her lips on mine. Still feel the softness of her skin. Knowing what I did now that I had in fact touched and kissed Raines body but connected with Rixs soul I was conflicted with how I was supposed to feel about that. I can't deny that even looking at Raine I wanted her just as much as I wanted Rix but they were two different people. Two separate souls how was I to know where one ended and the other started? Or were they now one being with two mind sets? Considering how this whole thing confused me I can only imagine how Rix was feeling. As for Raine did she even know that Rixs soul was within her? Silan had said that they spoke before it happened but surely she would have said something if she knew.

"I'm sorry Ver I shouldn't have brought it up."

I shook my head resting my hand on her shoulder.

"It's fine don't worry about it. Sure it all seems like one big confusing mess right now but I believe that we will work it out. I refuse to give up on that happiness that you are talking about."

I gently pushed her towards the stairs.

"Now go on I'm sure Slo is waiting for you."

She smiled.

"It's catchy isn't it?"

I raised an eyebrow at her forcing her to explain.

"Rixs nickname for Slo."

Hearing her say Rix instead of Kandra pulled at my heart but I wouldn't let her see that. She had already noticed my weakness for my mate no need to make it worse.

"Yes it suits him."

She turned and bounded back up the stairs disappearing out of sight.

"They have both grown in such a short time."

I didn't look away from where she had disappeared when I answered.

"True none of this has been easy on either of them."

I turned to face Owen as he came from the direction of the kitchen. He was carrying a plate of food to which he handed over to me.

"At least they still managed to find comfort in each other."

I took the plate after two years of eating just fruits I was grateful for the chance to finally eat meat. Owen followed me to the dining room. he sat beside me while I began scuffing down the most delicious meal I'd had in a long time.

"Did they not fed you while you were gone?"

I laughed inbetween mouthfuls.

"Yes they fed me but a wolf can hardly live long on merely fruits and vegetables. I don't know how I lasted two years."

Owen looked shocked, clearly the thought of being denied meat was hard even for him.

"I can imagine. I don't know how you lasted two years."

"It was necessary."


I paused mid mouthful my eyes meeting his. He seemed to want to say something but was hesitant.

"Just spit it out Owen it's not like you to hold back."

His lips curved into a small smile that never reached his eyes.

"I'm just curious. Is everything really alright, with your power that is? It's just I can see that you have changed a lot and that you say for you it has been two years. However for us it's only been two days it just seems to good to be true."

I chewed the last bite of my food letting his words hang in the air. He did have a point though. I was used to the way I was now but for them it probably felt like the blink of an eye.

"Do you have a plan for when your trees find Driak?"

I shrugged.

"If I'm honest not really. It's not like I've ever met him or gone up against him before. Not in this life time anyway so I don't know his strengths or weaknesses, or any of his abilities that he's been collecting over the years. The only way to find that out is by finding him."

"Not true Ver there is one person who can tell you all you need to know."

I scowled at him.

"You mean Raine right?"

He nodded as an answer. I shook my head.

"You know as well as I do that she'll never willingly give me any information and I refuse to try force it out of her. For one look what happened last time she was locked up and two id be no better then Driak."

"You could ask Malix to get the information."

My eyes widened in surprise.

"Malix? What makes you say that?"

"The silver blood is right my king."

Owen and I both turned just as Caho stepped into the room Raoke right behind her.

"Sorry Vericus this nymph said she needed to talk with you urgently. Said she had news on Driak and Raine."

Owen chuckled next to me.

"The trees. I get it now."

I smiled facing Caho I knew she could not be too far from the trees for long.

"What have you found Caho?"

She inclined her head in greeting.

"In our search for Driak my trees found Raine in a hidden cabin two days from here she is with the wild one named Malix. However Driak is fast approaching her location with four altered wolves in tow. You must make haste my king you will not make it there before they find her but my trees will keep her safe til you arrive if the chance arises."

I narrowed my eyes at her.

"You say that Malix is with her?"

"Yes my king they both entered the hidden dwelling and have not come out. My trees aren't able to penetrate the barrier surrounding it so I can not help while they remain inside but should they come out I will keep them safe."

"Thank you Caho please do what you can but do not hold Raine against her will if they ask to leave let them."

She bowed then left they way she had come. My eyes turned towards Roake a fire burning inside me.

"I was told your son was meant to keep his distance so why would he enter the wards knowing she would smell him the second he did?"

For the first time ever Roake seemed to be nervous. I stood the chair gridding across the floor roughly as my anger began to rise.

It was true that I no longer feared my power and my temper had improved but that didn't mean I had no temper at all especially when it came to Raine and Rix.


Roake, alpha of the lycans, a male so arrogant he thought his kind above all other wolves actually flinched at my outburst. Whatever he was hiding was worse then I thought. Gritting his teeth he finally answered.

"Raine is Malixs mate."

I growled in anger rushing towards him forcing him against the wall my arm against his throat and my canines out.


Roake squirmed beneath my arm but didn't move to try escape. Calmly he told me the story of how they met and what happened after. With each word he spoke my anger only grew.

"I'm sorry Ver but you haven't exactly been here to tell and even if you did know it wouldn't change the fact that Raine is Malixs mate just as Rixs is yours. I know this isn't exactly the best situation but you can't take away his fated bond any more then you can take away your own."

I growled at him still angry at the thought of another male touching Rix. Whether she was in Raines body or not she was still mine.

"If he touches her in any way I'll kill him!."

I could feel Owen start to reach a hand out to calm me but I avoided it letting Roake go. I glanced at Owen my canines retracting he raised an eyebrow then smiled inclined his head then stepped back.

I turned my focus back to Roake.

"I'm sorry For my outburst you are right this situation is less then ideal. Two souls in one body does pose a problem but like you said it can't be changed. However until we figure out what to do about Raine and Rix he doesn't touch her."

I growled quietly. What a mess this is turning out to be. For now we didn't have time for fated bonds what was more important was that Driak was after Raine. Turning to Owen I gave my orders.

"Get Malix on the phone warn him about Driaks approach. Then ring Ty and tell him the same. I'll go get Slo we need to leave now. Who isn't out on patrol?"

"Hawthorn and Kelly."

"Good grab them as well. Roake will stay with the lycans and hold the fort here."

I scowled at Roake.

"Keep the rest of my pack safe while we're gone."

Roake nodded.

"You can take two of my Lycans aswell they are the best trackers."

I dip my head in reply leaving them to get Slo myself. I knew he was in Cora's room so I went straight there. Knocking on the door I had to wait a few seconds before he answered the door shirtless.


I had clearly interrupted something.

"Get ready we need to leave."

I started to turn but he stepped out closing the door.

"Wait what's happening? Where are we going?"

"Driaks going after Raine."

"Wait what? But that doesn't make sense why would he dump her at our footstep only to go after her the second she escapes?"

I shrugged.

"That's one the of the questions I intend to ask him when we get there now hurry up."

He groaned. Yup definitely interrupted something. Turning again this time he grabbed my shoulder to stop me.

"Ver wait..."

He seemed to be struggling to find words but I knew what he was going to say even if he couldn't say them.

"It's fine Slo don't worry about it you had every right to be angry. Your right I should've found a way to let you know I was alright and that's on me. When we come back we'll go for a run together just you and me, sound good?"

A small smile curved his lips. I could tell he was trying to hold back just how much he wanted to do just that but didn't want to seem like a little kid. Instead he just nodded casually.

"Yeah sure I suppose we could do that."

Chuckling I ruffled his hair pushing him towards the door.

"Go say good bye and let's go we'll meet you downstairs."

He grinned then turned and went back into the room. In some ways he was still just a kid, still my little brother. To be honest he wasn't the only one who looked forward to some time together without all the drama that's been going on. Time to talk, to show him just how much I've changed and that I can be the big brother he can depend on and not be scared of.

"There you are."

I was halfway down the stairs when Owen caught up to me.

"Did you get a hold of Malix and Ty?"

Owen shook his head.

"Neither of their phones are working. Either they both have no reception or somethings jamming the signal."

I gritted my teeth. This was why I hated technology it was too unreliable. I couldn't even mindlink Ty since even with my power he was too far away.

"Very well go ask Cora to keep trying and tell them that we are on our way to help."

Owen nodded then started up the stairs where I had just come from. I had to get ready. If I was to take on Driak id need to be mentally prepared. He was a master of manipulation the evidence of his handy work with Raine. From what Slo had told me she was just as bad. Driak had taught her well. I growled still fuming that Malix had mated with Raine. If she hadn't thrown him away like she had me it would be a blow to my pride and my heart. I shook my head no Raine was different to Rix I had to keep in mind they were two different souls. My mate, my Rix would never allow another into her heart. Argh this whole thing was enough to send anyone over the edge.

I had to force myself to stop thinking about it. It's not like I could do anything about it. I needed to concentrate on what I could do and that was go after Driak. As long as Raine stayed safe that's all that's matters for now. Hopefully soon we will have Driak and the answers to all of this. Then maybe we can finally find a solution to our predicament. One can only hope.

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