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5% The Red Eyed King / Chapter 3: 3. Vericus

Chapter 3: 3. Vericus

Ending the conference call with the white tail pack I rubbed my eyes with my finger and thumb sighing as I slumped further into the chair. The office I was in feeling more and more like a prison these days with everything that was happening. The lunar eclipse pack even more elusive then before. Not one trace of them for months. I was wary of their silence. What were they planning? Why had they gone quiet?

"Why don't you get some rest Vericus you've been awake for days."

I growled the sound coming from low in my chest.

"I'll rest when I find those bastards."

Owen my beta the one thing that's stopping me from loosing control completely. His leaner form sat in a chair on the other side of my desk looking just as tired as I was. His blond hair longer then mine dishevelled from running his hand through it a thousand times. A habit of his when he was worried which was all the time lately. I was grateful for him though. Ever since I'd lost her he was the one thing that could kept my power at bay. Without her it was only a matter of time before even Owens power couldn't stop me.

I shook my head no I couldn't think about that. There was still time. We had to end this war with the lunar eclipse pack before that happened.

"I know how you feel. I want them to pay more then anybody but even I have trouble calming you when your this tired. Look what happened with Sloane."

I sighed feeling bad. He was right of course I was way out of line. I was so close to hurting the last family I had left. I'd never forgive myself if I hurt him. I rubbed my eyes again feeling just how tired I was with each word.

"Your right. I'm sorry I'm just worried. It's getting stronger it's already been four years I don't know how much longer I've got before I tip over the edge."

Owen eyes never showed pity only understanding. He was one of the oldest werewolves of our kind. Being silver moon wolf his life span was even longer then the average werewolf. Ereni was the only other werewolf to match him in age but even she showed signs of ageing. Her body still just as strong but her hair had already started greying. I looked to Owens blonde, not one grey hair. As old as he was he would still out live us all.

"I know you fear your power Vericus but you mustn't let it consume you. You must keep fighting it. I will continue to do what I can but you need to keep it at bay for as long as possible."

As if my power heard him it pushed against me making me force it back down.

"You know I will just as I know you will keep your word if it should ever take over."

For the first time today his eyes darkened as sadness entered his blue eyes.

"I gave you my word four years ago and I intend to keep it. But it is still my hope that we will find another way."

I shook my head. Ever the optimist my beta was.

"You and I both know there is no other way. She was my only hope and they took that away. My fate was sealed the moment her heart stopped beating."

Just thinking about it made my power swell. I didn't need to look to know my eyes were glowing. My wolf was surfacing with my anger at what they had done to her and my parents.


My eyes snapped up as I took a few breaths to calm myself.

"Sorry maybe you are right. I'm going to get some sleep."

Owen stood when I did his hand resting on my shoulder as I walked around the desk passing him as I headed for the door.

"Don't loose hope my friend no ones fate is set in stone."

My eyes met his as I inclined my head. I may not have hope but I would not take away his as I left him behind heading upstairs to my room. My room was located on the third floor away from everyone else for their own safety. The entire third floor was mine few were even allowed up here. Not that they would voluntarily opt to come to the third floor.

I didn't blame them for being afraid of me. Far from it they should be afraid of me. Hell I was afraid of myself. My power held a darkness that no one but Owen could understand. His birth pack always worked in conjunction with whoever was named king. In other words when a wolf was born with red eyes they were there. A silver moon wolf will always be beta to the red eyed king. The light of the moon power within them gave them the ability to calm the darkness within my power.

Though it wasn't the beta that kept it in check indefinitely. No that power went to the kings true mate. To her. I growled as the power of my wolf mourned her even now. Four years later. The pain of her loss a constant battle within myself. She was gone and because of that one day the darkness within me would take over. I had to take down the lunar eclipse pack before that happened. My family, my pack depended on it.

My hand reached out for the doorknob when the scent of lillies entered my nose. I growled my lip pulled back in annoyance not even bothering to look behind me as she approached.

"Save it Cora. He can't keep any secrets from me you know that."

I heard her sigh as I turned around her small frame reaching just barely to my pectorals. A strand of her red hair hiding one of her eyes which she angrily pushed away.

"You can't keep treating him like this Ver. He's your brother. If you keep treating him like he's made of glass it's only going to make him rebel against you."

My fist clenched the darkness in me not liking her tone. My wolf brimming just beneath the surface begging to put her in line.

"It's more complicated then that and you know it. The lunar eclipse pack want me dead including my family."

Her groan of frustration only served to anger my wolf more. Again I pushed it back using all my will power to subdue it within myself. Cora oblivious to my internal battle continued to argue.

"He knows that Ver we all do. He's not a kid any more neither of us are. You don't have to protect us all the time."

Cora was like a little sister to me just as much part of my family as Sloane. As all my pack. To be in a pack was to be family. However Sloane was next in line to be alpha. When the time came he would have to take over leading the pack. But it was more then that it was a promise I'd made to our parents. I promised them I'd keep him safe.

I growled my anger rising my lack of sleep making it harder with each passing second to reel in my wolf. I needed to end this conversation before I did something I'd regret.

"Seriously Cora now is not the time. If you want to yell at me do it tomorrow."

I started to open the door hopeing she would take the hint, but of course In typical Cora fashion she would not back down as she stepped closer. Her hand reached for my arm to stop me from leaving.

"Don't push us away Ver we're family. The entire pack is family. You don't have to handle everything alone."

The second she touched me something in me snapped as I grabbed her wrist pinning her against the wall. My canines extended a deep growl escaping my mouth. my fingers around the skin of her arm growing into claws.


The fear in her eyes as she stared up at me had me stumbling back panting. She didn't move to afraid to even lower her arm.


Owens voice sounded up the stairs as he rushed to her side. I was still trying to calm my wolf glad for Owens help.

"Go back downstairs now!"

I watched them a low involuntary growl escaping my lips. she flinched at the sound shying away from me. Quickly she disappeared leaving Owen to face me alone. Hands spread at his side he approached me slowly like he was trying to carrel a wild beast. I suppose that wasn't far from the truth.

"Vericus? Are you in control?"

I took a few deep breaths, in and out in and out. Slowly my canines retracted as did my claws. I forced my wolf down using the wall to steady myself.

"I' fine. Thank you Owen. Did....did I hurt her?"

Owens eyes turned to where Cora had disappeared down the stairs. A second later his shoulders relaxed as he turned back to face me. He was trying to hide his worry but I saw it anyway.

"She'll be fine."

"I should apologise."

I moved to go back downstairs but Owen placed a gentle hand on my arm.

"Apologise in the morning. The best thing you could do now is get some sleep."

I nod knowing he was right. Turning back I enter my room closing the door behind me. Ignoring everything I went straight to the bed and collapsed onto it. Not even bothering to change or get under the red and black satin sheets I close my eyes. The three days of no sleep had me out within seconds as everything disappeared.

I woke the next morning to a knock on my door. Groaning I rolled over yawning. My muscles aching from the awkward position I'd thrown myself in last night. The knock sounded again. I growled something that could've been a disgruntled 'what!' still half asleep. The door slowly swung open as Owen stepped in.

"Sorry Vericus but Sloane is waiting in your office downstairs."

My eyes snapped open. Was it that late already? Rolling over I pulled myself up to sit on the side of the bed yawning as I did.

"What time is it?"


"Tell him I'll be there soon."

Owen nodded as he left closing the door behind him. Getting up I grabbed some clean clothes and headed for a quick shower. The water helped to relax my body releasing some of the tension that had built up in the last couple of days. I would've stayed there longer if Sloane wasn't waiting but since I was the one that told him to meet me I shut the water off grabbing a towel as I stepped out of the shower.

As I brushed my teeth the mirror showed the many scars that riddled my body. Most wore hidden by a tattoo the main point at the very centre of my chest a red eye. A brand that every one of my pack members had somewhere on their bodies. It extended down both arms a mixture of wolves running with tribal outlining.

The scar across my eye won the night my parents were murdered. An attempt to gauge my eyes out, a symbol of my status as the next king of werewolves. A failed attempt since the eye underneath remained untouched.

Turning away from the mirror in disgust the image of my face only serving to remind me of one of the worst nights of my life I got dressed in jeans and a black button up shirt tying the laces of my boots. I mentally prepared myself for the conversation that was about to occur.

Thankfully a good nights sleep helped to strengthen my hold on the darkness within my power as I made my way downstairs towards my office.

Sloane sat before my desk Owen in the chair next to him always present in meetings such as this. Just knowing he was there helped.

"It's about time. you were the one that called me in here. If I had known you'd be late I wouldn't have bothered."

I growled at him my wolfs hackles up already. Owens hand a quick movement tapping Sloane behind the head.

"Show some respect for your alpha."

Sloane scowled at Owen but kept silent as he waited for me to sit behind my desk. Steepling my hands under my chin my eyes met Sloane's. however before I could say anything the door burst open.

"Alpha! lunar elcipse wolves have been spotted!"

My body stood of its own as I took in Ty. his punishment ended after diner last night, he now stood in human form. He was panting, he'd likely have run from the boarder of Charlotte at top speed where he'd been rostered to be patrolling this morning. One word escaped my lips.


"Asheville. Polaris was doing a routine check along the outer boarders when he caught their scent. He was alone so he called for back up but by the time they arrived the scent was gone."

I growled my claws digging into the pine of the desk beneath my fingers. Turning to Owen I went into full alpha mode.

"Owen ring Ereni and warn her to watch her back."

Owen pulled out his phone walking out of the room to do as I'd asked. Turning back to Ty I continued mentally reeling In my wolf that was more then eager to go after those murdering arseholes right away.

"Gather five wolves not already on patrols. Have them get ready to leave in fifteen minutes and inform the others of what's happened so that they stay on alert while we're gone."

I started to walk out of the office when Sloane grabbed my arm.

"I'm coming with you."

I lifted my lip in a growl.

"Like hell you are."

He refused to let me go when I tried to leave again.

"Ver please how am I to learn what it means to be alpha if I'm stuck here all the time?"

I started to object. To tell him he wasn't ready but something in his eyes stopped me. There was a determination there that I'd never seen in him before. Maybe he should come. If anything at least I'd be able to keep an eye on him until we could settle the issue of this friend he's been hiding from me.

"Fine get your shit ready."

He nodded but before he got too far I stopped him my hand grabbing his arm just as he had mine.

"Just remember Sloane you do exactly as I say no exceptions."

"I won't let you down."

I watched him go surprised. There was something in that look. Something I couldn't put a name to. Was it fear?

"You alright?"

Owens voice interrupted my train of thought his cell phone glued to his hand as it rang for Ereni. I faced Owen inclining my head. Whatever it was i saw in Slo's eyes I'm sure I'd find out soon enough.

"Yes sorry I'm fine. Let's go they might not stay in Asheville for long."

I headed upstairs to pack a bag for the trip to Asheville. My wolf was on edge begging to be released. I hope we find them and if we do the lunar eclipse pack will regret the day they made me an enemy.

dragonpaw dragonpaw

There won’t be many authors thoughts until around chapter 45 because I up loaded the first 40 chapters all at once but I do answer every question if you have any and love hearing from my readers with any feedback hope your enjoying this book and can’t wait to read your comments

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