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45% The Red Eyed King / Chapter 27: 27. Vericus

Chapter 27: 27. Vericus

I ran, my paws taking me far away from them, from her. I needed space, needed time. Needed a break from the constant bad things that just kept happening. Why would the moon goddess be so cruel? Can our souls never find happiness? Must we forever be forced to live life after life with the burdens put upon us by a goddess? Immortal humans, powers tainted with darkness can none of it be gone from our lives?

Raines face flashed before my eyes her scared face now matching mine haunted me. Those eyes so full of hate, so full of pain. It killed me to see how much she was hurting. Was this what it felt like for the first human female spelled to Mate Driak? Granted he did force her to marry him but still what he did do was far worse. Even after thousands of years his soul had not changed from the power hungry king of those times.

Surely an all powerful moon goddess had to know immortality would not change the man beneath? No one can change who they are no matter how much time has passed. It's not like I can ask her for help as the original me did. The moon goddess had abandoned us long ago. Many had tried to seek her out. Preyed for her help her guidance but she never came.

So what hope was there left for us? What hope did we possibly have against an immortal? If he had stayed human we would have been fine but with power he was the worst kind of immortal. What were we supposed to do against him? I couldn't even use the power I had inside me. It was true it made me stronger, but that's all it did. I couldn't use magic. So why put this power inside me at all if I couldn't use it?

I growled as I ran faster. Even knowing my history I was still left with unknowns. Unanswered questions that no one can answer. What was I supposed to do? How was I supposed to save my mate? I didn't know anything any more. King of wolves? Bull shit! I was king of nothing!

I stopped running panting from exhaustion. I don't know how long I had been running or where I was but I knew I was far from home. Now a slow laboured walk, well more like a shuffle since my legs were that tired it took all that I had just to stand up but I couldn't stop. I had to keep going. Had to get away had to clear my head.

I knew I was letting everyone down, abandoning them just as the goddess had abandoned us. I was the worst King. I had failed at every turn. Rix, the silver moon pack even my own parents and now Raine. I had failed her the most. A mate was supposed to protect their other half yet I did nothing. I wanted to help her even if in the end she still chose to reject me. I could live with that as long as she was safe. Safe from Driak, safe from her hate and let's face it safe from me.

I growled my wolf wanted to take over, wanted to control me and I wanted to let it. I was weak I couldn't save any of them least of all her. I wish I'd never been born with this power. I wish the moon goddess would just take it back. I can't handle it's weight any more. The price was too high.

My wolf legs gave out my strength reaching its limits. Laying down in the middle of only the goddess knew where I closed my eyes. I was so tired With everything that had been going on I couldn't even remember the last time I ate. Before long I'd passed out the darkness closing in around me as the world disappeared.


The sound of someone singing woke me up. The sound was so beautiful. Slowly I opened my eyes as the most beautiful female I'd ever seen kneeled beside me. Her flowing black hair cascaded down her back to her hips. Her eyes were mismatched, one blue and one green. Her long Angled face reminded me of an elf or a fae. Her hands hovered above me as she sung. I could feel my body regaining the strength I had lost. I sniffed the air trying to find out what manner of sup she was. My eyes widened, she was human. But how could she be healing me? It just wasn't possible. Humans didn't have any power.

Her song finished her eyes met mine a delicate smile only making her seem even more surreal.

"Feel better?"

I nod not trusting my own voice. Was I dreaming or was this an illusion? And if it was real why would a human be way out here in the woods alone? Getting up she grabs a bag from the ground and hands me a pair of pants. Groaning my body sore after laying in the forest floor I put the pants on and face her with my full height. My eyes search our surroundings thinking maybe I stumbled a lone a cabin the woods or I was closer to a town then I realised, but there was nothing but trees.

"What are you doing here?"

My voice was gravelly making me think I had been in wolf form far longer then I realised as I sounded more wolf then human. She laughed.

"I live here."

I looked around again thinking I missed something. She laughed again grabbing my arm as she started to pull me through the trees.

"Come I'll show you."

I let her lead me as she followed a trail only she could see. When we came to the side of a mountain she stopped. It was a dead end the side of the mountain I sheer drop the stone flat. Lifting her hand up she placed her palm on the surface and stepped back. I waited but nothing happened.


The stone suddenly shook as it started to move to the side like a sliding door. I jumped back in surprise. The human female grabbed my hand again.

"Don't be scared it's safe I assure you. My people are peaceful we do not believe in violence of any kind."

I said nothing as I followed her through a narrow passage way. Once we'd gone a few steps in the door closed behind us plunging us into darkness. The females hand grabbed mine again as she whispered into the passage way. At her voice small lights began to form lighting the way through.

"Their glow worms."

Her voice was childlike yet she seemed not much younger then me. Maybe it was that she seemed so innocent that made her voice match what I saw in her.

"Who are you?"

Her face formed an O her hand quickly covering it.

"I'm sorry I guess I should introduce myself."

She extended her hand.

"My names Vale."

I took her hand in mine her skin feeling so soft to touch.


She grinned.

"Oh I know your name even way out here we heard that the time of the red eyed king had come again."

I chuckled bitterly.

"Yeah right some king I was. What king runs away when things get too hard."

She didn't comment on my words. Either she didn't notice or was just being polite.

"Come on the others are waiting."


She smiled.

"My people of course they are already preparing a meal for your arrival."

Wait what? They knew I was coming? What the fuck was going on here? Who the hell were these people? They were only humans weren't they? She began pulling on my hand again as we stepped deeper into the passage. As we walked I decided now was the best time to get more information maybe find out what the hell it was I was walking into.

"So Vale forgive me if this sounds rude but what exactly are you. I mean you smell human but...."

Her head went to just below my shoulders so when to looked at me she had to look upwards to met my eyes.

"That's because we are humans."

I frowned down at her, it just didn't make sense this whole thing felt very supernatural.

"But before when you helped me you used magic didn't you?"

She shook her hard laughing the sound waves echoing off the walls around us.

"Goddess no. I can't use magic. What healed you was nature."

"Umm nature?"

She nodded enthusiastically.

"You see we're druids. We live side by side with nature. The song I was singing was a prayer to nature to breath strength back into you, that's all. It wasn't me that did anything. It was all nature's doing."


I had heard of them I mean most humans had they were even now apart of their history. Humans that worshipped nature. They valued all life and reframed from violence of any kind. However no one had seen a true Druid in years. As with most human religions everyone thought they'd just been wiped out since it was human nature to fear anything that was different even if they be of their own race.

"If you would like when we get there I can ask our elder to tell you of our history."

I nodded yes I was very interested in hearing their story. Maybe that was the reason I had stumbled upon these druids. Maybe it had some baring on what was happening.

"I would like that."

She inclined her head. Her long flowing dress swaying as she walked the hooded cloak she wore, all of it was exactly how you would picture druids but in ancient times. It made me eager to see what her home looked like. How had no one found them before now considering the technology these days. Though I guess one would assume the magic of nature hid them. Still it's a wonder I had never known they were here. We had to still be in North Carolina didn't we? I shook my head this was all so strange. I had no idea what to make of it all. Guess I'll find out soon enough.

Finally after a few more minutes of walking the only sound that of our footsteps on the stone beneath our feet a light appeared before us. We had reached the exit and after the momentary blindness of sunlight after the dark passage what I saw before me I'll never forget. It was like stepping through time there where houses fashioned into the large trees. Not like they had been carved into the tree more like the trees grew to form a house. Their...I guess the only word for it was village was its own world at the centre of the mountain. The sides vertical drops of solid stone at least a mile in diameter. Every third or so tree inside the village was the same house like dwellings.

There were more people then I would've thought. That I could see at least thirty humans including small children. All of them just going about their day, kids playing, some were working on the crops that were growing off to the right of the village while others were picking fruit to the left. Men woman working together and everyone helped each other like one big family. If I had to picture a utopian society this would probably be it. All of them wore much like what Vale were. Almost medieval in style but with a more modern twist.

It was surreal waking through the village, some waving to Vale or saying hello. Nearly all however bowed their heads my way. Like Vale they seemed to know who I was and showed the utmost respect calling me things like your highness or my king. It was a little intimidating. Is this what it would have felt like to be the first king of both wolves and humans in my first life? Vale seemed to sense my nervousness as she leaned in to whisper.

"I know all this seems a lot to take in and that times have changed a lot since we druids left the world of humans. we are old fashioned compared to present time but that's only because we have kept our traditions even though thousands of years have passed. But they mean well and are just excited to see the red eyed king reborn after so long. We were beginning to think there wouldn't be another."

By the way she was explaining her people it was like they were far more in tune with the red eye king then even Roake if that was even possible. It was hard to believe that they had been hidden away in this mountain for thousands of years. How many generations of her people had lived and died here? There was so much I didn't know. So much I wanted to know.

I followed Vale deeper into the trees until she stopped in front of a tree much like the others. The dwelling didn't have a door but just a cloth dripping to cover the entrance. Calling out she stepped inside waving at me to follow.

"Grandfather I'm home."

Grandfather? So if this was the druids elder then? I took a deep breath then stepped inside. The inside of the tree surprised me it was bigger then I thought. Even with my height I could stand up straight with room to spare. There was no fire place or any where to even have a fire if the nights were cold which was curious. To the right spiral stairs lead further up into the tree. I assumed that's where they slept. As for furniture there was a small desk that grow out of the side of the tree as well as a table that grew from the ground in the middle of the room. It wasn't tall so the old man sitting at it was cross legged at its head.

"Ah Vale deary I see you found our guest."

Vale smiled as she leaned down to kiss his cheek. Stepping back she pushed me down to the other end of the table gently forcing me to sit.

"Yes grandfather. This is King Vericus. Vericus this is my grandfather Thoran. He's the elder of our people that I was telling you about."

I stretched out my hand.

"Nice to meet you."

Thoran shook my hand his wrinkled fingers feeling like they would break in my much larger ones. His hair was completely white and a long beard flowed form his chin. The wrinkles also framed his white eyes, it kinda reminded of what a wizard would look like. The thought making me smile like a child. This place was so strange. Ever since I'd stepped through the mountain I felt a calm surround me. Even the darkness in my power seemed at peace here. For the first time in my life I didn't feel like I had the fight to push it down or fear that I could hurt someone. For the first time in my life I felt safe.

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