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25% The Red Eyed King / Chapter 15: 15. Vericus

Chapter 15: 15. Vericus

Hearing those words from Sloane broke something inside me. As Sloane left the room my wolf burst forth the darkness taking over. With those words I'd lost the last thing that was holding me together. Owen was just barely able to avoid my shift as I began to rampage. He shifted too his tanned wolf lunging at me but I was too far gone. The darkness strong as i lunged as well forcing him to the ground my teeth biting into the flesh of his neck as I slammed him against the wall knocking him out as his head made a crater in the wall.


I spun at the sound one of the others stood at the door taking in the scene before him. Shifting instantly he growled to warn the others. I attacked slashing with my paw knocking him to the side then ran passed him out the door. I ran straight for the back door bursting though it as wood splintered in al directions. By the time they hit the ground I was already at the tree line. With what little will I had left a ran as far away from them as I could before I hurt anyone else.

Once I was far enough away i skidded to a halt panting. I tried to fight back against the darkness of my power but I'd let it go too far. A snap of a twig nearby had me running again. I hoped whatever it was would be smart enough to run. I followed it weaving in and out of the trees. I caught a glimpse of grey fur just as it passed around a tree. I pounced realising too late as it came out of the brush that it was Sloane.

I couldn't stop my wolf as it went for the kill. Just as my teeth were millimeters from sinking into Sloane neck I was attacked from the side. I rolled across the ground my foreleg hitting a rock on the ground the bones snapping a Snarl of pain escaping my throat.

The pain allowed me to take control of the darkness as my eyes came into focus. I made to get up but my front leg was broken making me fall back down again.

"Well wouldn't you believe our luck."

My eyes snapped towards the voice a growl vibrating through me. A male with gold flecks in his brown eyes held Sloane by the scruff of the neck. His long hair tied at the back of his neck a menacing smile on his smug face. Sloane was struggling in his grip. We were surrounded by wolves five of whom surrounded me. Slowly I got to my paws lifting my injured one in the air.

"Now now King Vericus wouldn't won't your brother there to loose his head now would you?"

I growled at him but made no move against him as I eyed the wolves around us. Sloane still struggled in his hand as he managed to spin his head enough to bite the male holding him. Snarling the male kicked him in the stomach and tossed him to the other wolves who were on him in seconds. I moved to help but the male stopped me.

"Move and the others will tear him apart!"

I froze as the wolves surrounding Sloane snapped their teeth at him. The male turned back to me that same smug smile on his lips.

"Now that we understand each other allow me to introduce myself. I am driak Alpha of the lunar eclipse pack. I believe you knew my father Keary."

I growled at the name making him chuckle.

"Yes I believe you do. Not that it matters now of course since he's dead."


'Quiet Sloane I'll handle this.'

I couldn't be distracted. Driak seemed to sense our silent communication as he sighed.

"You know this would be a lot easier if you'd just shift already so that we can have a civilised conversation."

I was stronger in wolf form but considering the circumstances it wasn't like I had a choice. Besides if he wanted to kill us he would have done it already. So i shifted back in human form Driaks smile widening.

"Ah that's better-"

"What do you want if not to kill us?"

Diaks head tilted to the side like I was asking a stupid question.

"I would have thought that was obvious."

He waited for me to figure it out but when I remained silent he shrugged.

"Seems your more animal then I thought. Oh well I'll tell you. I want what you took from me. I want the girl hand her over to me and you can have your brother back."

Sloane growled at the mention of Kans voice. I saw it in his eyes that he would rather die then give up his friend.

"What do you want with her?"

Driaks smile returned as did his Erie chuckle.

"Why else does a male want a female, because she is mine. You see fours years ago I lost her in an unfortunate.... accident. I had thought she was dead. Imagine my surprise when she showed up in Asheville alive and well. Though of course her memories were gone but that doesn't change the fact that she is still mine."

He said the word accident like she merely got lost after a bad fall but I could see the underlying meaning. She had run from this male.

"Considering how she reacted to you last time I doubt she feels the same."

Driaks eyes narrowed. I could tell he was trying hard to keep his temper in check.

"Yes well I did not foresee her lack of memory I thought they were simple rumours. Had she remembered me I know she would have come quietly."

I growled.

"I highly doubt that."

One of the wolves surrounding me snarled snapping towards me.

"In any case I have something you want and you have something I want. I will give you two days if you do not deliver her to the place of my choosing I will kill your brother and send him back in pieces. Do we have an agreement?"

He stared daggers at me daring me to make a move to save my brother. Sloane's eyes were on mine begging me not to take the deal. His words spoken not long ago sounded in my head.

'I knew I had lost my brother.'

I couldn't loose him. He was the only thing keeping me together. If I lost him for good I might as well be dead myself.

"I'm sorry Sloane I have no choice I won't loose you too."

He howled into the air, one of the wolves around him sank its teeth into his neck cutting off the howl. It wasn't enough to kill him but enough to stop him from warning the others.

"Good then I'll send the details for the exchange. Don't worry King of werewolves we will take good care of him as long as you hold up your end of the bargain."

I sank to the ground the second they disappeared taking the last family I had with them. The pain in my arm a reminder of what I'd allowed to happen. This was my fault all of it was my fault. In keeping Sloane safe from myself I had put him in even worse danger. He was right I should have trusted him, thrusted his judgement. Now I had to hand an innocent female over to a complete psychopath. I'm sorry Sloane this is all my fault.

Shifting I made my way back slowly my despair weighing me down worse then my broken arm. How could I face any of them after what I'd done. I wish I'd never been born with these eyes hell I wish I'd never be born at all. Maybe then none of this would have ever happened. All I did was bring bad luck to all those around me. They were all better of if I'd died with my parents. My power wasn't the curse I was.

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