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82.05% The Real Prodigy / Chapter 59: Exploring Skill Moves

Chapter 59: Exploring Skill Moves

To summarize all the new features he got, cough, cough, did he get something? The new update was just only for Metang, then beldum, then Metang, Metang.

Seeing these, Tristan just rolled his eyes and said nothing.

[Isn't it obvious, Metang evolved, of course, it's only for Metang.]

(Hmph, when I upgraded before, besides breathing technique, it was all expenses.)

[Isn't it the same as Metang?]

(Its features were not expensive, though. And what the hell with that converter? I used 50 energy stones and the points will go to Metang.?)

[You can also use its points as long as it agrees, but it still needs its permission because it still has its own authority.]


(AN: Just reminder, Metang Points can increase by more than 500, and it's the same as Tristan's method of earning points. When it kills someone, it gets the value of that rank it killed, while defeating someone will get half of the value and cool down in one day. As for converting energy, it is limited to just 500 points a day. This means you can earn points by fighting opponents and then add 500 per day, or if you don't have energy stone to convert then you can only earned by defeating the opponents and you will get nothing on that day)

[By the way Tristan, you can look at the fourth feature, it is the most exciting one!]

Tristan also nodded and then look at it.

Then he saw various types of elements move whether it was:

Normal Type, Fire Type, Water Type, Grass Type, Electric Type, Ice Type, Fighting Type, Poison Type, Ground Type, Flying Type, Psychic Type, Bug Type, Rock Type, Ghost Type, Dark Type, Dragon Type, Steel Type, and Fairy Type.


What did he see?


There's a Dragon here?

Similar to Pokemon, Dragon was rare in Retus. It can also be classified as the strongest contract beast. There are two types of dragon contract beasts, one is the contract beasts that can be summoned while the other one is the spirit beasts that can be combined with humans to become a half-human and half-dragon. The latter was the rarest one.

But whether it's a summoning contract or spirit beasts, they're classified as S-class contract beasts. It's a legendary one!

(AN: Chapter 13)

(AN: Summoning the contract beasts here were different because it's calling their partner using their mind or something like that and the summoning contract beasts will receive your message and it will appear. That's why I said, Tristan'scontract beast was different, it became a literal real summoning contract beast.)

[It's just a dragon moves not dragon contract beasts, so, stay calm. Besides, If you're excited about seeing a dragon, why not pick Dragonite, Garchomp, Hydreigon, and Dragapult? Why pick Metagross who's not a dragon?]

(Wait... you said it's all dragon?)

[Huh, you didn't know?]

(I thought that Barney dragon and the three-head dragons were the only dragons. I didn't pick them because it looks ugly, plus no mega evolution equals ugly)

[You're here again, basing the strengths of someone on their looks. Tristan, I advised you, don't judge the books by their covers, sometimes the one you think ugly might be the hidden gem.]

(Yeah, I know, I know, so there are no dragon contract beasts?)

[Nope, it's just a dragon move]

(Then buy that, I want my Metang to train with that!)

[Wha-What? Are you crazy? Metang has no dragon element, how can you train that?]

(Then why it's here? Means it can also learn it right)

[Just because all the skill moves are here, it doesn't mean it can learn them all. You still need to stick to the skill moves indicated by the element type of Metang like Psychic and Steel, Dragon elements were too far from it, just give up]

(I don't believe it, since it's here, then it can learn it, you don't need to persuade me, I know what to do.)

[Tristan, you bastard, what are you planning to do? I will tell you now, you're just ruining its future if you do that, just listen to me this time, I'm serious.]


Hearing what it said, Tristan felt hesitant, he knows when the system became like this means, it was really serious, but... it's a dragon move.

[Tristan, I know you may doubt my suggestion right now, but let me explain further. What you are thinking is impossible. There is no dragon energy in Metang, and even if it could learn it, the amount of energy it would require would be tremendous since it's not a dragon. Using dragon moves on a not dragon type pokemon would drain an exorbitant amount of energy. Remember, Metang is a Steel and Psychic type, and you are ignoring its inherent elements in favor of ones it does not possess. That is why I am saying you are ruining its future.]

Tristan considered what the system said and found it to be reasonable. He was even convinced. But Dragon... dragon... He couldn't get over it.

(Then just let me look at it)

[No way, Tristan, you're still thinking about it right?]

(Don't worry, I'm just looking)

Then Tristan looked at the dragon skills looking at Dragon Breath, Dragon Claw, and Dragon Pulse. His eyes shined, it feels ferocious and majestic.

[Don't ever think about it, it's impossible!]

Then he looked at Dragon Rush and Outrage


So Strong!

Then he became shocked seeing the Draco meteor and then... Dragon Ascent, what is that dragon?

(AN: Rayquaza)

Tristan's body was shaking with excitement as he saw these strong moves. He felt a strong sense of desire to obtain them, as if there was a devil whispering in his ear, urging him to give in to his desire and make the purchase.


But as Tristan fell into the bottomless darkness of desire, an angel appeared, fighting the devils and urging him not to become impulsive. Because of the angel's presence, Tristan snapped out of his daze and looked at the angel.

Now that he was awake, Tristan was able to control his urge to buy the moves. But instead of feeling the urge to buy them, he now felt the urge to punch the angel. Why was this?

[You, I am trying to guide you to avoid making mistakes, but in return, you have malice towards me and planning to punch me. I'm hurt, huhuhu, this guy has no gratitude]

(I can't even punch you, but if it were possible, I would have punched you a long time ago.)

Tristan just ignored its drama, he just rolled his eyes at it. It's not even called a drama, it's called a disgusting sentiment.

[You, you, you, I'm fucking done with you]


A Minute later, he still can't let go of the dragon's moves, he saw the last which is called: Dragon Dance.

The effects were cool and can increase attacks and speed. While "Agility" can only increase speed, the latter effects on speed were faster though.

Seeing him staring at the "Dragon Dance", System explained to him some different dance moves like Feather Dance, Fiery Dance, Lunar Dance, Petal Dance, Quiver Dance, Swords Dance, Rain Dance, Teeter Dance....


It seems Tristan heard something.

(System what did you say earlier?)

[Eh what do you mean?]

(I heard you said "Sword Dance", something like that, am I right?)

Hearing what he asked, the system stopped talking. If the system was only a human then you can see that this time, it already sweated a lot. It can feel its strong premonition that there's something will happen.

This guy was almost done with the dragon moves and now when he heard the word "Sword." It knew it was trouble again.

And its prediction was really right.

Tristan goes to find the dance moves.

The system wants to persuade him that the "Swords Dance" is not literally the name of moves, but a move that can increase attack, but it's useless.

Tristan cannot be persuaded this time. He said whether it was really not a "Sword", as long as its have this name means it was a sword.

Then a few minutes later, things became crazy.

Tristan "add to cart" the "Sword Dance" "Secret Sword" "Sacred Sword" "King's Shield" "Solar Blade" "Behemoth Blade" "Leaf Blade" "Precipice Blade" "Sunsteel Strike" "Meteor Mash" "Protect" "Double Team" "Substitute" "Endure" "Teleport" "Earthquake" "Telepathy" "Psychic" "Hyper Beam" "Skill Swap" "Role Play" "Calm Mind" "Hypnosis" "Gyro Ball" "Rock Slide" "Brick Break" "Fire Punch" "Lightning Punch" "Ice Punch"


He "add to cart" all the sword-named skills, ignoring the system said "It's not a steel that's fighting and normal moves" but he ignored it.

While searching he happens to find the "King Shield" move, and he was astonished to the pokemon he saw. "It's Aegislash!" System said.

(Why there's no him in the previous choices?) Tristan asked and the system replied: [It's not a pseudo-legendary] (But it's so handsome) Tristan said and the system retorted: [But, it's not pseudo-legendary]

Tristan rolled his eyes hearing this.

Then he find another handsome pokemon, it's Kartana. Then he searched both Aegislash and Kartana moves, and his eyes shone brightly. Then the system shouted: [TRISTAN YOU ARE ENOUGH!]

He saw the solar blade and searched for another "blade" moves. Leaf Blade, Precipice Blades, Behemoth Blade. Add to Cart!

Since following the system's guidance in Pokemon, he has also learned about the types of each element and their strengths and weaknesses relative to each other. So how can he be fooled by what the system said?

System shouted Leaf Blade was mostly for Grass Pokemon. Tristan retorted and said Kartana was steel, it can learn. The system said that's because he's also Grass. Tristan said, that Gallade was psychic and fighting, so it can learn? This...

System explained, Precipice Blades is exclusive for Groudon a legendary ground Pokemon. Tristan said Metagross has an earthquake which is also a ground move.

This Bastard!

System was about to mention Behemoth Blade then Tristan said, Behemoth was also a Steel move, you say it cannot be learned?


Tristan also added King Shield because he also thinks it's handsome. A tribute for the most handsome pokemon he had ever seen, Aegislash!


But remembering steel moves, Tristan happens to see one cool moves, it's called "Sunsteel Strike" and the system shouts: "That's only exclusive to Solgaelo, how can you learn that? It's impossible!"

Tristan retorted and said: "It's a steel move, why Metang can't learn it? Metang Was Steel and Psychic, and Solgaelo was Psychic and Steel, isn't it the same?" It's obvious these two pokemon have the same types and you said it can't learn, hmph, don't fool me.

System: "..." How can it explain it to this stubborn guy?

Then he also sees some interesting moves which are the "Telepathy" "Teleport" "Skill Swap" "Role Play" and "Ally Switch"

When he saw the effects, his eye shone, get it! He must get it! Click "Add to Cart!"

The system, on the other hand, felt tired of this guy and said: "Telepathy" "Teleport" "Skill Swap" and "Role Play" were impossible for Metang to learn, I advise you to give up.

Here this guy again, Tristan just rolled his eyes at it and said: "Unlike Dragon, Metang was Steel and Psychic and you said it cannot learn it?"

What do you think of me? An idiot who knows nothing about pokemon? It clearly written the type of of move, its psychic move hmph do you think you can fool me? Hmph, never.

Seeing him being stubborn, the system felt really tired of this ignorant stubborn young man.

This guy was hopeless!

But other than these skills, Tristan still follows some of its suggestions like "Meteor Mash" "Earthquake" "Calm Mind" "Protect" "Gyro Ball" "Hypnosis" "Psychic" "Endure" "Substitute" "Double Team" "Rock Slide"

Meteor Mash, Psychic, and Earthquakes are one of the main core moves of Metagross.

Protect is a simple move that is highly effective for defense. Simple and easy to learn.

Gyro Ball is for the combination with "Hammer Arm" in the future. This move was just in case.

Calm Mind and Hypnosis were different in the effect of the description on it. It became a literal one. Calm Mind can increase and improve the training with Psychic Type. While Hypnosis, can hypnotize people, it's important for investigation.

Substitute, Double Team, Rock Slide, and Endure can also be good in some rare case scenarios.

As for the four punches move just save it for later, and try to learn it if there's time.

Tristan wanted to immediately apply all of them but the system stopped it.

It said Metang still currently has nine moves that can be used, and all of these that had been stacked to "add to cart" cannot be learned instantly, it's just an insight, it doesn't mean you cannot learn it.

Also, can he afford it?

29 skills x 30 Points = 870 Points in a day

870 Points x 30 Days = 26,100

(AN: Cough, there are only 24 hours in a day lol)

Also added his other expenses such as Simulation Field which is 150 Points per day.

150 x 30 days = 4,500

Thats only for him, if Metang was included, it will become 9,000

Plus 900 Points in Maintenance of habitat.

26,100 + 9,900 = 36,000

36,000 In just one month, he can't afford it.

If Metang is unable to learn anything within the next month, he will face a financial loss of more than 30,000 in each subsequent month. If this continues, he will eventually go bankrupt. He may not even make it to the second month and he's already bankrupt.

So, it is much better to train 9 moves within 18 hours in the simulation field.

Then learn three moves per two hours for a total of 24 hours.

Tristan felts reasonable but he shook his head.

He doesn't want only three, he wants ten.

The system argued that it's hard to learn with just one hour a day.

Tristan retorted, anyway it cannot learn instantly, just think of these as a long-term training investment.

After a few minutes of arguing, system accepted his plan of six moves in one day.

And it is Protect, Telepathy, Teleport, Swords Dance, Ally Switch, and Calm Mind

Seeing the Teleport and Sword Dance, the system sighed and feel hopeless.

This guy was so fucking stubborn.

Telepathy might have a chance a bit since the description was also different and it also became the literal meaning. But the remaining two, these...

Tristan even planned at first to learn the fucking three swords and the four-blade skill, Swords Dance, Secret Sword, Sacred Sword, Solar Blade, Behemoth Blade, Leaf Blade, and Precipice Blade, what the heck, the system was already filled with anger and scolded him. It had already been enough of his nonsense.

With Metang's body, can it withstand using these skills? And can he be sure that it can learn these moves?

Tristan compromised but not the "Teleport" "Swords Dance" "Solar Blade" "Leaf Blade"



The system was already enough with this guy's nonsense!

Metang on the other places felt shivered, it looks at its surroundings, what is it?

Feel the anger of the system this time, Tristan really compromised this time but not "Swords Dance"

System calmed down a bit and sighed, it can't control Tristan's decision and could only guide him on the right path.

But although it's hopeless, if Metang can really learn it, especially "Teleport" "Swords Dance" "Ally Switch" and there are also move on add to cart which is "Role Play" and "Skill Swap".

Imagining copying the unique abilities of the opponent or switching unique abilities.

With "Light Metal" and "Berserker Blood"

Will Tristan become more and faster?

Especially, since he still has...

He still has Namikaze Minato's reflex talent.

Although the system felt it was impossible to learn it, it also has a bit of expectation of

What if?

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