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57.14% The Puppeteer Gamer: Gaming Alone (Dropped) / Chapter 4: Chapter 4: First Day

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: First Day

Author's notes:

Hey guys this chapter is a lot longer than others… so yeah!

Have a good read


Chapter 4:

You have slept in your own bed, HP and MP have been restored to 100% each. Status ailments and negative effects have been cured.

I woke up the next day at around 6 am, hmm… this is strange is it the gamer's body skill? But at least I was feeling much more refreshed, when was the last time I felt like this? I thought as I was stretching, I saw a screen to my left:


Daily Quest: Getting Ready to Become the Best, has arrived!


100 Push-ups (0/100)

100 Sit-ups (0/100)

100 Curl-ups (0/100)

100 Squats (0/100)

Run 10Km (0/10)


Failing to complete this quest by midnight will bring a punishment associated with the quest.

"Huff…Huff..." I took long laboured breaths to keep myself from getting to dizzy. The daily quest is done! Sweat was pouring down my body as I wiped my brow and forehead at the same time of sweat. My hands were on my knees and I was breathing out steam.


Daily Quest: Getting Ready to Become the Best has been completed!

100 Push-ups (100/100)

100 Sit-ups (100/100)

100 Curl-ups (100/100)

100 Squats (100/100)

Run 10Km (10/10)


Status Recovery

+100 EXP

Random Box

Accept Rewards?


I pressed yes and I was hit by a weird feeling kind of like cold water pouring over me, it made me feel rejuvenated and as if I never did the exercises. If it wasn't for the fact that I was still sweaty and my cloths stuck to me, you wouldn't have been able to tell the difference.

Looking down on my lap, I found a box covered in black wrapping paper with a silver bow. I quickly ripped it apart and found a towel inside, huh perfect timing. I wiped my face and neck of any sweat I could and threw it in my inventory.

I check my status and there the stat points were just sitting there:

Allen Arthur King

The Gamer

Title –

HP – 250/250 (25HP/minute)

MP – 330/330 (33MP/minute)

Lvl 2 – 0/200

Race – Wizard (Muggleborn)

STR – 5

DEX – 6

VIT – 5

INT – 22

WIS – 13

LUC – 8

Points – 5

Money – 0G/0S/0K

Hmm… what should I put it in? Since I'm going to be doing some more exercises I might as well throw them in the more physical attributes for now. Wait did my stat points change? Actually I gained 1 more INT point when I read more, does that mean the more I train in a certain attribute the more points I get in it? Were those points what the ping! Sound I heard wanted to tell me?

And sure enough there was notification saying I have gained +I STR, +2 DEX and +1 VIT. There's also one for my level up, I clicked it and up came a window:

Ping! Level up!

+1 point to all stats

+100 HP

+100 MP

Hmm… that's actually very useful.

Now I should probably upgrade my stats, I clicked on the plus button next to my stats to add my stat points.

Allen Arthur King

The Gamer

Title –

HP – 260/260 (26HP/minute)

MP – 330/330 (33MP/minute)

Lvl 2 – 0/200

Race – Wizard (Muggleborn)

STR – 7

DEX – 8

VIT – 6

INT – 22

WIS – 13

LUC – 8

Points – 0

Money – 0G/0S/0K

I had also gotten a new skill:

Sprint (action)

Use 'em legs, boy. Magically empower your legs to gain a speed boost.

+50% speed when used

30 MP/ Minute

As I closed my status, I stood up and stretched. I should probably go back, I looked up and saw that the suns was shining its golden rays down on top of me. It created a beautiful scene, me standing in the morning with the sun's rays illuminating the surrounding in its golden haze.

Once I reached Ravenclaw tower, I saw a few students scattered about nose deep into their book. I probably shouldn't be seen so I snuck into the boys' dorms, took my clothes and went in to the showers.

As I turned on the showers tap and felt the hot running down my sweaty body, I thought about what I have to do this year. I have to steal the marauders map from Filch's office and somehow copy it and put it back before the Weasley twins get it. I have to reach the Room of Requirements, it has a lot of resources that I should be able to salvage. Hmm… what else? Oh! I should probably check the mirror of Erised as well, just for ol' curiosity's sake. I should also collect the Deathly Hallows as well-


A quest has arrived!

Legendary Quest: Master of Death, sounds cool doesn't it?

Obtain all Deathly Hallows (0/1)

Cloak of Invisibility (0/1)

Resurrection Stone (0/1)


All Hallows




1,000,000 EXP

I started salivating at the thought of all that EXP, how many times could I level up with that? Gamer's Mind kicked in allowing me to think somewhat clearly, I was still affected by my greedy perk. The Invisibility cloak wouldn't be too hard to steal but I would need to replace it, with something of about the same quality. I would check later when I level up more if there is an invisibility cloak in the Shop and hopefully it's actually affordable.

As I finished showering and wore my clothes I went out and found the other's awake and ready to shower as well.

"Good morning guys" I said with a wave.

"Good morning Allen" said Anthony with a small yawn.

"What allowed you to wake up at such ungodly hours?" remarked Terry,

"I wake up before most people" I replied easily,

"Yeah but at such hours?" also asked Michael.

"Well, I'll be heading down for some light reading before breakfast" I stated ignoring the question and walking out.

When I went down I saw there was a female student who looked to be in her sixth year, who wasn't nose deep into a book and tapped her shoulder. I got her attention,

"Hey kid, is there something you need?" she asked

"Is there any rules about going out of the tower?" I asked actually curious, I hadn't thought of this before but it'd be good to know.

"Yeah, 6:30 AM till 8 PM is when you can leave the tower. But outside of that you wouldn't be able to and most teachers would know" she helpfully supplied.

"Ok, thank you for the help" I said cheerfully, at least I learned something new. This place probably had wards set up so they can monitor if people went out or not.

"No problem kid, it's our thirst for knowledge that drives us to be in the top percentiles remember that" she said with a smile.

As I went through the small library, I saw multiple glowing books. I walked up to one and picked it off the bookcase and a new box popped up:


Skill book found!

You got the skill book [The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 6]

Will you learn this skill?


I pressed Y but another box popped up that said:


Sufficient stat has not been reached to learn this skill book

You cannot learn this book. Requirements: 35 INT

Huh, so there's requirements for some skills? That's interesting, it's pretty much saying I'm not smart enough.

Growling lightly, 'I feel like I'm being challenged' I thought as I put down the book in a pile of other skill books I made that was packed with skill books and other things I thought were interesting. It was put in a secluded corner of the library so there isn't anyone who will be watching, I had to hold back a snort at the thought. A new world war could start and they wouldn't notice until they finish their books.

Picking up all the grade 1 books I learned them one at a time, each time the books turned to dust it was followed by a ping! Sound in my ear and a rush of knowledge to my head.


Skill learnt!

Transfiguration casting (Passive /Action)

Lvl 1 (0%)

The magical study of transfiguring something into something else.

+10% power to all transfiguration spells,

-10% MP needed for casting transfiguration spells.


Skill learnt!

Charms casting (Passive/Action)

Lvl 1 (0%)

The study of changing something without changing its essential nature.

+10% power to all charms,

-10% MP needed for casting charms.


Skill learnt!

Potions making (Passive/Action)

Lvl 1 (0%)

The study of creating a concoction, brew etc. that has magical effects.

+10% potency of potions brewed,

-10% time needed to create potions.


Skill learnt!

Defence Against the Dark Arts (passive/action)

Lvl 1 (0%)

The study of defending against the Dark Arts and Creatures.

+10% damage to the Dark arts and Creatures,

+10% defence against the Dark arts and Creatures.


Herbology (Passive)

Lvl 1 (0%)

The study of herbs and plants specifically those of magical nature.

+10% with dealing with plants,

-10% time when dealing with plants.


A new skill has been created!

Magic Casting (Passive/ Action)

Lvl 1 (0%)

All spells; charms, jinxes etc. cost 10% less mana.

All spells; charms, jinxes etc. are 10% stronger.

After taking in all that information I stumbled into a chair in the common room and sat down, I was soon joined by the boys. We then started going down to the Great Hall. It seemed that a lot of people had arrived before us seeing as there was people sitting on their house tables, all of them chatting and munching on some food that was put on the tables. We picked around the middle of the table seeing as there was less people there. We all got ourselves a heart helping of the delicious breakfast made by the house-elves, soon we were joined by the girls and we were all chatting away while eating.

Our head of house; Professor Flitwick also gave out all of our timetables with a swish of his wand. Hmm… I breathed out as I looked at our timetable, it seemed like the subjects we had today are: Charms followed by Transfiguration, Morning tea, Herbology, History of Magic, Lunch, DADA and we have an empty lesson finished with Dinner. It's pretty full with two breaks in between some of the classes, like morning tea and lunch.

Seeing as most of us were confused about Professor Flitwick's height a 2nd year came to us,

"Hey, that's out head of house he's actually a half-goblin but don't discriminate against him he's actually a duelling champion" said the second year, who introduced herself as Cho Chang. I could see why Cedrick liked her, she was very pretty.

Soon I said goodbye to my friends as I went out of the Great Hall, I still hadn't gotten my bag with my books while they did. I told them I'd be at the Charms classroom and told them not to wait for me. On my way back down from the tower, I bumped into someone I didn't expect too. Literally.

At the same time we went around the same corner and hit each other with enough force to knock her off her feet and onto me, making me fall down as well. She had straight blond hair that was slightly curly at the end, and icy blue eyes. She had the customary green and black robes along with the green and silver tie of Slytherin house.


Daphne Greengrass Lvl 6

HP – 400

MP – 370

Daphne Greengrass belongs to the noble house of Greengrass which was a part of the neutral faction in the last wizarding war, the Greengrass house also own a magical shipping company. She lost her way when heading to Charms.

"Hello" I blurted out before things became awkward, well more awkward then right now. I sighed internally as I put her off of me and stood up as well. This was the future ice-queen of Slytherin, I had to show at least a little 'respect'.

"My name is Allen King, may I know your name?" I spoke with a slight fake respect in my voice and put my hand out that seemed to have snapped her out of her little episode.

"Daphne Greengrass, a pleasure" she said as she gave took my hand with her own hands in a soft handshake.

"May I know why you were running in the hallways?" I asked her, I already knew from observing her but I had to act like I didn't.

She seemed to give a quickly made answer:

"I wasn't running, I was just walking faster than usual since I have to go to Charms and my friend is waiting for me" she blurted out a bit too fast.

"Oh really?" I quirked an eyebrow that showed my disbelief,

"Well since we both have Charms right now, let's go together shall we?" I proposed, not like there was any other way to get out faster.

"I might as well, seeing as we're both going to the same place" she grudgingly accepted.

Soon we descended into an awkward silence, so I decided to break the silence.

"Are you a half-blood or pureblood witch? Since you don't really look surprised about anything" I asked to get the conversation starting.

"Well I am actually pure-blooded from the house of Greengrass" she said as she puffed out her chest in pride just a bit, this is my chance to make some out-of-house relationships that could benefit me very well. 'Especially since her family has a hand in shipping, this could be good for me if I decide to benefit' I thought with a greedy glint in my eyes.

"What does that mean?" is how the conversation went by, we eventually arrived at the classroom door. I let her go first and waited a few minutes before going in myself, we wouldn't want people to draw a connection between us. I wouldn't call the talk a loss at all, I had become an acquaintance with someone who has a lot of resources.

I sat with Terry, Anthony and Michael and the girls sat on the row behind us.

"Ahem" we all turned our heads to the origin of the voice, and there Professor Flitwick was. Standing on a stack of thick books at the front of the class, with his wand in his hand.

"Hello students, this is your first class of Charms" he stated quite obviously.

"Like most other subjects you would soon have, the professors of will say their subject is the most dangerous. Well I'll too, seeing as charms are some of the most versatile spells, that is obvious" he warned us of the dangers of Charms, 'well it seems like we'll all get a warning for most of our practical subjects' I thought as I droned out of the following conversation.

"For now we'll practise a practically harmless charm; the levitating charm, it is performed with a swish and flick while incanting 'Wingardium Leviosa' in a strong clear voice" he demonstrated on a book next to him, it went a flying in whichever direction he pointed his wand in.

"Wingardium Leviosa" I incanted with a swish and flick, just practising my form.

Soon Professor Flitwick gave out a bunch of feathers, one student noticed this and asked:

"Hey professor, why are we using feathers and not books like you?" asked the Slytherin student,

"Come here" he called out to the student, "now pick up this book that I used the spell on" he asked the student.

The student picked it up or at least tried to, he had to bend over and pick it up and held it up with great struggle.

"What is that thing made of?" he questioned with a small hint of anger.

"Nothing much, parchment, leather and a heavy charm placed on it" he explained,

"Anyways, the more heavy an object the more magic it will take and the more you have to be experienced in that certain spell" he explained to the class.

Soon we all started trying, I looked around and sawing many students failing. Terry sitting next to me starting poking his feather with his wand while incanting, hoping it would work.

I focused my attention on the feather on my desk and focused my wand on it,

"Wingardium Leviosa" I recited the incantation, and the feather started levitating.

"Excellent! I see we have a genius, here 10 points to Ravenclaw" he excitedly exclaimed.

By the end of the class I had gotten another 3

Soon the class ended and we were rushed to Transfiguration, the bell rang and Professor Mcgonagall still wasn't here only a cat that was sitting on her table which I knew was her. After five minutes, the students had grown restless and were whispering to each other.

"Blimey, where is the professor?" I heard Anthony mutter next to me a bit too loudly, the cat animagus took this moment to transform in front of us.

"I'm right here Mister Goldstein" she said to us, knowing it'll happen and seeing is completely different.

All of the students in the room were shell shocked, I was to but at a lesser degree. It's pretty smart, showing the students what the pinnacle of transfiguration could achieve so that they have something of a drive that inspires them to study more.

After giving us the customary warning speech she gave us all a match to turn into a needle. All of the students soon started trying to turn their matches into a needle. I just sat back and watched as a student, failed, tried, failed, tried again, failed and got red in the face. I was there chuckling when the same student snapped their matchstick and threw it half away across the room, professor Mcgonagall seemed to have noticed I was laughing when she gave him another match as she came up to me.


"Allen King, Professor" I replied to the invisible question.

"Mister King please tell me why you aren't trying to transfigure your own match?" she questioned sternly, we seemed to have gained some attention as we were being watched by every student. All of them put their wands down and were fixated on us.

"I have" I said as I gestured to my match, she looked at it and sure enough it was innocently lying there.

"I see… you've done a splendid job Mister King, 10 points to Ravenclaw" she praised, huh nice.

"Sigh…" I sighed as I sat down,


Author's Notes

So you see guys, I want to know something. If he had a weapon what would it be? I'm thinking a katana with twin daggers or spear with twin daggers, also the main weapons (spear or katana) will be able to use 5 elements.

Or he could have 5 weapons; one for each element, like katana for water, rapier for lighting etc..

Also if you haven't noticed already, then i'll tell you about the daily quests. the daily quest doesn't give any stat points it gives 100 EXP and a Random box. i did this because while he would become OP pretty soon, he'll become OP too fast if i gave him stat points, so instead he gains Points in stats by exercising.

Also if you guys want a different penalty quest then give msg me one because i'll keep the normal one then.

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