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43.24% The Preying City / Chapter 16: Jade Hairpin (1)

Chapter 16: Jade Hairpin (1)

"I was following a lead and reached a gambling den run by some gangs. I went down only to find dozens of men brawling like rabid dogs. They had almost no semblance of rationality. They were hacking or bashing each other with whatever they could find. Some unarmed men even bit and clawed at the others. It looked exactly like how Marcus and Roy were. I think it's the same devil who is responsible for this as well. I tried to escape but ended up gravely injured by those madmen. Somehow, I fled through the sewer and managed to come up from the manhole right outside the house. Amara went to get help after seeing my state and here we are." Elias described what had happened with as much clarity as he could at the moment. He was shocked to find that he was healed in no time. It was miraculous and he was sure that the man in front of him was just like the man who he had once seen turn into a wolf or the devil.

Vincent thought for a moment and continued asking, "Did you find the devil?"


"Did the policeman ask you to search for the devil?"


"Do you know about supernaturals?"

Elias was new to the word but he could guess what it meant. He shook his head indicating that he didn't know about it. Vincent explained to Elias what supernaturals were and continued, "This officer who entrusted you with this task, is he a supernatural?"

"I don't know but I think he is. He was the one who calmed down Marcus and Roy when they had gone mad." Elias thought hard and answered.

Vincent recalled his introduction to the policeman. "This officer Mayven, what did he promise you for your help?"

"He said he would pay me 10 pounds if I could report a clue."

"I see, tell me when you feel like the power coursing through your body has subsided." Vincent then just observed the man while looking at his watch from time to time. Elias didn't dare relax for fear of the miracle medicine having severe side effects. He had seen a drug that gave men insane strength and endurance but took the consumer's life soon after. Elias told Vincent as soon as he felt the strength subside.

'328 seconds. Looks like Mr. Collector increased the time by more than half a minute to sell it for a higher price. It's okay. If for nothing else, I can use this as a free magical healing drug. Now I just need to find a grade 2 zombie to get blood from. A vampire would do just fine for substitute as well.'

Vincent closed the pocket watch and got up. He opened the door and spoke to Amara in a serious tone. "Take this money and get a vial of pig's blood. Remember to hurry. The situation is serious."

The woman nodded repeatedly and took off with her daughter. Vincent went back to Elias and continued, "Remember. I was never here. You escaped from the gambling den and managed to patch your wounds by yourself. Am I clear?"

"Yes. I understand."

"Good. Then you can go claim that reward of 10 pounds from our dear officer tomorrow. If you get another clue, inform me first. If I give you the go, then you can inform the police as well."

Elias thought that the doctor wanted to get to the devil first and nodded to show that he understood. Then he put on an awkward expression and asked hesitantly. "What do I do about my injuries? I feel as fit as a fiddle right now."

"I will deal with that in a while. First, I have some delicious juice for you." Vincent didn't explain further and waited for Amara and Anna to be back. He heard knocking on the door and opened it. Taking the vial of blood from the woman, he handed it over to Elias, "Drink."

Elias controlled his expression and forced the pig's blood down his throat. Soon, he felt weak and a bit numb. Vincent handed him a piece of cloth that had been folded multiple times. "Bite this."

The man was hesitant at first but eventually gave in and bit the thick fold. Vincent took out a surgical knife from his briefcase and made random shallow cuts over the man's body. He then proceeded to wrap them with bandage in a way that made it look done poorly. Pulling the cloth fold out of the man's mouth, he packed up.

"Remember. I was never here. It should be the same even if someone asks your wife or daughter. You can always find me in the hospital during working hours if you need to inform me of something." Vincent warned one last time and Elias reassured Vincent that he wouldn't do anything to give away the doctor's identity as a supernatural.

Vincent felt a bit conflicted about his choice. He had managed to find out about the syringe's exact capabilities and found a henchman. But he also gave away his identity as a supernatural and he couldn't exactly trust this henchman of his. After thinking about it for a while, he turned around and stared Elias straight in the eyes. "It's a magical thing that you get to spend more time with your family. I hope you won't make me do anything untoward. Goodbye."


Joshua was a good kid. He didn't have a father but his mother raised him well. She was a learned woman and she did everything she could to make a fine man out of him. Having sold some of her lands, she sent him to a school. He looked at how hard his mother worked for him and put his all into studying.

Years came and went but he never slacked off and he became a fine physician. He spent the next few years treating the people in his village and built a good reputation. He came to fancy a beautiful girl. She was not just pretty but also extremely clever. Her name was Delilah and she was the daughter of a successful farmer.

He courted her and she eventually fell for him. The two were a very happy couple, at least for the first few months of their marriage. Joshua loved her very much and did everything he could to please her. Delilah on the other hand, began questioning why she married such a man at all. He didn't have anything that she looked for in a man.

She had grown up reading books about forbidden love and romance filled with passion and obstacles. The lovers for the protagonists were always charming men with fortune, possibly noble and reading about them would make her heart throb. She did think she loved Joshua when they first met but her love died as quickly as it had bloomed.

Joshua wasn't rich, he didn't dance, he couldn't understand music, and most importantly, he wasn't good looking. She couldn't understand why she had married such a man. She deserved better. Much better. She was refined, beautiful, and learned, too good for this uncouth man.

It wasn't long until she began to detest him. Everything he did annoyed her and she couldn't find a semblance of her prince charming in him. But she held on, she acted like a good wife in hopes that he would notice how bad of a match he was for her. Unfortunately, all it did was make him happy. He didn't think that he would ever get to marry such a beautiful woman who loved him as much as he loved her.

He didn't notice her dissatisfaction and it pissed her off. The fact that he had grown lazy and fat recently didn't help her anger either. She wanted to get away from him as soon as possible and was planning on running away when she found out that she was pregnant.

It was a lovely child. Joshua was so happy that he couldn't stop smiling. He named her Amelia and did everything he could to make both his family happy. He was stuck to the little girl all day and this reduced their income. Delilah hated that she couldn't buy the things she wanted because of the new addition to the family. Her good for nothing husband had even gone ahead and hired two servants to make her life easier.

She had to give up on one of the few pleasures of her life because of the child and she hated her for it. She deserved a better family. A charming, loving, and passionate husband who could pamper her with all she could ever want. Was she not better than all the women in the village? She would question why her life had come to this and the more she thought, the more she hated the child who ruined her chance of running away.

She grew melancholic and depressed. Her life was empty. There was no heart throbs, no prince charming, no fancy balls or beautiful dresses. This all changed when a man came to settle into the village. His name was Charles. He was good looking, learned, rich and passionate. It wasn't long until the two of them started having an affair.

Joshua was completely oblivious to all of it. He was happy with his life. His daughter was growing up to be a cute darling and his wife was still as loving and beautiful as ever. He began worrying about his daughter's dowry and education and started working more. He spent less time at home and this created more opportunity for Delilah to slip away to her lover's home.

She would complain to him about how unhappy she was with her husband and how she wished that she could go away with Charles. Just the two of them. Charles would mention about Amelia and she would just stare at the ceiling unable to figure out what to do with the child. One day, she mustered her courage and told her lover that they should elope. When asked about what to do with the child, she answered bravely, "Let's take her with us. It can't be helped."

The two made plans and she counted the days with much anticipation. Sadly for her, when the day came, her lover ditched her. For Charles, she was just another lover. She was indeed very beautiful but the fact that she had a child turned him off. Besides, she could ditch her husband for him, how could he be sure that she wouldn't one day leave him as well.

Delilah was heartbroken. She couldn't understand why Charles would ditch her and that too through a letter. He mentioned in it that he would go away from her. He couldn't live with himself if her name got sullied because of him.

She grew melancholic once again. She began spending her time burying her head on books. That was the one thing that still made her feel alive. Reading the beautifully woven romantic tales made her crave the thrill even more.

It wasn't long before spring came to her life once more. A young man named Rocco moved in next door. He wasn't rich but he was good looking and he shared the hobby of reading with her. The two would discuss about books for hours. Joshua was happy that his wife had made a good friend and treated Rocco well.

Delilah and Rocco began exchanging letters everyday and they fell in love before long. She would read each of his letters over and over again. He had a way with words and it moved her. She stored each of their letter in a chest and kept them as proof of their love.

Rocco was quite poor and couldn't dress properly. She thought that she needed to change that and would buy him the articles of latest fashion without sparing any expenses. She took care of the household and Joshua trusted her to no end. Every weekend she and Rocco would go to a nearby town and spend the day in a luxurious hotel. She would cover all the expenses and it wasn't long before the family's savings had been all but spent.

Joshua would work hard every day in hopes of giving a good life to his wife and daughter. It wasn't long before he would have enough money to send his little sweetheart to a well known convent. She could learn about everything there and it would set her for life. Just as he was about to reduce his workload, Delilah came to him and said that a thief had stolen all their saving. He couldn't bring himself to get angry at her. He consoled her lovingly and said that he would work hard all over again.

She asked him what to do about the fees for the convent. He said that he would take a loan. She said that she would handle it and that he shouldn't worry about such a thing. He agreed and went to play with his daughter. Looking at her face drove away all his tiredness and worries. He played with her and went to sleep.

Delilah mortgaged everything Joshua owned for 2000 pounds and planned to elope with Rocco. Rocco asked her why she was so desperate and she answered that she was pregnant. Rocco was thunderstruck. He asked her if it was Joshua's child or his own. She said that it was his. She was sure for she hadn't slept with Joshua for years. She handed him the money and told him to buy the things necessary for their journey.

Rocco fled that very night with all the money. He wasn't ready to be a father to a child. Even worse when the mother was someone else's wife. Delilah learnt of it the next day and was bewildered. She had given up everything for Rocco and he left her. This wasn't the first time it was happening either. Heartbroken, she bought a cheap poison and swallowed it.

As she lay there writhing in pain and agony, Joshua came to her. He started trying everything he could to save her. Sadly for him, he didn't even know what she had drank. He pulled at his hair and screamed. He cried and proclaimed his love to her in all the words he knew. She looked at his tender gaze full of love and wondered where she had gone wrong. She had never noticed his love for her and chased after something that was never there. As an intense feeling of loss and regret hit her, she passed away.

Joshua was heartbroken. He didn't eat or drink for days. He reluctantly buried her and decided to live for his daughter. At least he had his little sweetheart with him. The next day, people from the bank came and told him about the mortgage. He grew furious. He refused to believe that his virtuous wife would have done such a thing.

Sadly for him, papers didn't lie and looking at his wife's signature on the documents pulled him back to reality. He rushed to her room to see if he could find any clues. He had left it untouched to cherish her memories. He turned everything upside down and found the little chest where she kept her letters.

He read through everything and each page tore his heart apart. He had always thought that she loved him with all her heart. Why else would she remain so virtuous and beautiful? The truth about her adultery and affairs drove him mad. He spent the days doing nothing but sitting on his chair and staring at the walls.

Amelia, his lovely little daughter did everything she could to cheer him up but he paid no mind to the antics of a six year old. One day, he just sat there looking at the whitewashed wall and lay motionless. His daughter came to him to call him for dinner. She pushed him a little because he didn't respond to her. He bent over and fell down. She laughed thinking that they were playing and tried to tickle him. That always did the trick.

It was different this time. Her father didn't respond at all. He, who was so ticklish didn't even budge. Growing scared, she called on the neighbors and servants. They said that he was dead. She couldn't wrap her head around it. She was clueless as to what it meant for her.

She was taken to an orphanage as soon as Joshua was buried. She spent the next six years on the badly maintained establishment. People would tell her about what a loose woman her mother had been. She got bullied often and she would escape to the library to hide from everything. There she read books about everything. Everything except for love stories. Those things disgusted her. The cheap idea of love and romance made her nauseous.

Five more years passed by and she grew up to be a beautiful young woman. A few people came to the orphanage saying that the child of Delilah Pears had inherited a fortune of 50000 pounds. Rocco had made it big after going to the capital. He lived a lavish life but the thought of what might have become of his child haunted him for years. His worries and regret devoured him and he died a miserable death. Before his death, he left a will leaving his fortune to the child of Delilah Pears because he didn't know what she had named their child.

Amelia was the only surviving member of the Pears family and the property went to her.

The dream ended and Amelia woke up startled. She couldn't understand what had just happened. She didn't even remember what her mother looked like. The only things she knew about her were the things she had heard from others. And they were only bad things. The dream was too vivid. It seemed too real. It was as if she was watching what had really happened. She didn't know about Charles or his father's early life after all.

Afraid of what had just happened. She put on the jade hair pin and sat in front of a mirror.

"Did you have a pleasant dream?" The figure inside the mirror asked in a calm manner.

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