/ Fantasía / The Path, the Veritas Chronicles

The Path, the Veritas Chronicles Original

The Path, the Veritas Chronicles

Fantasía 26 Chapters 11.9K Views

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Magick is real. And there is a secret world complete with its own agency, Veritas. Their purpose is to control those who would wield their power over “regulars” or threaten the secrecy that keeps them all safe from the persecution that nearly destroyed them centuries ago.

For Cassie, a mixed blood witch, it’s the only world she’s ever known and now she is struggling in her role as a Veritas agent.

For Drew, a witch born to a non-magickal family, the revelation that magic is real answers many of his questions. It's also the cause of tremendous loss and pain. And now, as he and Cassie attempt to find his missing brother, rumored to be working with a rogue witch and cult leader, it threatens to take the last of his family from him.

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