Early I released a chapter but I deleted it. Because after much thinking and with great difficulty I realized that I was only writing this kind of novel because it was similar to what was popular on this website but it wasn't something that I was passionate about. After and during the holiday I had time to think and It dawned on me that I only continued writing this novel for my viewers and not for myself. I had to force myself to keep writing this and I didn't look forward to writing this anymore. it was to point that it felt like was doing homework, I startled to loathe it. Now that I have less time to write, I don't think I can sustain this in the long term.
I would feel worse if I wrote up to 50 chapters and than stopped. I would be disappointing you guys more if I dragged this out and than dropped it when it was getting good. I myself hate it when that happens when I read something I like. And even worse, I would feel horrible if I kept forcing myself to do something I don't like anymore, I don't want to hate writing. I hate to say this and this decision kept me up last time but I have decided to drop this novel permanently. I deeply apologize to "peter3135566". You supported me from the beginning and I couldn't have made it this far without your comments. I hope you can forgive me for letting you down. I sincerely apologize to the new readers and the ones who have followed me since the beginning. I never thought it would come to this, but if you are still reading this, then thank you for reading my amateur novel, I am humbled. I won't delete this novel for it will serve as a reminder to myself to do better next time.
If someone wants to pick up my novel and finish what I couldn't then it's all yours. If you want to finish this novel, just messages me, so I can give you my consent. Hopefully, I will meet some of you again if I ever release another novel on this website. I'm not good with goodbyes but this is goodbye. ( I feel a bit sad for some reason, I don't like it! )
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