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66.66% The Overpowered Mage and the Useless Knight / Chapter 6: The Nordam Forest Quest 2.2

Chapter 6: The Nordam Forest Quest 2.2

–Chapter 6


I woke up and saw Noots circling around me. Where am I? Is this a town hall? Since when did we get here? All I remember is that we were fighting that--

"Don't worry young'll attach...your arm soon." The Grandmaster said.

"What do you mea-- AAAAA!"

[A few hours ago]

"Alright, we found the location of the Rock Golem. We should stay vigilant and be aware of our surroundings. Aiko, prepare to cast your skills and observe your distance. Doro follow me and wait for my command." I said as I quickly crafted a short sword.

"Okay master, we'll mess that Golem up so bad he won't be able to respawn." Doro said.

Something's wrong with him today, he seems more aggressive. Oh right I remember now, the Grandmaster did say that Viruses become more strong as we venture deeper in the world.

"Whatever you say. Now let's attack!" I shouted and charged at the golem.

It saw me and smashed the ground, suddenly spikes made of rock popped out of the crack. I managed to dodge it and casted Boost on Doro. I then commanded Doro to morph into something sharp, but instead he morphed into a giant boulder and tried to crush a ROCK golem.

"Doro, that won't work. *sighs* Recall Pet: Doro, I'll call you later."

After I recalled him, I charged at the monster and stabbed it in it's core. It only dealt 4% damage. I stepped back and signalled at Aiko, she then casted Hydro Blades and chopped off the legs of the monster. I casted Boost on my sword and the same time drank some mana regeneration potions and I stabbed the golem again. Crap my sword broke, and I'm all out of steel to craft a new one. There's no choice then, damn it I didn't want to use it but...

"Come fo-- huh?"

"Hitoshi catch! Water Javelin: Control Form. Sword Lance!"

Clouds formed above me and dropped a sword made up of water. It was harder and heavier than my crafted one.

"Finish it!" Aiko screamed.

I once again casted Boost but this on my arms. I jumped mid air and smashed the golem's core into pieces. Amazing, this sword deals both physical and magical damage. The Rock Golem Quest then updated and rewarded us a key. It must be the dungeon key. The sword then reverted back to water.

"Aiko that was amazing, wait are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm just a little *pant* tired. It's hard concentrating on my skill to hold a certain shape." She said with an out of breath voice.

I see, despite her stats it still needs good concentration to maintain a certain shape.

I then gave her some mana regen pots and looked at our quest menu.

Objective Complete:

Reward - Boss Dungeon Key

New Objective:

Find Dungeon

So we still need to find the dungeon itself huh? If I remember, skills that can help you pathfind won't affect dungeons so we need to head to the forest and search it. Allan must've found it already by now, damn it!

"Hitoshi, look!" Aiko pointed something in the distance.

It looks like, a knight? Wait that's the HKP. What are they doing here? I need to get close to them and hear out what they're saying.

"I can't believe the Grandmaster lied to us about the dungeon being at a forest. Alright my fellow party members, let's unlock it!"

Wait a minute, why would a dungeon be in a field like this? Unless.... CRAP

"What the hell? The key just sank, AH! My arm is being swallowed as well!" Allan said.

I knew it, this whole field is a Mimic. It's a high level one too since it's size is big. I ran back to Aiko and told her about it. She then retreated back to where we fought the golem. I called out Doro and asked him what to do about it.

"A mimic you say? Don't worry Hitoshi, I'll take care of this bastard." Doro said.

Yep. He's becoming more aggressive as we go deeper.

"Oi! You dumb mimic, stop using that form and reveal your true self." Doro provoked it.

The mimic then spat out the dumb knight party and became one huge slime like creature.

"Thank you for the food!" Doro said.

Wait, did he say food?

"What the hell?!" Allan shouted as he witnessed the glorious circle of life.

Doro swallowed the Mimic. The Pet menu then notified me that he leveled up. Neat!

Doro then went back to me and I recalled him. Aiko then ran back to me.

"Hitoshi, I think I found a clue come quick."

We returned back to the golem and saw the smashed core. It didn't disappear but it can't be picked up. The core was glowing in a specific direction, wait a minute. Maybe it can be synthesized into something?

"Stand back Aiko, I'll try this." I said as I crafted a Brewer's Delight.

I then poured over it and the core became a bottle. Quest Potion? I see, it became a quest item. Let me look at the crafting list and see what it can be turned into.


It requires one Quest potion or 99 stacks of glowing stone. Quest Compass, let's see...cost...rarity...found it! Description:

Can be used once to point out the next quest location. Can be crafted by certain ingredients and synthesize them to be a potion or use glowing stone.

"It's really hard to get huh? Well let's craft it then." I said as I pressed the craft button.

The potion then broke and the particles floated around my hand until it became a...stick?

"What the heck is this?"

I held the stick and waved it around, it looks like the game glitched out or something. How will I suppose to know where the dungeon is now?

"Wait a minute Hitoshi, don't break it. It looks like those sticks that are used to find water sources. If you hold the two ends maybe it will work." Aiko explained.

She has a point, it did look like a letter Y. I grabbed the two ends and it dragged my arms and whole body to North. This thing packs a punch.

"Alright! First boss here we come!"

"Yes yes." Aiko nodded as she followed me behind.

[Allan's Perspective]

A quest compass huh? That useless knight isn't useless after all. 99 glowing stone... I do remember farming some Glowing Golemites back then. Where is it...aha! Found it.

"Oi party member number 5, you seem to have high Luck stats, craft a quest compass with this."

"O-okay sir."

Oh don't worry Hitoshi, we'll be behind you hiding. Always behind you...wait no. You're behind us but we just got... aaaa I'm confused now! No matter where you are, you're always useless... No that's kinda overused now, maybe trash? No, also overused. Dang it I can't think of anymore insults to us--



"Th-the compass."

"Oh thank you. Party members, let's head out. You there, temporary mage. Stay behind, you have no use here anymore."

"B-but I just crafted you the co--"

"No buts. We already have our eyes set on one person."

Oh Hitoshi, you were always so better than me at the real world. Now's my chance to take everything from you in this world and crush your spirit! Muwahaahahah!

[Hitoshi's Perspective]


"Hitoshi did you catch a cold?" Aiko asked while trying to find her hankerchief.

"Nah, it's just the grass maybe. No need to worry, we should worry about the damn Noots following us." I then pointed at some Noots walking behind us.

Aiko turned around and the Noots hid themselves with zero effort at all. One was hiding behind a thin tree, the other was lying on the ground covering himself up with some dirt and the other one literally took a stick and hid behind it. What do they want now?

"Maybe they're asking for help?"

"No time, those knights found out about this compass."

"H-how? Y-you have psychic abilities H-Hitoshi?!"

"No. I can hear Allan's annoying laugh while hiding in some grass. We need to make haste now." I then grabbed Aiko's arm and pulled her forward.

"Here, hold on the compass for now. I'll tell the Noots that we will accept their request after this." I said while giving her the stick.

I walked towards them and they were running around in circles. I managed to grab on the Noot hiding behind the stick and asked him.

"Excuse me but, we are on a quest right now. We'll come back and accept your quest later."

"It's not that. We're here to warn you about the forest. You are the first ones to leave the fields. The forest is super scary! There's a rumour about a strong Virus in the center of it! The Grandmaster did say to avoid them so we came here to warn low levels like you." The Noot replied.

I smiled and said, "HAHAHA, LOW LEVEL YOU SAY? WHY YOU—"

"Hitoshi, I can see the border now! Let's go!" Aiko shouted in the distance.

I let go of the Noot and said, "*sigh* Don't worry, we might not look like it but, we're pretty strong."

I turned around and went back to Aiko. We are about to cross to Nordam Forest. Once we do, our checkpoints will be restarted. A Virus in the center huh? That must be where the dungeon is. That damn Virus, camping the objective.

"Aiko if anything goes wrong, please run away. A strong Virus is at the center of this forest, run away as I stall it."


"But before you run away, I'll summon Doro and he'll come with you. Then I'll use Position Swap to swap places with him. Then recall him and head back to the fields. Don't worry, I won't do anything stupid." I replied.

She then let out a sigh of relief and nodded.

This forest seems like your typical forest in a game. Mushrooms, plants, fireflies, frogs, a man sitting on a tree, a river, wait...

"Who the hell are you?!"

"You're the first one here! Congratulations. The name's 7, nice to meet you." The man then tipped his hat.

He looks like a butler but something about his walking cane makes me feel uncomfortable.

" *sniff* I see you killed the brat named Bart."


"Oops my bad. He had good potential though, but he was still weak. Hmm since he failed to end you, I'll finish the job for him."

I knew it, it's the Virus but, why is he here and not at the entrance?

"It was boring waiting for people to show up so I went closer to the entrance instead."

He then jumped to the ground and stretched.

"Well then, let's get to it." He said as he stretched his arms.

"Aiko run." I said as I summoned Doro.

Aiko ran back and the man laughed.

"I see you gave her your pet. You plan to swap with him right? Well that's okay since I can do... THIS!" His cane then shot out a dart and it landed on my bracelet menu.

"I can't access my support skills. What the hell is this?!"

"That there is stopping you from using your highest level skill sets. Now that you know, stand still and I'll shoot your Soul okay? Goodbye!"

He then pointed the cane and shot out another dart again. I barely dodged it but it hit my right arm instead. It stings so bad.

"Tch, you'll only suffer if you keep DODGING!"

The man then snapped his can in half but both of the pieces became weird guns. He sent a barrage of darts towards me. All I can use is smithing skills and synthesizer skills. I can't learn a new one since I'm out of skill points. Should I use my trump card? No other choice. I will not die here, I still have to prove to them that we can win this.

"Come forth, dark blad--"

"Water Javelin!"

I turned around and saw Aiko and Doro. They came back? So they noticed that I didn't swap huh?

"What are you doing Hitoshi? Stop making me-- I mean us worried." Aiko said.

"Yeah!" Doro said.

"Sorry, this guy can stop you from using your skills watch out Aiko."

"Don't worry, I'll use Water Javelin again and--"

The man then shot Aiko's bracelet menu and locked her magic skill tree. Don't worry huh? Crap, we'll die here.

"Don't worry guys, I'll save yo--" Doro then fainted. He's out of stamina, he then automatically recalled back to me.

"What is this? Hahahaha! Sorry I couldn't hold back my laughter, this failed rescue attempt was so funny!" The man laughed.

After laughing for a few seconds he then looked at us silently and his whole mood became scary.

"Now die."

"Light Magic: Flashbang!"


"Aiko, how?" I asked.

"For some reason, my Light Magic is separate from my normal one, so I can use it." Aiko said.

The man then sent another barrage of darts towards us but he was blindly shooting.

I went around him and hit him with my sword, he then fell to ground.

"Light Magic: Blade Blessing!"

Aiko then finished him. Then our skill menus are unlocked. I casted Enlighten on the both of us and removed the darts. But for some reason my arm still feels painful.

"Hitoshi, let's go!"

I then held the compass and it pointed towards a path down the river. We walked through the beautiful forest and before we knew it we already saw the entrance. As we opened the lock using the key we entered the dungeon. The lock then closed again. I grabbed a torch and looked around for a sign.

Dungeons in Elementos:Online have random rooms, once a party leaves a dungeon, the rooms refill with loot and randomizes again. I finally managed to see a sign, I put my torch closer to it and read a message:

"If you know yourself and the enemy, you do not need to fear a hundred battles. Sun Tzu, The Art of War."

Weird message. Suddenly a monster appeared behind us. It's a Goblin Bandit.

"Don't worry Aiko, I got this." I said as I held my sword and jumped on it.

I then slashed it with my right arm and landed with a pose. Heh, I'm so cool. Huh? Weird, I'm pretty sure I landed a hit.

"H-Hitoshi...a-are you okay?"

"Hmm what do you mean? Yeah I'm okay."

Suddenly a rush of pain filled my brain. It was agony, I looked right and saw my arm completely chopped off. It was that damn dart. Then my vision started to blur and I passed out.


I remember now. I passed out at the dungeon, crap we lost.

"Hey who got the first boss kill bonus?" I asked.

"The first blood bonus? Holy Knights Party or HKP." A Noot said.

"So we lost huh? Damn it."

"Not really, they defeated the boss but couldn't find the treasure room. They fled the battle because they were too weak after the boss." Another Noot said.

I see, they didn't get the treasure so we still have a chance. The dungeon probably randomized again but I still remember the way to get there.

"Hey Grandmaster, what the hell happened?" I asked.

"Well...uh... the dart was made by Puruz no doubt and if it hit your Soul it would've caused permanent damage. You were dragged here in this remote village near the forest by Aiko." He then pointed towards Aiko, sleeping in a chair. She must be tired from dragging me all the way here, I should thank her when she wakes up.

"The arm was corrupted and it sent too many pain signals to your Soul so you collapsed. No need to fear, I can attach it again in no time. I temporarily disabled your Soul's ability to feel pain because if I didn't then..."

He then touched my chest and the pain returned. It was agony, I can still feel my arm but it's not there. He then touched my chest and the pain disappeared again.

"See? You could've passed out again. Well I'm almost done here, seriously Hitoshi, you keep on coming back to me." He said.

"Well I couldn't help it." I replied.

He then laughed and he turned around and did some coding to my arm. I'm glad that Aiko's safe but it's my fault we didn't get the first kill bonus. HKP got it again so no doubt they gained points again. I'm wondering who got second, but there's no mistake that we will find that treasure room. We'll find it and be better than those cheap knights and that Allan guy. Hmmm.... I actually kinda know someone in the real world named Allan. Coincidence? Nah he couldn't be him. He doesn't even own a PC. No way that the Allan here is my real world rival.

Today's Spoils of War:

Team AiShi embarked on a journey full of Viruses. They both got hurt by one and there Souls were corrupted so they learned new skills. Aiko learned Light Magic while Hitoshi learned Dark Magic Necromancy. He then noticed a curse in the skill that slowly eats your avatar the more you use it. They then managed to slay the Rock Golem and went to the forest. But they encountered another Virus who was capable of shooting powerful darts that can lock your skills. They defeat him and got away with minor injuries. They finally found the dungeon but as soon they entered it, Hitoshi's arm fell off. He soon learns that HKP got the first kill bonus but hasn't found the treasure yet. He is now determined to find that treasure room and beat HKP.

104th Place: Team AiShi - 490 Points

Leaderboard Update:

Holy Knights Party - 5700 Points

Recluse of the Dawn - 5000 Points

NC Gaming - 4300 Points

EroEroEroHeroes - 3900 Points

Spirit Classroom - 3000 Points

XXX Slayer - 2900 Points

Red Sun - 2890 Points

5 Musketeers - 2500 Points

High Five Pals - 2450 Points

Grand Order 7 - 2300 Points

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