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Chapter 21: Chapter 21

(A/N Notes: So about this chapter's happenings… … … I blame it all on the totally real devs of the game that is only mentioned in a single chapter (so far), and their contrived first part of the game about the female lead)


The atmosphere of the dancing hall had turned silent, after all, not only had the crown prince for the first time in his life, attempted to get close to a beautiful girl, whom most of the nobles there had never heard of, aside from those who were friends with Lysette and Edward.

But it had only become more complicated when it was revealed the fact that Lysette's fiancé, Edward, was also engaged to another girl as well, something that caused many of the young male nobles to become envious of him, due to Edward having amazing luck of being surrounded by not one, but two, beautiful girls.

As Edward was brought to the table reserved for him, Nanako, and Lysette, he couldn't help but feel rather concerned about his safety from the amount of stares and gazes directed at him, most of which were filled with anger and envy.

"…" <Although the last time I visited Lysette on her birthday, I also received glares like these… Why are there even more envious gazes at me today!? Is it because of Nanako!? I know she's a beautiful girl, and that it's not common for someone to have two engagements at the same time! But I can't do anything about Lysette-sama making her my fiancée behind my back!?… Not that I hate that fact though… … …Hm?>

Then while Edward screamed to himself inside his mind, he noticed a stare that was more intense than the rest, and looking at the direction of the stare, he wished that he hadn't noticed it nor looked in that direction because that gaze in question belonged to none other than the crown prince, who was looking at Edward with very intimidating eyes, that almost appeared as if the prince was trying to kill him with just his eyes. However, all that it made was cause Edward to cold sweat even more, as he could guess what the crown prince wanted.

"Is something wrong, Edward-sama?"

"… No… How can I say it?… … … I am just feeling a lot of envious stares in my direction"

"Ah. I understand. Fufu, I am sure that everyone is jealous of you being so close to me and Nanako-san"


Lysette who was sitting close to Edward to his right, said so as she happily smiled to him without caring about her surroundings, and especially the crown prince. Nanako, who was also sitting close to Edward, but to his left, on the other hand, kept looking down to avoid making any accidental eye contact with a noble as she kept pulling the sleeves of Edward's clothes.

Edward doing his best to keep his poker face, with the help of his growing headache, caused by his unintentional lese-majeste with the crown prince, looked around once more. This time he noticed that the gazes that were once aimed at him were now alternating between him and Nanako, which instead of making him feel relieved, only made Edward feel even more concerned since that meant that one after the other, more and more nobles were getting interested, and maybe even fancied by Nanako.

"… … … Lysette-sama?"

"Yes, Edward-sama"

"… Will you forgive me if I decide to spend most of the night accompanying Nanako so that… No one else tried to take her away?"


Lysette who had been making a happy smile ever since the appearance of Edward, started making a serious pensive expression as she carefully began looking at her surroundings, she quickly noticed what Edward was referring to, and for a moment, Lysette locked her eyes on Prince Ludovic who to keep up appearances began greeting some of the guests with a fake smile, but he would always glance at Nanako whenever he had the chance.

"… … … Very well, Edward-sama. I will allow you to spend today's celebration with Nanako-san"

With a slightly unwilling tone, Lysette still conceded to Edward's request.

"Thank you very much Lysette-sama. I will make sure to make up with you later tonight after the celebrations and once all the guest take their leave"

"Hm?… But why after the celebrations, Edward-sama"

"Let's just say that… I want to have you all to myself today"

"… … … Wha!?"

Hearing Edward's surprise bold statement, Lysette couldn't help but blush from cheek to cheek as she was caught off-guard by his words, but at the same time, she also felt really happy hearing such a thing from Edward.

"… T-Then… I-I-I w-will w-wait f-for u-until t-t-then, E-Edward-sama"

"Thank you, Lysette-sama. Also, I forgot to say it earlier, but you look really lovely in that dress, and I cannot help but fall for you even more from your beauty today, Lysette-sama"

"… … … !?!?!?"

This time Lysette's face had turned completely red, to the point that even her ears had become red from her embarrassment and fluster, from Edward's smooth surprise attack. And without any preparation to steel herself, Lysette began showing many surprised expressions as her mind went into short-circuit from being praised so suddenly by Edward.

"… I-I-I-I w-w-w-will g-g-g-go t-t-t-take s-s-s-some f-f-f-f-fresh a-a-air, E-E-E-Edward-sama!"

Finally unable to contain her excitement, Lysette made a tactical retreat from the dancing hall, with her servants excelling in covering her retreat path.

"… I might've exaggerated a bit there…"

Edward who was now self-reflecting a little bit as he looked in the direction Lysette fled to, felt a weak tug on his left arm, causing him to look in that direction, and see Nanako timidly look at him with a shy but expecting gaze.

"… *Nods* You're also looking very lovely in that dress as well, Nanako. And I hope to make you fall even more for me as much as I fell for you today" *Pats Nanako's head*


Just like Lysette, Nanako began blushing from receiving such words from Edward. However different from Lysette, Nanako was able to endure her urge to run away as she had steeled herself somewhat to Edward's overly excessive praises. But as she still felt that, remaining at the table would only cause her to feel even more embarrassed, Nanako wanted to make some sort of retreat to avoid such escalation of her bashfulness.

"… E-E-Edward-sama, s-s-shall w-we g-g-go get s-s-s-some f-f-food?"

"*Nods* Of course, Nanako"

With a nod, Edward got up from his seat and then offered his left hand to Nanako to help her get up, which she timidly accepted. Holding each other's hand and with Nanako hiding as much as possible behind him, the two carefully made their way to the table containing the many snacks to feed the guests of the celebration. And even at the snacks table, the two continued to remain closely together, as a way to prevent the other nobles from attempting to get closer to Nanako, after all, she was Edward's fiancée, and making a move on someone's fiancée was a looked upon as a very nasty act.

However, there were always those who ignored such things and still attempted to get close to other people's partners.

"Hello, my fair lady, may I know your name?"

"!?" *Hides behind Edward*

A fairly handsome boy, around the same age as Edward, suddenly approached Nanako and asked her so, getting her by complete surprise, and as a consequence causing her to hide behind Edward just like how she had done towards the prince.

"May I ask what business you have with my fiancée?"

"… I just want to know her name"

With a displeased face, the noble boy responded to Edward as he continued to shield Nanako from the boy.

"And for what reason do you want to know it?"

"… I just want to get to know her better"

"And why do you want to do so?"


A vein began to appear on the noble boy's forehead, as Edward showed no intention of revealing any information about Nanako as possible, for a moment he thought of just shoving Edward aside, but then he remembered the fact that Edward was also Lysette's fiancé, a daughter of the duke who owned the estate he was currently at.

"… … …"

With a frustrated look, the noble boy turned and left, allowing Nanako to stop hiding behind Edward's back as she sighed in relief.

"Edward-sama… Thank you for protecting me…"

"Just doing my part as your fiancé, Nanako" *Pats her head*


Receiving more headpats from Edward, Nanako began blushing yet again. After doing that, the two picked a few more snacks before returning to the table reserved for them, which further decreased the number of boys attempting to woo Nanako, as few were willing to try on getting onto the bad side of the Neville family head's heir and sole daughter.

However, there was one person who could ignore that problem due to his position, even more so when she hadn't come back yet since her retreat from earlier, and who was keen on getting Nanako for himself. The Crown Prince Ludovic, who with gracious steps walked closer to the table, until he was in arms distance of Nanako. Seeing him approach, made Edward feel more and more nervous and anxious, after all, he was the heir to the throne of the kingdom.

"Lady Nanako, would it be possible for you to grant me to honor of having my first dance?"

"… … … Eh?"

Confused at the prince's request, Nanako looked at Edward with spinning eyes, as she clutched his left arm's sleeves, which had now become her signal for help. So as he had been doing until now, Edward interjected himself between Nanako and the crown prince.

"I apologize for this, Your Highness. But I will be Nanako's dance partner for tonight" <Ugh! My stomach! I think I'm getting an ulcer!… Please… Just endure until tomorrow, stomach!>

Something that he already began to regret as he felt his stomach churning and aching from the stress of confronting the crown prince.

"Is that so? Then do you mind letting Nanako-san be my dance partner until the third song"

"Yes, I do mind it, so I will have to refuse your request, Your Highness" <Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!! Why am I having a headache right at this moment!? God! It's killing me!!!>

As Edward did his best to hold his poker face at his ever-growing predicament, the prince looked ever more annoyed at Edward's insistence on standing between him and Nanako at every moment, preventing him from even hearing her voice properly.

"Sir Edward, I am not going to ask you again. Let me have Nanako-san as my dance partner tonight"

"Your Highness Ludovic, I will not do so. Nanako is my fiancée, and I shall be the one dancing with her"

"So that is your answer, I see"

Finally, the prince had enough of Edward's interference, so he threw a glove onto the floor right in front of Edward.

"Edward Harding, I challenge you to a duel for Nanako's hand!"


Hearing that, everyone in the vicinity froze in shock at the prince challenging someone else for a girl's hand. Yet at the same time, an atmosphere of excitement was also forming, for the girls, this was straight out of a romance book they all read, of the prince challenging the evil noble for his true love's hand, and for the boys, it was an opportunity to get back at Edward for getting in their way.

Nanako, on the other hand, was very confused at what was happening, as she didn't know of the rules of dueling, and Edward, the challenged one was also silent as he bravely retained his poker face, which had already become a second nature of his due to his near-constant headaches, and he could only think of one thing and one thing.

". . ." <WHY!?!?!?>

That's right. Out of everyone in the dancing hall, Edward was the most confused one. He couldn't understand why the crown prince was so fixated on Nanako, nor why he was going so far as to challenge him for a duel with Nanako's hand at stake. But there was one thing that Edward was able to understand, and with it, he already prepared his response to the crown prince.

"So what will you do, Sir Edward? I promise to play fair and squ-"

"I refuse your challenge, Your Highness!"

"… … … Huh?"

Edward's response just like the prince's challenge left everyone shocked and in silence. Did he just refuse a duel? Had he no shame in refusing a duel, and even more so from the crown prince himself!? What was he thinking!?… Well, he was thinking about which of his options was the least painful, that's for sure.

"Crown Prince Ludovic, I am Nanako's fiancé, and I do not plan on ever putting that position as a prize for someone else. Nanako chose me as her fiancé, and I will do my utmost best to meet her expectations and love her back, if she ever decides that she no longer loves me, I will respect her decision, but until then… No one else but me shall hold her hand!"

"… … …"

Again, the vicinity was left stunned, this time at Edward's shamelessly declaring his intentions of never letting go of Nanako, which for Nanako and his friends, left them blushing from embarrassment. Nanako because it was about her, and Edward's friends because they knew him and they were regretting seeing him say all that with their fiancées right beside them with glowing eyes at Edward's bravery in saying all that to the crown prince. And as for the person himself who said all that…

". . ." <What the hell is an anime, and why do they have such stupid cheesy and cringeworthy lines!?!?!?>

He was way too confused at the weird knowledge granted to him by his horrible headaches, for him to notice the weight of the words he just said. The prince seeing Edward once again dodge his attempts of cornering him into a corner, and continue to block his way towards Nanako. Had finally had enough, with a vein bulging on his forehead.

"So you will refuse my challenge, is it? Then I shall fight you without any rules then!"

"Wait what!?"

"You will not run away this time!"


The crown prince having finally run out of patience, forcibly tried to duel Edward without his agreement, and without any warning, he invoked a sizable razor-sharp icicle above his right hand and launched it towards Edward, who instead of moving away turned to protect Nanako who was right behind him.

However, before the magic icicle could travel any farther from the crown prince aside from a few centimeters. A large and scorching fire spear, vaporized the magic icicle as it stabbed deeply into the once gleaming white floor. The sudden appearance of the fire spear terrorized everyone who saw it, as they couldn't believe anyone was capable of doing so, but then a serene voice caught their attention.

"Your Highness Ludovic, may I ask what were you planning on doing to Edward-sama?"

Looking in the direction of the voice, what everyone saw was an even more terrifying sight of five more magical spears made of fire, floating above Lysette in a position ready to be fired at the crown price at any given moment. Lysette flashed a bright smile, but her eyes showed a very real and serious killing intent towards him.


At that sight, even the prince couldn't help but act surprised, he had heard of the rumors surrounding Lysette's unnaturally high talent with magic, but never had he thought it was to this extent. And with her eyes filled with killing intent, as she showed a very intimidating smile, she slowly walked towards him, while keeping her five fire spears invoked without any signs of exhaustion.

"Your Highness, due to your unsightly behavior just now, I must tell you to kindly leave the premises of my family's estate at this very moment"

"… Very well, I apologize for allowing my blood to rush to my head just now. And I shall take my leave as a token of my sincerity"

The prince glared at Lysette since that was everything he could do as he said empty words to appease and distract his surroundings, as he began to walk away. However even as he walked towards the very same door he entered earlier, he continued to look at Nanako, showing that he hadn't given up on her yet.

Seeing the prince leave her eyesight, Lysette sighed as she calmed down and casually undid the fire spears she had been keeping active until now. But in doing so as she calmed down, Lysette finally noticed the situation she had put herself in, as she noticed that everyone around her was silent from shock and fear at seeing her one-sided display of power.

Edward who was still shielding Nanako, looked at his surroundings and seeing that there was no more danger to her, straightened himself up, and pat Nanako's head.

"Nanako, I'll go talk with Lysette-sama, so if anything happens, just scream and I'll come back running"


Nanako nodded and answered with a shy voice caused by her fluster from having Edward trying to protect her from danger. But as she looked at his back getting farther from her, Nanako also began to feel depressed, after all, during this entire time, she was unable to help or assist Edward in anything, and instead, she constantly caused trouble to him, be it the other nobles trying to talk to her, or the prince getting increasingly more hostile to Edward due to him getting in-between her and the prince.

And just now, if it hadn't been for Lysette's timely intervention, Nanako began to shudder and fear what would've happened to Edward, if the prince's attack wasn't stopped on time, and all because she was powerless to do anything to him or herself at the party, but within her sight, as she continued to look at Edward's back, there was someone with power able to protect Edward.

(A/N Notes: I also have a patreon if you're interested in reading about 4 to 5 chapters ahead to everyone else, plus other stuff.

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