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The mystery of the Tree

Author: Faith_Ray

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter One

My name is Mia Sanders I am 8 years old. I am 54 inches tall and have black hair that is up to the middle of my back and light blue eyes. I have older siblings too! Megan 17 years old and is the oldest out of us she has the same hair color but her eyes are brown. Norah and Hailey are 16 years old Norah has reddish brown hair with green eyes, while her sister has reddish blond hair with the same eye color as me. I want to tell you my story of how I came a crossed The mysterious willow tree.

It all started in a small house in the middle of the woods in White River National Forest Colorado. The day would start like every other with the loud complaints of are abusive mother. Lets just say she either makes us do house work and all in that time she only feeds us crackers and dirty water after each day. We are forbidden to go outside. I'll explain a lot in my story. But here is what made this one different.

"Mia wake up we need to go!" Her oldest and sibling spoke. "Where are we going." Mia asked "I don't know or care as long as we get the hell out of here." Her second oldest sister Norah Snaps harshly "Norah language!" Megan said "You can't just speak like that around an 8 year old!" Hailey argues. "We can't be hear I have packed you a bag and you need to run and never come back." Megan ordered "What about you guys?" "We will be safe we have to split up. Mother said over the phone that she hired some men to kill us tonight." Norah explained. "We shall meet again for now we must hide." "Okay but where should I hide?" Mia asked. "Run through the woods and don't stop when you reached a place to to hide stay there. We will get you when the time is up. Now go." Megan said pushing the little girl out the door.

Mia ran her heart out for about three hours. Out of breath she stops. She was told to go hide but where. She walks on and reaches a gap in the woods where a beautiful willow tree stood. bigger then from what she could read out of books. She felt calm and soothed being near it alone but when she touched the tree it had given a even more reason to stay there. She puts up her tent to the best to her little capability. She gets a few small cuts but it was enough to the point the tent would keep her dry. She lay inside drifting into a soundless sleep.

Mia woke up the sound of growling growing closer. "Perfect this is how I die!" She cries. "Stay quiet and they should go away." A male voice spoke. The girl quietly sobs into her pillow. The growling growing even closer. The tent was opened by a man in his twenties with black wolf ears and and tail with brown hair and yellow eyes. Grabbing the girls hand and holding the girl in a hug. "Shh its okay. I won't let them hurt you. Grab your bag and put it on." The man spoke. The girl didn't trust the man but if he got her away from the growing growls. She grabbed her blanket and bag. After putting her bag on her she holds her favorite blanket close and looks to the man. The man raps her blanket around her and picks her up. The man runs through the trees holding the girl with every content on keeping her safe. The girl cold and scared continues to cry. "I.. miss my daddy." The girl sobs. The wolf man rubs her back. This girl is different then the children before that he was assigned to. But he was too. "I got you child." He spoke he stop and sets the girl down. "They are gone." He spoke. The girl hides in her blanket. The boy smiles. "Hey now what are you doing out here by yourself." "I can't talk to strangers. My sister said that they can hurt me like mommy did." The small child spoke. "Well your sister is right trusting someone. However you can trust me. I am here to take care of you. Until your sister Megan comes back." He spoke. The girl looks at him with tears streaming down her face. "You know my sister." She asked. He nods. "I know there names but I was sent hear to take care of you." The man said. The girl hears the last three words and takes off running. She trips and her leg gets stuck on a hunter trap. She screams in pain. She sits there as her leg bleeds. "I want my daddy." She crys. The man runs up. "Mia your leg." The man panicked. She pries the trap open and takes off running pushing the pain in her leg away. She stopped and drops to her knees are and screamed in pain as her leg bleeds more. She sees the man walk up slowly. "Mia please I want to help." He spoke. She backs up. "I don't want you to kill me." She whispers. The man stops. "Kill you? child what have you been through. I am not going to hurt you. I wouldn't dream of it." Mia looks at the man and starts slowly crawling to him but stops and cries. "Mia I need to take you to my place and take care of your wounds. Will you let me." The man said. She nods her head and remembers. "My blanket!" She gasps. "Hear I have it." She raps the girl in the blanket and picks her up and takes off running. "Why are you taking care of me?" "Because I help any children in need. All you have to do is call me." He explains. "But I didn't call you?" She stated. "You did by going by touching my tree." He said.

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