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64.11% THE MULTIVERSE: GAMER PATH / Chapter 134: Chapter 134: First Night (2)

Chapter 134: Chapter 134: First Night (2)

Chapter 134: First Night (2)

~Third POV~

[Fuyuki City, Ryuudou Temple]



Stepping forward to the Ryuudou Temple Solomon casually strolls right inside the base where the Greater Grail lies dispelling the [Bounded Field] with ease admiring the view of the Japanese lifestyle.

From the sidelines as he strolls where Dragon Tooth Warriors are being cut down by his [Summoning] of one of his 72 Demon Gods familiars or to others going by different names such as Demon God Pillars or simply Djinn's.

Using his skill [Summoning] at the Rank-EX he brought Baal at a nice size not to raise alarms in town as the Demon God casually destroyed the security forces with Solomon finally reaching the entrance of the Ryuudou Temple.

Witnessing a single person standing in the way Solomon's lips curled into an innocent grin, greeting the person standing scratching his head, "I apologize for stumbling into your forebode madam. But as you can see, I'm searching for a Master and Servant here. If it isn't too much trouble…"

Medea frowned seeing how Solomon disabled her [Bounded Field] and clicked her tongue greeting the intruder in an annoyed tone, "Tch. For an intruder, you sure have a lot of guts stumbling into a Caster's domain and my home. I'm Medea state who you are…?"

Medea glared at Solomon as he sheepishly raised his hands with a laidback answer shocking her making her freeze in pure shock, "Yes, of course. I am… ah, perhaps the title [King of Magic] would suffice? Haha. Despite such fame, I am but a simple Caster Servant. My True Name is Solomon."

At the name, the entire temple suddenly dropped into a maddening silence. Medea stared with wide eyes muttering in shock, "Solomon…?! Impossible… [The King of Magic]…?!"

Ling Solomon of Israel. [The King of Magic]. He was the man who singlehandedly introduced Magecraft to humanity by enacting a single miracle with 10 rings that granted him omniscience.

Every practitioner of Thaumaturgy, Heroic Spirits included, knew of King Solomon as the Father of Modern Magecraft. Only a handful of legends rivaled his power as a Magus and policies as a wise king. Standing at the pinnacle of magecraft, that man was a candidate for the Station of The Crown.

Such a figure was standing before her a [Magus from the Age of Gods] pales compared to [The King of Magic], laid back and serene as he said in a laidback tone, "… Oh, my. Does my appearance inspire such dread? I apologize."

Her face was shocked only now feeling the sense of awe at [The King of Magic] before asking in a nervous tone addressing proper respect, "… no. I was merely struck speechless by your participation in this Holy Grail War, O Great King of Israel. But I must ask here and now, however… are you in possession of your rings?"

He raised both of his hands, showcasing only 1 of the legendary Ten Rings that granted him omniscience leaving her puzzled as he replied in an embarrassed tone, "Hmm… Unfortunately, not. I merely possess one."

Medea was baffled by this oddity asking in a confused tone carefully analyzing him intently up and down, "I know of your tales [The King of Magic]. Heroic Spirits are summoned in the height of their prime, meaning your final act of returning the rings to the Lord should not have happened on your Servant self?"

Solomon nods his head agreeing to place his hand under his chin in a thinking expression answering her question in a confused tone, "A curious oddity indeed. But even without my full set of rings, I believe I can do this… I hope…"

Solomon laughs nervously even baffling Medea even more since most are unaware of his true nature. He is introverted, self-assured, and passive. A laid-back king, without a hint of seriousness.

The gist of his personality is 'self-assured', but this is simply the power to 'not read the mood'. Thus, he is merely making statements self-assuredly, and his nature is that of a chicken. Although serious, he is not earnest and is constantly living at 80% of his power.

He properly ascertained people, established laws, and governed the country. Despite lacking in vigor, he was loved and respected by the masses as a wise, gentle king who was full of love.

Yet, none of those traits came from Solomon's own will. Having been ordained as a king from the moment he was born, Solomon had no choice but to hear the voice of God and act accordingly.

His psyche is dispassionate and inhuman having been deprived of the freedom to sympathize with the joys and sorrows of people. A gentle king that gives off a relaxed sense. 'Confidence' is his main characteristic, but he only can be 'unable to read the mood'. As a result, he only confidently makes statements but is a coward (chicken) in his basic nature. Diligent but not earnest.

But still, Medea didn't dare to underestimate him simply because he lacked his Ten Rings. With or without them, he was still [The King of Magic], an unrivaled master of Magecraft with legendary wisdom to match his prowess.

He smiled innocently but the demon tower appeared behind in the form of Baal at the ready causing Medea to grit her teeth asked in a stern tone, "I didn't think someone of your caliber would come here? What purpose have you come [King of Magic] to my humble home…"

Solomon sighed repeating himself seeing his appearance might have shocked Medea into forgetting his objective in a neutral tone, "Sigh… I'm here for a Master and Servant madam. Or precisely the location of Mash Bastion this Divine Spirit I have been hearing. I wasn't aware any existed in the Modern Age."

Solomon looked genuinely interested as Medea sighed providing an answer in a truthful tone unsure if she could match him if she tried, "Sigh… I'm unsure where they went. They just went on a patrol and won't be arriving till the next day."

He nodded at this seeing no longer a need to appear here again deciding to chicken out seeing their target wasn't here, "Ah… very well then. Seeing they aren't here I'll take my leave then. I'm not too prone to violence myself anyway farewell."


Using his variation of his Spatial Magecraft he vanished causing Medea to collapse to her knees wordlessly muttering in shock, "Fucking hell… no seriously, some Master summoned SOLOMON? This must be one sick joke…"


Soon hearing steps of other people coming Medea was greeted with Illya and co. as she sighed thinking to herself, 'Sigh… Mash, I sure hope you have something against [The King of Magic] because it seems like victory might be well out of your reach this time. But I mean that's the worst of it right?'

Once Medea greeted her new guest Illya informed her of the fall of Berserker with a crestfallen expression every detail of what occurred through their familiar link made Medea flinch as she thought in an annoyed tone, 'Fuuuuuck me why? Gilgamesh is in this war too. Seriously?! Does Fate have to have a hand in this?!!'


[Nighttime, Tohsaka Mansion]

After managing to evade Assassin Sakura and Rin with their Servants managed to arrive with sighs of relief exiting their mouths.

Rin stared at the outside of her front entrance with a frown on her face muttering as she bit down on her thumb, "How did Assassin manage to locate us? Attacking us is one thing but attacking the school is way out of line."

Sakura nods with a frown present on her face speaking out loud with Medusa out at the ready-on guard said in a speculating tone recovering mentally, "Possibly Sister… unless the Master orchestrated the school attack. There's no rule stating a Master could attack Onee-chan…"

Rin begrudgingly agreed with Saber on guard asking her in an authoritative tone analyzing the surroundings, "It's quite possible Master. I was formerly under the Magnus Killer for my Master in the previous Holy Grail War. This is certainly something Kiritsugu Emiya would do however I'm not sure this is the same person we are dealing with compared to him."

That got their attention as Rin gestured for Saber to continue in a serious tone, "In what way hypothetically speaking do they differ?"

Saber answered with her eyes and body ready for battle in a genuine honest tone her thoughts, "Comparing them Kiritsugu would never endanger citizens. And from what I heard of Illya mention is gone but… there was one thing she didn't confirm. What happened to his apprentice?"

This draws some thoughts to them that the possible Master could be Maiya from Illya time discussing plans and history, but Sakura also points out in a neutral tone, "… It's quite possible Saber but also not at the same time. I mean this could be an entirely different person who attacked us."

They all nodded at the idea but soon Rider and Saber's expression vanished and was replaced by a steely, battle-hardened glare looking above. Rin and Sakura were confused at this sudden behavior change.

Medusa frowns as she mouths in an alarmed tone, "Right above…?!"


A thunderous rumble echoed as the entire mansion was shaken to the core. Both Servants grabbed their respected Masters as Rin yelled in shock, "Impossible…?! The [Bounded Field] shouldn't allow anyone nor Heroic Spirits except ours to enter! Who…?!"

The Knight and Rider moved fast just in time before two tendrils of darkness attempted to get near them with Saber easily recognizing this attack in a clear shocked tone, "Wait a… I know this –"



Saber effortlessly slashed at the tendril as Medusa kicked it away with her [Monstrous Strength] at Rank-B creating a shockwave dealing with the tendril. Both Servants managed to move away as Saber spoke in a serious tone drawing her sword, "Your base has been compromised, Master. We need to get out of here now! This is not a fight we can face as we are now without Berserker's assistance."

Not even having the chance to respond, both sisters flinched as Rider immediately began the attack rushing forward showing off her brilliantly speed and effortlessly kicking at the target ahead but…


It was met with a similar kick eyes widening underneath Medusa's eyes seeing another figure handling her kicks with ease in a neutral tone, "I see you must be Medusa correct? I didn't expect us to duel here Rider."


Immediately backing away from Lancer Medusa's instincts screamed at her to get away from her with Saber's eyes narrowing drawing her sword and seeing chains in her hand said in a cautious tone, "You must be Lancer I presume?"

Twirling his [Chains of Heaven] Lancer revealed herself in a prideful manner flicking his hair to the wind and answering to Saber with a grin on his face in a neutral tone, "And you must be Artoria Pendragon. Master was correct on recognizing you appearing in this Holy Grail War Saber."

The smokescreen soon revealed the Master of Lancer to be a young teenager the same age as Sakura. Rin narrowed her eyes at the enemy trying to think rationally in her situation in a serious tone, 'Calm down. Focus. Think rationally here…'

Rin placed herself in front of Sakura, she turned to see the figure step ever closer not knowing who he was remaining silent and revealing himself.

The figure finally stopped as footsteps resonated at her side. Rin watched in exponentially increasing horror as her sister passed her in outrage, "S-Sakura?! What are you doing?!"

She didn't respond. She only walked forwards. Each step she took was one step closer to the enemy.

Lancer looked about to intervene only to pause receiving orders from him to stop. He relented as Sakura stepped closer till her eyes widened realizing who he was in a shocked tone, "It's… you…!"

Mash raised a delicate eyebrow as his gaze centered on Sakura. Rin stopped thinking. She instinctively moved to save her sister at all costs only for the boy to smile mumbling to himself her eyes widening in surprise, "Huh… Now that I look at you… Yeah, Archer's Master was that guy, and he had a daughter he gave to someone else… but we rescued her and everything, so…"


Snapping his fingers he finally realized who the person was in front of him with a surprised expression seeing Sakura in a surprised tone, "A-ha! Man, talk about a blast from the past! You're looking pretty well, Sakura."

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