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The most ancient house of black The most ancient house of black original

The most ancient house of black

Author: Dragonreed

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: The beginning

It is June 28, 1987, two days after my late husband when to Azkaban. I don't believe he did what they say he did, but i know i have to keep our son safe he just a day younger than the Potter boy. I am on my way to China to call on a favor form my uncle as I can't raise my son here in Britain till thing die down. It a hard choice but i need him to be able to defend himself and take back our honor and clean my husband name.

<<<<Time Skip 3 years later>>>>

If you read this that means I'm dead sorry for leaving you in this world by yourself. I have set up everything if you still want to save your father and clear the family name you must be strong. Know that my love is with you and I trust you to do whatever you want to do. Be safe and strong Roman Black Love Mom.

Tears run down my face it's been three years since i came to this world. Other then my uncle and a few cousins my mom was the only family i know. I have a father but never meet him he's in Azkaban. Wiping the tears from my eyes I get ready for the day. I have been training at the old temple for three years I'm 3 feet tall solid muscle. I bow to my master and wait for instructions on what to do today.

Good morning young one. Today we go over magic control and output. Are you ready?

Yes, I am master. I have been waiting for this day. Finally starting my path to getting stronger and freeing my father.

(Master) Come sit on this stone spike. I need you to be able to control your magic and body as one. As sit here the spike will rise every hour you have to say on it and not fall for three hours. When you do this will start on Qi training. Then 10 laps around the temple, 100 push up, 100 sit up, and sword training for an hour.

Uncle why do i have do this type of training? I can understand the importance of a fit body and mind but why to this extent.

(Uncle) While Roman is like this all men in our bloodline has to go through this training. It is only before the age of 12 that our bloodline can be awakened. The two bloodlines that are known to show up in our family are the Dragon and the Phoenix. If you awake any of these you are the next head of household for the long clan.

<<<<Time skip>>>>

It's been 9 years since my mother had died I'm back in London heading to the family home. 12 Grimmauld Place my ancestral home don't know to expect when I get there. Thinking about everything i been though I am a bit disappointed that I didn't awaken the family bloodline from my mom side. I do feel a bit strange though maybe it's just jet lag. I had to come the muggle way back to London. Looking around I see a man with my name on sing. Walking up to him I said that me. He nodded his head and motioned me to follow. I got into the back set of a car and watch him put all my luggage into the trunk. I asked him to talk me to 11 Grimmauld Place. An hour later i arrived at my destination. Opening the door and getting out of the car I see him unloading the trunk. How much do I owe you and thanks? He just looks at me and nodded turn and got in the car and drove off.

Dragonreed Dragonreed

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