The bell that signalled the start of the lunch break soon went with Katie and Sandra drowning into boring texts of testifiers of what happened that night. One thing they all had in common was that they all tried to tell the story like they had got the most important detail of the story. Some resorted to wild and farfetched prepositions for the reasons behind the attack only for the sake of gaining recognition in the newspaper. The event of the death of the infant was something that somewhat shook the world and everyone saw something out of it. The Rogue King was a figure that struck fear into many across the whole globe, but this wasn't something that Katie could have expected. Most of the people who wrote sympathized with the Sirius family while the few who didn't, spoke the vilest of things to werewolves in general.
Sandra got to packing the boxes and stacking them up, Katie slowly following suit. They organized the papers into the boxes neatly and quietly, Sandra stealing glances her way although Katie did not spare her a single one. "How are you taking this?" she asked.
"You are the one that should be panicking and yet, you seem to be taking this quite well," Katie said.
"You are still my best friend, aren't you?"
"What if this discovery means the Rogue King comes after me? And for all we know, the guy could even be a royal somewhere from the family of either the Sirius or the Lycaon line," Katie spoke indifferently.
"That's not the answer to my question… Although it answers my first one, as expected from the Chase prodigy, you are calm and collected as you've always been," she surmised.
"A feat I could only accomplish with my best friend's help…" this time Katie brought her dark blue eyes to meet her hazel brown ones, "I'll thank you once again."
If her gratitude for Sandra's presence had not sunk in earlier, there was no way it did not register now that she heard that. Pride filled up within her as she replied, "you're welcome.' The widest smile she could manage lit up her face instantly forcing Katie to smile just as well. This brief exchange was enough to quell the rage that had been building up inside of Katie… rage which she had initially planned to unleash during her fight with Shaemus. Now that she thought back, there was a chance the boy would have ended up in the hospital. They finished packing and left the library to attend lunch at the cafeteria. "I'm guessing it would not look too good for me to dodge lunch yet again now would it?"
"No, it would not. It will only work to help Shaemus get ahead of himself. If there is a way that you can stop him from continuing with his suicidal plan, that would be a more desirable outcome," Sandra spoke.
"To be honest, Sandra, we have been digging this grave since the moment you decided to step in for me each time a werewolf wanted to cause trouble," Katie told her.
"I was protecting the werewolves from more pain than was necessary."
"Yeah, I hear you, but how are you going to protect this cocky hunter from it as well?" they rounded yet another corner that now led to the entrance of the cafeteria. The noise coming from it was louder than the noise that normally came from it, so the two stopped their conversation to pay attention to the cause of the commotion. Katie reached the door of the cafeteria, her eyes ready to survey the area for the source of the commotion only to find the centre of the attention right in the centre of the cafeteria. Most of the boys were surrounding two werewolves who were caught in the middle of an arm-wrestling match.
Dexter was versing one of the alphas, Jason if Katie could remember correctly, that had come with Cole and the two were still locked in a stalemate, each of them unmoving. Even though it was funny to see Dexter's face contort in all fashions of ways as he tried to move the unyielding hand of the alpha, something didn't feel right about the situation. "Hey, so you think Katie would let any of this kind of stuff happen in her presence?" Dexter asked.
"No, she wouldn't," one of the wolves in the crowd yelled before they all paid attention to a hunter that was Shaemus.
"It breaks no rules, so if you feel depressed under Katie's reign of terror, you should be happy to know that it ends today," this short statement would then cause an uproar within the crowd. Katie covered her mouth to keep the laughter from escaping her lips. Sandra caught her gesture and laughed herself.
The room went dead silent. Sandra's laughter was the only thing that could still be heard through the silence like a clear bell. The thud of an arm hitting a table told everyone that Dexter had just lost his arm-wrestling match. Katie masked her laughter having been discovered, "Now, this is new. Nice work conspiring against me Shaemus. You have done splendid work."
"I don't need any praise from the likes of you. Today, after class…"
"I heard… you finally thought of the impossible. You have until five minutes into the fight to withdraw your challenge. Before that time elapses, I will be willing to forget everything that you have so far done," Katie spoke up, her voice as icy as she could make it.
Chills visibly ran through Shaemus on hearing the open threat, "That only means that you are giving me five minutes to pummel you in our fight. You will regret being so cocky."
Katie took her eyes off him and walked up to the hunters' section of the cafeteria, taking her famed seat on the sofa right next to Kyle. The place she always sat in with Kyle and Sandra, "Long time, no see Kyle."
"Yeah, long indeed… your patterns have been more erratic starting yesterday. It's like I lost track of you the moment you took Dexter and his friend to the infirmary," he said.
"Yeah, that's about right… and I can't guarantee that it's going to get any better," she replied.
"Will I at least know what is causing such behaviour?"
"Maybe… once I know where your loyalties lie," Kyle narrowed his eyes at his friend on hearing how odd the statement was phrased. There seemed to be a variety of things going through the mind of the teacher's pet.
"That is an odd condition. We are best friends, not some kind of werewolf hierarchy…"
"Werewolf hierarchy is not such a bad thing you know," a deep voice interrupted Kyle. In the hunters' section, Kyle was the one person who was actually allowed to be there but wasn't a hunter. They turned to face the new blue-eyed arrival.
"Hey, Cole," Sandra greeted her while coming over from the counter with two trays in her hands, setting one down for Katie and taking her seat beside her.
"Hey, Sandra… Some mini nation you've built for yourself, Katie," he said, "I'd hoped I could get to talk to you."
Katie stayed silent for a bit, her mind going through the number of times and the effort that the Royal was spending to try and get to talk to her. Something that was commendable, to say the least considering she had done nothing but avoid him the whole time. "What time works for you?" she asked.
"After classes will do," he said, his eyes lighting upon hearing the sudden invitation. A smile that should not have got to Katie, but it did and she found herself pleased with it. She winced at the impulses that were still a mystery. "Have you heard about the smackdown that takes place at that time?"
"Is that normal by the way? Your subordinates shouldn't be walking all over you like that," he pointed out.
"It's not normal… he is actually the first one to come up with such an idea for as long as I have been here. Anyway, just attend the fight… I'm sure it will be over before you know it," Katie said, dragging her eyes back to Shaemus who was still trying to win the crowd, a feat that shouldn't have been easy with Katie physically around, "How are they still hearing him out? If I focus well enough, I can notice him shivering."
"The fact that Sandra won't be allowed to help you fight this time seems to have everyone riled up. He's got the whole cafeteria convinced that you use her because you can't fight yourself and everything is just an act," Cole explained, taking a seat on the other side of the table in front of them, one of the alphas taking a seat beside him, two trays of food in his hands. He placed one the table before Cole and got a seat for himself.
"Where did he come up with that assumption? Wait, you're following all this?"
"Yes, I am following. The funny part is when he was shivering, he explained that he is shaking with rage to throw everyone off. The skilled werewolves in the room could smell his fear, but no one was in the mood to spoil the fun. Seems werewolves want to watch a hunter get pummeled for once," he said somewhat dismissively.
Katie laughed at his observation and watched for a bit before getting started with her lunch. For a moment she tried to ignore the cacophony that was in the cafeteria until something crossed her mind, "Principal Brown is going to be so mad." The people around her froze at the mention of the principal and looked back at the commotion.
One by one, the hunters stopped eating and stood before Katie, "How do you suggest we handle the situation?"
Katie paused to think before coming up with a solution, "Make a quick poster of the fight with Shaemus, then make it clear that the time for his campaign is over. Restrain Shaemus if need be. The crowd should disperse once it is clear that this level of disarray shall no longer be tolerated."
With that said, the hunters left to carry out her orders without another word, rushing as fast as they could. The poster did not need to be printed, just writing that specified what exactly it meant, something to make the fight seem official and deem the entire campaign irrelevant and not to mention… a nuisance. The prize that was being fought for was made clear that it was the post of Head hunter. This meant that a campaign was not necessary as this was nothing to do with democracy. The hunters returned only minutes after leaving with everything in order and called for everyone's attention. Sandra stood at the top of a desk to speak up, Katie looked to her side, surprised by the fact that she had not noticed her leave.
"Listen up everyone. It is now clear that there will be a fight after classes on the hunters' training grounds not far from the school. Whoever would like to attend it is welcome. Considering the nature of this leader selection, a campaign will not be necessary as there is no need to win over people's hearts in a dispute that does not involve democracy…"
"They have to know who…"
"That's enough Shaemus. This… is not a request," tension built up in the room on hearing this. Shaemus looked in Katie's direction, perceiving her expression as one that was not kidding around. A smirk formed on his face, somewhat of an indication that he was already thinking of a way to make this backfire. The hunters knew that Shaemus was good with words, but this was going a bit overboard even for him.
"So you're sending your lackeys again?" he yelled at her, right before he was attacked by Sandra. She swiftly and skillfully restrained his hands behind his back, tripping him over her foot while she did so that he fell face flat on the table. She then placed her knee on his back locking him in an uncomfortable position with his head against the table. It had happened so fast that he had been unable to react. He could only grunt and relax as any further resistance might have caused him to break his hand.
Katie got up from her seat and walked up to him. The look of hate in Shaemus' face was undeniable as he looked up at the current head of the hunters in the school. "For as long as I am still the head of the hunters, you follow my rules, is that clear?" a brief nod got him released from the restraining hold. Shaemus held back his anger, his fear of Sandra holding him back more than he cared to admit.
"Sandra won't be able to save you when we start fighting. I won't hold back," he spat wringing his arm in an effort to relieve his shoulders from the aches he had after enduring that hold as he walked out of the cafeteria. Katie walked back to her seat, Sandra and the rest of the hunters following behind her. The cafeteria was finally dead silent as it was supposed to be. Well, there wasn't a rule against speaking during lunch hour, but after such a display of power, the uncomfortable silence made it impossible for anyone to proceed with their conversations as if nothing had just happened.
The cafeteria was in order after the hunters' display that showed they were still under the leadership of Katie before the fight between Shaemus and her. Katie couldn't help but wonder what Shaemus was trying to accomplish. He was one of the more capable junior hunters in the group of hunters-in-training that they had in the school, and yet… She abandoned the train of thought and decided it would be best if the principal had not learned of this himself, 'Something is wrong with Shaemus and there is a big chance that he can't tell what it is,' was what Katie's instincts were trying to tell her.
"All of you get to your respective classes after this," she spoke when she was done with his meal.
"What do you have in mind?"
"I am going to speak to the principal before he finds out about all this. Shaemus could get expelled for the stunt he's pulled. Honestly, what's got into him? He's going to be a pain if he keeps this up," Katie groaned, getting up from her seat in the sofa.
"I don't get it. You are going to say what exactly," Cole asked.
"Improvising is part of the job description."
"I'd have him thrown in a dungeon for insubordination," Katie froze and took a look at his face one more time looking for hints of a joke and coming up with none. 'He's serious, could be the first time I've seen him look the slightest bit scary… well except for the blue eyes…'
"At times, I forget that you are a Royal," she said before walking away.
Cole froze at the statement, conflicted on what reaction to make once again. The statement had an effect that he had not liked, making it sound like royals were clandestine savages. It was true that as a Royal, insubordination was one of the things he disliked to his very core and yet the way Katie treated Shaemus was different from how he would have handled the situation. The more he got to know the hunter, the more complicated she got.
One thing was certain though… he didn't like the effect she had on him. It reminded him too much of something he had long given up on… and buried in the depths of his memory. By Katie questioning just one of his methods, he was already revising them as if there was something wrong with them. There was nothing wrong with punishing someone for getting out of line. It was simply unforgivable, but then, that is just how it had always been done in the Lycaon Royal family. No one had ever let such a crime slide and now that he got to witness something of the sort happening, he was more than curious to know what was going to come of this strategy. Ruling with such soft-heartedness would only make your subjects walk all over you, just like Shaemus was currently doing, and yet, Katie wasn't in the least bit bothered by the pitiful display of insubordination.
Cole watched her walk away, utterly speechless. His mind fought hard looking for some form of retaliation, but nothing escaped his lips. "Cat got your tongue," Jason spoke up, startling him.
"Oh, shut up, Jason," he groaned at the obnoxious alpha that was one of his best friends. Finishing his meal and dismissing the two alphas so that he could stay with Sandra and Kyle. Kyle was on average, a good person. He had noticed that not anyone would sit beside Katie but him which meant he was someone of value to her. It had later become clear that he too was one of her best friends to the hunter, something that did not register well in his mind. Cole hid this emotion for it came across as unusual and out of line. Besides, of all the people in the hunters' section, he posed the least threat to her… he had no reflexes, his guard was down the entire time and was completely at ease when he showed up. Kyle was not a hunter and if it ever came to it, he was not the type to take a life even if it was that of rogue. Cole was still unsure if any of the junior hunters in the school could take a life except for Katie and Sandra. He was yet to evaluate the abilities of the others although they didn't seem as sharp as Katie. She did her best to hide the fact that she was always aware of her surroundings, which made Sandra look more skilled than she was to the untrained eye. This only made Katie an even more intriguing person.
Unlike Katie, who left her table a mess, the rest of the hunters cleaned up after themselves before they left. When Sandra was done, she started picking up after her like it was normal. "Does she always do that?" Cole asked, getting up to help her out.
"Do what?"
"Let you do all the dirty work. To be honest, if I didn't know better, I'd say she acts, in more ways than one, like an alpha than a human or hunter in this case," he pointed out.
"I don't really know what to make of that… I'd probably just say that she is a spoilt brat if I wanted to end the conversation, but the truth isn't that at all… I'm actually being trained by her," Sandra said, the few hunters that were still present froze on hearing that, seizing the opportunity of hearing this information. Sandra didn't look too bothered to let them know anyway, "and that comes along with a complicated student-master relationship. I do not let her do anything that she doesn't need to in my presence and this just happens to be among those things."
"If you were to compare yourself to her, how far in skill would you say she was from you?" Cole asked, trying to get a scope of how powerful the famous Katie Chase was.
"She already received her Prometheus hunter gift," several gasps could be heard from all over the hunters' section including the two alphas at Cole's side. This explained a lot including her confidence towards facing a Royal such as himself. The phrase was well known in the werewolf and hunter communities as it was something that all werewolves had come to fear. Any hunter that possessed Prometheus gift was a danger to any werewolf that dared to cross them... Power that bridged the gap between humans and werewolves and when the hunters used weapons in conjunction with these powers, werewolves barely stood a chance.
"But I thought she's about our same age, what is she doing in school with such
"She actually turns eighteen not so far from now," Sandra said, a look of amusement crossed Cole's face. He could barely contain the adrenaline rush he got from hearing what was being said about Katie. This exceeded all his expectations. At the age of seventeen, she was powerful enough to brush off the presence of a royal. Astonishing was an understatement.
Jason shuddered on hearing that before speaking out loud, "The Chase family is even scarier than their reputation."
"So what gift does she have of the two?"
"I haven't seen her use it in a while. She likes training herself without it so that she can push her human capabilities to the limit and in turn strengthen her gift. As a result of this, I have almost never witnessed her using it. There is a high likelihood that she will get to use it today though, just so that she can prove a point to Shaemus. I tried my best to stop Shaemus from being stupid, but he wouldn't listen," Cole had been focused so much on the questions, that he was surprised when he noticed the whole place was already cleared including the things he had been holding himself and Sandra was now wiping the tables and counters in the bar-themed hunter section of the cafeteria. These guys were really living like nobles here.
"Sandra, is what you are saying true, or just trying to make her look like a goddess of combat or something?" one of the hunters that were present spoke out, the shivers that racked him could be seen visibly. It wasn't almost unheard of for a hunter to become a professional before the age of eighteen and gain a license at the same time.
"No, Aiden. To be perfectly honest, the girl is unbelievable. I am doing the opposite of exaggerating right now," the mood of those that were left in the cafeteria was now low. The fight was not even in sight yet, and it was already feeling heavily one-sided.
"Can I ask something else?"
"You are definitely full of questions today, aren't you?" Sandra said, starting the walk to their next classes.
"Yeah, I am. They just keep coming. I can't seem to quench my curiosity."
"What do you hope to gain from all these questions?" Sandra asked… a hint of suspicion in her voice.
"Oh, don't worry about it. I have nothing in mind. I just need to know how this society works, that's all. Katie also seems to intrigue me the more I get to know about her… no offence," Cole was getting cornered fast.
"None taken… You already know that though. The way society works. The briefing should have covered it. You were given all the instructions that you need to know in order to study here with no problem. Keep your fangs to yourself and you'll have no problem. You can even befriend a human if you abide by those rules," Sandra explained.
"Hey, why are you attacking me all of a sudden?"
"Oh, it's quite simple really. I remembered what makes Royals scary regardless of their added speed, strength and heightened senses. With how nice you are, it's quite easy to forget something like that. But not with your constant questions," Sandra couldn't help the scowl that formed on her face while they kept heading up the stairs, their next lesson being held on the third floor.
"If you could just remind me, what is it that makes Royals so damn scary?" Jason asked… a cloudy suspicion of what she was saying forming in his mind. Her tone had changed completely into one of hostility. It was almost like she was someone else.
"Your bite…"
Cole stopped dead in his tracks, his vision going red as his wolf reared forward in rage. It was known by everyone on the planet that the moment the fangs of a Royal penetrated the skin of a human, there could only be two outcomes. Either the human went through the transformation and successfully became an alpha or the human would die. Royals were already strong to begin with, but the fact that they didn't even have to kill you to ruin your life made them much more dangerous.
Anger coursed through his body on hearing the accusation. The feeling of his fangs elongating came to her almost immediately his vision went red. His vision kept shifting between that of a wolf and that of a human whilst he tried to hold himself back. The image of a black wolf was clear in his mind, fighting to get out. Everything slowed down, his eyes looked forward onto Sandra's neck as she walked on from the stairs. "Don't even think about it. We are on the same floor as Katie right now. If Dexter ever flashed his fangs, Katie would simply have me knock him out, but for you… that's another story. If she gets even a sense of your bloodlust right now, you can't imagine the number of ways she will use to restrain you."
"Cole, you have to calm down," the other one of the alphas spoke to him, rubbing his shoulders in an attempt to soothe his rage. Cole got down on his knees, closing his eyes so that he could focus on keeping his wolf in. Rage was one of the triggers that forced a wolf to defend itself… blind rage. It was one thing for someone to be angry or frustrated, but the pure blind rage was something that weakened a werewolf's control on their animal side.
"Two centuries, Caden, that's how long it's been since a Royal last bit a human. Ever since the agreement with the hunters, we have fought for that trust, and all for what? Tell me, Caden," Cole stared into the eyes of his comrade, seeking an answer from him. For all the work they had put into bringing forth peace between the werewolves and the humans, he would not want to hear someone talk of his fangs like he still used them.
"The same has been for most of the alphas that currently exist, but if there is one thing you should put into consideration, it is that you cannot destroy the two centuries that the Royals before you have worked for," Caden was silent compared to Jason, but when needed, he was the first to rush to help, not that Jason wouldn't help though.
"I'm sorry if I offended you in some way. I just… got protective of her," Sandra spoke up, sounding closer than she had a second ago. Cole looked up to see her offering her a hand. The rage seized when she realized the gesture. One look at Sandra's face showed that she was indeed sorry for what she had said to anger him. Cole took her hand and got up on his feet, the wolf within him receding gradually.
"I have never seen you get angry. Are you okay, your highness?" Caden asked him.
"I'm fine now, Caden."
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