Sandra noticed the scene before her a little later than she would have liked. Katie was walking over to the counter of the makeshift bar with murder written all over her. "Hey, Katie, wait," the girl rushed over to her friend and stopped her in time. Crysta noticed the two and gave a knowing smirk. Cole didn't seem to notice what was happening as he had his back turned to them.
"Shouldn't he have caught my scent by now?" Katie asked the girl.
"I don't know, Katie, but…" the girl's voice was drowned out of the hunter's perception when she noticed only one thing wrong with the scene before her… and that was the glass that was being presented to her mate. She'd already watched him drink one before, but the girl before him kept bringing more. Katie's senses had never let her down and knowing what she knew made her even angrier than she would have been.
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